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  • fatsimonmk2
    Free Member

    Oh god not this again!!!!!! my postion is clear and iam not getting dragged into this.

    Free Member

    snowed last night,bang midnight in a spooky kinda of way down here in Colchester Essex still on the ground not much just a thin layer tomorrows bike ride could be fun if we get anymore :D

    Free Member

    I'll 2nd hummvee 3/4s ive got mine in xxl and they fit me a treat been using mine all year and no probs yet

    Free Member

    17 on 2nd go and ive got music playing in background to distract me :P

    Free Member

    Not a teetotaler shall be at the in laws tonight and will be partaking of a few beers and some wine and will get up tomorrow and go and ride my bike no probs

    Free Member

    garage dweller i live near Colchester which is Essex and about 15mins from Ipswich my local loop is Friday woods miltary training ground it's open to the public unless the red flags are flying not much elavation but plenty of singletrack as you can see from above,drops me an email(in profile) and i'll be happy to give you a guided tour.

    Free Member

    No pic's iam afraid didn't take camera with me too slippy and muddy figured might end up in a puddle as you can guess local was VERY wet and VERY VERY muddy,no snow all gone,good 2 hours out mind you :D

    sitting at home sipping on 10year old Talisker eating green and black choc's

    Free Member

    Right came as soon as i could is there some chance of proper full on filth and/or do you want to get back with her, if there is the chance of fun no string and your not getting any at the mo make the call have some dirty fun and leave it at that,if on the other hand you think you might want to get back with her DON'T DO IT HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOUSELF!!! :evil:

    Free Member

    nearest to me is at number 50 and i wouldn't pi*s on the place if it was on fire they are the biggest load of fu**ing sh*t ive ever had the displeasure of using :twisted:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Zangolin that is a thing of beauty looks like the kind of box chippy minton had

    Free Member

    mk3 jenson interceptor whilst in germany in the Army(pre me) used to tell me stories of out running police cars on the autobhans still had it when he came back to England got rid of it a few years after i was born so don't remember it just in photos and stories.

    Free Member

    Yep get out there the mad axe man just makes you ride harder thus good training

    Free Member

    yep have to agree Hora mines turned slightly potty one min fine next crying over nothing the next wants to start an argument over the smallest thing would think this being my third i would no better oh well only a few months to go(Feb 23) 8O

    Free Member

    been snowing on and off yesterday and today starting to settle today in Brightlingsea should be tricky drive tomorrow :lol:

    Free Member

    i would agree about the Fat pig and would also agree about avoiding the double locks my sister and brother in law live in Exeter and they go to the fat pig and took us to the locks last time we went down there and i know which one i preferred 8)

    Free Member

    The mytals 54-46 was my number

    Edit:- the ipod just clicked on to The liquidator by harry j allstar ska tasic

    Free Member

    37 and forklift service technician

    Free Member

    iam fat and called Simon i sometimes ride bikes iam a Buddhist,husband and father to two with one more on the way, i work hard play hard,iam not scared of a big meal with good wine and even better company,but sometimes can be a right sh*t and grumpy,but most of the time in a good mood and talking lots loudly 8)

    Free Member

    meeting five heavily armed trees/members of the paras on the trail then having a surreal conversation with them about mountain bikes VERY weird :D

    Free Member

    daisy duke as someone who fixes forklifts for a living its pretty simple pay up and be VERY nice because if h&s executive turn up to investigate you will be i a world of SH*T,cause i really hope you have your forklift serviced twice a year and you have a thorough examination carried out once a year if not your breaking the law fact

    Free Member

    This has been quite a good thread to read(shock horror)as iam just two an a half months away from adding to the fatsimon herd and I've just got to the point of buying a car seat (getting it as a deal with pushchair) and it can have a isofix base or be used on its own and wasn't sure if the base was worth it looks like i might pay out for it after all as the car is set up for isofix (Renault modus)

    Free Member

    your right West kipper not helpful just a subject that gets my goat a little bit and no no published paper just lots of first hand and bloodied hands on experience of head vs concreate/tarmac/kerb etc

    Free Member

    I'll ask her later when i speak to her but had lots of conversation about this subject years ago when when i was a scooterboy and like i said she could bore for England on this subject and as a side note around the time i was a scooterboy i dated a nurse who worked in a&e in London and heard plenty of gory tales about bike messangers that suffered offs

    Free Member

    random fact but Pete waterman owns a rail company that hire stuff like that to Railtrack(or whatever its called this week) :?

    Free Member

    tj i respect your right not to wear a helmet but and its a bloody big but my mother was a doctor until she retired a couple of years ago she could bore you to death with the physics of what goes on inside your head during an impact even at very low speed basics being that your brain does not stop moving after you have and can suffer some serious trauma from hitting the inside of your skull and most but not all of this trauma can KILL YOU so you can try to blind me with so called facts but this women know more about this than you have F**KING FORGOT so you carry on taking that chance but don't tell me what you think is fact cause it ain't

    Free Member

    not sure if this is good or bad when i started posting on here (on the old forum) it was very much sink or swim and I've had my share a slagging off on here and do know what its only banter and its the Internet if i get to p*ssed off by whats said i just turn it off and go and do something else like god forbid ride my bike :D

    Free Member

    oh dear god he's back just not as angry,funny or sweary as last time oh well take allsorts s'pose quick question Keasae do you have any engineering qualifcations not trying to be funny just asking?

    Free Member

    Not long been back from Cyprus went for a wedding so no riding(boo hiss) but did drive up into the Troodos mountains and about 3/4 of the way up mount olympus there was a car park and it was full of mountain bikers coming back and setting out on ride's so guessing that thats the place to head for, had a chat with a few of them seems like there is a fairly strong scene out there(bolsted by British forces)

    Free Member

    hello(waves) welcome to the nut house you'll get the hang of this place soon just don't take anyone to seriously they don't mean any harm :D

    Free Member


    Free Member

    how big do you think there gas bill was/is :D

    Free Member

    nope just get bike out of car make sure crown jewels are in the right place and off i go steady 8)

    Free Member

    started my day ar 6:00am traveled to Newmarket(about 45miles)serviced 9 pallet trucks went down the road to another customer and did a through examination (forklift mot) on there forklift went back down the A14 to stowmarket to a sushi factory fixed there forklift(loose lift chain)and then travel back to Colchester to help a work mate at a site there(he was ill with the cold i gave him) got home at 15:30pm pretty normal day for me(fu*king boring) 8O

    Free Member

    +1 from me :lol:

    Free Member

    apperently iam a prof at MIT forum name brings up a load of old guff that i post on here(no change there)

    Free Member

    just got back from holiday came back with a chest infection and have just read all of this classy work fellas cheered me up no end

    Free Member

    img. img.

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    Free Member

    ski welcome to the club once you get over the bogey man thing it gets a little bit additive from there and you will soon find yourself boring for England about led lights and lummen counts :D

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