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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • evh22
    Free Member

    If you double click on a road it tells you the date. It’s all in a variety of pinks and purples.
    Alternatively it should say: Now, soon, maybe, never.

    Free Member

    2016???? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Rivelin bank road is worse than the Beast at the moment. They are leaving the hilliest bits until the end when they will have run out of money.

    I hear the company doing it have just done Birmingham and cocked it up royally, but they were the cheapest bid, hey ho.

    Free Member

    It’s great! Never worry about the trail conditions in the dark peak, they’re always fun. But they are brill at the moment and the puddles up at Hagg farm are drier now.

    They did some drainage work on Winstone Lee Tor yesterday. They are trying to get people to use the main path. In one place they’ve put rocks in the way but weirdly they’ve also tried to block off other paths using turf and grass. It looks like there’s a soldier in cammo lying in wait to grab your wheel (or maybe one of those naughty brizzle chavs trying to steal your orange five…).

    The drainage work looks like things will be a bit drier up there, shame in some ways, i always love losing my whole front wheel into a puddle….

    Free Member

    Maybe you are right. Surely if you bought it you would also offer to provide receipts etc?? Also, seller is registered in NZ but selling in the UK having only sold two things before to the same person. And they seem to have taken close ups but not of the components.

    Would be really suspicious if you turn up to buy it from the seller who claims to be 6ft2 and the guy is really short….

    Anyway, no one seems to want it. Will be a costly purchase if they can’t sell it.

    Free Member

    It’s not. I called them. Felt like a proper detective. 😀

    Free Member

    Not one of their bikes but still looks really dodgy.

    Free Member

    Just called Santa Cruz. We’ll find out i guess!

    Free Member

    in my limited experience they’re a case of wrap their hand around it, thumb on top, remove the safety cap and either whap firmly into the thigh for the impact to trigger or whap in and use their thumb to press the trigger button on top

    I don’t think there’s a trigger. Once you remove the cap it is live.

    You may not have to do it, but you would be helpful finding it for her in her bag, reminding her to lie down or just calling an ambulance when she realises she left her epipen at home….

    Actually, the most important thing you could do is go nut free. It’s such a ball ache asking people not to eat nuts, its better if it came from someone else.

    Free Member

    There are instructions on the side but you should know that should should lie her down and call an ambulance if you need to use it.

    Pull off the grey cap, push the BLACK end hard into the outside of her thigh and press hard, hold for 10 secs. Its actually quite hard to activate, you need to press hard. If you can’t get a trainer pen you can ask that she gives you her old pens when they expire so you can have a go on something like an orange.

    If she is that allergic you would be most helpful by suggesting that you have a nut free office. you might get nuts on the door handles or in the air con.

    Most importantly, do not get it the wrong way round. In their excitement keeno first aiders have managed to inject their own thumbs, which if not treated can make your thumb fall off. 😮

    Free Member

    Gonna be an hour from the 13th of August. Will give it one more go before “I’m out”.

    Free Member

    I thought it was pants. So bad I nearly cried.

    Too short, too many articles. The presenters are all boring (well, most bikers are really).

    The mega article was rubbish. What’s their target audience? If you are thinking about doing the mega you’d know what a dropper post was FGS. Why didn’t they comment on the guy who won on a singlespeed belt-drive hardtail? Why didn’t they mention rachel and gee atherton. Maybe she was a bit stilted because she was bricking it about the race, reasonable, but film some of the stuff afterwards then. The camera shots were worse than most people’s GoPro.

    The bits in london were equally crap, mainly because the presenters are soooo wooden. They spent more time swooning over spandau ballet and his ability to buy all the bikes in the world with all his easily earnt cash than on Eddy Merx. Again, totally wasted opportunity. Forget the celebs, if you have someone as great as Merx, have him on later in the series and devote the whole show to him!

    Rant over. Will only watch it again if the only other thing on is TOWIE.

    Free Member

    Bargain at £100. Enjoy. 😀

    Free Member

    “have not read it all but: public mountain rescue is free. It’s the helicopter from the resort that charges you money for the priviledge. As far as i am aware, the hospital only needs a certain paperwork from the nhs. And then you wont have to may anything”.

    You clearly have not read it all then. Don’t listen to people who don’t know what they are talking about, anecdotes from idiots who were too cheap to get insurance are not to be trusted. And please don’t give advice if you don’t know either. It’s far too serious to cock up.

    You need at least £2 million in insurance cover, I’d go for £5 million. And if you can’t pay, you’ll have to declare yourself bankrupt. Why so much? If you are running up bills at that price you are clearly very sick. You do not want your insurance company to insist on repatriating you because you’re running out of insurance if you’re that sick.

    You would definately need cover for repatriation (cost of plane/heli, nurse, doc, full ICU equipment etc) let alone rescue, hotel bills. Your E111 may cover things but not everything, and even if they cover 90% the 10% can be a lot.

    Health insurance is a total bargain compared to the actual cost. Because of the great NHS you have no idea how much things cost in real life.

    Free Member

    The size doesn’t seem to stop people riding mine. Went on a skills course the other day and came out of the cafe to find ex oxley riding round on my bike giggling.


    Free Member

    Basque mtb[/url]

    If you want somewhere chilled out, awesome trails, food and culture and a great guide, can highly recommend Doug. Check out his videos. Looks like he only does holidays in the first two weeks, as it does get a bit cooler than the desert, but it’s green and really beautiful.

    Free Member

    No Rebas are fine. I wouldn’t take my advice though as i’ve been riding bikes for years and only just realised what suspension actually does. Before this i was riding some bombers that barely compressed with my weight. I’m about 50kg and have let some air out below the minimum I think and they are great for me.

    chakaping, thanks don’t tempt me, i’m getting a reverb before any other expensive pimping!

    Pivot do small frames, costly though.
    Why don’t you make her day and get the carbon one?
    Or I’ll sell you mine and I’ll get the carbon one.

    I would suggest she stands over one though, as when the frames get smaller the geometry means the room to manoeuvre in front of the seat gets smaller too. I can’t comfortably stand over mine which is sadly limiting my riding (at least, that’s my excuse). They are hiring the lush out for demos at glentress i think, or if she’s anywhere near sheffield she’s welcome to try mine!

    There was a test of the Diva, a specialised and the lush in stw about 2 issues back. The specialised looks a bit big in the frame and the Diva looked a bit too knarly for me.

    Here’s me on it!

    Free Member

    I’ve had a Trek Lush S for 8 months. Ok, it was a step up from my previous hardtail but I LOVE IT!
    I’m 4ft9, have the smallest one, I never thought i’d find a bike. It took me down the Weekender downhill and XC no probs and i’m certainly doing more semi-knarly stuff than i ever did before. No probs with the spec or parts and i’ve been riding it three times a week + in the peak grit and only changed the usual consumables. If i could’ve persuaded the bike to work guys to let me pay a bit more i’d have gone for the SL though as it Fox forks, though i’d have needed to service them millions of times by now….

    And, for the girls, it looks awesome (will match my bling white shoes I won, thanks STW!). 😀

    Free Member

    Those are good questions, ones which I definitely think you need to ask and if i was your doc i’d be pleased you asked them. I’d want to know about the common and less common but nasty side effects and which go away if you stop the drug. I think you’d need blood monitoring of the levels, and your blood counts etc. What will happen to your when you stop the drug is also important, it may be that taking it for a bit quietens things down and if you come off it you will be better than now. It may be that you get a rebound effect, its definitely worth asking that. Also whether they’d keep you on it longterm or just give you a quick blast.

    I agree, something the net isn’t too helpful, especially with a drug like this which is used for all sorts of things. Sometimes the choice is: take the drug and stay alive or don’t take it and be really sick, much easier to make a decision in that case!

    The great thing about what your taxes pay for (not for long if the Tories have their evil way) is that you don’t need to sign on the dotted line and be stuck with your decision. There is alway the chance to put off the decision, come back to things at other points in your life when you or your condition changes. You can start something and stop it later if its not for you. We don’t mind one bit.

    PM me if you have any other Qs. I’m not a dermatologist but have some general knowledge on these things.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to sound like a total a-hole as i’m sure you know all this but maybe you should be asking your dermatologist these questions? They get paid a lot to sit about doing not a lot.

    Urticaria can be really dreadful which is why I presume they are offering it but deciding to take something like ciclosporin is a bit of an undertaking, especially for something that is unlikely to be life threatening. B

    Write down your questions, do some reliable interweb research (try and go back and talk it through with someone who prescribes it a lot. You wont find enough people using it on this site to give you a balanced view (dogs do not count!). Ciclo does has some serious side effects, i seem to think most are reversible but i’m not that familiar with it!

    Good luck! 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    rkk01 aka Marmite man yhm
    Let me know if you don’t get it.

    Free Member

    Took some pictures, at the start on the slippy corner down at the swamp where we had a message board. The looks on some of their faces were priceless. The surprise/shock/horror was pretty awesome!.
    I also took some of the last riders coming into the finishing straight with about 2 minutes to go. I’ve listed those i could identify by their numbers here but the ones at the finish were often too muddy.

    Facebook album

    Stripped leggings and mohican, Sumos, Tutu lady, Team Naan, 1099 1501 1060 1067 325 1099 747 2302 112 568 441 797 1912 901 2691 1611 1700 1940 2379 1860 1070 619 2566 1044 474 40 163 2152 2676 116 596 1465 288 1527 1318 575 1707 200 1200 2004 115 779 183 115 8 106 170 908 121 149 1983 13

    Well done to all those who ventured out on their bikes, especially those who kept going in terrible conditions.

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