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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • exsee
    Free Member

    +1 Molgrips.
    Mods could you remove bigbuds post? there is no report button on that post so I guess it has already been reported??

    Somebody has been on the brink and been helped out a bit by a few generous forum bods, don’t reverse that help bigbud. Being on the edge of life is not an easy place to ever recover from so don’t assume anything.

    OP if you’re still reading, take it easy and don’t get stressed or bogged down about the return, It will work out in the end no doubt.

    Free Member

    pondo, that doesn’t look right at all. I’ve read it a couple of times and it looks like a guaranteed lottery win the way you’ve written it, am I missing something simple or have you made a mistake?
    Rebate information on wiki

    Free Member

    Yes it’s a compromise that will appeal to everyone apart from die hard ‘we must remain at all costs’ and no dealers. the rebate is highly complex and contentious anyway, the EU will be better off financially and they will continue the good work without us at the table. We will still have considerable influence if we become a better European neighbour.
    I’m happy to pay more and have less of a say while still trying to keep the lid on the chaos we have created, what would be your concerns with that?

    Free Member

    Cherries we lose would be rebate and seat at the round table in my preferred deadlock breaker. Both minor and have potential to be a net gain in the long run

    Free Member

    Kelvin when did I say that was my vote option? I won’t be putting the deals together as you well know but the independent impartial body will look into the realities of any agreement so everything on the table will be ratified and ready to go, no more unicorns from anyone.
    The compromise vote I would propose personally would be almost identical to what we have now just without the cherries, jobs a goodun.

    Being offensive is being offensive Kelvin, just no need and completely against the Singletrack ethos. If we don’t call it out it grows like Japanese Knotweed.

    Free Member

    He has nothing for which to apologise. Your link goes on to discuss that how you describe the vote is very much down to interpretation. But you don’t seem like the kind of person that reads beyond the headline of the article.

    Which I had already explained in one of my previous posts to another shouty type which becomes kind of ironic doesn’t it? it’s a hugely significant part of the puzzle hence me reminding people of that point. Cougar still thinks it was an advisory irrelevance after 3 years of political mayhem. :o)
    I’ll decide if he is being offensive to me, not you, thanks.
    Will you be apologizing for being offensive matey?

    Free Member

    @ELBENT. Fact check once again don’t forget to pop an apology up mate

    You keep saying this. Adding the word “democratic” into a sentence doesn’t automatically make it so. Mob rule is not a democracy.

    The uncomfortable truth is that what you – or I – want doesn’t matter. Leave won an opinion poll by a statistically insignificant margin over three years ago, big whoop

    Cougar, you don’t like people shouting nonsense about ‘we won you lost get over it’ but you post that above, you sound like the people you have begun to loathe. Rational people have completely lost any sense of reason. I didn’t say or imply adding the word democratic in to any sentence automatically made it so? It is the largest democratic vote in British history. it’s not irrelevant no matter what you might try and convince yourself of.

    Molgrips, I’m not really sure what I think will happen if people think they’ve been stitched up, it feels like a really volatile time, if we leave with no deal I expect carnage, if we remain I expect carnage, if we can get a compromise of a leave deal across the line I expect slightly less carnage with the option to rejoin always on the table.

    Free Member

    Cougar. I have an opinion that is different to yours, sorry if you think that’s brass neck territory, you sound like one of them shouty leavers dont you think?.
    Creating a fair way forward for everyone is extremely complicated because everything has a serious knock on effect to a huge number of voters :o)
    It isn’t ridiculous to suggest that any sort of overturning of the biggest democratic vote in British history is very dangerous. I don’t think voters are going to believe in your version of democracy however much you bray about it and I think I’m more fearful of the consequences of that than actually leaving the EU. We can rejoin the EU but can we overcome the ramped up underlying resentment that will spread if people think they’ve been stitched or they might continue to vote against the system just because remain is on the ref as kelvin implies.

    Remain cannot be on the new referendum in my proposal, we need an independent impartial body to put together a referendum with leave only options. The biggest democratic vote in British history has already decided leave/remain, now we need to break the deadlock and move on. Fair and square and the the majority will accept this version of democracy.

    You are wrong, leaving the EU with a similar agreement to what we have now without the cherries is actually a better deal than what we have now. Better for the EU which means better for us in the long game.

    Free Member

    hey, being offensive on the internet isn’t new or cool squirrelking, wind your neck in or take a break from your keyboard

    Free Member

    Democracy doesn’t mean lets keep voting till we get the answer we want. remain voters won’t be disenfranchised. they will have the option to vote for something almost identical to what we currently have in place. They will sacrifice some pennies in the name of democracy, Deadlock broken.

    Free Member

    Kelvin, Show me the polls that have asked that question, you can’t pretend there is proof of something different by showing a poll that asks a completely different question.
    I am afraid by the consequences of overturning the biggest democratic vote in British history. Many rational people have lost their heads and are happily spouting hatred because ‘I want to remain/leave’
    The new ref has to be leave only options put together by an independent impartial group to break the deadlock and move on

    Free Member

    Rayban I don’t have any proof, it’s my opinion in reply to this below.

    The only thing that would break the deadlock and wouldn’t disenfranchise remainers – is a three way referendum – no deal, deal or remain.


    Northwind that’s not really true, you are suggesting that everyone who voted for remain would always vote remain regardless of leave options. Remain voters voted for all sorts of different reasons and this is well established.

    Free Member

    Yes the majority will be happy to have a referendum on leave only options.
    you are talking about things I haven’t said or implied then claiming I must be a brexiteer.

    Free Member

    Can you run me through that one more time Kelvin, I’m afraid of?

    Free Member

    Nope rayban, the majority will be happy to leave with a deal that has been voted for by the people.
    We need a referendum that has been put together by an independent and impartial body with leave only options /eu approved/ to break the deadlock and move on.

    Yes pondo there should be a similar option to what we have now on the new ref just without some cherries, we could leave with a very similar deal but we let the people decide. fair and square jobs a goodun.

    Free Member

    I agree with that. The 2nd referendum needs to offer leave options only to break the deadlock and move on.
    We have had 1 ref to decide leave or remain now we need to get on with the finding out what type of leave the people want. everyone wins.

    Free Member

    No unicorns from me :o)

    So it’s the same as an election. Brain poison indeed. :o)

    Free Member

    You need to read the thread dude :o)

    Free Member

    It’s an unreasonable post and has no relevance to the complex situation we find ourselves in. Everyone voted for a wide variety of reasons, this is well established.

    Free Member

    The new referendum with the independent and impartial leave options will take those into account and offer realistic EU approved options. If there aren’t any other options then we leave with a super soft agreement and life stays the same more or less. Deadlock broken we move on.

    Free Member

    The biggest democratic vote in British history clearly decided to leave those cherries behind, end of, the cherries have now perished. move on.

    A super soft leave option will be better than cherries for the few, it will be buying cherries for others.

    Free Member

    Cherries were there dannyh but the biggest democratic vote in British history decided they weren’t important.

    Free Member

    That’s a poor analogy really. A new ref on the type of leave deal can still have your fancy sandwich on the menu, it may cost a little more for the few but it will benefit the many.
    EDIT, I hadn’t read your post Molgrips. EDIT again, I’ve just read your odd analogy Molgrips. ‘interesting’

    Free Member

    More lols and some ha ha’s too, excellent, clearly decided can still be a close contest, it was clearly decided.


    Yes I would be very concerned about this result, Lols, ha,ha, he,he :o)

    Molgrips, how many times can we ask? Best of 3 or maybe 5, why would anyone accept any result ever again? The question was asked and clearly decided now we need a new ref on the type of leave deal to move forward. A soft and sensual leave option should be an option which would be similar to our current agreement without some cherries.
    Alpin, are you implying we can’t trust the EU and it’s officials? I’ll trust them more than I trust you thanks.

    Free Member

    lol indeed. The shortsighted might consider those undeniably worse, others might see it as better for the EU as a whole which supersedes little Britains rebate or hatred of the euro. Times change.

    The largest democratic vote in British history clearly decided to leave, now we need a new ref on the type of deal to leave with. On we go.

    Free Member

    :o) It depends on interpretation and your link is talking about exercise rather than vote
    Yes It’s the largest democratic vote in British history. FAct Check Here

    Free Member

    Thanks @Malvernrider. some of interest in those.

    Free Member

    It has been stated many times that the UK can re apply for EU membership. Worse terms / better terms meh, who decides what’s better or worse? Times change.

    Free Member

    And who votes for the government of the day? Brexit badness will mean an easy win for someone

    Free Member

    The under 22’s aren’t being ignored. They can campaign for joining the EU via the usual process. The UK can rejoin the EU when we vote to do so. You can’t be suggesting we keep having referendums every time people become eligible to vote just in case they impact the original vote?

    With a new ref on various leave deals the electorate get the right to decide how we leave. We can rejoin if it doesn’t workout.

    I think the Remain side should really be selling the (well, pre-2016) status quo as “The Deal”
    Because it was a good compromise.

    The largest democratic vote in British history rejected that option and decided to leave but something very close to it could still be put forward as a soft and sensual leave option.
    Happy days.

    Free Member

    Some voted because they fear change
    some voted because they wanted to fly to Europe willy nilly
    some voted because they were scared of losing value in their house
    some voted because they thought their income would go down
    some voted because they love the EU and everything it stands for
    some voted because they wanted open borders
    some voted because of the customs union
    some voted so their children can work in Europe later in life
    It was a basic ref question with a simple leave/remain choice. That has been decided now we move to filter the type of deal. Break the deadlock and move forward. We can join the EU whenever we like in the future via the usual channels

    Problem solved unless you are at either end of the spectrum and nobody cares about those oddbods anyway

    Free Member

    tjagain, nope both remain and leave votes were for all sorts of different reasons but it was clearly decided to leave, it was a good turnout and a very large cross section of society decided, now a new ref needs to decide on the type of deal. This suits both teams and allows us to break the deadlock
    We need an independent and ‘as impartial as possible’ body to set up a new ref with a handful of genuine deal options /EU approved options/. A well put together ref that doesn’t allow for vote splitting trickery from either side

    Works well for the EU as well.
    Jobbies a goodun.

    Free Member

    Nope, they would still have their right to campaign to join the EU through the usual channels. Lib dems could become the ‘join the EU asap’ party

    Free Member

    I dunno about that, we’ve certainly established both the remain and leave votes were a very mixed bag of reasons, a new ref on the type of deal would suit both teams well without cheating anyone.

    so nobody could complain if it goes the other way

    i think you might be trolling with that one :o)

    Free Member

    I’ll raise your “delicious” and give you scrumptious poopscoop
    It can be used to describe something tasty or even to describe an attractive person.

    Free Member

    Soft brexit could be a sort of leave in name only, a similar arrangement to what we have now without the cherries, pay a bit more, lose some influence but life stays the same
    Hard brexit could be a similar deal to the excellent May/EU agreement
    Single beds could be no deal

    It breaks the deadlock and keeps democracy alive. Problem solved. Goodnight.

    Free Member

    Another referendum makes good sense
    Leave or remain has been clearly decided so the new referendum should be about the type of deal.
    Soft,Hard or single beds.

    Free Member

    ‘I’ve been contacted by a comedian, whose work I have been laughing at since I was a teenager’

    mmmm, I smell a God joke :O)

    Free Member

    Nasty injury but I agree with others about good potential to overcome for mtb if you want to.

    I would sell the bikes though, a couple of bikes sitting in the shed through winter is pointless, sell now for a few quid /giant is worth around 1k and Yeti around 1800/ you will be able to buy the same bikes for similar once you are back and wanting to ride but it is likely that you will want a different type of bike by then anyway.

    Don’t get hung up on riding/wanting things that aren’t possible right now, just get some good physio and get your wrist as strong as it can be and evaluate from there

    Free Member

    The play in mine is at an acceptable level but it is a noisy rattle sort of play compared to the more expensive posts.

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