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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • exsee
    Free Member

    What would they be ?

    This being stw, I’m guessing you’re trolling. So a stw response might go something like
    ‘you sound like one of those dangerous types lacking any common sense, please stay indoors and save lives’ :-)

    Free Member

    Vast majority acting sensible ime. Weathers good so get out and enjoy while practicing the new hygiene rules.

    Free Member

    Best to get out and about and practice common sense imo.

    Free Member

    It’s all been very calm and sensible around the local honey pots. 👍

    Question, are the daily reported new cases a genuine indicator of new cases?
    Are these spread across a period of days dependent upon test date/return etc,
    I’m looking at ‘lab confirmed daily cases by specimen date in England’ on the gov website and the data doesn’t seem to align with any thing else reported???

    Free Member

    The obvious plan to keep everyone happy would be to put together a team of experienced scientists to help lead decision, I would then stick’em on tellybox regularly to talk openly and honestly about death and the complexity of a pandemic.

    Free Member

    The revive is the best performing dropper on the market ime, the action is so light and smooth. Fantastic post, however… It ain’t worth the wonga these days :-(
    You could buy a V2 one up for half the price and you only lose a tiny fraction of the finesse of the revive (longer drop possible on the one-up too)
    Nothing wrong with a bling build though :0)

    Free Member

    Raab quote orf BBC this morn. Be sensible and crack on.

    “You can drive as far as you want to, for example to walk in a park or particular area you’re fond of, as long as you maintain the social distancing,” he tells BBC Breakfast.

    “But obviously if you’re going from one part of the UK to another – from England to Wales or Scotland to Wales – different rules are in place because the devolved governments take a different approach.”

    Free Member

    Thousands of Germans have been marching to protest about the lockdown measures apparently. There really is no easy answer to this problem.

    Free Member

    Alert system seems to be another tool for educating the masses going forward, NZ have been using theirs to get the message across to the public. Lot’s of tools needed over the next few years.

    I think the government website has been pretty good with clear information tbh.

    Free Member

    I don’t see the need for all the insults aimed at frankers. Respecting others choices isn’t always easy but if we don’t then we become the thing we hate. Some pretty offensive remarks from those that claim to be superior to the implied stw stereotype of a Tory voter. Bigotry isn’t a good look.

    Back on topic, I’m not seeing anything to get optimistic about with starmer yet, its a political period where personality appears to be key. I’m really not seeing any sort of passion to win people over, being sensible might not be enough however long he has.

    Free Member

    Face coverings in summer will be interesting across Europe, I already see some facemaskers constantly adjusting the mask so once it’s all getting a bit hot and sweaty I’m not sure the hygiene of a mask will be clear cut

    Free Member

    I guess it can be viewed in different ways, anybody with any sense knows the rough plan and can see the complications, the rest need as much help as possible.

    Free Member

    People that fly need to be punished. It has to be beyond basic taxation.
    I like driving so a different approach for cars.

    Free Member

    You can FFS all you like but you seem confused :-)
    It was me that just quoted the WHO report but you answered as if it were outofbreath, I was just pointing out your mistake.

    The WHO report YOU linked is clear about asymptotic transmission, I quoted it, you then claimed it was old news although you posted it to support your point about asymptomatic transmission, your other link appears to be mixing pre symptomatic and asymptomatic which muddies the waters.
    Not a drama but do you have evidence of your asymptomatic transmission point (I’m interested, it’s not some masculinity challenge)

    Free Member

    That was me not outofbreath.
    You posted the WHO report regarding asymptomatic transmission, now you’re claiming it isn’t worthy?
    Your other link appears to be mixing pre symptomatic with asymptomatic so perhaps that is the discrepancy.

    Free Member

    @edukator, you linked the WHO report earlier and it doesn’t corroborate 50% of transmission for asymptomatic , is there a clear reason for the information discrepancies?
    The WHO report you linked said-

    An asymptomatic laboratory-confirmed case is a person infected with COVID-19 who does not develop symptoms.
    Asymptomatic transmission refers to transmission of the virus from a person, who does not develop symptoms.
    There are few reports of laboratory-confirmed cases who are truly asymptomatic, and to date, there has been no
    documented asymptomatic transmission. This does not exclude the possibility that it may occur. Asymptomatic cases
    have been reported as part of contact tracing efforts in some countries.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @kimbers. That’s proof that NHS staff are being denied PPE based on ideological reasons is it?

    Free Member

    You need evidence not a belief. Jeebus wept.

    Free Member

    More false claims kimbers??

    Free Member

    I’m expecting evidence Kelvin? Somebody mentioned incompetence as an alternative view and he folded on his extreme claim immediately.

    Miscommunication, poor planning, different strategies, incompetence are all possibilities and probably all part of the EU procurement problem

    Claiming NHS staff are being denied PPE based on ideological reasons is an extreme claim and needs real evidence or its fake news. So many much more realistic possibilities and widely reported issues.

    Free Member

    @kimbers, was that a retraction? An apology would be fair I think. Making extreme and offensive claims need real evidence or you are spreading fake news.

    Free Member

    Is that quote the best your link has to offer? That does not support your extreme claim at all. Retract or post some real evidence that NHS staff are being denied PPE because of idealogical reasons.
    Seriously get a grip of your bias, you claim to work in scientific depts.

    Free Member


    denying NHS staff PPE for idealogical reasons, then you plow on

    That’s quite an extreme view kimbers, can you post some real evidence of the claim or retract

    Free Member

    UK numbers are still nonsense so no way anyone can claim to know we won’t be winning the worst league in history.
    Spain, Italy and France also reporting wonky numbers

    We have lots of numbers to look at but no true base.

    Free Member

    Did someone say £10/hour, that seems very low for a SE bod.

    Free Member

    Thanks for posting those links Ewan.

    Free Member

    Serious question chief. I’m not trolling.

    Free Member

    A quick experiment-
    If I say conspiracy, how do you feel?
    Just tell me about the first conspiracy that comes into your head

    Free Member

    You seemed to be implying people were laughing at you?? Was a post deleted or something?
    I’m not laughing at you at all so no need for the paranoid thoughts. Things are weird enough as it is.

    Are you okay at the minute as your posts are a bit ranty?

    Free Member

    I’m not laughing, just saying.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Strongly agree with that kimbers, this may have been posted already re data discrepancies. Worth a read.

    FT article on data discrepancies

    Free Member

    Nicko74 re- testing. This is my take fwiw.
    Europe just hasn’t had the capacity or resources for the combined testing, tracing contacts and isolating procedure to gain control. Germany were initially testing 4 or 5 times the capacity of UK, Spain and France but were still reporting their capacity wasn’t enough to catch all the spread.

    UK couldn’t test,trace,isolate enough people in the community to have any impact (early testing capacity was 2.5k) so the testing focused on the hospitalised cases (similar to France and Spain). The testing is increasing but the spread is quicker.
    Testing, tracing and isolating will be a big part of the control phase after the initial peak/wave so we will need a considerable increase in capacity in coming months to have a second go at control.
    I believe UK testing capacity is now 10k a day with plan to increase to 25k a day but testing is only 1 part of the combined test,track,isolate procedure needed. Best use of resources will be key.

    Free Member

    Kimbers, re-Germany,just an alternative thought to consider –
    Their early action and capacity for testing has had many scratching heads over their death rate numbers with many reports jumping to conclusions based on simple testing/death ratio numbers.

    Germany are currently following a very similar pattern to Italy (from 100 deaths – 450 deaths in 5 days), have the testing numbers muddied their timeline?? Are they actually a few days behind the UK.(with UK a few days behind France/Spain)
    Do their testing numbers give us all a better picture of spread rather than showing any sort of control at this early stage?

    Free Member

    big spike in cases in France yesterday – what’s going on ?

    It looks as though France (and Spain) had a very low capacity for testing according to this article a few days ago, EUobserver article on testing, that appears to have increased slightly now so could account for spike in cases. They both also have huge numbers in intensive care so guessing the system is heavily strained right now.

    Free Member

    House prices have just dropped off a cliff. Personal circumstances and value would still dictate whether now’s the time for you.

    Free Member

    Mate, effing great bags of spuds and carrots aren’t normally on the request boards.
    List below of bog standard requirements but normally there will be requests from different food banks.
    A typical food parcel includes:

    Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
    Lentils, beans and pulses
    Tinned meat
    Tinned vegetables
    Tinned fruit
    UHT milk
    Fruit juice

    Free Member

    Some insight into the testing dilemma in this article EUobserver article on testing

    I also read elsewhere France have around 1500 patients in intensive care with 50% of those under 60.

    The Italy numbers don’t look great, any signs of levelling out beyond the headline numbers?

    Free Member

    Guardian also reported similar story Kelvin. Seems to be relevant to trump’s baffoonary
    Guardian China/American conspiracy spat

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