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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • fasternotfatter
    Free Member

    It looks nice. How does it ride?

    Free Member

    Whether it is an asset is not the point. Salmond is trying to force the UK into a currency union with an independent Scotland and we don’t want one. It doesn’t matter whether the pound is an asset or not the UK is not going to be forced to be a lender of last resort.

    Free Member

    Thanks piemonster. I try.

    Free Member

    Oh please can the snp get over 50% in the polls and then the nats wouldn’t be p!ssing in the wind. Our time is wasted arguing with the English who are stealing our(your) oil, why can’t we convince enough of our fellow jocks to vote for the braveheart cause? Is it because we were born to subservience? The answer is yes, Scotland was not a going cause prior to 1707 and nothing has changed since.

    Free Member

    Dirty rider – Wow pant spoilingly cute! Big tyres make downhills smooth but uphills suck worse than paying tax. Surly do things different; deal with it,

    Free Member

    The rest of the UK does not “support” Scotland – Scotland pays more into the union than we get back.

    North sea oil drilling only started in the 1960s so the rest of the UK had been subsiding Scotland for about 250 years. Scotland finally gets a chance to pay the rest of the UK back and rather than do that greed sets in and they want to keep all their oil money for themselves. A very strange kind of socialism the SNP preach.

    Free Member

    Could have given £50 to charity, but gave it away to someone on Ebay instead.

    Free Member

    Since when has being a sucker been the right thing to do? Ebay is an auction site and is it really immoral to expect to pick up a bargain once in a while?

    Free Member

    Beyond ugly. Seriously, only ride that thing at night it is an abomination.

    Free Member

    Gordimhor your link does not work.

    Arbitration is something that both sides have to agree to. If Scotland will not take on any debt the UK does not have to agree to arbitration. We can spin out separation for as long as we like and this will affect an independent Scotland more than than the UK. Much more preferable is a quick split with assets reasonably shared between both countries. Trying to force the UK into a currency union is not being reasonable. I appreciate Scotland has a share of the bank of England but some things, like a currency, are just not divisible. The SNP need to stop trying to force the UK into something it does not want and let people in Scotland know what plan b is.

    Free Member

    My understanding is that the debt is issued by the UK’s national bank, which is called the Bank of England. So if we are not to get our share of that property, why should we assume our share of its debts?
    You do get your share of the bank of England, a share of the gold reserves, a share of foreign currency reserves and you can continue to use the pound but without a currency union. I would not want to join the Euro and I don’t want a currency union with any other country including an independent Scotland. You can’t guarantee 100% that an independent Scotland wouldn’t need bailing out at some point in the future so the risk is just not worth it. The majority of people in the UK (excluding Scotland) do not want a currency union so please accept our wishes and move on to plan b. The hypocrisy of Salmond calling Westminster bullies when he is the one trying to force something on us is just amazing.

    There are international laws that set precedents that would most likely apply which have been discussed earlier in the thread.
    Really? Please provide links to back up your statement. I think it will more likely involve negotiation rather than a law dictating the division of assets. If there was a law we would not be arguing about a currency union would we?

    Free Member

    Replacing trident would be hugely expensive and no longer having a base to operate from would be the ideal time to decommission trident. So a significant saving to the UK taxpayer, a loss of 6500 jobs and a massive bill to clean up Faslane for Scotland.
    Small countries do not bully big countries. You take your share of the debt or you get nothing else.

    Free Member

    If you went to the vet to get an animal put down and he did it by slitting it’s throat would you be happy about it?

    Free Member

    If Scotland doesn’t take on any debt then the UK does not share any assets with it. No military equipment, no embassies, no share of gold reserves etc. The UK can string out negotiations for as long as we want. Small countries do not bully big countries.

    Free Member

    No Jacques Kallis, no Mark Boucher and a fading Graeme Smith. This is not the same South African team that England played in 2012. The aussies didn’t look that good in England last summer and they won’t come the next ashes.

    Free Member

    When your only bike is a fixie.

    Free Member

    Currency union is not going to happen. It would not be in the interest of the UK and would never make it past a referendum.

    Opposition to currency union rises sharply[/url]

    Free Member

    I guess project fantasy still have some work to do!

    Free Member

    Can’t believe I didn’t recognise it I have been up and down the beast plenty of times. On a side note are there any other decent trails in those woods other than the beast? The footpath that cuts of the beast after the first corner is a nice bit of cheeky. Any other suggestions?

    Free Member

    When Scotland entered into a union with England it was an admission from Scots that they could not run their own country. Scottish people know this is true and that is why the yes vote is always behind the no vote in the polls. Scottish people have not changed in the last 300 years, they are no more intelligent or capable. After a landslide victory for the no campaign those that voted yes will have to learn to accept the fact that Scotland’s natural state is to be ruled by the English.

    Free Member

    The best thing about a no vote will be Scottish people going back to being as irrelevant as people from Cornwall. Scotland is a great place, it is just a shame about the people.

    Free Member

    If the roots are in good condition go for the root canal. I had one over 10 years ago and it is still OK. There was no pain and once it goes I have the option of going for an implant.

    Free Member

    The Bank of England was nationalised by the UK government in 1946

    It has been around for 319 years. Longer than the union and it has been an English bank a lot longer than it has been nationalised. The pound is still English no matter how you look at it. No to a currency union and you buy your bank notes off the UK if you decide to use it without a currency union. You don’t take your share of debt we stop sending bank notes north of the border.

    Free Member

    Did have for about 50 years
    No we didn’t the Irish pound was pegged to the UK pound. This is not a currency union, we were not lender of last resort.

    The pound belonged to England before the union with Scotland, hence why we get to keep it. Scotland contributed taxes and they were spent, there is no piggy bank in the Bank of England full of Scottish money, Scotland did not buy shares in the Bank of England.

    Free Member

    What most people want is a situation where our vote matters, we have full control over taxes and spending and still able to reap the benefits of the EU, rUK etc
    A currency union is just not on the cards. We don’t have one with the Republic of Ireland so why would we want one with an independent Scotland. Scotland’s loss in trade could be to the benefit of the UK as people stop trading with Scotland and instead trade with companies in the UK. If Scotland chooses independence there will be no benefits of being part of the UK any more. Why favour one foreign country over another?

    Free Member

    One benefit of independence would be the end of British summer time, there would simply not be enough justification to keep it in place. No more changing the clocks means lighter evenings. People would get out and exercise more in the winter so the UK would be a healthier place. It would mean that Scotland and the UK would be starting and finishing work at different times so trade would be affected, although Scotland trades more with the UK so it would hit them harder. When Scotland ends up with a new currency this would affect trade with the UK even further. Why do the Scots want to distance themselves from their largest trading partner?

    Free Member

    So if Scotland don’t get the currency union they won’t take any debt. I guess that means they don’t get any of the gold reserves in the bank of England then or we give them less of a share of something else.

    Free Member

    Ben Cooper is on very sketchy ground complaining about English people abusing Scots. Winding up the English is a national sport among Scots. I have seen Scots with their faces painted in German flag colours and cheering as if it was Scotland beating England the last time England played Germany. English people do not do the same when Scotland play other teams.

    Free Member

    I have avid brakes and use them in all conditions with no problems. I also have shimano brakes and the same applies to them. The advantage the avids have is that the bleeding is a lot easier as the bleed syringe screws into the caliper and levers, this creates less mess. Avid brakes are also fully serviceable, if you have a problem with a shimano caliper you have to bin it and you can’t get replacement seals. The shimano brakes are very powerful though but a tad heavier.
    I think the reason people have problems with avids is because they don’t get to grips with how to bleed them.

    Free Member

    £850. Brand new and with a warranty. I would continue to save or stick it on a credit card and pay off what you can now.

    Free Member

    Vitamin e and selenium? Never taken either of them, I do take other supplements though, but not at such high doses. It is common sense that too much of anything is bad for you, take alcohol for example.

    Free Member

    Chris Moyles has been avoiding exercise for a lot longer.

    Free Member

    The pound is not a shared asset because it belonged to England before the union existed as did the bank of England. Scotland stopped using the pound Scot as agreed in the acts of union 1707. If you leave the union then you leave the pound sterling and the Bank of England behind as well. The contents of the Bank of England are another thing all together and I am sure a share would go to an independent Scotland.

    Free Member

    How did they get through the chains? That £300 worth of locks and chains can be removed is very worrying!

    Free Member

    Sawyer. Please educate us as to what we should have been listening to since the 90s then. I am about 15 years out of date with rap music.

    Free Member

    Nice point mefty the pound is an English currency that the Scots chose to use. The pound dates back to eighth century and the Bank of England pre-dates the union by a decade. If they leave the union then they walk away from the pound and the Bank of England. If the Scots create a new currency it will not be legal tender in the UK and as we are there largest trading partner it would severely affect Scottish businesses. Salmond needs a currency union because there is no alternative for an independent Scotland. Cameron has Salmond by the balls!

    Free Member

    I am a big fan of the ardent but it is not a tyre for the wet. The tread is very slight and is useless in mud that is deeper than 10mm. It is best used as a front tyre in dry conditions.

    Free Member


    Is it just me that is sick of the independence experts constantly blathering on about the various what if scenarios? Scotland just isn’t important to people in England we have better things to think about and the no vote is going to win anyway. Save yourselves some time and effort don’t think about it again until 18/11/2014.

    Free Member

    I won’t be supporting a bunch of red necks and their super exclusive club. If somebody comes up with a more inclusive organisation that better represents the ideal of the peak district being open to everyone then I will join.

    Free Member

    I have piles as well and I have learned to live with it.

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