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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
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    Perfect painting tunes,even got a shout out on the Craig Charles show :)

    Full Member

    we’ve got to make the most of what we’ve got now.

    Everyone is different,but since a young age  ^^that^^ has been my mind set.

    So retirement was a piece of urine.

    IMO,by far the most valuable thing  you can take to retirement is good health,because as said above,I have had too many friends and family that were ambushed before they got to that field of dreams.

    Full Member

    OP,don’t know where you are,but up here the second hand market appears to be on its arse,so lots of nice bikes in that budget.

    I wouldn’t be spending a grand on a commuter unless I had somewhere super secure to keep it at work.

    That’s where I differ,I have always gone for quality(sometimes disguised)commuters. A bit like footwear, I never wanted my every day to be anything less than super comfortable while still being fit for purpose*.

    * I did do a significant commute distance,so there was always that to factor in.

    Full Member


    Did you know the route or was it an ambush?

    There can be a world of difference .

    If are prepared to attack the hard climbs with the knowledge of where the recovery sections are, and use all  or any momentum to keep the average  up.

    Full Member

    This thread reminds me, I need to get around to making that sign for the shed. :)

    “There is no such thing as a five minute job”

    Full Member

    Is the obvious question not ‘What are you doing that you don’t want filming?’

    Could have been that incident a while back,when Louise had a private tour of the bridge, and there was almost a Costa Concordia moment .;)

    Full Member

     FWIW for the riding you describe I’m really happy on a rigid 29er with 2.3 fast XC tyres and Jones bars as an ATB.


    This has been what I have been thinking about for a while,then I just persist with my drop bar gravel bike while choosing better lines for skinny tyres.

    Full Member

    ^^Damn,don’t mess with the Threwdurk,after that visit,they now know where you live and will be tracking your every move #tipofthespear

    Full Member

    The motorbike nod thing is getting a bit much these days

    Time and a place for them init.

    Wee country lanes are fine, ‘making progress on the M6,not so much.

    Full Member

    To confuse things even more, I often forget when I am riding the motorbike and wave at cyclists.

    Then when cycling I often give a nod to motorbikes.

    No idea (or care) what they think. #muchlolz

    Full Member

    Oh is it time for the “I waved at a roadie and he/she didn’t wave back, wah wah wah!” thread again?

    TBF, it has been ages ?

    >>> sets up bingo card<<<  ?

    Full Member

    Yup,get the process started,book a GP appointment.

    Full Member

    Have had both sides done. Mesh repairs.

    First one took about 2-3 months before I would trust big efforts ,I was racing most weeks so missed a big chunk of the season,used the down time to get the rest of my body in better shape.

    Second one  took about 2 months recovery ,but felt a more solid repair.

    Never notice any twinges at all now,even with relatively big efforts/weights.

    Both times I told the GP/consultants  that I was prepared to travel anywhere (in Scotland) to reduce waiting times, it worked for  me and  I was operated on less than 5 weeks after diagnosis.

    When you have the conversation with your GP/consultant,make it very clear how important cycling is to your lifestyle .

    Good luck

    Full Member

    Hmm,sounds strange and not like any cramp that I have had.

    Could your jeans be too tight?

    Or maybe glancing in a shop window to admire that new hair style caused you to twist your calf.

    Failing that ,possibly an alien implant.


    Full Member

    Motorbikes* with music speakers.

    Volume set to 11 so they can hear what’s playing while wearing a helmet.

    * usually a big lardy cruiser

    Full Member

    5 years for conspiring to hold up traffic??


    Aye, some of those blinkin roadies should be worried about their disorderly chain gangs .

    Full Member

    I know, bastards. ;-)

    Full Member

    The price of left handed knives.

    Full Member

    Padlocks hanging on bridge railings.


    Full Member

    Most excellent.

    I remember setting my alarm for stupid’o’clock so I could watch him win the gold in LA.

    The Sun reporter came across as a nasty piece of work.

    Do bears,woods,etc,etc.

    Full Member

    I was thinking something big like the Trafford Centre.

    Every other week at the metro centre like ;)


    Full Member

    Jebezus, that link up there,it’s the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ brought to life.

    Full Member

    Feels like Alex Garland’s ‘ Civil War’  has crept a little closer to reality .

    Full Member

    Might be obvious to some, but I don’t store clean bottles( or any plastic containers)with lids on.

    And as said above,the podium bottles don’t seem to contaminate as much as other brands,I just need to remember to strip down the lid parts occasionally for a proper clean.

    Full Member

    Stop sniffing your bottles…….sorted

    Full Member

    I always find it strange that no one seems to remember  the ‘Team’ that Trump had in the Whitehouse during his last whirl.

    His whole administration was car crash after car crash till he left.

    It absolutely beggars belief that  any Americans would want that chaos ( and worse) again.

    At least the other old bloke has ( I suspect) a better and more competent group of humans trying to run the show.

    Full Member

    If the new model comes with two bags of sand in the boot as standard,it will all be fine ? ?

    Full Member

    No thanks.

    Some of the old designs were really crap and verging on dangerous.

    e.g. Choppers << I hated them as a kid and still dislike them now

    A lot of bikes today are (mostly) well thought out and beautiful things.

    What a time to (still) be alive ,etc,etc  :-)

    Full Member

    Wow,I  need to try one of those heat plates. My horsefly bite reactions this year have been the worst ever.

    At one point I started to think that there was a whole new species that had traveled North.

    Full Member

    So not outer space then?

    Nope, it’s big hitter space.

    They all represent one of the STW gods ;-)

    Full Member

    Personally I love my family

    ^^ This.

    People in my family have worked in child protection and family care for decades.

    I know how very,very lucky I am (and have been) to be part of loving, strong and supportive relationships

    People (and families) are not all wired the same.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Yup,as trail_rat  says, don’t underestimate how done over (in the long term) you can get with covid .

    I also seem to remember in some of your pre-covid posts ,you were often hit hard by flu and other lurgies.

    I am also with sillysilly, I have found as you get older ,you need to make more use of those ‘marginal gains’

    So having a good ,quality sleep and diet plan,tied in with focused training pays off much more as you get older.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    Over 40% of them were either so scunnered with politics they didn’t bother voting, couldn’t be bothered to organise a postal vote, or couldn’t be bothered to chase up the admin chaos of postal votes

    I would be curious as to how much the choice of the election date also made in Scotland.

    A lot of people would be heading off on holiday as the schools finish,did they sort out a postal vote in time?

    Along with Voter ID,did it put many people off?

    I am sure more than few ‘floating/soft’ voters may not have bothered.

    Full Member

    I think the worrying thing here is that MCTD works from home.

    ? :-)

    Full Member


    The good old Tag days,oh what fun we had 😉🙃

    Full Member

    A nice wee reminder about part of the TDF machine.

    Full Member

    Second hand?

    As Matt says.

    There are lots of nice second hand bikes around just now that are not selling.

    The weather being all over the place will have had a lot to do with that,and the fact that (maybe) a few people have been suckered in to the ‘ buy a Gravel bike’ ,then discovered it still needs to be pedaled 😉🤣👍

    Full Member

    Sent them a location and time  in a neighbouring town (an old abandoned car park would work)with the message “knives or fists?”

    Apologies,but I saw ‘ The Bikeriders*’ last night and it was their solution to everything.  😆 🤣

    * excellent film BTW.

    Full Member

    Does it matter if you had a good time.


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