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  • exsee
    Free Member

    Is there any evidence out there that suggests labour lost the election because of their socialist policies?
    I would say the loss was down to the brexit plan

    Labour gambled by trying to drag the election away from brexit and that really has backfired now because everybody can blame the loss on any aspect of labours campaign but it really isn’t clear to me what the outcome would have been without brexit.

    Free Member

    No the vote on Erasmus wasn’t a clear signal of anything much at all, nothings changed so still hope just as before. Not great but that’s the way it is.

    Did you read your article from the London economic? The only quote in there is the actual government policy.

    Free Member

    We haven’t agreed any trade deal based on workers rights yet? The more we diverge the further apart we will be, the more we align the simpler things get but if we agree to legally align before we start then the negotiation doesn’t become easier. CETA workers rights are a bit vague I believe so it’s not all black and white.
    Nobody has voted or suggested the burning of workers rights (unless you believe Bonners and tj which I struggle to imagine)

    Free Member

    Fact check ch4 thingy

    No that’s not correct tj

    Free Member

    I’m quite sure it’s exactly what I think it is.

    I didn’t understand the relevance about what brexiters wanted, so what? What’s that got to do with the negotiating strategy for the UK?

    Awaits the bigots shouting ‘ but their all Tory scum, we’re all heading to a workhouse in 3 , 2 ..

    Free Member

    Agreed Matt, I would say, it isn’t actually a big step from previous statements but the vote could be perceived as such (hence many here having knee jerk reactions to a headline) so an irrelevant vote still causes heavy damage
    Cougar, I would say it’s all about flexibility in the negotiations because everyone will want to claim they won no matter what. Whether you agree or not with the approach it seems a clear strategy.

    Free Member

    Bikebuoy, I don’t have a problem, if you want special privileges for certain words then take it to the mods,

    Tj you’re still making stuff up, I’m guessing you’ve realised the vote wasn’t what you claim so now looking to save face by loading the question. I never said it ‘will’ continue, Matt said it was gone because of the vote yesterday I said it’s still on the table as nothing has change so still some hope.

    Kelvin. My first Google hit was, the eve standard also had a piece but don’t think there was a quote from anyone. The vote yesterday was not a yes or no to erasmus

    Free Member

    Take it to the mods dude ain’t my problem.

    Free Member

    Is this becoming some weird trap, the UK position on Erasmus has not changed because of the vote about a requirement to negotiate, the options that were there last week are still there. TJ you keep making stuff up then asking me to justify it. The government did not vote against continuing with Erasmus yesterday, its position is still to discuss/negotiate Erasmus possibilities or alternatives.

    Free Member

    Top work cougar. It’s an emotive matter but no excuses, I would like to see the political bigotry squashed a bit too, it is rife on here man

    Free Member

    You were calling people retards on a family forum. It isn’t 1980 or the daily mail here mate. Take a break and chill

    Free Member

    Whoa didn’t see all of that first time. You’ve convinced yourself of a scary scenario.

    Free Member

    They have signalled their intentions on the Erasmus scheme.

    Free Member

    How what will work, cougars post? UK still committed to child refugees but it doesn’t need to be in the negotiations as a specific item is the UK position I think.

    Free Member

    Yep I’m sure.

    Free Member

    Erasmus is still on the table Matt, not great but nothings really changed so there’s still hope for it to continue.

    Free Member

    It will be delivering the same high UK standards but the wording in our agreement will be based on CETA in some aspects. If Canada doesn’t need full legal alignment written in then why would the UK agree to that

    It’s nothing to do with naivety tj, I was countering your made up bigoted view of the future with a more reasonable prediction.

    Free Member

    When Boris says we intend to ‘diverge’ from EU standards, he means the tearing up workers rights, environmental and food standards, slash tax and deregulate the financial industry.

    The Eu aren’t just going to take that and give us a nice cushy trade deal. they’re going to tell us to **** off.

    Nope. UK is using CETA as a start point for negotiations. UK will continue with the high standards that they helped to ratify across all the EU members previously.

    Free Member

    And they will eat your babies too, don’t forget that bit.

    Free Member

    The alternative view is that these amendments/clauses do not need to be added to the withdrawal agreement. They will restrict the flexibility of the negotiations.

    Free Member

    Chevy chase has it.
    The thread is actually asking did Jesus Christ exist not whether a bloke called Jesus existed.
    Jesus Christ is a fictional character based on a real man called Jesus.
    We all agree pon that historical fact.

    Free Member

    Ime, it normally goes tits up after a big argument about something silly.

    Some things are easier on your Tod some things are harder. Money problems are very different to dealing with the emotional ups and downs of a family relationship but no easy answers and for everything that is easier something will be harder. Your balance will be different to anybody else’s.

    It’s quite likely that you will have already thought of all the ins and outs and have an answer ready for any replies, you’ve obviously put some serious effort in over the past few years trying to understand your own thoughts.
    You are what you are but that is neither negative or positive.

    Free Member

    The politics of a union aren’t as simple as independent countries though.

    Scotland clearly voted for the Union and the complications that brings.
    Westminster have a role in this which was given by the people of Scotland.

    This is what gets ignored by pro indy fans, Scotland knew that voting for the Union would bring conservative governments and a potential veto and etc etc, Westminster was included in Scotland’s politics by the majority of Scottish people.
    I don’t think indy campaigners accept this part of the 2014 ref.

    Free Member

    Kelvin don’t allow bigotry to taint your visions of the future.
    You are just chanting like the empty heads on the football stands. Voter’s would say exactly the same about all opposing manifestos/pledges.

    Free Member

    trying to help and actually helping are very different things though. The political bigots are a big part of the problem, it’s not star wars kerley.

    The Tory party have different answers to the Labour party, try thinking along those lines and you can help move the discussion out of the playground.

    Free Member

    The winter festival hasn’t evolved though and is now a disgusting celebration of modern life rather than resembling anything I would call progressive.
    Looking down from my high horse I feel sadness and pity for the followers but I still smile and allow the lemmings their ‘fun’ with no ill feeling intended because I understand it really isn’t your fault. Merry winterchrimbodaysoffworkfamilytime to all.

    Free Member

    Thank you so much, Mach and Betws look interesting. We have a chunk of time so might road trip 2 or 3 of those suggestions. Thanks again all.

    Free Member

    I grasped your point and answered it in my view, I think you are missing the context of my post when chopping snippets.
    Do you accept the 55% of remainers are the majority in Scotland? in my view it was clearly decided in a very recent ref where everyone was well aware of the significance…which makes any talk of ‘nobody is listening’ sound a bit crazy don’t you think?

    So you would be happy to leave the union with a 51/49 split? Fair enough I guess as you I assume are on the other side of that fence currently, it just looks very messy to me if you can’t create a clear majority going forward

    Free Member

    Interesting thoughts P-jay, I strongly believe some of the sentiment of your post.
    Listening and respecting an opinion is a difficult thing to do and obviously gets harder the further apart you both are, I do think the modern way is to shout down and ridicule the opposing view which is made much easier by the quick punchline social media access. So so many make such noise about how they have the answers but can’t see they are also a part of the problem.
    Political bigotry is well out of control on here and completely accepted as the norm, why?

    I read this quote on the BBC earlier today and thought of stw political threads

    Because half a dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud and are silent, pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field.

    Free Member

    Democracy ended in 2014? I think you’d concede that the UK of 2021 looks a lot different to that of 2014, no?

    Some decisions are put to bed for significant periods of time, this is perfectly democratic and reasonable in relation to running a country and of course difficult to accept especially when populations can be split 50/50
    I don’t know what 2021 will look like but Scottish independence fans suggesting other people aren’t listening to the Scottish people is a bit smelly when that clearly isn’t the case. The 55% are still the very recent majority and need to be listened to by everyone (especially those seeking independence)

    Suggesting that all Yes voters only vote SNP and/or Green is too simplistic

    Again I agree but that cuts both ways doesn’t it, why the belief that anything other than a close 50/50 split type result will be won by either side? If those 48 SNP seats were reflecting a vote percentage of 85% then hell yeah but the headline seat numbers don’t actually show any significant vote percentage change to the previous ref

    Do we really want to see another 52/48 leave vote or should we be looking for a much clearer majority required for such a significant change?

    Free Member

    I have no issue with Scotland becoming independent at all, if that is what the majority wish for. I would like to see a fair and balanced campaign/referendum though but a fat chance of that in this era, it’ll all be bullshit and promises with plenty of name calling thrown in. From both sides of course.

    A side note, this listening to the people of Scotland stuff seems a bit smelly, the ref was won clearly by the remain campaign a few years ago. So we should be listening to those people, correct?? Claiming people aren’t listening to the Scottish people when you clearly aren’t listening yourself sounds a bit crazy to me
    Somebody posted the vote percentages the other day for this election and still the actual vote numbers look similar to the ref result – 55 – 45, so isn’t another ref still touch and go and should we be trying to avoid another 50/50 split type decision?

    Free Member

    And you don’t think that traditional Labour voters in “leave” constituencies, pissed off that their MP was holding things up and voting Conservative were not voting tactically then?

    You’ve described straightforward politics.

    Free Member

    At least the tactical voting kept things respectable :+)

    Time to stop moaning and making excuses for many of you I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    Coke and hookers obvs.

    Free Member

    Another vote for the santa Cruz blur ltc. Still cannot understand the positive reviews, it seemed so flawed.
    I bought half price in a sale though and those positive reviews helped move it on.

    Free Member

    Gene pay equality is the next big thing.

    As pointed out above, a disabled person has to put in more effort so why aren’t they paid more.
    How is it fair to pay someone the same or more because they have a natural advantage, it’s easier for them so they should be paid accordingly. Scientists have shown that your genes can make a huge difference to your earning potential which is disgusting in this era. Equal pay is a must.

    Free Member

    I’m quite a cluedo player to be fair so I can see things others miss.

    It was clearly racist, the op knew full well that the offended chap was the whistle blower on his big deal, he then eye balled him and stated ‘jungle drums beat me to it’

    Polite notice for his boss when he finds this thread- I made that up chief, no offense intended or implied so don’t expect an apology

    Free Member

    The ps hubs are quite porky if weight is part of the consideration.
    A few ways to check. Rockshox used to put torque compatible stickers at the bottom of the lowers, I think all boost rockshox forks are torque compatible, you can visually check the axle cut outs on the lowers (a large machined space for 30mm end caps rather than the standard 15mm)
    Or you could just pop the ps hub in your sid (remember that you will still need to space out the rotor by 2mm for everything to line up)

    Free Member

    Well I think it’s a mix of the above :0)
    Any rockshox fork that is torque cap compatible (any boost rockshox I believe) will allow the predictive steering hubs to fit but you will still need to shim the rotor by 2mm due to the different brake mount position on the rs1
    Note. It is an overbuilt hub so a fair bit heavier than the standard hub.

    Free Member

    I’m lucky in that I have a big cupboard in my bedroom where I added some racking that means they all fit nicely

    That doesn’t sound lucky to me, 147 pairs of used shoes kept next to your bed, full of win that mate. :o)

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