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  • faerie
    Free Member

    Poah, BLM is a movement of individuals, not an organisation. They stand for more than stopping police violence and are fighting to end racism in all its forms, I’m looking for a judicial review of SPSO legislation and legal aid for human rights and public law cases, it is something that will be of benefit to all lives.
    Some black people such as Morgan Freeman and Kanye West have internalised racism, refusing to see it as a collective problem and projecting the blame back on to individuals and accepting the narrative of “whiteness”.

    Cougar, your honky ass assumed correctly. There’s been quite a bit of discussion around terminology and language, black is inclusive of anyone of colour, but fails to recognise the vast diversity of culture and experience. BAME is not a word and is falling out of favour as it segregates people who have a shared experience and diminishes their issues. PoWER, People Who Experience Racism has been mooted

    Free Member

    Tj, it’s good to hear that these discussions are being had, thank you.

    Free Member

    Black Lives Matter because they’re not valued as equal to white lives.
    For All Lives Matter to be true we need to end discrimination and recognise that being white gives us access to opportunities that are not available to those who experience racism.
    Feel free to ask more questions 😊

    Free Member

    2tbsp Smoked paprika
    1tbsp ground cummin
    Some Oregano
    Some Chilli powder

    And 1 tbsp of tomato puree and a little garlic if you want.
    Lightly fry before you add the meat and vegetables, then enjoy 😊

    Free Member

    Lamp, please watch the video I’ve not long posted, we’ve been over that discussion recently with Ninfan.
    Re Cumbria, the black population makes up just 0.01% yet it has one of the worst crime rates in England. The police are aware of around 54 gangs operating in the area and the most recent county lines arrests were of a gang of 15 white people.

    Free Member

    I was badly bullied all through school, being an aspie, freckley redhead with an adopted sister they had plenty ammunition. It was a relief to get away from and I put it behind me pretty swiftly. That was until I met a narcissistic **** who brought it all back, which almost destroyed me. I’m now extremely conscious of my appearance and mannerisms which makes face to face interaction awkward as I’m so anxious. I avoid social interaction, being autistic means that I’m quite happy dottering about on my own and communicating online.
    It’s not only affected my social life but my work too, my most recent job ended when I was asked to leave when I put in a formal complaint against my boss for his treatment of me. I’m not sure what I’m going to do now, lockdown gave me a bit of a breather but now things are going back to normal I’m dreading having to go through it all again.

    Free Member

    Here’s a good wee video which explains why people of colour are stopped and searched more often

    Free Member

    You can buy larger bottles from your local saddlery, it’s meant to waterproof rugs but it’s the same stuff for the same fabrics.

    Free Member

    Absolutely Tj. Cressida Dick has made an apology to Williams for her distress, not for the way in which the police treated them though, which she said is justified. She still maintains that the Met and the wider police forces are not institutionally racist, despite evidence to the contrary.

    It’s good to hear that people are having conversations and challenging racism, that’s one of the most important things that we can do to work towards equality. We’ve made more progress in the past month than we have done in the past decade, because of those discussions. These conversations are what’s prompted the turnaround from universities and local authorities, although what they’ve offered is purely performance and doesn’t affect change.
    I had an interesting talk today with a guy who has called out Edinburgh City Council for racism in one of its schools, I’m now organising a campaign for a judicial review of SPSO legislation which prevents them investigating conduct, curriculum or discipline in in our agencies and institutions. Anyone know how to do that without £60k – £100k? Legal aid isn’t available for human rights or public law cases, so could I do it by representing myself against the government?

    Free Member

    Drac it wasn’t a criticism, I understand that the mods have other commitments too.

    Thegreatape it means a lot to me to hear that, thank you

    Free Member


    its why i stopped posting earlier, I was at risk of getting emotionally involved to a point i might have deserved a ban myself, but it was far better to let certain people expose themselves.


    Free Member

    Umm, awkward.
    I’ll not go over my past on the forum but I’ve been extremely heartened by the efforts made so far by the STW team to address the various issues regarding all forms of bigotry on the platform.
    Whilst the forum has been a lot more pleasant recently, I agree that more can be done as providing a platform for discrimination doesn’t reflect well on the mag or on cycling. Placing the onus on individuals to report has its flaws, I know that I struggle with it as I’m unsure if I’m being a “snowflake” or “extreme” and what the popular opinion is.

    Free Member

    Mrlebowski, how about build? Heavy or athletic?
    Hair? Short, weave, natural or dreadlocks?
    Nose? Broad or narrow?
    I had the police at my door once, as there’d been a break in in a neighbouring town, the police had my partners address as he had to register weekly with the police as part of immigration control. They were there purely because he is black and that was the only description they had. If the description they had was of a white male would they then go around every white male in the county?

    Free Member

    Baboonz, you’ve cherry picked random quotes from various people and placed them out of context whilst dismissing opinion and hard evidence such as the MacPherson Report and articles.

    Ninfan, whilst white males are stopped more than white females, it’s more likely because the police have a witness or concrete evidence that they have committed a crime. Such as a description of hair colour, build and clothing. Black males are more likely to be stopped, because of racial profiling and white people find it hard to describe discerning features. Are you suggesting that a predominantly male institution is discriminatory towards males?
    As I’ve asked before, if you wish to discuss sexism please start another thread as it’s not relevant to a discussion on racism.
    To paraphrase Scott Woods “Racism is more than just hate, it’s apathy, disinterest, ignorance, power and privilege.” It can also be applied to other forms of discrimination such as sexism.

    Free Member

    Ninfan, you’ve read both The MacPherson Report (29 pages of a detailed legal jargon) and my open letter?
    To form an opinion which dismisses them I presume you have cross referenced them. I’d be interested to hear your opinion. Did you find the chapter of SPSO legislation I referred to in my letter and can you comment on its impact on the investigation of public agencies?
    What about legal aid? And why is it not available for human rights or public law cases?
    If being a white woman qualifies me to offer an opinion on sexism within the force then I shall offer one. I’m not going to look up statistics for the amount of women in the force but I think we can accept that it’s considerably less than men. Why do so few women join?
    Is it because it’s a predominantly male institution?
    Does that in turn then mean that its difficult for women to progress?
    I’m aware that Cressida Dick is now Commissioner so that shows progress for women.
    Was that not the answer you were fishing for?
    Ok, so a predominantly white male force stops all males more than females. Why is that? I could throw data at you which demonstrates that men are inherently more violent and criminal but that would not give you a true picture, would it? No, because there are other issues at play. We can’t use the socioeconomical argument as female single parents are worse off than single white males.

    *Edit Sorry for the abrupt ending, I don’t wish to derail the thread and discuss sexism however if you wish to start another thread I’ll do my homework so that I can give an appropriate answer.

    PS, I’m also neurodiverse (diagnosed autism) with Savant syndrome

    Free Member

    Until the 12th these books from Cambridge Press are free to read

    Free Member

    Ninfan, did you read any of the information I posted?
    Yes, I’ve asked a lot of questions to encourage you to think. You haven’t actually answered any of mine. I’ve provided two links to evidence of institutional racism, do you know what it is?
    “Institutional racism is that which, covertly or overtly, resides in the policies, procedures, operations and culture of public or private institutions – reinforcing individual prejudices and being reinforced by them in turn.”
    A. Sivanandan, Director, Institute of Race Relations

    You want numbers as evidence, yet the data you’ve provided could also be used to demonstrate that institutional racism does exist. There’s been no study of the police to determine the extent of racism in the force and how it is applied to their daily duties. Yet, we can see through a vast amount of individual cases that it does exist and that it is recognised by government agencies and independent institutions. Your comparison to conspiracy theories doesn’t reflect well on your character and highlights your own ignorance.

    I can’t comment on sexism in the police, although I’ve no doubt that it occurs it’s not my area of interest. I’m not going to answer your questions as they have no relevance to the discussion. It’s quite clear that you have no interest in participating in the discussion other than to claim **** lives matter. I’ve no interest in engaging with you further, until you have read the information I’ve provided.

    Free Member

    The Yellow Submarine still gives me recurring nightmares, 40yrs after I saw it.
    I ain’t afraid of no ghost, but true stories like Wolf Creek and psychological thrillers scare me witless for weeks. I’ve not watched any for a while, what with randoms turning up at my door (see cctv thread)

    Free Member

    Ahhh, I get you now Ninfan; you’re part of the problem and blinded by whiteness. Are you aware that the philosopher I quoted earlier provided a foundation for eugenics? Eugenics was the pseudo science that the Nazi’s used to justify the Holocaust.
    Because systemic racism hasn’t been quantified in an easy to digest graph you refuse to accept it. Systemic and institutional racism are insidious and unless you are the victim of it, it is very difficult to see, yet it affects every aspect of life. It’s not an area which has been studied in detail, I’d say that was because of racism and we don’t want to recognise the damage we’re doing. Perhaps you don’t want see it because you would then have to recognise your own privilege, and that will further expose your own fragility. You dismissed the MacPherson report as being out of date, what do you think has progressed in the 20yrs that have elapsed?
    If you would like a more up to date example then read my open letter regarding institutional racism in education, in it I have outlined how our society is racist from the playground to the government, with evidence using research, legislation and policy. I’m not an academic but it was reviewed by several (80) professors as I wanted to ensure that my information was correct before I went public.

    P.S You’re also muddling quotes from myself and Molgrips

    Free Member

    Ninfan, you may not be suggesting that black people are inferior, but you are inferring that they’re more likely to be criminal and that although they suffer socioeconomic issues disproportionately, this is their own fault. A black person has to work twice as hard to be half as good.
    Immanuel Kant on “Negroes” :- ” a people of beastly living, without God,
    law, or religion, or commonwealth” James Antony Froude said that slavery gave them an opportunity to rise in creation, do you think prison does the same?

    Free Member

    Tj, thanks.

    Ninfan, here’s the MacPherson report which details institutional racism within the Met police.

    Free Member

    Ninfan, you’re bang on about the socio-economic reasons being a huge contributor to recorded crime. Black people are more likely to live in poverty, again this is due to systemic racism.
    Our education system is biased towards white people. People who have foreign sounding names are marked lower than those with British names, yet when the candidates submit work as a number they receive higher grades. Black kids are labeled as more disruptive and less engaged in learning than their white peers due to the prejudices of teaching staff, therefore they have lower achievement and negative outcomes.
    You’re also bang on when you say that the problem is cyclical, it’s a self fulfilling proficy where people live down to expectations. Why bother trying to achieve when you’re just going to be dismissed by the system anyway.
    I’ve included my personal anecdotes so that I can relay the issues in a relatable manner. TBH I don’t have the time at the moment to provide you with all the relevant statistics and evidence, I have however signposted you to Akala who has done extensive research on racism in the police and judicial system. I’d also highly recommend the Anti-Racist Educator, they have a wealth of resources aimed at untangling prejudices. My own views have come from personal experience of racism and institutional racism within the Scottish education system and government, which have prompted me to research the subject and identify clear indicators of oppression. It’s difficult to address all of the points you have made with the restrictions of a comment. If you wish to read an open letter I wrote on the topic it’s available on Twitter under the user name Aweeshoe, if you wish to have my opinions validated then have a look at my followers.
    I’m an accidental activist, it’s not an issue which I have courted willingly but out of necessity as a parent. I am racist as I’m a product of our society (British black people are also racist as they internalise white values) but it’s something I am conscious of and work to eradicate in myself and others for the benefit of us all.

    Free Member

    Please excuse the formatting of my previous post, I’m not very tech savvy which makes it hard to read.

    Ninfan, I think you’re misunderstanding the problem. Black people are disproportionately and repeatedly stopped and searched when they haven’t commented a crime, and the police turn a blind eye when white people have committed a crime. It’s through this bias that our prison system is disproportionately populated by black people as they’re more likely to be caught if they do. In my anecdote the person I was with doesn’t touch weed, yet he was the one who was searched. The police were awfully apologetic towards me for the inconvenience, no charges were made despite the misdemeanor in my pocket.
    If you listen to Akala he explains it way better than I can in a short post.

    Inkster, those are good questions which lead on to how black people are more likely to suffer from mental illness. Again, they’re less likely to receive the support which they are in need of due to systemic racism and myths.

    I understand how challenging it is to recognise personal biases and prejudices as it forces us to question our own education, morals, values and how we apply them in our daily lives through actions and language. It starts with recognising there’s a problem, then goes on to realising that you are a part of it whether that is consciously or not, as we are judged on our whitness by others. Learning that you unwittingly contribute to the oppression of others is a bitter pill, but one that needs addressing so that we can achieve a fair society. Whilst this may not be the fault of the individual, it is each individuals responsibility to address it.

    Free Member

    Why did they perform the stop is a different question.

    Racial profiling.

    Black people are over 40% more likely than white people to be stopped and searched by the police. This isn’t because black people are more likely to commit crimes, they’re just more likely to caught and charged than whites because of the higher rates of stop and search.
    People are questioning why he didn’t just surrender to the will of the police and comply. Can you imagine being regularly pulled over, sometimes twice in a day because you looked at the police and are wearing joggers?
    For middle class white people the police are their to protect you, but for black people they’re there to hassle you and often act with disproportionate violence. Even if you’re the victim you will be searched and possibly cuffed, like the little lad who was beaten and went to them for help.

    White people have been conditioned to believe that black people are inferior, more criminal, lazy, and stupid than whites through a systemically racist system and an overtly racist society and insidious systemic racism. You may think that you’re not racist because you have black friends and wouldn’t call someone a racist name, however it’s something that needs to be constantly worked at to ensure that you’re not applying biases. As a white person I’ve been witness to various forms of racism, from being pulled over whilst driving with a black man; he was searched, I wasn’t (I did have a gram of weed on me) to border control appearing at legal weddings.

    To return to the original question

    Why did they perform the stop is a different question

    My local authority Head of Education said that *”The teacher gave his class factual information in relation to the bone density of black people and white people and an explanation of the physiology of black people” when a teacher made a racist comment to a group of 10 yr olds talking about their swimming lessons. Now, if you have been taught that ability comes from a lack of melanin and follow that line of “science” you will also learn that black people are criminal. This was upheld by the Scottish Education Minister John Swinney as local authorities can set their own curriculum under the Curriculum for Exellence. Some of these kids are going to go on to be police officers, who will see black people as a threat.

    *Her grammar as a Head of Education is terrible.

    Free Member

    There’s been some fantastic speakers at the Stand Up To Racism online rallies. Tonight was the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Diane Abbot, and Kwame Kwei-Armah OBE.

    Free Member

    The National Trust for Scotland gives Neil Oliver full support for his love of Starkey, because he said it before the interview was aired.
    MoreCash, my daughter was wondering that as she’s the only kid with African heritage in her year. One teacher did BLM for a week but my daughter abstained as blatant racism was unchecked.

    Free Member

    I like their sound

    Free Member

    True, but they are the main beneficiaries. The police appear overstretched because they are having to respond to incidents and issues related to mental health crisises, drug and alcohol problems, rough sleeping and domestic violence. These are areas which have been defunded during austerity putting greater pressure on the police, whilst criminalising behaviours associated with poverty. Increasing police funding is not going to impact the problems, it won’t make the streets safer, it just means that the system can incarcerate more people so that we don’t see them.
    Keir seems to be applying his human rights experience to negotiate the minimum disruption for billionaires and business, rather than supporting people.

    Free Member

    I think you’re misunderstanding the call to defund the police so here’s an example.
    The Ministry of Justice has announced plans to build four new prisons to cope with overcrowding as our prison population grows. The prison system is subcontracted to private contractors to provide staff and services, making a healthy profit in the process. We’re criminalising a huge percentage of young people, and disproportionately PoWER (BAME, POC). By defunding the police that money could be redirected towards mental health, education, housing and offsetting poverty.
    It’s been shown to work in the Netherlands, they’re actually closing prisons.
    I had high hopes for Keir, his credentials are good but his virtue is transparent

    Free Member

    Nigel Farage has given his endorsement to Starmer for denouncing BLMUK and referring it to a “moment”. Keir puts on empty performances over action, he’ll take the knee but he’ll not call out racism. He’s clearly being divisive within the party and it’s supporters to win the popular vote, he’s the thinking man’s Boris.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve just been asked to write a chapter on allyship and the challenges I face as an anti-racist white person; it’s for an anthology on racism in a Scottish context. I’m feeling a bit out of my depth, but so honoured to be considered an ally and to have insight and a positive influence for a change.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up, I’ll watch it on iPlayer later

    Free Member

    The organised crime unit looked into it initially, as they thought it may have something to do with county lines, but that was disregarded when we learned of the other incidents that happened to neighbours. There’s no nearby streets with a similar name and no other house numbers which can be confused. Four neighbours, all in a cluster on the corner of a cul-de-sac, have had hookers and party goers on the same night as me. I wondered if someone had posted or replied on something like Snapchat or Instagram that there was a party here and put a picture of Google maps. The neighbours think it could be a young lad across the road, I don’t think he’s got the money for coke and hookers.
    I think the other night was the 3rd time I’ve had someone at my door since March, that I’ve been aware of. The first two were around the same time of night, with a similar script. The 3rd was earlier in the evening, the kids called me to say someone was at the door and I opened it. He’d already clicked that he had the wrong address and was leaving.
    The camera picked up a car pulling up and then turning just at the periphery of the camera, but I got a clear view of him as he approached the door. It’s not helpful though without the taxi details, we have the name of one company but we don’t know if they’re all from the same one. I’ve also had weird calls once a week, which alternate between two fictitious companies. One of the callers was called Chastity, it may or may not be related to the visitors.
    Going by the principles of Occams razor, I’ve narrowed it down to an individual but I don’t want to believe that they would do something like this again. If it is the individual I’m thinking of then they may have seen the thread, I’m aware that they follow me on other platforms but I don’t use this user name on anything else.
    What if I’m wrong and it’s not them?
    But, I guess if it is whom I think then the intent to cause doubt would be calculated.

    Free Member

    I’ve questioned each individual as to why they’re at my door, two said that it was for a delivery but they wouldn’t tell me who from or what it was. Last night’s guy didn’t want to linger for my questions when he realised that I hadn’t ordered his services.
    I’ve called the local taxi companies and have told them what’s happening and put a block on my address, but the taxis seem to be coming from further afield. The police are also looking into it, but nothing illegal has actually happened so they’re not that concerned, although it’s becoming harassment. I can see the funny side but it’s happening regularly and frightening my kids and neighbours.
    I didn’t want to believe that someone could stoop so low, but I have my suspicions and I’m considering giving their name to the police. It’s put me in a horrible position and is messing with my mind

    Free Member

    So I got the camera installed and had no nonsense for weeks. Until tonight, wrong address again. Once he’d gone I looked through the footage and the taxi had parked up the road behind someone else’s car. Meh.

    Free Member

    I find the language used to describe the statue protectors and Millwall fans interesting, calling out racism has become more offensive than calling someone a ****. Only Boris and Humza have called them out.

    Free Member

    With an ice cream tub and book, like you would with a spider. Only they’re faster and jumpy-er, have fun 😂

    Free Member

    When I reported a teacher to the police (having exhausted the official non-existent route of complaint) for racism, I had a visit from the chief superintendent to ask what my definition of racism and institutional racism is.
    I had to ask if he’d read the MacPherson report for starters. There’s no point in inquiries if they’re not going to follow up with the recommendations set out.
    I should also mention that I got a visit from the social work too, as they were concerned about my mental health, and if I pursued my case it may harm my children and they would have to intervene.

    Free Member

    There’s been racist riots in Glasgow today, I really don’t know what to say 😔

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