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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • faerie
    Free Member

    I hope that the video I shared isn’t doctored, there’s no need to mislead and there were plenty of images which portrayed the horrific events accurately.
    Like Kryton57 I fear for my kids, they’ve been attacked multiple times already over the years and my eldest is only 12. The aggression they receive increases when there’s talk racism on the news. I’m glad that we’re in lockdown, as I dread another call crying for help.

    Free Member

    Who are they protecting it from Brads?BLM-LDN cancelled today’s protest last Wednesday. Brilliant move though from BLM as it exposes the fascist thugs for who they really are

    Free Member

    Did they not get the memo that BLM-LDN cancelled the protest scheduled for today, 3 days ago. So now the police are protecting a statue, from people who are protecting a statue from people who aren’t even there.

    Free Member

    Although I’m partial to a naked man draped in a bedsheet, I think we should replace Hume on the high street in Edinburgh with Boris (fully clothed). We could then roll Boris down the mound, Leith Walk and into the docks as part of the festival.

    Free Member

    There’s a sea of change amongst The Merchant Venturers in Bristol

    *Edit it’s worth reading their statement in the thread

    Free Member

    Northshoreneil, thanks for pointing that out, it wasn’t intentional and I’m sorry 😳

    Free Member

    BLM is more interested in not being murdered than what John Cleese did in the 70’s or what Matt Lucas did in the 90’s. Culture is important and should be interrogated, but not at the expense of policing, housing, wealth and history.
    It seems like either western culture is having a bit of a paddy and chucking out the baby with the bath water. It’s also a distraction from the real issues, and people are being baited into non-event culture battle from the right to complain about free speech

    Free Member

    take down a controversial/offensive statue = advancing social justice

    That one symbolic act has achieved more for racial equality than the past 50yrs. It has opened up conversations about education and justice, which could be quite revolutionary.
    One example for starters is that we’re 21 pages in on a thread about racism and it’s been largely civil and informative, I’d say that’s progress.

    Free Member

    Justine Damond – After the initial aquital, the officer was charged with 2nd degree murder.

    I don’t know the American numbers but only one man in the UK “made legal history as the first person to win a case against the police for a racist attack – but guess what? I am still the only one 28 years later. Nothing of course happened to the officers.” Aamer Anwar. He is the lawyer for Sheku Bayoh’s family, there’s a documentary on BBC 1(Scotland) tonight at 10.45

    Free Member

    You’re still not getting my point though, even in individual countries Antifa aren’t an organisation. The reason they’re similar to left wing groups is because they consist of left wing groups, amongst others.
    Maybe it would be easier for me to to describe them as the anarchic (anarchy doesn’t mean violent) alternative to the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right are a collective of groups and individuals, such as the KKK, Proud Boys, Golden Dawn, EDL and individuals such as Alex Jones, PewDiePie, Jordan Peterson and Tommy Robinson. Whilst they have similar ideals, they are not one organisation.

    Free Member

    Baboonz, you’ve made a spelling mistake, or are you being passive aggressive?

    that the actions and organisation of antifa vary from country to country.

    That’s because Antifa, like BLM is an unorganised collective of groups and individuals.
    I’m not sure how such funds would be distributed.
    Antifa tend to be Anonymous and don’t lobby, preferring protest and direct action (depending on the issue). They usually have counter protests against the EDL/SDL or support other organised socialist marches.
    The socialist campaigners were asked to leave the BLM protests for hijacking the issues. POC means People of Colour, not communism.
    PoC rarely come out to protest in the UK, instead a few are invited to sit on company boards and government committees; in an attempt to show that we (white people) are inclusive. There are various charities and individuals which provide community support who also lobby, writing lots and lots of emails to no evail. They will only take to the streets when there has been a serious miscarriage of justice, even then it was mainly Oyinbo who were out.
    If there is formalised funding like that then why aren’t they supporting Sheku Bayoh or my institutional racism case? It’s only £60k to step into court for human rights or public law cases.

    Free Member

    I just learned that the Kkk aren’t classed as terrorists, they’re only domestic extremists despite the hate and violence they perpetuate.

    Free Member

    OK, for the 3rd time for those at the back. BLM is an unorganised collective of groups and individuals, which are campaigning for the equality of BAME people in every sector of society. They are not a political party and do not have a manifesto.
    I would doubt if you can find an Enlightenment philosopher that didn’t support slavery and the classification of man. Even David Hume wrote “I am apt to suspect that the N*, and in general all other species of men to be naturally inferior to the whites”
    Why did Hume align with Kant’s philosophy rather than Kraus, who praised “the natural genius” of Africa and “Its appreciation of learning”?
    Why do we still align with all of the theories of the Enlightenment philosophers?
    Why can’t we accept that some of their theories were flawed?
    They are the foundation of our values and wealth, perhaps to preserve them we need to reassess them and the structures which they support. Science has moved on from Francis Galton’s skull measuring devices, to being able to map the genome. So why hasn’t our society aligned with modern science?
    A large aspect is that, we are generally lazy and the status quo suits us, another is because we seek out information which reaffirms our beliefs, and the first hit on Google satisfies this.
    When I was compiling my case against institutional racism I didn’t appreciate how difficult it would be to find quality research, based on science rather than observation. It led me to Critical Race Theory, but I’m not going to take you on a guided path to enlightenment.

    Free Member

    @lamp I’m not sure whose intelligence you are questioning and whether or not you’re being sarcastic, I don’t think you see the irony though. Did you miss my post at the top of the page that said that they’ve been campaigning for 40yrs to have Colston removed? You may not have seen it in the news as it’s mainly been conducted civily through letters and meetings.
    BLM is a movement, a collective of unorganised groups campaigning for a variety of different issues. They aren’t an organisation and whilst a benefactor may support individual cases there’s no mass funding for the movement. There’s no legal aid for human rights or public law cases, and so many hoops you have to jump through before the you reach EHRC that time is up before you exhaust the process, so most cases go unheard.
    As I said earlier in my reply to rydster who fears a Hobbesian state of nature where selfishness leads to lawlessness, I would suggest that for many we were already there years ago. It’s not as balanced as you imagine and cracks have appeared in the facade

    Free Member

    They’d campaigned for 40yrs to have the statue of Edward Colston either removed or to have the plaque reworded. This is the excuse as to why they haven’t. In his time working at The Royal African Company they enslaved around 100,000 people.

    Bristol Museums has sought to explain the reason for Colston’s statue remaining the city and says on its website that “Colston never, as far as we know, traded in enslaved Africans on his own account”.

    But it added: “What we do know is that he was an active member of the governing body of the RAC, which traded in enslaved Africans, for 11 years.”

    Free Member

    Superior is free on amazon

    Free Member

    Rydster, you are assuming that everyone has the same opportunity and experiences as you do. We don’t live in a meritocracy where every one has an equal advantage. You fear a Hobbesian world, fueled by selfishness resulting in lawlessness, however that assumes that the current state of affairs is relatively balanced. It’s not, it’s tipped in favour of the powerful and wealthy by using systematic oppression. The majority live in relative or absolute poverty, with PoC disproportionately at the bottom. I would argue that we already live in that Hobbesian state of nature that you fear, where people would sell their granny to keep up with the Jones’s. We are a devided nation in a world that is poised for WW3 in the middle of a pandemic. As a nation we are xenophobic and hostile to people we perceive as foreigners or poor, whilst giving them a round of applause at 8pm on a Thursday. We have done similar before in times of crisis and war.
    Whilst we have made limited progress towards a more equal and stable society, the dominant are reluctant to relenqish power. You can see it in our politics and the workplace, where minorities and the poor have to be twice as good and work twice as hard to gain recognition. Nobody is saying that white men don’t have a hard time, but they don’t have a hard time because they are black.
    You want a manifesto from BLM, detailing what their demands are. BLM are an unorganised collective, who work together in support of each other’s causes. These individual causes range in everything from access, unlawful shooting, education, health, and that list is not exhaustive. It is a good example of social anarchy (anarchy doesn’t equate to violence) where different groups work together, as has happened in the Uk under lockdown. If you are looking for a soundbite like “Make ‘Murica Great (again?)” my personal suggestion would be R.E.S.P.E.C.T

    Free Member

    5plusn8 I’m sure we’re all guilty of it to some degree, we’re conditioned by our society and that society is white male dominated. Whilst we are a product of that society we can’t use that as an excuse, there have always been voices which have countered it and it’s time we recognise them. This does require us as individuals to reflect upon our own views and educate ourselves about others experiences. We can’t do this without help as a lot of it is unconscious bias but we do need to develop an acceptance for when we get it wrong so that we have the opportunity to learn.
    I’m lucky that my social circle is culturally rich, which creates an environment which is tolerant and open to discussion about each others beliefs and background. I’ve exposed my ignorance many times, to my horror and embarrassment, but I listened and changed my language and outlook.

    Kryton57 it’s those kind of micro-aggressions that white people often don’t notice and don’t realise happen on regular occurrence. It’s the kind of experience that leaves you questioning what you just witnessed

    Free Member

    @molgrips of course, let me know if you’d like any more information. I have identified systemic and institutional racism within the Scottish education system, judicial system and government. This stems from the playground to Bute House, and all I’m asking for is implicit bias training for educational staff, and a few judicial reviews. I’m not going to get any justice in retrospect and I’m not holding out for an apology, but if I can make a positive change for future generations I’d be well chuffed

    Free Member

    I appreciate Mark’s reprieve and invite to discuss the issues, it’s a gesture that is welcome and shows a willingness to listen and discuss. I like the community that has been fostered on this forum, I’ve learned everything from how to fit tubeless tyres to which security camera to get. I’ve met and had the most fun I’ve had on a bike with people who I’ve met through the STW forum. It’s certainly something to be proud of… Now, I’m not going to get all emotional.
    I have never spoken with an agenda, I’m a cyclist (you’ve made me admit it) and a parent and some threads touch a nerve, I speak from the heart, experience and knowledge. I am autistic and I do try to be courteous, but I can see how that can appear shibboleth or blunt. I am sorry for offending people with my manner, please feel free to check me if I get it wrong again; but I do hope that I don’t.

    Free Member

    Even as a SJW snowflake remoaner tree-hugging card-carrying yoghurt knitter

    I’m not racist but…

    Morons be moroning

    you’ll quickly see that it’s because they’ve all been up in the park

    It’s their own fault.

    The British in general have been terrible at adhering to restrictions and have one of the highest death rates. Now compare that to Asian countries…

    PoC in the UK are tired and can’t take the systemic racism anymore. We’re currently praising them as key workers, whilst we vilify them for our misgivings

    Free Member

    The very credibility of the state as provider of law and order is at stake.

    The state has long lost any credibility, and is not going to gain it back with more violence. It was state sanctioned murder that started the protests and exposed the systemic racism, people are wanting to see that the government is willing to listen and change. If the military go in fighting it could result in more uprising

    Free Member

    I was totally blind to racism, I lived in a nice bubble where most people were civil and polite. That was until I met my ex, who was from Nigeria. I’d never been pulled over by the police to ask what I was doing driving in a neighbourhood, until I met him. Almost every family wedding we went to, the border agency were there, I was considering sending them a formal invite. Each time we applied for a visa it would be declined, only to be accepted a week before we were due in court. We never knew if he was going to be served a deportation notice, or if he was going to be detained when he had to sign weekly at the police station.
    It’s worse for our kids though. My youngest was dismissed as being too sensitive, when her friends were saying that brown people are dirty/smelly/stupid… Kids will be kids though, eh? Parents would shout at my kids that they weren’t allowed to play in parkland, the others could stay though.
    She tried to whiten her skin with toothpaste, aged 5. Age six, she was talking about suicide.
    Then a teacher made a racist comment, backed up by the Head of Education; stating that “black people are physiologically different to white people”. The SPSO legislation actively prevents them from even investigating. I wrote to every agency, but it was not within their remit. I wrote to MSP’s and the media, but there was limited interest.
    I wrote to every BAME professor of education, sociology and sports in the UK. I received quite moving replies of support, encouraging me not to give up. I compiled a tight case, which I took to the best human rights lawyer who commended my work. He recommended that I push for a judicial review, at a cost of at least £60k. Legal aid isn’t available for human rights or public law.
    Whilst that was going on I was ostracised for speaking out, the PC refused to help despite policy and the council threatened to take my kids off of me; I really should consider the effect my fight has on their mental health.
    My kids have been called monkey and N*, they have been followed and stared at, and they have been beaten by gangs.
    They are 9 and 12, we live in a pretty little Scottish village not far from Edinburgh, full of professionals and ex teachers.
    From this small snapshot of my experience you can see how policy and practice, whilst all being legal can institutionally discriminate. This isn’t a unique experience, this is the daily experience of the vast majority of BAME people in the UK. I’ve been “privileged” to gain an insight as to how the system works, and it’s my sense of entitlement that is driving me to push for justice. Despite being shut down numerous times, I’ve been patient and I hope people are ready to listen.

    Free Member

    @Rydster. I was referring to white westerners, as our governments are in our image and reflect the values of the majority.

    Free Member

    As is typical with STW – the idiots always come out in defence of the other idiots.

    This thread has been quite different to other discussions and STW threads regarding racism, normally the person calling it who is hounded. Instead of justifying our ignorance and prejudices with the Edinburgh defense, people have sought to challenge it politely and also acknowledge that they maybe unwittingly part of the problem.
    I thought Kip posted quite an enlightening piece, it’s not the responsibility of BAME people to educate us on the damage that our systemic racism has done to their lives. We are the perpetrators of this harm and we should be looking towards ourselves to change our own attitudes, no one else can do this for us.

    Free Member

    Poah, you seem a little fragile yourself. You may think it isn’t relevant to you because you are in a privileged position, but it is to those it negatively affects. It has been articulately explained to you how insidious racism is and you retaliated with an insult, your status is not under threat and you don’t need to be so defensive.

    Free Member

    Whilst it is important to see each person as individual, by not acknowledging colour you don’t see their difficulties. BAME people face micro-aggressions, discrimination, and hostility daily at school, shopping and work. It’s the kids who call them monkey, it’s the teacher who blames them because they think black people are stupid, the security guard that follows them because they think black people are dodgy, as well as the boss who thinks they are lazy. You don’t have to be a redneck to be racist, educated, kind, and polite people are too.
    In response to Tj and Mooman:- If a patient is distressed by the skin colour of a staff member to the point of potentially injuring themselves or others, then surely it makes sense to wait until another member of staff is available, unless it’s life or death. I’d entrust a relative’s care to Tj, his retirement will be a loss to patients and staff in our NHS

    Free Member

    Vinnyeh, if someone makes a racist comment, it is still racist even if it’s through ignorance and they don’t mean to insult. The difference as to whether the individual is racist or not, is in whether they attempt to rectify their faux pas.
    White privilege is also a form of racism as it benefits one skin colour over others, whether or not you intend it it still occurs and you still gain from it.

    Free Member

    Sorry OP, I missed the “How”. It depends on what form the racism takes, I’ve done everything from taking people aside to explain, politely challenging their views in open discussion, throwing an insult, and writing letters.
    *Edit Thanks Kryton57, I forgot to point out that the list by Scott Woods isn’t exhaustive. Privilege is another

    Free Member

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” said somebody else.
    I consider it a duty too, because I’m white I’m in a position of privilege which is not afforded to people of colour, and they may not be in a position to challenge it as they are more likely to face retribution.
    It’s important to recognise that racism isn’t only hate or aggression, it’s apathy, indifference, power…
    Would people call out racial discrimination or profiling in the workplace for example?

    Free Member

    😂 Not as unusual as I thought, but they only got the wrong address once. We’ve had at least 6 separate incidents over a sustained period of time.
    I wondered if the addresses could be taken from a pin drop on Google maps or something, but the people at the doors have been given the address by someone and have called someone to confirm. So whoever it is, is actively doing so knowing that people are being turned away.

    Free Member

    There is a group option available, what is your address?

    Free Member

    Haha, there seems to be a glitch with my Fantasy Faeries business app. I’ve been testing it out on the neighbours, but Mary got Mark’s, and Mark got Mike’s

    Free Member

    I’ve asked, both times they have replied that “someone” gave it to them and that they can’t tell me who. I’ve had a look at fb, but I’d expect that if anything were posted it would be on a more private platform. It’s certainly strange, and we are none the the wiser as to who or why.

    Free Member

    1. Azalea?
    2. Hawthorn
    3. Rhododendron?
    4. I can’t remember the name, it’s a variegated shrub with loads of wee pink flowers

    Free Member

    No problem, enjoy your new garden in the sunshine ☀

    Free Member

    Climbing hydrangea

    Free Member

    The events have happened individually at different times of day, but the people have been approaching houses in various numbers. It’s not just been prostitutes, it could be drugs as well, we’ve even had a taxi load of gatecrashers. In fact they’ve sent everything apart from the booze, I’ll await a tesco van next. If Carlsberg did covid lockdown parties it would be a lot better than this.
    I was wondering if some **** was posting an ad on gumtree, Snapchat or whatever with a drop pin, some of them seem to be trying to phone or message to check the address, are they calling Chastity?
    Who knows?

    Free Member

    Hey, yeah.
    It’s all been quiet today thankfully. Another incident from Saturday has come to light though. A group of 6 tried to get into a neighbour’s for a party, and became pushy and abusive but they didn’t get in. Did anyone order hookers and coke?
    The neighbours have been great, we’ve sorted out an informal neighbourhood watch for the moment and have been discussing cctv. There’s a few vulnerable residents who are worried, so we’re working together so that we can feel a bit safer. Still no idea what’s going on though.

    Free Member

    I can see the funny side of it, I used to live and work in a Dutch hotel 🤣🤣🤣 No, not one that rented rooms or girls by the hour. It’s pure speculation but I wondered if it could somehow be connected to what’s been going on.
    Today I’ve been getting calls from a private number, asking me to confirm that my name is xxxx. Her name was Chastity and was calling from a company that doesn’t exist.
    It is freaking me out and I’m not getting much sleep, it’s totally insane.

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