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  • Issue 154 UK Adventure: Chariots of Rust
  • Eyepic
    Free Member

    I once had hic-ups for 8 days…. it was utterly exhausting and made me shockingly ill.

    the problem turned out to be indegestion/trapped wind…. May need to see your GP if it goes on too long.

    Free Member

    Isn’t true black sort of… the lack of light…. or such tiny amounts of light such that your eye can’t detect it … so black could just be tinsy winsey anounts of white…. just a matter of scale really!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Well I am with TJ (for a change) on this one.
    My top 3 worst cities are (in no particular order)




    Bet you can guess what my top ten worst are as well!!!!.

    Free Member

    It’s not about the company …. It’s about the habit.

    Free Member

    I may have slipped into some dangerous territory. Possibly, quite a long way into it. Anybody else had a revelation?

    Been there got that T-shirt.
    If you think that you may have slipped a long way into dangerous waters there is a dammed good chance you have.

    I have been in the habbit of drinking too much was convinced that I didn’t really have a problem as I could stop if I wished … and could stop for a number of days at a time if required.

    Underneath it all I secretly knew that I was drinking too much … as I suspect you do.

    When I stopped drinking it took three weeks until I felt a lot better.

    Try giving up alcohol for a month… I don’t mean cutting down … total and absolute abtainance…. I mean total … no sherry trifle etc.

    At the end of the month you WILL know if you have a problem. I did.

    All the very best


    Free Member

    Had this problem

    This may do the trick (please excuse the sound track)

    If not there is something that will help on U Tube.


    Free Member

    Had considered waiting until Autumn …. but am looking to commute during Summer so lights may be of use to stop some Chav mowing me down on the road.

    Free Member

    Do Dog and Monkey…( you can’t really do the Monkey without doing the Dog) there are a hell of a lot of breaking bumps but they are sort of riding OK … well they were today… bit of mud in parts but oK…

    Do let us know how it went.

    Free Member

    +1 for more or less.

    Free Member

    No really DON’T

    Free Member

    Or don’t …. If you want to keep the contents of your stomach.

    Free Member

    rbrstrWould look to pop around sometime if OK with you …. Where are you?

    email is:

    Free Member

    rbrstr Yes please

    Do tell more

    Free Member

    I am near Rugby.. Midlands…. in the little village of Willey.
    Small village but big on cycling. Over 10% of the village are regular cyclists.

    Free Member

    I find it OK but the camera is pooh… really pooh but it is OK as a phone.

    Free Member

    Not Rugby……. Never go there…. never live there. any where else will do.

    Free Member

    Not done the skills course…. but have crashed on the Long Mynd.

    Free Member

    Thanks… Sorry to be negative about new site if you are still building it…. a bit pre-emptive.

    I am a huge fan of your stuff and perhaps more importantly your attitude…. and I want you to be totally successful (would only want comments to be taken in a positive way).

    I know this is somewhat off subject… but keep up the great work.

    Free Member


    How much are the 2.5s then?
    I looked on your wedsite but noticed that you had hidden them….
    Bit of a shame really… sorry to add this but not persuaded that the new site design is quite right.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a visual migraine to me… Couple of quick questions if I may:

    Do you see the same lights/flashes in both eyes at the same time?

    When you close your eyes are they stil there?


    Free Member

    Oddly I am going into work late today as I have an appointmet with my GP to discuss depression… Unlike you for me this is not a first – I have been on medication before.. Mine is not caused by stress at work, but my depression causes me to feel the pressures of work more. When I go on to anti depressants (sp) it enables me to deal much better, I get through the “sticky patch” and then after a while I come off the pills and am OK.

    Why look at the drastic step of changing job for what may be a short term issue? Pills to not turn you into the mindless unfeeling zombie that some people seem to think they do … I find a closer description is that it feels more like late spring rather than winter…because you feel less opressed you feel better able to cope and more inclined to do things.

    All the best

    Free Member

    Boody hell don’t want to spent £60k….. mind you don’t really want to spend anything … but do want the extra space.

    Free Member

    We have enough equity in the house to potentially borrow the lot on the mortgage…. I just resent the idea of borrowing too much.

    Free Member

    How much does it cost to get married or form a civil partnership?
    What you need to do Cost
    Give notice before registering a marriage or civil partnership £33.50
    Register a marriage or civil partnership at a register office £40.00
    Register a marriage or civil partnership on approved premises The cost for attendance by the superintendent registrar and registrar is set by the local authority.

    A further charge is likely to be made by the owners of the building for the use of the premises.
    Cost of religious ceremony in the Church of England or Church in Wales Please check fees with the vicar of the church in which you are planning to marry.
    Cost of religious ceremony at a building other than Church of England or Church in Wales Unless the building has an Authorised Person, there will be an £80 fee for the registrar. There may be further fees charged by the trustees of the building and the person who performs the ceremony.
    Cost of marriage or civil partnership certificate on the day £3.50

    Do we need to have a whip around??

    Free Member

    Could be the neighbours…. You had nice ones…. then you moved in and the value went down?….

    If you move out the value of your house goes up!!!!

    Sorry just saying than for kicks… you may be great neighbours… or come to think of it …. never a true word etc??

    No I think you must be nice folks…. you ride a bike don’t you?

    Free Member

    Had big problems with them in the past..

    Then I read the instructions and bedded them in properly …. no problems since…

    Ignore the haters, cos they are wrong.

    Supersatr pads are spot on.

    Free Member

    We stopped at Sainte Foy… which I belive is where Stevo is based… There are some cracking trails around that part of the world and I have to say there is no way in Gods Earth that I will not be going back there again.

    I have only 2 regrets
    Regret number 1….I didn't know my way around at first… but as we were there for 2 weeks we esentially used the first week sussing the place out. If I were going for a single week I would consider getting professional assistance.

    Regret number 2… I saw the worlds most apauling marmoset in Super U (a local supermarket)… should have bought it for a mate. Just to take the P.

    What I would say though, is that some of the best riding (for me at least) was not the stuff wazzing straight down the mountainside.. but some of the more picturesque (sp) stuff through the woods etc… we did some cracking little (800 meter decent)rides from St Foy Station uplift down into the village below…. Down what I belive were old goat trails.. through the woods then between houses etc … It isn't all about who has the biggest balls but also can be about just having a fantastic time.

    I didn't upgrade my brakes just changed my pads, but a good mate upgraded the power of his brakes by getting bigger discs (and also changing his pads).

    Can't recoment the Alps enough…. but remember the Alps has trails for all riders.

    Free Member

    My son and I did the Alps thing for the first time this summer…. I have a Trek EX9 and my son a Ti On-one.

    We went to Les Arcs for a couple of days and had a great blast … But we decided to ride within our limits and only fell off once each. The trails were a lot les technical than the stuff we have ridden in the UK but they were bloody big and steep… as a result we found ourselves going a heck of a lot faster than we were used to and accidents would have been quite uncomfortable. For that reason I felt that I wanted my knee and elbow pads and a "Giro Hex or Xen" type helmet would have been prefered by me… I really didn't feel a need for the full face jobbie.

    The local however were all fully padded up with full face and full armour… we were also the only people that we saw clipped in (clipless).

    The thing that we would both have changed was tyres… we had our normal tyres (fire xe pro)but we should have put on much, much, heavier tyres… after all we were not going up hills so weight is not an issue and the ground was pigging rough …. the very heavy duty braking would have been helped with a very chunky tread.

    One day we booked a couple of downhill bikes at Tignes… they came with the full protection.. full face helmet.. full body armour (or gimp suit as was muttered)and had 20cm of travel. Both my son and I really looked forward to that day…

    Well we did it … The lad loved it .. I hated it (aparently it was the fastest that anyone returned a bike)… I suffer from claustrophobia).

    After a couple of runs my son was passing anyone, said it was like riding an armchair compaired to his hardtail.

    Alps well worth the trip.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Welsh – British.

    Free Member

    Had a great Day with Tony today….

    Very impressed.


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