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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • exsee
    Free Member

    Just a small point but I’ve noticed some of this type of language popping up from time to time

    he doesn’t have the balls.

    Now I’m sure we all agree Keith is manly and his behaviour reflects his manliness adequately, using this sort of language perpetuates the myth that real men are strong/brave/principled or not manly if they don’t behave as you demand which we know is a sexist nonsense

    It’s not just one poster and I appreciate it’s societal habit rather than deliberate sexism.

    Could we stop or at least mix it up a bit between our diverse society👍

    Free Member

    I had to warranty 2 XTR 9100 for the internal ratchet skipping gears.
    Mine were clearly skipping/engaging randomly though rather than any sort of pattern.

    Free Member

    Cheers OP, I enjoyed that👍

    Yeeessss I’m in to watch the final….. Opens door and Wallop😲

    I’ve heard from a very reliable sauce that the security had been paid to funnel those blaggards through those doors.

    Free Member

    If Keith has any sense at all he will be hoping this never gets mentioned ever again😱

    Free Member

    I found this interesting trailwagger, it’s a bit long but might be worth a read. It seems to challenge the traditional thinking behind biological sex determination.

    Free Member

    Seems to me that language is confusing everybody and offending plenty.

    I’ve never really liked the label disabled
    Are Autism and Asperger’s disorders
    Much disagreement about the correct use of the terms intersex, DSD or VSD
    Birth defects doesn’t sound great
    Etc, etc
    We are just people in an ideal world but we use all sorts of clumsy medical, geographical,political and scientific labels and many of those develop positive/negative connotations.

    The main disagreement at the moment seems to be about scientific classification of biological sex and what the current consensus is within scientific/medical fields.
    There seems to be enough scientific evidence/educated guesswork to point us toward a ‘biological sex spectrum’ rather than the ‘binary xy chromosomes/disorders’ labels.
    There will be new labels regardless and the connotations will follow.

    Free Member

    Some interesting thoughts and lived experiences. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Get rid mate. Nothing better than a good clearout 💩
    Sorting through the crap can sometimes get the mojo going again.

    Free Member

    Dick, I’ve snipped a couple of bits from the op, looks like they backtracked on the waived labour fee to me

    Original shop charged me for new spokes/nipples/rim tape (~$100) but the labour was waived.

    $190 credit for broken freehub, of which the shop have applied $100 against the wheel re-build labour

    Free Member

    You said the labour for the rebuild was waived and then they’ve backtracked on that agreement and charged you $100 once your claim was successful
    Is that the bit you’re peeved about?

    Remember, you’ve upgraded your wheel in the process so you’re not really $400 down

    Free Member

    Does the seller have any evidence of a working card and serial number?

    What’s the communication been like?
    Has the buyers set-up and card fault been discussed sensibly between both parties or was the dispute without comms?
    Any Comms since dispute, any pics of the card being returned?
    What’s the Buyers feedback like?

    It is also possible the card might have had an unknown fault. Slim chance but still worth remembering.

    Is the card on its way back yet?

    That’s a lot of sucking up to do and worth putting some effort in if he has any proof at all or can get any.

    Free Member

    Consider the DVO sapphire for improved small bump over a pike. Manitou also had a 29er version of the mattoc in short travel which is also better than a pike on the chatter.
    Pike is a very good all-rounder and better than the MRP and fox 34 for small bump compliance so just depends how bad yours is.

    SID 35 ultimate is a great fork but it is harsh in comparison to a pike.

    Free Member

    You’re a ‘Socialist/capitalist’, That’s a bit vague innit. I think that describes most people.
    Many like to emphasise their socialist morals/belief but their actions are heavily skewed to the capitalist part of that description.

    What actions (rather than thoughts) make us more socialist than capitalist?

    Free Member

    Pjm, I was talking about the spending of public money on No.11

    Labour do not want that discussion, this is about who funded and why👍

    If the frothers help this matter drift into the amount spent then imo they will be helping big bozzer⛄

    Free Member

    The frothing is crossing over to the spending but I don’t think labour want that conversation💰💰 Blair and Brown both spending big across their terms and far more than Cameron and May, it appears May didn’t spend a large amount so an overhaul prob due👍

    The issue is only about who funded it and why🐒

    Free Member

    It really depends on what type of stuff your digging into. Mattock for more heavy duty breaking, digging hoe for mud/loam, a spade is andy.
    Clear the old mud first if you can to get a better idea of the natural shape/line

    Try to create a shallow scoop in the lowest area rather than channels or gullies👍

    Free Member

    We need a not-for-profit estate agent🐒
    Buyers and sellers could then sign up with differing requirements instead of the biggest wallet wins

    20 years of local voluntary work might actually outweigh the ‘I worked my arse off for my own financial gain’ brigade

    Free Member

    I swap bikes a fair bit so not a deal breaker but I would give it extra thought, sometimes avoid for a couple of years to see how it pans out.

    I guess some of those original quirky parts are now the norm🚵

    Free Member

    Haha good topic👍 poor old fear factor, always getting the blame.

    It’s your over confidence that’s the issue! Your subconscious knows that you’re not as good as you think you are. The fear factor is just reminding you to practice more 😁

    Free Member

    I don’t think I’m saying anything controversial at all. The rebuild is going to take time and effort, if you don’t accept this then there will definitely be someone less altruistic along to capitalise on the suffering.

    What’s next is the important point, we can choose to help those caught up in the collateral damage or we can sit back and watch the poverty levels increase just like we did before brexit was ever mentioned💩

    Just to flip all the silly questions and pretend outrage for a mo.
    What’s ‘YOUR’ plan batman?
    I can’t sort this on my tod. I will carry on doing my bit for society at a grass roots level but would happily get behind some bigger projects.

    Free Member

    Just being realistic peeps, nobody’s offering a quick fix, both main parties saying UK will prosper outside EU so no options there for a good while.

    It doesn’t matter why people chose to leave, I think I’ve said that before👍
    We can still choose to make something betterer though.

    Empathy and understanding is needed👌👊

    Free Member

    I absolutely believe that cougar (note, I said an element👍) obviously better if there’s less sacrifice but I’m a big believer of the ‘phoenix from the ashes’.
    I’ve made lots of sacrifices to build a better society, my short term pain for the long term gain.

    Free Member

    Cougar, I don’t think you know quite as much as you think you do (well I know you don’t t)😁
    No reluctantjumper, the vote to leave is for now it doesn’t stop the quest for open borders and doesn’t restrict future European integration (European!)
    Oooh, the changes I want to see, mmm, I would like significant political reform, I would like to see the rebalancing of wealth around the world, more empathy and understanding, open borders, open access rules etc etc, all sorts of lovely things💞

    Free Member

    Kelvin, again your analogy has an element of truth. Change for the better often comes from perceived hardships👍

    Free Member

    Cougar. It makes no difference why people chose to leave, that’s done and dusted. I respect their choice.

    You said yourself a few posts back that you wanted reform. That’s still on the table. If we manage it, that will be a significant benefit of the brexit catalyst. That’s change👍

    Respecting the vote does not mean you have to give up on European integration at all, we need to use the opportunity presented to create a better society for all, not hate on your brothers and sisters for their political choices💩 show them and they will follow🐑🐑🐑

    Free Member

    It makes no odds whether you could get those benefits within the EU, that’s gone😱 now we use the catalyst of brexit to rebuild. It doesn’t have to be doomsday, it can be progressive and exciting with the right political will👍 it will take time though

    Free Member

    10-20years princejohn as I already stated👍 have a read back and catch up.

    Free Member

    I have clearly informed everyone of the realistic options ahead kelvin.
    Change for the better is still very much on the table, we can make that happen together👍

    Free Member

    Ooooo, we’ve got the real cougs back, Godwiiiiinns.

    Free Member

    I’m really angry about the know-it-alls sitting on their arses blaming everyone but themselves but that’s a different conversation😁

    Head in the sand, classic stw irony👍

    Free Member

    The catalyst for change is the significant benefit of brexit👍

    Kelvin, you musta missed it👍
    Don’t underestimate that catalyst, people are generally very scared of change

    Free Member

    I said they were still available👍,
    Yes we can still educate, we can still integrate with countries, cultures, environmental challenges, yes we can still be prosperous, yes we can be have a fairer and more balanced society
    Very lucky aren’t we?

    I would say we’re looking at around 10-20 years of humble pie eating, maybe less if Labour climb out of the broom cupboard

    Free Member


    The UK can still do all those wonderful things I mentioned though cougs👍
    They are all still available, so let’s choose them now, yes please and thank you

    Free Member

    The catalyst for change is the significant benefit of brexit👍

    Short term pain for long term gain, don’t waste time dreaming of yesterday, it really wasn’t that great🦃

    Free Member

    I know you’re trying to be a silly billy Molgrips but there is an element of truth in your analogy😱
    Perception of equality is a small but significant piece of the puzzle.

    The UK can downsize and be significantly better off in my opinion, I’m not a believer in the ‘if it’s good for the economy it must be good for society’ mantra. You don’t need the world’s biggest economy to have a happy and balanced society🏌️🚵🏇🛀🌈

    Free Member

    This is not the ‘why did we leave thread’ tjagain.

    We could have done wonderful things in the EU, we can do wonderful things outside the EU. Change brings opportunity for the progressives too.
    Political change,integration, a fairer society, education, empathy and understanding are all still available👍

    Free Member

    Tjagain, there is always potential to benefit from change.
    I think your link about London losing some of it’s clout in the financial services has potential to be a benefit of brexit, the UK should not be so heavily focused on London FS.

    Free Member

    Oldbloke, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the deal done is not going to be delivering any significant benefits for a loooong time💩, look for the tiny signs and reset your expectations would be my advice.

    Push for political change if you have any free time👊

    Free Member

    I think you have been overly optimistic if you were expecting significant benefits at this stage of proceedings.
    Patience required now people.

    Empathy and understanding also required I’m afraid, don’t be part of the problem, rise above it👍

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting it’s my fault

    Not your fault alone obvs👍 you voted for him to be prime minister so you should take some personal responsibility for that, calling him ‘ my prime minister’ reminds us all of our apathy💩
    Collective responsibility innit peeps👊

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