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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • fatbikeandcoffee
    Free Member

    Thanks for all the great ideas, lots to go and research and things I hadn’t considered like the ski globe and 45North (kicking myself for not thinking about them to be honest).


    Free Member

    Thanks for that, ideally I am looking for (Like @pjm60) found, separate first couple of finger for dexterity and lobstered up final two.

    There a great start @pjm60 to try (if I can possibly find a pair to try) but I am slightly hesitant after the pillowy SL winter gloves, it is always that delicate balance of warm versus feel isn’t it :/


    Free Member

    For those asking about prescription (blind like me) check out rad8 not on the list above but you’ll find a review on here and I xannot rate them ir their customer service (when I headbanged a pickup) higher.

    Used to use Oakleys, but even with photochromic these rad8’s are better (in my experience) and much cheaper too.


    Free Member

    Nope @dangeourbrain it is the same for me too :/

    Free Member

    No soft case with a hard slight dome centre for hub protection.


    Free Member

    I bought mine used on eBay, you have to be careful not dinged to hell etc but good pic or video will tell you that and been v happy. About 50% of the street purchase price and allegedly ridden once, but look like it too.


    Free Member

    Also do check out Brain Tumour Research as they are all fabulous, and yes I am biased as I’ve had suspected brain tumour, lost many family members to brain tumours and I am absolutely delighted to read the story and happy outcome (although must confess not surprised by GP).

    If you think you have any issues then do some homework and talk to one of the GP, charities and get it checked out sooner rather than later.

    If you do want to give back to those charities too they need every penny they can get.


    Free Member

    Big fan of the Troy Lee Resist, seemed very waterproof despite trying really really hard in shitty weather, love that whilst they are 10k/10k they also have vents that you can unzip and reseal and keep the water out but let any excess heat or required breezes in.


    Free Member

    Oh and Surly Krampus, should have thought of that sooner :/

    Free Member

    How about Kona X and then add in a fork when your ready or there’s the Surly Bridge club (I think it is), the 1120 whilst beautiful is mucho £ around 2K IIRC.


    Free Member

    No bother @Ben_Haworth we all make mistakes mate :)

    Free Member

    Link for Sonder isn’t working takes to switch lol

    Free Member

    No sign of mine yet in Hampshire, probably strikes :/

    Will wait patiently.

    Free Member

    What will the price do post Xmas? If they’re that cheap now how on earth will they make an offer in 2023 – how long before they start paying you to ride them LOL


    Free Member

    Just sounds like an emotional response from the boss and as you have in hand and others have already commented will not likely be upheld by any sort of tribunal or court action.

    Get some good advice, representation and go for it.

    Congrats to Mrs on new job too :)


    Free Member

    I recently got some fizik artica and not only are they ace, keep water out but also a lit easier to clean post ride.


    Free Member

    I got mine at Merlin and they sized accurately for me.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit of an sqLab fanboy (not sure I can legimately but fanman feels wrong) .. I digress, but they have some great resources and what looks like pukka research particularly around saddles, grip, bars and pain.

    Might be worth a wander, I’ve got their 611 active saddle on my proper bike and Zwift ratbike.

    Free Member

    Thin sheet of perspex in matt finish?

    Free Member

    +1 for the mention if the Troy Lee Resist, only 10k 10k but have decent vents which are also watertight when shut.

    Around £90 at your preferred outlet, which doesn’t take the rrp piss.


    Free Member

    I think @lunge has nailed it, your target won’t read the message and possibly doesn’t care, not your offering or you, just busy people. I have the joys of working with business leaders and sellers so see this from both sides :/ People look for reasons to delete and not response as opposed to value within any message.

    If you think of LinkedIn as audience building and brand awareness you have missed a trick, it isn’t social media and if you treat it like social media then t will work like social media, i.e. not very well and no (or rare) sales.

    But there is a reason it is a social network, not social media, and that is the ability to talk to (yes talk!) the nice people you know and are connected to (no strangers, weirdos, people that make you look bad, people you don’t trust etcetera) and ask them to introduce you to the nice people they know (that you have identified using the free “stuff” LinkedIn offers you when you know where to look) and heh presto personal introduction, cut through noise (crap) and get a nice conversation.

    If you want a chat dm me here by all means.


    Free Member

    I had an Anthem but traded for a Specialized Epic Evo, evo bit is important as no Brain tech on it, 120mm front but carbon and, in my view, awesome for big old xc or marathon rides.

    Done 1000s of miles on mine this year and not regretted the change once.


    Free Member

    @cyclelife whatever you might think of Cotic they’ve been robbed by a bunch of lowlife, lost ten grand plus of kit and you could have just kept quiet or sent some good wishes.

    Whatever happened to being kind and supportive.

    Hope they find the scumbags and the bikes too.

    Free Member

    Sorry but I’m with most of the comments above.

    Very uninspiring choice for me, and hence picked the Scott as the least bad option for me.

    No bike lust there, sorry, but on the plus side credit card is safe.


    Free Member

    OK so I’ve had one and on the negative side that extention is way big and to my eye fugly but you can trim it back to a more normal sensible shape to stop eyes bleeding.

    On the plus side the two part aspect is really well executed and simple to fix on good days.


    Free Member

    I’ve had it on a few of the ads but others have worked fine – weirdly.

    Free Member

    Nope not just you, I have this too :/


    Free Member

    +1 7mesh, yes chuffing expensive but look out for sale on last years colours.

    I have already had them acouple of years and hammered them a few times a week October to April+ and still awesome.

    Cost versus longevity / waste for me :/


    Free Member

    I started with cheap ones, then had them decease too often, most often at bad times mid ride and then bought decent (read expensive ones) but have not had to replace, cut a ride short or stress about wires burning since.

    It is one of those things where I think you should spend a bit but then they work so well and last too :/

    Good luck with your hunt.


    Free Member

    Oh this is one for me for sure … let me think.

    Ok so beans, around 1.5Kg per week

    So pints, large mug is an easy half pint, probably two per hour on working day, so that’s 7 pints let’s call it, plus two before breakfast or with and two with or after dinner, so that’s 9 pints a day plus regular COSTA when out and about riding etcetera.

    So lots, BUT (intentionally big but) caffeine is a drug and it can really effect people and some people really badly, Mrs is one of those and hence 95% of all the coffee I drink is decaff, although even when we had caffeine in the house it had no effect on me, real bugger actually as there was no caffeine high for late night etcetera, just doesn’t seem to touch me for some reason.

    And before some smrty goes you were always wired I used to go no caffeine for a month in 4 to make sure even on caffeine and made no difference, other than ironically I slept less :)

    Yep that user name is real.


    Free Member

    Thanks all, really helpful feedback and hadn’t considered seat panel reinforcement :/


    Free Member

    All done.

    Fascinating to see how my answers compared with everyone else! I suspect a story might be out with the answers so we can all see how we stack up at the end @mark ?

    I’m just waiting to see how long before some smart arse asks for some Strava metric, calorie burn per ride or some such nonsense.

    Now if it was how many coffee and cake per ride – I’m good with that ;)


    Free Member

    You might find that where the two flat pass against each other when they cross they can sometimes ping or creek.

    I had it and it took me ages to work out where the wheel noise was coming from.

    Talked to my LBS who advised cleaning the gap between with a good cleaner and then waxing the cross over point, not oil for some reason and mine has been silent since.

    Of course your maybe different but might be worth a go


    Free Member

    IIRC there was some options for pistons on fleebay, obviously no idea on quality etc but might give you an option if Shimano have none or no availability.


    Free Member

    Watch out for the reviews and comments on the Epic versus Epic Evo as two different bikes in terms of focus and set up :)

    I nearly passed on one after reading Epic reviews (has brain) and 100m travel whereas Epic Evo has 120mmm front and IIRC 117mm rear and no brain :)


    Free Member

    OK, have one and love it but there is no Brain on the evo!

    I have a comp before upgraditus turned it into sworks spec.

    As standard it has lockout front and back butother than to try it once when I first got it have never used it.

    Regularly race up hill and beat mate on ebike and no noticeable bob (to me at least but I’m no bike tester) the only thing, depending g on model you go for, to watch is the standard wheels are 2.2kg!

    Best bike I’ve ever had.

    If I can help any more drop me a message.


    Free Member

    Went to do this pre covid, agonised over best location and time to go but no one told the Northern Lights so we didn’t get to see them (oh well we’ll go back and try again ;)).

    Like others have said above pick a place you’d like to be,with stuff you want to do and where you might see them too :)


    Free Member

    I went from Oakley to Rad8 when my last ones needed replacing and I cannot say enough good things about them and their customer service.

    Plus much cheaper too.


    Free Member

    Thanks for the ideas and responses.


    Free Member

    Is that personal experience @johnjn2000 ?

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