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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • eruptron
    Free Member

    Only one place to get Kippers[/url]

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member
    and it’s got a snap pouch for my change.
    Change goes in the trouser pocket, in a charity box, or in a buskers hat

    It does not go in a wallet.


    (A wallet with change in it, magically becomes a “Purse” )
    +1 there is something very wrong with a wallet with a change pouch :-(

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I thought this was a euphemism!! Wrong type of moles wrong type of garden! 8O

    Leave the poor buggers alone you’ve probably plonked a great big block on top of their house and keep mowing their roof Or move to the Isle of Man we don’t have them.

    Free Member

    I managed to call the apprentice Harold when he turned up about 15 yrs ago. He is still referred to as Harold by those who know him from back in the day. This stemmed from the turd firm we worked for that couldn’t be bothered introducing new members of staff. We even had a smelly Len for a while :lol:
    Where I work now everyone is called Dave except the manager who is called Jeff and the cat that’s called Trevor even though she’s female 8O
    That’s the motor trade for ya

    Free Member

    Bought one of these Gaggiathe grind quality is consistant and there are more settings than you can shake a stick at gets the right espresso grind.
    It’s got a couple of little of quirks but it’s not missed a beat and I’d recommend one. It’s a 4 out of 5 from me :roll:
    Cheap grinder chop where as when you get a slightly more expensive grinder are burr grinders and tend not to hack your beans to death getting the best out of the beans.

    You’ll find it does make a difference.Some beans grind different to others so you’ll find you can’t just stick it on setting 4 and get the same results every time(unless of course you only buy one type of bean)

    Free Member

    I would have said it was very unlikely a Hen Harrier due to the rarity of the bird (It would most probably have been mistaken for a buzzard any way)
    It’s not unknown that a Sparrow hawk to flight higher when commuting and it does have the broader wing and tail that you describe. Wrong time of year for the Honey Buzzard.
    Not knowing the size I reckon either a Female Sparrow Hawk or Buzzard. Just to throw another into the mix what about a Marsh Harrier but
    more likely would be migrating and would like a Hen Harrier have quite a floaty flight.Do you get Short eared Owls round there as these are common hunters during the day.

    Free Member

    Spudulika 8O

    Free Member

    Rwandan was great for espresso[/url]
    Rave coffee

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Fanny’s the lot of ya!! Steampacket That all!! :lol:

    Free Member

    mother – Member
    Double your budget but thought I would try. I keep trying! I have a ladies 15″ 29er for sale. I am 5ft 2ins and it fits me perfectly. Good bike and pretty much as new. Specialised Jett expert. can send pictures, spec etc £1300 new. Selling for £800. Very nice bike.

    Hi Mother She don’t want too spend that much thanks for the offer though.

    missnotax – Member
    I would buy second hand rather than new – that way a) you get more for your money, and b) if your wife decides she doesn’t like it then you stand a good chance of selling it for what you paid. The number of ‘as new ridden twice’ ladies bikes on the market tells me that i’m on the right track here…

    If she likes it, then obviously it’s the perfect time to upgrade!
    Are you planning on biking with your wife? If so, another reason to go for a lighter bike to make it as easy / fun as possible for her. If I had a pound for every time I have seen a chap on a modern super-duper bike followed a few minutes later by his not very happy other half on an ancient heavy bike I would be a very rich lady. Not suggesting you would do this by the way!
    Anyway, second hand / fleabay bargain gets my vote.
    I agree with the second hand side of things but we live on the Isle Of Man so slightly limited and people sh1t themselves postage wise even though we are part of the Royal Mail system and don’t generally cost anymore than sending to the rest of the UK.
    I would love her to have a top end bike and to be off riding together but it’s just not her bag. She will probably only really use it to ride up to the allotment and a bit of light riding for fitness.
    We are off to Germany later in the year and might hire bikes to have a pootle around so she wants to a little bike practice in for that but that’s about as far as it goes.

    Free Member

    mattzzzzzz – Member
    Why hybrid? How about a small 29er ? Decathlon big RR is not a bad looking bike
    But they start at a medium so that may be an issue unless shes tall enough
    Only 350 too

    Hi Mattzzzzzz She would be needing a small size so the decathlon would be out unfortunately.
    The idea behind the hybrid is that she definatly doesn’t want a road bike (here words not mine :-) but it’s highly unlikely that’s she’s going to be do anything really off road other than the old railway line.
    There’s no point spending too much as she’s not ridden a bike properly for about 942 years but I’d like to get something that’s not going to be a dead weight and hence going to be a drag and put her off.

    Free Member

    Bruges nice just to wander round relaxed place. If you like the beer and reasonable food we though this place was nice.
    They have a couple of beers to try oh and nice food :-)

    You could always take her for a romantic wander through the war cemeteries and trenches 8-)

    We actually went with these guys and they were really good. travel company[/url] they do plenty of different breaks. we thought it was prety good value for money.

    Free Member

    I work in a garage and after asking the young lad 3 times if he could waggle a wheel for me he got really mad shouting back arsily “I DON’T WANT A WAGONWHEEL” 8O

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    I can’t do press-ups in the traditional palms on floor position cos I can’t comfortably bend my wrists back that far. Anyone else have this problem?

    Not that many years ago I could, then I developed what the doc thought was a ganglion deep in my wrist that showed up if I bent my wrist forwads. This seemed to stop my wrist bending backwards too – no worries, I waited for it to go which it eventually did after a long time. That was maybe.. I dunno.. 2 years ago ish. Mobility improved, but still wasn’t particularly comfortable. Now it bends forwards fine but still won’t bend back all the way and the other wrist is now the same.

    Does that sound familiar to anyone?

    foxman – Member
    yep, same problem as you , but had to have the one on my right wrist surgicly removed , bone graft & fused joint in hand , as the ganglion grew inward & was missed for many years.

    Do you live in the same village?? 8O :wink:

    Free Member

    bigblackshed -I now feel like a real man again

    What sort of man were you feeling before 8O

    Glad you haven’t cut your face off. I’ve been using one since about November find that the Derby’s have given me the shave so far. Ultras are ok but I found the Feathers (in the yellow wrapper)uncomfortable to use and didn’t like the way my skin felt after using them.

    Free Member

    Ho hum – Member
    bigblackshed – Member
    Went for the Merkur 23c. It arrived today so I’m about to give it a go. Hopefully I won’t cut my head off.

    How did you get on?

    The Merkur 23c has the same head as my Merkur 34C and that gives me a pretty damn good shave.

    I reckon he’s cut his lips off :D

    Free Member

    Cheers guys plenty to mull over there. Sounds like we won’t be disappointed.

    Free Member

    Cheers Guys looking to go in the summer. Most of the reviews are positive. looked at Bled which looks nice. How easy is it to get around with or without a car?

    Free Member

    Kato – Member
    Bob sends his regards. He would get up but he’s too lazy

    Is Bob the feline Patrick Moore :-)

    Gizmo sends her best wishes..

    Free Member

    I have got the 1100d no expert so went for the cheapest option. (I have got the 75-300mm lens as well from back in the day when I had an slr) I’m really chuffed with the camera its easy to use and takes some really nice pictures. Factor in that you get £30 cash back at the moment then I personally think it’s a bit of a bargain for a beginner like

    Free Member

    Cornish Yarg,

    Free Member

    Another one like this will make me a happy man 8)

    Free Member

    Funny how in professional circles RVP seems to be one of these players hated by his fellow pro’s may be for all his talent he is also one of these players that has a nasty streak and quite often will leave a deliberate foot or elbow in every now and again.
    The comical thing is that after suffering such a life before the eyes moment he jumped up quick enough to have a go!

    Free Member

    WorldClassAccident – Member
    We have 14 people round, four of them wives, a big kitchen.

    We need to keep them busy or they will start talking and we will die of oxygen starvation.
    You have four wives? 8O

    Free Member

    Garmin 610 it’s a watch it’s gps i love it coz it’s not a brick with a strap :-)

    Free Member

    Have you tried using coal in your log burning stove?

    Free Member

    Dead pigeon as a decoy?? if I was a pigeon and saw another one dead I don’t think it would encourage me to drop down for a feed.

    Free Member

    I’ve got Salomon’s 3xd’s or something along those lines held up well in some pretty shite conditions.
    Bought them from these guy’s in shoprunning shoes[/url] paid a bit more but the advise and customer service was top class

    Free Member

    My Mrs is appalled by the choice of Tiny Tom and hasn’t stopped going on about it :roll: “HE’S SO NOT Jack Reacher”
    She reckons that Jason Isaacs would do the trick.

    Free Member

    tomhoward – Member
    As with all dreams, it means you’re gay. Apparently.

    nealglover – Member
    As with all dreams. It means extremely close to nothing.

    And that you are gay.

    His colleagues are all gay because they have the cardy’s he just wants to be which is why he desires to have the Cardy :lol:

    Free Member

    Your dealer. They’re not always too much more expensive than Fred in the shed. At least your dealer will fit genuine pads. I’ve seen some none genuine pads fall apart and I know what product I’d prefer in a vehicle that my loved ones are in.
    Most dealers will do value line or menu servicing.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    610 is quality.

    Free Member

    And let’s not forget the fact they go to B&Q on other days than a Wednesday when they get 10% and stand about 12 across generally getting in the way of those of us with less time. :D Suppose they have to find out who’s died this week somehow :twisted:

    Free Member

    Yep I’d agree with the playbook media is excellent Movies, music,pdf,flash documents and browsing are really good. Apps are its downfall it does have them but they can be expensive ie Angrybirds is £5 some are free if like me you dont really bother with apps its really good. Had mine for over 12 months now and it’s been used every day.
    At the price it’s fantastic.

    Free Member

    Canada for me. Awesome place.

    Free Member

    Just go with her :D

    Free Member

    Find this guy. Doubt we’d need to worry about the guns and ammo running out :D

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