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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • evh22
    Free Member

    Danny H says it like it is.

    What happens when we talk about cheeky stuff on facebook?
    1) 5000+ people read about it
    2) Loads more people start riding the cheeky stuff and it is no longer quite, narrow single track it turns into a rutted busy mess ruining the fun it was. Alpine/Telegraph/Les Arcs is a great example.
    3) When PDMTB get 5 minutes to chat with an authority that has the power to increase access we spend the first 4 minutes 30 seconds having to listen to them complaining about examples of cheeky riding. Then we get no time to talk about the good stuff. I can think of a number of examples of this happening.
    4) When we do something amazing like raise £74 000 to mend one of the best bridleways in the UK people ignore that and still think we are d*ckheads because some d*ckheads who claim to ride bikes like to talk sh*t on social media rather than riding their bikes.
    5) People think we are d*ckheads so don’t want to work with us to improve mountain biking.

    1 million people live within one hours drive from the Peak District.

    Most of the riders consider themselves to be “locals”. It seems locals think that they somehow don’t have any impact. In fact, they have the most impact.

    Finally: Why don’t people get that cheeky trails should be kept to yourself like wild camping? If you tell everyone where the best wild camping spots are they get ruined. That’s why traditionally you don’t find loads of details on the internet or in books.

    Do some research yourself and go out and explore. You’ll find places no one else goes and they are the best. Then keep them secret and they’ll stay amazing.

    Free Member

    Murkar campsite had a post Tour de France revamp and has lovely showers! Not as convenient as reeth but nice all the same.

    Free Member

    Running with the Kenyans is ok but a bit mediocre.

    For a film you should watch the film about the Barkley marathon. It’s on Netflix/prime. Makes everything else seem tame. Worth also watching some YouTube videos of later races where the weather was grim.

    Free Member

    Bonjye is right. Self certify. “Doctors notes” should be employers problem. They may have specific issues if clients are at risk (eg if you work in a nursery, in which case they’ll have a policy and will have specific arrangements).

    Please please don’t go to the doctors unless they know and invite you down. If you give the pox to someone on cancer treatment they could die. Sounds drastic but the surgery is full of ill people who are at risk.

    Free Member


    Last thing they want is someone infectious sat in a waiting room full of people who are ill!

    If work has a specific reason for needing a diagnosis then they should sort that through their own occupational health service. If he needs time off he can self certify for up to a week. If he still has blisters he could take a picture of them as proof. If he needs to see a doctor because he’s ill phone up and explain the problem to reception.

    Free Member

    Glad you found the booklet helpful.

    Btw you can get a free bus pass if you can’t drive due to epilepsy. And few prescriptions.

    Free Member

    Newly diagnosed booklet

    Have a read, write down your questions for the doctor and ask to see the epilepsy nurse. Good luck.

    Free Member

    Safety was the reason they gave to allow them to keep it closed. This is despite it being open to traffic for 4 years without incident.

    FOI is in development.

    Free Member

    I would strongly avoid drugs to help you sleep or wake up. Psychological strategies are far safer and more effective in the long term. Take a look at website sites that do CBT-I. (I for insomnia). This is used by sleep specialists. May try myself!

    In particular gabapentin is NOT safe and is addictive if used inappropriately. Soon it will be a controlled drug (that is, illegal to have without prescription). Don’t usually comment on these medical threads but felt I needed to point this out.

    Free Member

    Couple of other points, especially for those with allergies:

    there is a nationwide shortage of epipens. There are no children’s ones available. They say you can use up to 4 months after expiry date (talk about desperation). This I think is due in part to the pharmacy company buying the rights then upping the price massively. ****. In adults they are hard to get hold of and have a short expiry time. So if they are expiring order now and expect a delay in getting one (maybe months).

    if you inject into one thigh you need to inject the second into another limb as you get local blood vessel construction. This happened in this case. But if you are in shock you won’t get any absorption anyway so need intravenous adrenaline so need to use the second early.

    Epipens were designed to give the army stuff in Iraq to treat chemical weapons so the needles are designed for thin men, not women who have more fat. So the needles are too short. Get an Emerade instead which has a longer needle and longer shelf life. Why the **** did no one tell us this??? Anaphylaxis campaign and the MHRA should have acted years ago on this.

    In this case the plane couldn’t divert as the destination was the quickest airport. The AED would be useless in her case but the training that you only put it on when they stop breathing is utter bollcks. Suspect this is because the pads you use have a cost which the airline doesn’t want to pay (why I worked in an A&E where we still used those dodgy paddle things because they were too stingey to do things properly).  However their suction was also not working which is also utter bollcks. They should be strung up as this may have helped and suction is probably more useful than any other basic device. This should have been checked and resolved before take off.

    Finally, you might criticise her for buying a dodgy sandwich. How many times did she eat an avoid a problem? Millions. You can’t just stay at home and never go out. Life is a balance of risks. I think you also have to distinguish between an ingredient which is a core part of the meal (eg if it were a sesame seed sandwich you can know to avoid it and fair enough, some people like sesame seeds) and one which is hidden (and usually a pointless addition to the meal and also high risk of missing it). If she’d asked, who is to say they staff would have known? I suspect the dough was made offsite so they wouldn’t have prepared it themselves. Also if they hard warnings on other food, you could be reassured by the absence on this sandwich.

    Free Member

    Pitt rivers and natural history museum (same place, free). Much better than the ashmoleum.  Walk to the trout over port meadow for views. G&Ds for ice cream (one near Jericho, one opposite Christchurch, one in cowley). Do one college tour: Magdalen, new or Christchurch (christchurch if you like Harry Potter, they have specific tours for Harry Potter), wander round Christchurch meadows. If you are going at a weekend in autumn go laugh at all the new rowers trying to learn on the Isis south of Christchurch. Saturday and Sunday afternoons. I did like the Turf for the architecture but no atmosphere in any pub. Watch out as all the students have just bought a bike and don’t know how to ride them. I used to go to chez Gerard for food then G&Ds for dessert as it was always good. People watching is good especially this time of year as you might spot matriculation (lots of gowns and hats).

    Free Member

    The November event has been cancelled due to problems outside their control. They are having a break from trail quests this year, they’ve been doing them for 17 years! I love their events but when they changed the start time to earlier it put us off not just because we’d need to get out of bed earlier but because of the risk of ice and fog on the roads at that time. Hope they are back though as they are great!

    Free Member

    Can someone explain to me what jobs a male school nurse would need a chaperone for that a female wouldn’t? If you need a chaperone your own gender is irrelevant. Women and men should be using chaperones.

    Sounds like a great career choice: a role model for boys and girls.

    Also, the concept that unless you are a women you can’t empathise is BS. Does that mean all midwives have to have children? Do doctors all have to have had all the conditions they treat? Of course not! It’s about training, experience and personal skills of listening and discussion. Frankly the patients don’t give a shit about their HCPs personal lives, they are the patient not you.

    Good luck in your career. You sound like you have many skills you will bring to the role.

    Free Member

    Oh another thing: get all the doctors on her rota to write to the guardian as a group.  This avoids any worry about sticking heads over the parapet.  There are often a few “in my day” dicks in the department who think that the only way to work is as many hours as they can (usually because their lives are so empty that work is the only thing defines them).  You find they usually aren’t the best workers.  There are usually plenty who manage a work life balance who will back up their juniors but might be a bit quieter but are well respected.

    Free Member

    That email sounds very familiar.  Presumably she’s a junior doctor.  Here are my suggestions from a old hand (people might be surprised to hear that you can be a “junior” doctor for more than a decade).

    They are right that in unpredicted circumstances they can ask you to cover for the first 48 hours.  I believe in the new contract this is taken as TOIL (time owing or extra pay) and not as locum pay.  However, if you aren’t at work they can’t expect you to answer your emails, so I’d just ignore them.  Harder to avoid phone calls but you could just switch her phone off over the weekend.

    However, unpredicted circumstances do not apply to rota gaps due to long term sickness, maternity leave, unfilled vacancies or other things that can be predicted > 48 hours in advance.  So if they are trying to cover rota gaps then this is not contractual.  After 48 hours they have to find a locum.

    Cover still has to fit within the working time regulations of the new contract, that also encompass the EWTD and WTD.  They can’t just get you to work until you drop in an emergency.  You still need 11 hours rest after every shift, work no more than 8 days in a row with 48 hours off, work no more than a maximum of 48 hours per week (although TOIL might allow for this).  It’s complicated: I’d recommend joining the union and getting written info.

    These sort of continued issues should be escalated to the guardian of safe working and also to her educational supervisor and the deanery.  The deanery pay their wages if she is in a training job and they have a duty of care.  If it is affecting her health then she could consider speaking to her GP but don’t expect any form of confidentiality or compassion, my friend had to explain herself when she refused to do a night shift because she had terrible diabetes.

    Suggest she joins the junior doctor contract forum on Facebook.  It’s more useful than the BMA.  This sort of problem is commonly discussed on there and the head of the BMA junior doctors forum posts a lot of advice.  Sadly the new contract has many loop holes which HR are keen to exploit and at times do uncontractual things.

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden a lot of routes in the Lake District, it’s the best place for riding ever!  This isn’t one I’d be rushing back for.  The descent to Buttermere is very technical (if you like pitched steps or steep screes then you’ll like it), Mosedale is just boring and miserable (might be a bit better when it’s not wet but i suspect it’s really overgrown, i think we pushed for over an hour), the descent to Ennerdale is ok-ish.  The ride along the shore of Ennerdale was nice, beautiful and remote but it’s a double track.  So take the kids bikes and explore Ennderdale, you’ll enjoy that.

    The footpaths around Buttermere are nice.

    Free Member

    It’ll be a great ride, nice people and definitely worthy cause.

    Free Member

    Great. Thanks ++

    Free Member

    Thanks. Are there others in that area to explore? We pass that way a lot so i’ll definitely add it to the list.

    Free Member

    Bolt’s law looks great! Not really explored the North Pennines or Kielder much on a bike. Not sure why.

    Free Member

    Thanks! Think we’d prefer to stay in one or max two places. The cheviots sound boggy!
    Will look at Bolts Law.
    Worth staying a little further south in the borders? Jedburgh I seemed to think had a good chippy.
    We made it a far south as Selkirk but there definitely seemed more to explore in that area.

    Free Member

    The nemo ones are dreadful. If your hands get cold they never get warm in them. Worn once, never again. Ski gloves good, never found good biking gloves, all too bulky

    Free Member

    Update: I shopped them to the information commissions office. I got a reply. They’ll basically do nothing and probably filed my report in the bin. Might be worth several people complaining to see if they respond to a volume of complaints.

    We are writing to you regarding the data protection concern you have raised with us concerning Estates & Management Ltd and the way it handles personal data.

    Role of the ICO

    Our role is to ensure that organisations follow the Data Protection Act 1998 properly. If things go wrong we will provide advice and ask the organisation to try to put things right. Our overall aim is to improve the way organisations handle personal information.

    Your concern

    You have written to us because you are unhappy that Estates & Management Ltd has not held your data securely. That has led to your personal information being inappropriately accessed by a third party.

    Our decision

    It would appear that Estates & Management Ltd has breached the Data Protection Act. This is because they have failed to hold your data securely in line with principle 7 of the DPA.

    Although it would appear that the organisation has breached the DPA, we would not deem it appropriate to pursue any further regulatory action at this stage.

    Although we do not intend to take any further regulatory action on this case, this will remain on our systems to help us build a picture of Estates & Management Ltd’s information rights handling.

    We will continue to monitor Estates & Management Ltd’s data protection practices, and should any regulatory action be taken against Estates & Management Ltd in the future, your case may form a part of our intelligence against them. You can view any regulatory action we do take on our website, using the following link:

    Feedback about our service

    If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received, or would like to provide us with feedback of any kind, please let me know.

    Yours sincerely,

    Benjamin Brady
    Lead Case Officer
    Information Commissioner’s Office
    01625 545 213

    Free Member

    BBB impress do have clear lenses.
    Merlin BBB impress for short faces

    Free Member

    BBB impress. £20 on merlin. They do a small face size. Just bought two pairs. I’m really pleased with them. Finally a pair that don’t fall off when riding downhill.

    Free Member

    I’ve asked E&M who their data controller, whether they have reported it and what the outcome is.

    “David” at action fraud online chat (who chats about fraud at 9pm!) has advised to report:

    Free Member

    I don’t have an estate agent. E&M is my only link.

    Free Member

    Got this email too. Have enquired how they got my email address. Going to turn approve E&M. If they don’t engage am gonna report to Information Commission. Wonder if they sold our email addresses, either way t it’s a major breech of DPA surely?

    Free Member

    Just for a bit of balance, it’s worth also reading this article before you sign up. I believe the screening may not be free either.

    Free Member

    They use lashers I think. Designed specifically got off-road but Craig has a range of handbikers. One member has a full sus. He’s thinking of getting electric assist as add on!

    Free Member

    Where do you live?
    Anywhere near the peak/dales and experience community (Facebook) are who you need. Bunch of handbikers and mtb trikes. There’s a Facebook group uk handbikers or something. You can try out/get lessons on the bikes etc. They are going on holiday to kielder in May. Been up snowdon on a mountain trike, Peak District/ trail centres etc on handbikes.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear you’re going through this. You might want to order this book and have a look at the website: might contain some helpful info. It should outline your rights as NOK (you do have rights to information).

    Will the coroner’s office tell you when the inquest will be? You can pose specific questions. Best to put them in writing. Coroner’s officers can be variable in the way they work so might be best to put your concerns in writing to make sure they don’t ignore them.

    My person experience is that the detail of information at inquest, especially the post mortem evidence is very upsetting for relatives. You could ask for a copy and read it (or have someone interpret it for you) before the inquest so you have the opportunity to digest it and ask any questions.

    Free Member

    NHS work-life balance = doing e-learning courses on Easter Sunday with IT systems that are crap.

    I share your pain (writing thesis on Easter Sunday), fortunately using a university computer.

    Free Member

    Have you ever rowed indoors before? It’s incredibly boring. You might want to consider your boredom/torture threshold!

    The Opti rowers looks pretty cheap and nasty. Decent ergs are very heavy but need to be because you are generating a lot of power. Otherwise they’ll rock around a lot. I think you do pay for what you get, a decent Concept 2 is long and a new one is £800+. I would definitely want to try one out before buying, although distance selling regs might mean you could take it back. You’d work out pretty quickly if it was dreadful. I’ve not been involved with rowing for 15 years now, but i never saw any other make of rower in any boatclubs other than Concept.

    You can get ergs for canoeing. At least, I saw one once at the rowing lake. Weird! Wont you be a bit claustrophobic exercising in such a small space?

    Free Member

    The Dropzone/Supernatural are the shortest but they are rubbish. The Lev is the next shortest.
    It’s all about the distance between the top of the collar and the rails. The giant posts have that weird bit below the collar that you can’t shove into the frame. The Lev doesn’t and the collars are quite narrow which helps.

    Compare the lengths

    Free Member

    This is not advice, you can read the NICE guidelines here:!scenario:1

    This should answer some of your questions. The NICE guidelines advice early treatment for those with the condition, and in doing so, you can ask the doctor about passing it on to other people.

    Free Member

    Pah. What are you all on about? We go everywhere with two bikes and enough kit to last a decade in a Toyota Yaris.

    Free Member

    Think this was one of the most popular videos on Pinkbike last year. It’s awesome!

    Little Trail Hunter

    Free Member

    A well known bike holiday company in Europe has it’s mini bus drivers use handheld mobiles whilst driving up twisty alpine roads all the time. We made a note on our feedback form as it was blinking scary. Given my experience of the rest of the holiday I’m not holding out much hope that they’ve changed. Anyone else had similar experience?

    Free Member

    The middle hagg farm gate post has fallen over so likely to be left open anyway as if you try to shut it it falls on top of you. The ones on hope brink are tied together with string. Different farmer and I suspect the hagg farm one will get fixed whereas the top of hope brink is a mess with broken bits of wire that get stuck in your wheels etc. And DCC won’t do anything about it. I’ve noticed a significant deterioration in Derbyshire gates recently which seems to correlate with the culling of ROW staff at DCC and their desperate need to spend the quarter of a million on pointless green lane surfacing.

    On the other hand I bet Welshfarmer’s land is full of cheery farmers, happy sheep welcoming you onto their land and gates that automatically open at the sound of a hope hub 🙂

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