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  • Borderline PMBA Enduro Series Round 4 Race Report (VIDEO)
  • fasthaggis
    Full Member

    It’s a lot of money for something that’s not quite ridable though

    So it’s perfect for an STW Friday debate thread :-)

    Full Member

    Nah, the STW-heroes could easily beat him down all the technical stuff, even on a rigid hardtail29er with road tyres

    fixed that for ya clubber :wink:

    Full Member

    If you can fit in some of the canal paths to your route ,it can make it more enjoyable (Spring/Summer months).
    I used to do a 7 miler in from Walthamstow to The Angel and you hardly had to go near a road .
    Of course then you had to worry more about who you met on the way ,I never had any bother ,but heard a few scary stories. 8O

    Full Member

    Commuting without putting your feet down door to door

    Yup ,all the time.

    It’s how I learned to trackstand .
    If you do it on a city commute ,you soon get good at it.

    The early attempts were a nightmare mind :roll:

    Full Member

    Nice bike ,but then I would say that as I ride one :wink:

    Thought about that VN seat post but then went for USE bounce one
    for the long days.

    I have had mine a year now and really like it.
    The only wee thing that bugs me ,is that the decals are so crap.
    They almost fell off with a hard stare :( .
    VN said they would send new ones ,btbh I think I will just get a set made up from vinyl.

    Have fun

    Full Member

    Tsk, students :roll:

    Full Member

    Yuk ,grey blinds

    Full Member

    First ATB race in Wales back in the late 80s.
    They were all mincing about while I styled it with all my moto X
    skilz :roll: . Couldn’t believe I won so easily . I should have stopped there ,but no, I entered all the nationals and found out the hard way. :lol:

    Full Member

    Current bikes are overpriced crap and anyone who buys one is a mug….


    1/ They have so much money that it doesn’t (to them )feel like any big deal.

    2/ They are new to biking ,so think it is ‘the norm’

    3/ They used to do a motor sport ,so cycling seems as cheap as chips.

    4/ They get so much fun out of cycling ,that they don’t care about the cost or how long bits last.

    5/ ?

    Full Member

    4th BWD

    Full Member

    So you lost your bottle on the other design ? :-)

    Full Member

    You could try Nokons if you want more options.

    Full Member

    Papa goat will be cross

    Full Member

    The sound of one lung gasping

    Full Member

    The sound of one hand clasping

    Full Member

    The longer the ride ,the more Zen it gets man. 8)
    On my own on the LeJog days I think I went a bit mad (in a good way) 8O

    Full Member

    Some of us never lost the bar end love :wink:

    Oh,and that brake cable is too long :lol:

    Full Member

    I always use two panniers ,even if they are only half full,but that may be my OCD for symmetry kicking in. :-)

    Full Member

    Selle Flite XC works for me, and it has ‘moulded in’.

    Sadly, it looks like it is going to wear quite quick and they are not cheap.

    Full Member

    Indoor climbing mostly .Son got in to it and needed a rope man.
    We climb 2 or 3 times a week now ,great fun .
    Perfect extra training for me, as I hate gyms.
    Must try and get outdoor climbing more in the summer.

    Full Member

    No worries .It gets loaned out all the time.

    Full Member

    If you are anywhere near Dundee you are welcome to borrow mine (other than in July ).

    Full Member

    Anybody spotted/used the new track that has appeared the other side of the river from the A9?

    Yup,I keep thinking about going for an explore to see what it’s like and where it ends up.

    Used the A9 path a few times on the road bike (we do an annual road trip to Fort William).It keeps you away from the big scary lorries ,even if it is a bit rough in places.

    In the past we have single filed it inside the white line from Calvine to the Laggan turn off.
    It was almost worth it for the speed down from the Drumochter Summit.
    As above ,it would be a bit dull on an MTB

    Full Member

    I use these BTW You will not Die

    Full Member

    None, you should be listening and be aware as to what is around you

    Sorry ,What?

    Full Member

    What danti says ..

    >>>and I always take the chain off,unbolt the rear mech and stick it inside the frame space.

    Full Member

    Best advice is organise everything so it doesn’t take you 15 mins of faffing to get going.


    I used to be the King of Faff :roll:

    Full Member

    32 miles round trip ,3 times a week just now.
    All on road but soon to be swapped for the 40 miler road/single track combo.
    The saving I have made in commute costs over the years (train fares and fuel)has paid for … ALL of my bikes :-) .
    One more time………… ALL my bikes !
    I never take for granted how lucky I am ,that I have an almost perfect stress free commute routes.
    I am sure that a lot of folk feel like they are in death race 2000 at times, and that must make it a tough choice .

    Full Member

    That is way nicer than that tractor colnago in the first link :P

    Full Member

    2 hilly races reliability runs in Angus (next two weekends) .Always a good wake up call after the winter :wink:

    Full Member

    I did a try before you buy from Chicken Cycles with Selle Italia .
    As long as you don’t scrape it along the road or a cafe wall, send it back and try another model. Now this was a couple of years ago ,so I don’t know if they still do this service . I tried 3 saddles before going for .


    Done thousands of miles on it now and it has been great.

    Full Member

    Same as the OP .
    I like the idea of a Ti cross frame with disc mounts and all the braze ons .

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Nah , we need more of this with some bike content.


    Full Member

    Blimey, does nobody do it on a normal bike?

    I will be doing it on MY normal bike :wink:

    A Ti HT with 100mm forks and a bouncy seat post ..’cause that’s how I roll’ 8O

    Trying to define normal on here would be a tough gig mind :-)

    Full Member

    Put a pair on for some big events last year and really like them .
    They look strange ,but I am old skool,and have a fondness for bar ends,crud catchers and the like ,without giving a toss what they look like. :lol:

    Full Member

    What’s happened to the real hard-men who do 50-60 miles a day and then are up for mega-marathons every weekend?

    Ha ha ha . They are the walking dead with the 1000 yard stare that you see waiting at the start line.

    Yup ,it’s tiring and you are sometimes glad to get to Friday night , but then every day isn’t at a flat out pace.

    When I was trying to get silly miles in last Summer I would fit in 2 chain gangs after work, which was hard.
    The thing that made it a lot easier (for me) was changing my eating pattern during the day so that I had enough energy for it all.

    It paid off last year so going with (almost) the same approach again.

    Oh , and I don’t do the 1000 yd stare :wink:

    Full Member

    Shower at work ,
    Bike storage at work (inside).
    Drying area at work.
    Storage for clothes at work.

    It’s almost like having my own gym :wink:

    Full Member

    Option 1 (when I am late) 15 miles each way ,all road with lots of traffic.

    Option 2 17 miles each way ,all road , very low traffic.

    Option 3 20 miles each way ,includes 4 miles of single track and forest road , next to no traffic.

    I mix and match them depending what I am doing at night ,but I don’t think I would like to live much further away.
    I try to do 3 days a week in the Winter and 5 days a week the rest.

    It’s the only way I could ever fit my training round family life and it gives me enough base mileage to not have to worry too much about weekend top ups.

    Full Member

    some of those potholes swallow wheels

    Heard stories from a lot of car drivers at work about dented wheels and wrecked tyres .

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