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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • exsee
    Free Member

    I can’t think how stupid I’d feel if I’d been led up the garden path by a few multi millionaires to vote for something they sold as ‘good for you little people’ whilst moving their personal wealth and companies offshore.

    Come on dude, it sounds a bit familiar don’t you think?
    Do one of your frothy paragraphs for the current system and see how they match up👍

    Education is of course the key, the know-it-alls will deny it, as it kinda points the finger at them.

    Free Member

    I can’t think how stupid I’d feel if I’d been led up the garden path by a few multi millionaires to vote for something they sold as ‘good for you little people’ whilst moving their personal wealth and companies offshore.

    Erm, think that through for a moment😱

    Free Member

    Any extension to talks is completely pointless. It’s a nailed on no deal.

    I’m still hopeful that’s the case but agree with thecaptain, anything could still happen.

    Free Member

    Therepeutic, isn’t it👍
    Sometimes it can be addictive so don’t overdo it better to take a break.
    We can rant again tomorrow👍

    Free Member

    That’s it Kevin, let it all out👍
    I shout out to world every now and then, helps to reset sometimes. Aaaaarrrggghh

    Free Member

    Good to see some fellow ranters here again👍

    The know-it-alls are so easy to spot, desperately trying to avoid any responsibility, blaming the little people just like Boris, looking after themselves just like Boris.
    You’ll get the usual drivel about rich people getting richer and poor people getting poorer but it only bothers them when their own little bubble is in danger.
    We need something to pop the know-it-alls bubble, wake them up a bit, face up to what they’ve created and get them back involved in society.
    More of the same will just see them slip back off to plump up the bank account. 😩

    Free Member

    I can see the benefits of ranting on here, good to get it off the chest.

    We need change people🙏

    Free Member

    You really couldn’t make it up, the know-it-alls can see the future and they are really concerned for the poor, why didn’t they act on these super powers 20 years ago?
    Busy building the pension portfolio no doubt.
    Helllloooo, how many living in poverty with the system they created? We need real change👊
    I’m hoping they get a wake up call we need them ‘doing’ rather than chasing the Thatcher dream.

    Free Member

    I’m feeling really angry today, going to spend a few weeks venting I think.
    Apathy from the know-it-alls over the last few decades has got us here, it’s unforgivable really. Sharp shock needed to wake a few up. Time for real change👍

    Free Member

    Exactly, the only weapons we have are social media know-it-alls, dyswidt😁👊

    Free Member

    Matt, you weren’t replying to me as far as I’m aware?

    Danny, the know-it-alls need to take a step back and take some responsibility for the system, education takes decades, you can’t just point out the facts and expect people to accept and trust with no foundations, the know-it-alls have become well behaved Thatcher children,climbing the ladder as fast as they can while watching others suffer, crying crocodile tears for a fairer society, they know we need real change but they are too busy and too comfortable to really give a shit.. until it looks like they might lose something themselves obvs.
    An initial no deal will wake a few up, we need the know-it-alls engaging in society again, fighting for fairness with their big brains👍

    Free Member

    Baron, if the know-it-alls erm.. know it all, how did they get it sooooo wrong? I think they might have misjudged things a little, don’t you?
    They will never admit any responsibility as you will see on these threads, just blame the little people for their perceived lack of education, understanding and trust in the know-it-alls system

    Northwind, that doesn’t make any sense at all, it’s not my gunboat verses yours in the unclaimed sea. Just think of it in terms of traffic cops patrolling the roads. The EU won’t allow members to steal from UK just because we don’t currently have a deal.

    Free Member

    The EU aren’t going to allow members to be breaking the law.

    Free Member

    More importantly, have you worked it out yet? (By the way there’s a typo up there, tee hee. 1 point meeee)

    Free Member

    Still struggling with your ‘shit for brains’ analogy I see baron😨 just think it through, you’ll work it out👍

    Free Member

    There are many many more that will suffer from the long term oppression of the current system. More of the same isn’t very appealing to us low wage types👍

    Free Member

    😁 Binners wants reasoned debate 😁 very good, very good indeed.

    I always try not to feed him Akira but the mods allow him to trash threads with constant drivel for some reason.

    I think an initial no deal will allow a reset for everyone. Then the rebuild can start.
    An initial no deal will –
    allow the Labour party out of their awkward position.
    Reduce pollution
    Improve diets
    Simplify lives
    Wake up the know-it-alls
    Remove the bogeyman from under the bed
    Reshape our economy
    Reshape our politics

    We need the no deal spark to set things in motion. Time for real change👍

    Free Member

    What If you keep your head in the sand and someone shits on your head, I say self induced👍

    Free Member

    Only if the know it alls didn’t inform the shit for brains….

    You really haven’t thought that through have you.

    Free Member

    Cookeaa, surely the responsibility goes to the know-it-alls not the know-nothings?

    Free Member

    Just for balance, I’m hoping for an initial no deal tbh, it’s the only option that allows everyone a bit of win.

    Time for real change👍

    Free Member

    Haha 2 faced rich businessman shocker.. That’s great news for France though👍

    Good news for France is good news for EU is good news for global economy is good news eventually for the small fish (UK)

    Maybe the people of Bridgend and Sunderland aren’t overly happy with the treasure at the end of the rainbow??

    Free Member

    And one that we’re following because the know-it-alls sat on their arses while feathering their own nests for 20 years


    Free Member

    It’s all the Labour party can talk about though..
    Must not mention brexit
    Must not discuss a vision for the future
    Must not mention JC
    No plan for the Pandemic

    The ultimate smash and grab victory will be eeeezeee if they just learn to zip it for 3 years👍

    Free Member

    Affordable housing disaster??
    Average house price tripled under new labour
    Brown and darlings green light for austerity measures??
    Bombing foreigners
    Religious nutter as leader

    If it looks like a duck….

    Free Member

    Having built wild trail and also legit trail I can understand both sides of the fence. You can make progress (kind of??) working with FE, I know that’s the long game and people need to engage with that process but tbh the process is piss poor and the dynamics are completely skewed.
    if I were advising wild builders in my area today I would tell them to avoid working with FE if they can. Build and accept it will be knocked down, build again, don’t get attached to a spot, build multiple discreet lines and as they become more popular start building elsewhere in prep for demolition, then back to the original lines and start again.
    FE are not ready to engage in a reasonable process so don’t waste your time
    Reeespekt to the boneheads who try though👊

    Free Member

    Boris saying 22m is separate and business support package still to be agreed but must be inline with others.

    Quizzed further on the support package offered to Greater Manchester, the PM says: “The £22m that you mention, that’s separate and additional to any other support that we were trying to agree with Manchester for business support.”

    He adds: “Our door is open to continue that particular conversation.”

    Free Member

    Matt, the house is getting destroyed either way, Boris getting a deal now is very bad news for the UK.

    Free Member

    So you want to swear at me, piss on my chips and slip in some ad homs but then cry like a child when I bend you over and slap your bum cheeks in a jovial manner. Jog on captain ironic🙋

    Free Member

    We don’t want that preferential rebate deal FFS, that’s no good for the EU. We will accept the EU criteria because the UK won’t be crying about the nasty EU anymore, demanding rebates and perks, we will commit to the euro and build a new stronger relationship with our neighbours. Nobody will veto our rejoining and the EU will welcome the grown up version of the UK with open arms (as has been stated many times)

    Take your pissy chips and shove em up your arse👍😂

    Free Member

    The UK can rejoin the EU when it’s ready, it isn’t a lottery, if you meet the criteria you join the ‘all welcome’ club.
    You don’t want Boris getting a deal this will be bad news for the UK in the long term.

    Free Member

    Perfect isn’t available peepole, do you really want Basil Fawlty securing a deal? Is your secure little bubble worth that long term pain for future generations.. we need a no deal next year to kick start a new UK movement.

    We can rejoin the EU when we are ready👍

    Free Member

    Molgrips, no deal now doesn’t really mean no deal forever but let’s agree that no deal will be a shitty short term mess💩, captain starmer can finally emerge from the Brexit shadows and use that chaos to win the next election for a strong labour government that will be supporting those most in need.

    We will also be able to rejoin the EU whenever we are ready, fully committing to the euro and perhaps creating a better relationship through our experience.

    The UK needs some humble pie, let’s gobble it up while we have a chance for real change, nom nom nom.
    We really don’t want Basil Fawlty to secure any sort of deal right now.

    Sometimes you have to burn the house down 🔥

    Free Member

    It’s a fascinating negotiation tbh. Shame there’s no crystal ball to see the options play out over a decade or more.
    A no deal at this stage is probably best for the long term but can we commit to the short term pain.
    Who’s calling the outcome?

    Free Member

    If you peer past the shit stained underpants in the dirty laundry I think there is some inspiration and light to be found. People trying to reach out and understand one another without judgement or insults, discussing one another’s flaws and weaknesses while growing on a personal level post by post. It’s challenging yet exciting, it’s draining yet rewarding, it is progress and the future looks a little brighter today thanksforasking💖
    How was the ride?

    Free Member

    I’ve been riding my bike for a few hours. What have you fellow cyclists been up to?

    The community have been trying to solve modern communication and inclusivity issues, progressing the compassion and empathy boundaries so that future generations can benefit from a wider understanding of themselves and others…. You went out on yer bike💩,

    Free Member

    Mmm, Kelvin, had a listen and nothing new to me there but thanks anyway. The new system is certainly flawed, I think we can all happily agree on that and also that the gov over egg the pudding if that was your point👍
    Testing has been transformed though so for me that line of questioning allows Boris to keep repeating the massive transformation (while labelling it NHS testing)

    Many here keep talking about the big obvious traps for labour to avoid, I completely understand the simplistic theory but don’t you ever think that avoiding those traps has any consequences. Labour will end up in a catch22 on the biggest issues of our lifetime that will also undermine credibility at crunch time (what makes you so sure that isn’t the real elephant trap?)
    It’s dangerous playing games when you aren’t sure of the rules,

    Free Member

    Pmq’s yesterday, what are the thoughts here?
    Hammering testing right now looks like an odd tactic when you consider the gov have transformed testing from one end of the scale to the other🤔 is it purely through fear of discussing leaving the EU?
    I also caught a bit of Peston and Jess Phillips completely silent on WA

    Starmer organising monthly televised question and answer sessions could be interesting 👍

    Free Member

    Yesterday’s Gov press conference seemed solid to me. The solutions aren’t going to be simple as can be seen across the world. Slacken rules one area tighten them elsewhere and repeat indefinitely.

    Free Member

    Hiding in the shadows is not showing honesty or integrity in my opinion. I was thinking of this thread when watching KS on the CH4 news last night, I was sure that nobody here would think he came across well 🤔 he appears afraid of himself, scared to upset anybody and everybody and already seems to have forgotten what he actually stands for.
    Substance, direction and leadership (honesty and integrity) are all missing and he will not become PM with this strategy, the Labour party need to wake up to this very quickly, 4 years is not a long time at all. Every minute of everyday is relevant in this short marketing campaign and naive to think otherwise.

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