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  • fasternotfatter
    Free Member

    Do you mean those rock steps that are a completely natural feature, the kind of thing that you would expect to see in the peak district?
    Other proposed changes by DCC are an escalator to the top of kinder scout and all climbing routes on Stanage edge to have ladders installed so that as many people as possible can use them.

    Free Member

    Check the spark plug first.

    Free Member

    Things are moving forwards but the work has not been reversed yet. Anything less means mountain biking is doomed in the peak district. I appreciate the efforts of peakmtb, you have definitely made an impact, but is there something else that the hordes of bikers on here can be doing? Letter writing, protest rides etc?

    Free Member

    A very good point onzadog, we don’t want things made extreme we want trails to remain in their natural state unless they are truly unpassable or dangerous to all users. The variety of trails are what makes the peak district so appealing to bikers as there is something for everyone, regardless of skill level.

    Pook I can’t imagine anyone that appreciates the natural beauty of the peak district is happy about what they have done up there. We could do with some horse riders and walkers joining us in condemning the work that has been carried out so far.

    Free Member

    Some routes, including Long Causeway and Rushup Edge, have badly degraded, exacerbated by the recent upsurge in mountain bikes.

    The above is from the BHS letter. This is total horse carp. Any degradation would have been mainly by 4x4s and they have already been banned. There are plenty of easy trails for horse riders, rushup presents more of a challenge for both horse and rider. The peak district currently offers a variety of challenges for walker, horse riders and mountain bikers, flattening trails affects everyone’s enjoyment.

    Free Member

    Quick release bib tights would be a winner. Why do you always need the toilet after you have put them on? They should at least include a zip so you can take a p!ss without getting completely undressed.

    Free Member

    The cadet only suffered minor burns!! The guy who did it smelled of alcohol as well so this might not actually be an attack by ISIS or Al Qaeda as muslims don’t drink alcohol. The perpetrator might have been a street drinker or suffering from a mental illness so it might be a little bit harsh to put him down or beat him with a baseball bat or pickaxe handle. Some of the comments on here would not look out of place on the Daily Mail.

    Free Member

    Good news!

    But this doesn’t mean that we have won yet. The work has been stopped, now it needs to be cancelled and put back to how it was. If DCC want help reversing the damage I will be more than happy to help.

    Free Member

    The path to the side looks harder work than the steps in the bottom picture.

    Free Member

    Currently, many people are unable to use Chapel Gate because of the rocky ‘steps’ which have evolved due to damage over time.

    Nonsense, those steps have probably been there our whole lifetime. I can ride rushup in both directions on a hardtail and I can walk it no problem as well. If a few horse riders can’t handle it then they should wait until they have developed the necessary skills.
    I personally think the trail had a rugged, worn, natural look that fitted perfectly with the peak district. A limestone path simply does not give the same experience, people do actually want to feel like they have been out in the countryside. At present the peak district is being run like a park in a city, if they keep going like this you will soon be able to roller skate around it.

    I am still angry! 👿

    Free Member

    or back to reality they had some money to spend and they spent it. Either that or they have a view of the peak district that does not include mountain bikers. So what are the best footpaths to ride in the peak district?

    Free Member

    and peakMTB have done what? We need a national organisation to sort out issues like this. I have not had a drink and I am absolutely f**king livid! Horse riders and ramblers get looked after and we keep getting shafted, facebook posts and a picnic are just not cutting it with me, we should be obstructing the workers on Monday from finishing this desecration.

    Free Member

    4x4s are already banned from chapel gate and roych clough.

    Free Member

    So the rocks are getting a topping? Great it will be about as much fun as chapelgate. I am riding footpaths from now on and I will be digging as well, if bridleways can be sanitised why not footpaths? Nothing wrong with a few strategically placed berms and jumps 😉

    Free Member

    The protest on Monday sounds like it is being done with all the best intentions but I don’t think it will achieve a great deal. I say we get up there and remove all of the rocks they have put down. The top slabs and drops can be saved.

    Free Member

    I have one built up for sale if you are interested? Let me know if you are interested and I will send you a mail with more details and pics.

    Free Member

    Using old kit is irresponsible. It is going to fail at some point and you don’t want that to be on a nasty downhill section or on road with a large lorry behind you. Do not get attached to bits of metal or carbon, use them, abuse them and then bin them. It should go without saying don’t ebay stuff that is junk.

    10 years old is far too old IMHO.

    Free Member

    Not sure about getting kegs but you can get 36 pint polypins from Hopback.
    Multi-award winning beers 8)

    Free Member

    Which ever way it goes tomorrow I hope Scotland can come out of this a better place. I have learned a lot about the UK as a result of following the referendum and I actually have grown to like the place even more. The UK really is an awesome diverse place and I think it would be a shame to break it up. Scotland has contributed a lot to the UK over the years and I am not just talking about oil and whisky. Commiserations to all those whose vote does not get them the result that they expect.

    Free Member

    I could not find any evidence that the stuff works so didn’t bother with it.

    Free Member

    Some early rock shox that didn’t move no matter what you rolled over

    Free Member

    The SNP are basing the whole independence movement on a wish-list so why not do the same yourself…..

    Free Member

    Repack is where I thought it all started?

    Free Member

    Are you going to throw away your UK passport JY 😉

    Free Member

    or any other Scottish party for that matter. You do want the rUK to allow you to be independent don’t you? iScotland is going to need to use a lot of rUK facilities after independence and can’t function without them. If you do as you are told regarding Faslane then we just might continue to collect tax for iScotland and let them use the DVLA as well as use any IT systems that you won’t have on day one of independence.

    Free Member

    So the rUK are going to allow the national nuclear deterrent to be under the control of the SNP? I would not be surprised if Faslane permanently remains UK sovereign territory. The land would not be ever be Scottish to take, it would simply remain part of the UK.

    Oh and the UK remains the 6th largest economy in the world without iScotland. I am sure we will miss you in some ways…I just can’t think of any at the moment.

    Free Member

    Come back when your guess contains some facts. 😕

    Free Member

    The rUK will not be asking for permission to keep Faslane, when they grant independence they will just retain Faslane. There are soverign bases in Cyprus so there is already a legal precedent Link

    JY is that adult enough for you? 😉 Realistically iScotland would not be able to make the same demand of the rUK, iScotland just wouldn’t have the same clout as the country with the 6th largest economy on the planet, permanent seat on the UN security council, guaranteed EU member etc. iScotland need to appreciate the weak negotiating position they will have.

    Free Member

    I don’t think we lease our bases in Cyprus do we. It is more a case of the rUK saying it is how things will be rather than Scotland getting to negotiate about it. iScotland will be nuke free. Faslane will remain part of the UK until it is no longer needed. So strictly speaking the SNP pledge would be met. I doubt the UN would object to a permanent UN security council member keeping hold on to it’s nuclear arsenal.

    Free Member

    Faslane would have to remain soverign UK territory until a suitable alternative site could be found.

    Free Member

    Not to mention the divisions it has created in Scotland. A win of only a few per cent either way does not bode well for Scotland. Much more preferable would have been a decisive yes or no vote as there may be years of turmoil ahead regardless of who wins.

    Free Member

    I did see an earlier comment about the English NOT behaving in a petty way to the post Yes vote……well personally i believe the English have a massive capacity to be petty and will cut off Scotland at the knees. (seriously)

    It is not about being petty it is about getting the best deal possible for the people of the rUK. In my opinion that means no currency union and if iScotland don’t take any debt then withholding a similar amount of assets. It would also mean all warships being built in the UK. From day one of independence anyone from Scotland should no longer be allowed to use a UK passport or be considered a UK citizen regardless of how long they have lived in the rUK.

    Free Member

    Blimey, separatists will argue about anything 😳

    Free Member

    Ben it would be a win-win situation for the UK. We don’t move our nukes and the enemies nukes would be pointed at Scotland. Realistically what could iScotland do about it? ….. It is not like you are going to invade is it 🙄

    Free Member

    In response to Ben.

    The future of faslane

    Free Member

    What you can’t decide either way? What are your concerns?

    Free Member

    What most surprises me is that there are still undecided voters! This has been discussed to death. Do any Scots know any undecided voters?

    Free Member

    Ben you are wrong about the survation polling method and the margin or error Link[/url]
    Survation use online polls, face to face interviews and phone polls using landlines that use “targeted lifestyle data for specific younger age brackets are called, to achieve a broad sample of ages”.
    The 1% increase for the no campaign is in the margins of error, the 6% lead is not though.

    Free Member

    and you still don’t know what currency you will be using in an iScotland…. 😳

    Free Member

    Independence will be better than the federalism that BT are now talking of offering the Scots. That would just lead to even more political inequality.

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