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  • fasternotfatter
    Free Member

    Find the individual shimano part number and search on ebay. You are looking at about a fiver.

    Free Member

    So peak horsepower want to smooth the surface of the entire route? Mountain bikes will be going down it at light-speed, they are basically suggesting turning the peak district into a trail centre.

    You know when that horse meat scandal came out, I wasn’t really that bothered. Just saying like 😈

    Free Member

    Deadkenny +1

    Since I stopped using high 5 zero tablets I am no longer in contention to win the extreme high velocity bowel evacuation of the decade competition.

    High 5 zero tablets are like a dose of salts and that leads to a dose of the sh!ts. Not good when you are out on open moorland with no trees to hide behind to take a dump.

    Free Member

    Unbelievable! DCC are ruining an area of natural beauty to make it accessible for just how many disabled people??? At the expense of everybody else that uses the trail.

    Can we get a mod to put back as a sticky? I get the feeling that the fight to save our trails has only just begun. Where are DR going to strike next? The whole peak district is up for grabs!

    Free Member

    PDMTB, Ride Sheffield and Keeper of the peak all made good responses. I am not so impressed with the LAF response though. Any concessions made to the disabled ramblers could have ramifications for the whole of the Edale loop.

    Free Member

    ridesheffield local access forum meeting write up[/url]

    The link above gives a slightly different perspective than that given by PDMTB. The disabled ramblers group seem hell bent on vandalising the trail to make it accessible to them, while I understand why they want access to the trail I don’t agree that it should be flattened for them.
    It is good to see that peak horsepower are supportive of mountain bikers.

    Free Member

    It was interesting to have DCC point out to PDMTB that the social media campaign had caused them significant disruption.

    In a previous comment I said that I didn’t think posting comments on facebook would make any difference. It is very nice to be proven wrong. Well done to everybody that did post on DCC facebook. I just hope that DCC can find it in themselves to admit that they were wrong to start the work and that the decent thing to do would be to return the trail to its previous state.
    Onzadog I agree with your comment regarding disabled access, ruining things for the majority is not the way to go. It is just not practical to make every single trail accessible for disabled people and you have to draw a line somewhere.

    Free Member

    DCC are slippery bar stewards! The PDMTB response is good but I just can’t see DCC moving from their position though. The terminator was more inclined to compromise than DCC. Why on earth it has to be roadworthy when vehicles are banned from using it I don’t know?

    Free Member

    Change your front mech to Shimano XT and the problem will go away. The shifters are pretty decent.

    Free Member

    Glorified gas fires the lot of them.

    Free Member

    I suggest keeping it alive until the tories are in power. They are going to allow a free vote on fox hunting so you will be able to feed it to a pack of hounds to humanely finish it off.
    Go Cameron! Yeah!


    Free Member

    Any other form of mass killing
    Dictators, Tyrants, and despots
    Having a national identity

    Free Member

    So much bad news at them moment!

    Free Member

    forexpipz – Loved the video. Screw what anybody says there are some well gnarly bits on that descent. You were going a fair pace and hey guess what you might take a different, even faster, line the next time you do it. 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Has the oil price crisis ended the nationalists arguments once and for all? Surely even the most fervent nat is glad to be a part of the UK at the moment?

    Free Member

    “give us something worth voting for” ??? How about getting rid of Cameron or ensuring that UKIP don’t win any more seats.

    Free Member

    All this talk of immigration you would think it was Nick Griffin on QT again. UKIP are an anti-EU party and focussing on one issue that Farage will have a million prepared answers to was always going to be a win for UKIP.

    No disrespect to Brand but his “fings are wrong” attitude was never going to be the answer to Farage, Ken Clarke would have ripped him to bits.

    Free Member

    Pook I admire your optimism but the peak district is being turned into a glorified trail centre. Soon only the footpaths will be gnarr enough for us. What plans do they have for cut gate?

    Free Member

    People that like Brand don’t like Farage. People that like Farage couldn’t care less what people like Brand say. Farage is on to a winner here.

    Free Member

    Has the work restarted yet?

    Free Member

    Rogerthecat am I the obvious troll? 😳

    Sorry if I come across that way but I am still very upset about what has happened. Those steps were part of my first ride in the peak district and while I might not find them as challenging as I once did I still very much enjoyed riding them. I am disappointed that DCC will not undo the work already done and I think we all should be. I appreciate the effort that everybody put into trying to stop the work but ultimately all that effort ended in failure. Hopefully all those that met with DCC have now opened up a channel of communication that can stop this kind of thing from happening again, and if that is the case, then we can take something positive from this.

    I hope that sounds a bit less trollish 😉

    Free Member

    An apologetic DCC doesn’t make up for a destroyed rushup edge. Trip to the lakes anyone? I am done with the peak district.

    Free Member

    A good effort from all involved.

    Not a good response from DCC though. They seem to think that landscaping the peak district is acceptable and it just isn’t. I feel for people that can’t access certain areas of the peak but I don’t think they should flatten everything to make it accessible to all. It should be left in a natural state so it can be appreciated for what it is, an area of outstanding natural beauty.

    It isn’t all bad though you should be able to hit some serious speed down there now though, and with some judicious digging, adding a bit of a jump here and there it should still be very challenging.

    Free Member

    Yeah that worked last time didn’t it 🙄

    Have no white paper this time either, having no answers to the EU or what currency would be used didn’t hurt last time did it?

    p.s thanks for continuing to let us park nuclear subs and trident in Scotland 😉

    Free Member

    Good luck! Anything less than a reversal of the work carried out is a declaration of war on mountain biking 😈

    Free Member

    A fair point Steve. I am not trying to run down the yes camp, I just think at some point this is going to start harming Scotland and widening already existing divisions. It really needs putting to bed sooner rather than later.

    Free Member

    Somebody on here mentioned that the current thinking was another referendum before 2020. If the yes camp lost that then would it not be an indication that Scotland doesn’t want independence. At what point will the SNP accept defeat and get on with actually running Scotland?

    Free Member

    There is a lot splitting hairs going on today. No one can escape the fact that the referendum result was to stay in the union. An independent Scotland is a far away dream I am afraid. I don’t know what the current tactics of the yes campaign are, it is almost as if they want to bore everybody into submission by repeating the same old arguments.
    Junkyard, I literally heard you groan when the topic of “would they/wouldn’t they still be in the EU” was mentioned. It is only a matter of time before the “it’s our pound” argument starts again.
    After a comprehensive defeat the yes movement should not be trying to maintain momentum and keep up the pressure, they should instead go back to the drawing board and create a credible plan for an independent Scotland, you might want to start with what currency you would use 😉

    Free Member

    So 18 years then? Nice! See you all in 2032 to start the discussion.

    Can a MOD please close this thread to stop another year long argument that changes no ones opinion.

    Free Member

    Maybe it is time to accept the result and instead focus on improving Scotland and the UK. There is no mandate for another referendum in the foreseeable future.

    Free Member

    Ben certain aspects of Westminster are not democratic and could be improved. Labour are talking about replacing the lords with an elected senate, so things could be looking a lot better sooner than you think. Scottish votes could decide whether we have Cameron in charge again, So I don’t think Scots should be looking to punish Labour for being on the same side as the Tories in the independence referendum. I am not saying abandon the SNP but I wouldn’t rule out asking Scots to vote tactically to oust the Tories from Scotland.

    Free Member

    Nice to see that my sense of humour is not lost on everyone 😆

    Free Member

    Now that the independence movement is over I guess it is time to start making the UK work and campaigning for change that benefits the whole of the UK. I take it there will be a lot of positive voices from Scotland extolling the virtues of staying in the EU. After all an independent Scotland would not have wanted it’s biggest trading partner out of the EU would it? Potential import/export tariffs and a border to cross where you have to show your passport, this would not benefit Scotland at all. Rather than trying to show how divided Scotland is from the rUK shouldn’t Scots be working to keep the UK in the EU.

    Free Member

    I guess we can rely on every scot to vote against leaving the EU then. Isn’t democracy a wonderful thing.

    Free Member

    The only way they could move left is to splash the cash, we don’t have any cash to splash I am afraid. Neither would Scotland if it was independent. Aren’t you glad Scotland is still a part of the UK?

    Free Member

    Scotroutes wins todays prize for out of date obscure graph from a website no one has heard of.

    I suppose labour do look to the right of the SNP, but then again Labour are aiming to reduce the deficit rather than buy votes. It will be interesting to see how the SNPs figures for an independent Scotland stack up with the oil price set to hit rock bottom! There would have been some seriously austere times coming had Scotland chosen independence.

    Free Member

    There is no swing to the right. Current projections show a hung parliament with Labour requiring one seat for majority. So Scots do not have to worry about a conservative/UKIP/EDL/BNP coalition.

    What is all this nonsense about Labour and the conservatives being in bed together? Some of the worst tripe I have ever come across, just because they were on the same side in the referendum does not make them bed mates. A politician saying something does not make it true I am afraid. 🙄

    Free Member

    The independence referendum was democracy at it’s best, comments about unilaterally declaring independence do no one any favours. People need to respect the vote so that the whole of the UK can move on. The UK needs a shake up from the top to the bottom. The north-south divide does not start at the Scottish border it starts at the Watford gap. Devolution to the regions is a must!

    Free Member

    Nice work tortoise.

    I am very concerned though that DCC are just going through the motions, that the right buttons were pressed to get them to pause the work, but not the right buttons to get them to reverse the damage that has been done. I can’t help but feel that we need to increase the noise again in the build up to the meeting with DCC. I don’t want DCC to think that people have got over the initial shock and have started to accept it. I remain very upset, angry and fearful for the future of mountain biking in the peak district.

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