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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • fatsimonmk2
    Free Member

    Christ I thought I was having a timewarp “life on mars” moment for a min 8O but then I noticed that the seller is in Liverpool and we all know that is a city known for its style :D

    Free Member

    suitable sized flat faced punch and good hammer(3lb) should do slow and steady and not to much violence :D

    Free Member

    cut top off post leaving at least 1.5″ showing using a hacksaw blade out of saw frame i.e blade on its own cut a slot down the length of post then cut another slot at 90 deg slot have to go through post or nearly through then use a punch or stout piece of wood knock piece inbetween slots out now squash remaining post together into slot post should now come out, slow and steady is the name of the game when doing this :-)

    Free Member

    :lol: :lol:

    Free Member

    laugh him off sounds like a proper idiot why would you start buy stuff 2nd hand when he clearly has no idea on what he’s doing as far as working on bikes is concerned :roll:

    Free Member

    notice that no ones talked about an intresting side effect of using veg oil and that is that your car will smell a bit like a chip shop whilst running can always yell if a car that passed me is running on veg oil you get a faint wiff of chippy smell not bad but deffo there :-)

    Free Member

    oi harry nowt wrong with ben and holly my fav cartoon sorry meant to say my sons fav :oops:

    Free Member

    rode local loop on sun morning with 2 mates tested out some bits of trail that we had cut through some bushes to avoid really boggy bits worked well so all good started early as had prior engagement to get to sun afternoon(taking son to zoo)

    Free Member

    history repeating iam afraid,”ghost town” sums up tory policy on the working man :(

    Free Member

    yep got a 591 as well but fitted to the standard square bars still a brill bit of kit bike feels very safe and attached up there just remember its up there at car park barriers!!

    Free Member

    night riding always FUN didn’t do as much as I wanted this year due to work etc but yes it does make you look ahead/read the trail :-)

    Free Member

    as a service engineer for a national company we run transits or vw in our fleet both are pretty good and the old transits are 58 plates (like mine)mind you we are phasing the vw’s out because they a bit gutless and not as large out back for racking for new transits, not had any major faults with mine apart from a new starter at 63,000miles loads of room in back and as of got a top spec one loads of toys in the cab me I go for a transit but make sure its a good spec

    Free Member

    yep off out mid morning for a bimble looking good down here in Essex a bit of fog but burning off and I can see this strange yellowish orb in the sky but not quite sure what it is :D

    p.s as far as church he is off to our church(good old mother nature)much nicer than those stuffy old ones

    Free Member

    remember when it started to come through on the news but as I had moved on to blur and early Britpop music wise couldn’t have given a sh*t and now looking back I was right then and still right now let face it the real talent in that band is still alive and has moved on to make bigger and better music not my cup of tea but still better than the 2nd rate punk/new wave that nirvana ever where

    p.s sonic youth,mudhoney and pearl jam were far better bands just in case you thought it was anti spectic tank rant

    Free Member

    went quite a few years ago I think it hadn’t been open long it’s ok but not an all day half a day at most but if you go across to the lowry and have lunch inbetween in one of the many café/bars you will have a not half bad day :-)

    Free Member

    might manage a few Jim Beams once the nippers gone to bed :D

    p.s not my choice was given it as a secret birthday present :? by someone who doesn’t know my choice of whisky(tailsker or jura)

    Free Member

    oh for the love of god can’t we put this debate to bed it’s just BIKES so get on with it- ride it,get it dirty,clean it,fix it,repeat for as long as you can manage but stop fu*king going on about wheel sizes

    Free Member

    abbot eddies abbot ale topped up with small bottle of st Edmund light ale very nice and very strong so you got pi**ed really quick which was kinda the point when your an apprentice on lowish wage :D :wink:

    Free Member

    snowing like buggery here in Colchester at the moment going out tomorrow should be intresting as far as ice build up on pedals i’ve found that a dose of wd40 on pedal/cleat before setting off helps never had problem with ice build up on flats

    Free Member


    Free Member

    sorry for slight hijack tazzy noticed that you have a unicrown in the pics are they as good as jeffs blog says cause if so price diffrence really could help with negotiations :D :lol:

    Free Member

    thanks for the tip off but got to sneak it past the missus first so going to be the summer at the rate negotiations are going 8O (was after diamond with truss)so will prob pay charlie a visit :D

    Free Member

    groundhog day or what(hitler still funny)

    Free Member

    agree with tazzy got to be jones its what iam after(mind you not ss) :-)

    Free Member

    nutters 100% nutters

    Free Member

    lets hope not and if asda do,hope they put them together better than tescos do!!

    Free Member

    well done and good luck :D

    Free Member

    me too i’ll be out this wed night come what may and this sunday as well as i missed out on both this week just gone :D

    Free Member

    “for us guys (and girls) in east anglia there isn’t much else” you need to get out and about a lot more thetfords ok but not be all and end all you need to come south a little and try some of the trails around my neck of the woods(Colchester) my local loop and a few add on loops beat/kick the sh*t out of the sh*t(red/”black” run) at thetford all natural,MOD land ride where you want and no poorly/not maintained trails come on you know it makes sense.

    Free Member

    not heart warming but quite funny as told to me by a quite old employee of suffolk council whilst doing some bridge maintence on a very rural bridge in the 70’s some very strange shaped qbjects were found under the bridge these”objects” had been painted over several times over the years one of the road crew working on the bridge had been in the royal engineers during the 60’s and had a quick look and thought they looked like demoltion charges bomb disposal from colchester were called and sure enough they were what he thought seams the bridge had been wired during the early 40’s in case of invasion and they had been forgotten about 8O

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu what tyre and rim are you running up front on the green jones?? :-)

    Free Member

    might seam picky but what was custom about your build i saw the diffrent coloured grips,pedals and discs but from what i could see was that you took your bike to bits and filmed yourself putting it back together which is fair play but not custom in anyway

    Free Member

    switched to flat after xmas(been using spds for years)got some DMR V8s and a cheapish pair of airwalk half cab skate shoes and so far so good pedals cheapish can be pumped full of grease and there seams to be loads of spares for them and as an engineer grub screws are free/cheap so replacment pins not a prob,shoes seam to holding up so far not sure i needed half cabs but got them for ankle protection and on that front have done there job a few times so all is good :-) (touch wood)

    Free Member

    wow and i thought fat bikes could cause a storm in a tea cup personally i quite like the look of them and living in the south east a 29er makes sense and as my area is mainly clay with big sections of sandy soil the fat front option also makes sense never ridden one let alone seen one in the flesh but would like a go if the chance came up after all bikes are bikes arn’t they :-)

    Free Member

    as i live in collie the zoo pretty good (as others have said it is a bit out of town about a 10min bus journey) a bit hilly and you need all day to really fit it all in(ie 8:00am to 17:30pm and iam not kidding)if you do go to the zoo catch the zoo”train” takes you to the walk through lemur enclosure thats relly cool.
    also the castle park is a ggod town centre spot castle good to walk round got a good playground in it and a museum to the side of it(hollytrees) its where twinkle twinkle little star was written.
    town centre good for shopping and pleanty of family pubs to eat in just to one side of town is balkene gate which is a roman town gate that you can walk through and along thee ajoining roman wall,and that without a bike if your bringing a bike well that a whole other story :D

    Free Member

    fubar – fu**ed up beyound all reconition
    releasing the magical blue smoke – forklift engineer term for main ECU going up in flames
    i’ll do it in a minute

    Free Member

    should have said thinking in the fat direction rim wise

    Free Member

    nice bike but brick work needs work :D

    Free Member

    oh crikey this threads still going was sure when i spotted earlier it was going down in the 1st round but no still on it’s feet long into the 2nd 8O :D

    Free Member

    my taste in music (two tone,ska,dub etc)
    bicycles in general(working on that got her to think about buying a bike for work but not yet commited)
    my taste in telly(mythbusters,ice pilots etc)
    but wouldn’t be without each other and she puts up with quite a lot bike wise from me :D

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