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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • fasternotfatter
    Free Member

    Roman road is going to get blitzed!

    OMG! Not content with ruining the rest of the peak district DCC are planning more devastation.

    Free Member

    When you are riding good you start riding light, less bike , less protection etc

    So when you take a knock you need to ride heavier until you get your mojo back

    ride a full face or some body armour, stick to trails you know how to shred

    Free Member

    Because Scots can’t handle being the little inconsequential bit at the top of the UK?


    With the current price of oil, you can’t afford independence and have no cards to play.

    Free Member

    Just in case any of you forgot, the referendum was a win for the no campaign, there is now a Tory majority government and that means the political focus is going to be on the whole of the UK. It is time for Scotland to calm down and accept that things are going to have to get back to normal.

    Free Member

    I voted Tory for the first time ever and stopping the break up of the union was part of the logic for doing so. If Sturgeon was seen to be pulling Milliband’s strings then there would have been a vote to remove Scotland from the union within this parliamentary term. I didn’t want a situation where the SNP were holding over 90% of the population to ransom. Sturgeon wants nothing more than to pit the people of Scotland against the rUK, you can hear this in the non stop stream of anti-Westminster rhetoric that she is pumping out. The idea that Scotland has not been represented in Westminster until now is a joke.

    Free Member

    Apart from the deliberately useless tax powers, which powers haven’t they been using that you suggest they use?

    They have been devoting all of their time and attention to splitting up the UK. It is time for them to actually get on with running Scotland!

    Free Member

    I agree Trekster. The SNP need to spend less time talking down Scotland and the UK and more time actually using the powers they have been given.

    Free Member

    Devolved power to Scotland is part of the Westminster Model. The union is only failing in the eyes of people who want to run Scotland down. Scotland is a great place and is doing very nicely, especially when compared to other parts of the UK or even other parts of England.
    It has it’s own government with more powers coming and more than enough freedom to control the direction it goes in.
    The Barnett formula is staying so there is no need to start your own project fear about the Scottish budget being slashed by 50%. 😉

    Free Member

    If they don’t deliver I hope people don’t blame it on Westminster.

    Free Member

    A lot of people in Scotland wanted their own parliament and they got one. The same with the referendum. They want more powers and they are getting them as well. Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved powers, London has devolved powers, Greater Manchester is also getting devolved powers. With all this increasing devolved power just how westminster dominated/centric is the UK government.
    In England we also don’t have a English parliament so we are reliant on the Westminster system to represent our needs.
    The SNP need to deliver now for the people of Scotland and will have more than enough power to do so.

    Free Member

    JY do you mean Westminster grants powers in accordance with the current system of government that applies to the whole of the UK that defines the relationship between the UK government and devolved governments and executives? Of course they do don’t they? 🙄

    That is what the people of Scotland voted for when they voted to remain part of the UK. The majority of Scots want to remain part of the Westminster system.

    Free Member

    The dreaded Westminster that allowed the establishment of a Scottish parliament and also a referendum on Scottish independence. What is really so wrong about Westminster?

    Free Member

    Why are there any SNP candidates in Scotland? I would have thought they would all have retired or gone into hiding given the thrashing they received in the indy ref.

    Free Member

    JY I agree shit does happen in a union but the arrogance and hypocrisy of Sturgeon is sickening. But on the other hand all parties talk crap to get into power and what really counts are policies.

    Free Member

    Right so the SNP do have a mandate in the rUK and the reverse side of that is that the Tories do have a mandate in Scotland, in fact more of a mandate with their one MP. So I guess sturgeon was talking nonsense here. [/url]
    So Sturgeon talks nonsense and Alec Salmond certainly does with his never going to happen currency union, immediate memebership of the EU and oil revenue driven economy. Just why are people voting for the SNP then?

    It is laughable that the SNP can’t wait to be part of the broken Westminster system.

    jambalaya I agree.

    Free Member

    Where is the mandate? Answer the question ffs! The Tories had no mandate in Scotland so where is the mandate for the SNP in the rUK?

    Free Member

    Where is the mandate for SNP MPs to vote on anything affecting the rUK?

    rUK = UK – Scotchland

    Free Member

    Hypocrisy, the Tories have one Scottish MP, how many SNP MPs outside of Scotland? I am using separatist logic so I appreciate it might not make sense. If the tories have no mandate in Scotland where is the fishy one’s mandate in the rUK?
    So the SNP will have great influence, what like the lib dems did? Go back to being irrelevant, Cornish independence is more likely to happen given the price of oil.

    Free Member

    Surprise surprise the blue faced army are in full effect. Anyone ever hear the saying from the SNP faithful “the tories have no mandate to rule in Scotland” well the reverse of that is Sturgeon has no right to step foot in England, she is not even running for parliament. How dare she bleat on about changing the house of lords when an iScotland would not have had a second chamber. We have had a bellyful of new labour saying lets borrow to grow the economy, do Scots not strive for more than government handouts?

    Before you respond please remember, you lost the referendum.

    Free Member

    Bell stokers are so last year. You will look so naff on the trail wearing one of those.

    Free Member

    Not all mech hangers are CNC produced though and they still cost £20.

    There has to be 10 million different ones so that manufacturers can rip us off for spare parts.

    Free Member

    They are a total rip off. A small piece of metal for £20!

    Free Member

    Yeah lost was amazing. The start of click bait TV.

    Free Member

    Is your response translated from a foreign language? It seems to be a bit lacking in the comprehension department.

    Free Member

    The Wire? Great 1st series but gets sketchy after that. The brother mouzone is a ridiculous character.

    True Detective. Dull, cliché characters and everyone talks real slow like Forest Gump. Overacted twaddle with a weak plot.

    Free Member

    Chew on this scammers!

    Free Member

    Stu while you are being nice and voting for the green party the real men on here will be going to buy the biggest whistle they can find and be voting for UKIP.

    Free Member

    It sounds nasty Wan. I hope it all turns out OK for you.

    Free Member

    One of the last things you will ever do is to take a shit. When you die your bowels will relax and nature will take its course.

    Free Member

    The head angle on that bike is too steep and the bars are not wide enough to do any proper riding. The wheels are last year size as well.

    Free Member

    Ooh I am such a tease after a few beers. Contain that anger ladies.

    Free Member

    Do you not wonder how naff you will look in your cheap green helmets?

    Free Member

    Mila Kunis is pretty average. I have had better.

    Free Member

    If you go for cheap chinese junk this is what happens.

    Free Member

    You could get some Iron in hemming
    just cut off the trousers fold over an inch or so and then put some of the hemming web in the fold and then iron the fold. It should hold together just fine.

    Give us a picture when you have done them 😉

    Free Member

    Critical mass achieves absolutely nothing. What is the point in them?

    Free Member

    Nick is that from a binatone?

    Free Member

    Yie Ar Kung-Fu

    Every fighting game after this is a direct descendant.

    Free Member

    The UK didn’t need to because the UK has a diverse economy that is not dependent on oil. When the oil is gone we will still be OK.

    Free Member

    Is the solution to not just buy girls a load of pink stuff but to also buy them some lego, mechano and science kits to see if they are interested in that sort of stuff?

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