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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • ernie
    Free Member

    Those Elite cages are simple and brilliant. I’m still using a pair that are circa 10 years old. They’ve never let me down through any terrain. The only other cage I would revert to being Arundel: held my bottles in the 3 peaks so thats a positive endorsement

    Free Member

    First, what a superb post.

    What has changed for you?
    I was instructed to work from home – no more leaving the home at 0700 and getting home at 1945. I gained work/life balance again.
    My mental health improved.
    My relationship with my family improved (I actually saw them when not tired and grumpy)
    My wife was instructed to work from home
    I learn new skills: built a summer house (cedar clad, double glazed, SIPs, AC) – wife moved into the summer house
    I lost two aunts: not through covid.
    Both daughters started at a new school (amazing new school)
    Daughter no 2 diagnosed with dyslexic
    Work completed the first round of re-organisation that resulted in a down size of resources and just finishing the second round of re-organisation resulting in further loss of staff (I work for Network Rail)

    What hasn’t changed?
    Brexit is still a cluster ****

    Do you miss anything from the lockdowns?
    The oh so quiet and peaceful roads
    The sudden kindness that descended on the country.
    The lack of air pollution which benefited by asthma

    Is there anything you’ve learned from all of this and will take forward with you?
    The disappointment in the minority who saw Covid as an opportunity to make massive financial gains at cost to the tax payer. And worse still, they were endorsed and supported by those in power.
    My confidence in Tories has never been lower.
    Don’t sell your mountain bike 4weeks before an international lockdown, even more so when the new bike isn’t in my hands.

    Free Member

    And Podgy? Rides away from a group of the best climbers in the protour? Yes, they all sat and looked at each other when he attacked and yes, there are many variables we will not be aware of. However, the fact they all said they could not follow when he made his move suggests they were on the rivet anyway. Stunning performance, stunning physiological attributes and he is only 23!

    Free Member

    Hey, I’m in rhe same boat: 8yr old and completely out grown her 20″ er. I’ve been looking at the Vitus 24 (or 24+). I don’t think they get away from loose ball bearings but do have 8spd trigger shifter.

    Also, feel your pain ref change: my 11yr old is AS and refuses to let go of her 24er inspite of clearly having out grown it


    Free Member

    Thomson. A really superb product that has never failed me.

    Free Member

    I have a plan, well an idea at least: the continental divide. There are a few logistical and financial barriers to overcome but if I pull it off it would be memorable.

    Free Member

    My buddy has one. He loves it.

    Free Member

    Well that was an almighty mess for me. My new inhaler didn’t arrive so I’ve been with the steroids for 5 days and boy did I feel it. J packed after 1 lap.
    Disappointed 😞

    Free Member

    My wife and I are great examples of don’t force it. I went to college because that’s what everyone did. I crashed out after a few months. I then worked for 5yrs in a series of dead end jobs before returning to college and then university, the time out definitely focused my mind on what I wanted to do and what I enjoyed.
    My wife is even better: she went to independent school and followed what her mother expected and planned a uni course, heading towards her a level exams she knew the uni course she was scheduled to start was the wrong one, so bummed her exams. She went from a straight A student to D/E. She started at a poly on an even more crappy course and scrapped a 2:2. Fast forward 6 yr of shit jobs, she quit, went back to uni for a MSc and then a PHd. She met me as well which I think, the pinnacle.
    I guess the lesson both of us have learnt that going to uni isn’t necessarily essential straight away. In England, it’s one hell of an investment so I think even more important that the course will be of interest and help in the job market. Being a parent and allowing this I think will be tough, and we both know it’s going to be hell when our kids reach that age.

    Free Member

    I’m similar. The normal work cycle results in end of month reporting and forecasting.last year it was becoming too much and I really came close to cracking. I started going for a walk at 0615, aiming to get 10,000 steps in before starting work.
    I wanted to get a break in the middle of the day, though this remained aspirational. I often took to doing press ups when I had a spare 5min. Sounds easy,it wasn’t.
    At the end of the day I rode on the turbo and watched a film or box set. If there wasn’t time for that I re started building my balsa wood airplane. The plane really forced me to focus on that only and removed work from my mindset.
    Later, I avoided the tv as my mind could drift back to work, but reading distracted me and this would be the pre bed routine.
    I’ve also tried yoga abd pirates classes, these work but for me only when I could escape the house and go to a class.

    Free Member

    Put a post on Pankhurst Cycles. Rikki, the owner, aside from being a great guy, superb mechanic is also the knower of all things retro road bike and campag. He owns something like 50 retro road bikes and will likely be able to tell you the year, but also who built the wheels.

    Free Member

    Great work guys. The thought of 70km makes my legs hurt just thinking about it.

    I forgot about the cows! Trying to ride around them on the really steep climb was challenging

    Free Member

    Wow that was tough. But also kinda fun. How did everyone go?

    2nd place again for me, albeit only 90s off the winner. My start is still truly horrendous but not as abysmal as the last round. But I loved some of the singletrack sections especially when i got a clear run at them.

    Free Member

    Cooling. A little concerned how thr brake pads will hold up, but too late to get a new set now!
    I’ll be on an all black Fung Wu with black kit and white helmet. Hopefully towards the front of the 2hr vets race.
    Good luck STWers

    Free Member

    Top tip: Vlad Dascalu to Trek Factory Racing.

    Free Member

    Hi @gingerflash
    To be honest I’m not sure if it is a copy, j guess it will be heavily influenced by something. I’ll try and sort out a side shot.

    Having spent some time on it I now treat as any other bike I’ve owned. That includes a couple of Gorrick races, battle on the beach and all thr mtb trails at cwncarn. The only issue I’ve had has been the cranks coming loose. Everything else has been great.

    It is still early days and only time will tell.

    Free Member

    I’m in DrP. 2hr though which is the length of my endurance these days.

    Free Member

    Just failed

    Free Member

    The ASEA site has a detailed plan and timeline which shows the sheet piled wall, a new drainage outlet and short concrete retaining wall (all of which is shown on the photo). Nothing is shown across the track and funding bodies do not include NR. There is the additional problem of the crossing for the seven way (the rubber panels across the track). That would need to be factored into any flood defence. Could be this location is one for the future when between the local authority, network rail and any other stakeholders figure out what to do.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Hi, it would be worth calling Hybrid Tune. They complete all things performance upgrade and run a mini race team including performance partner to Mini Challemge UK

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The trek supercalbre that I ordered 18months ago and is apparently going to arrive soon but I forgot to tell my wife that it is still on order…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I look forward to watching this. Turbo trainer viewing tonight sorted!

    @barrysh1tpeas @tomparkin

    My 10 year old was formally diagnosed as autistic last year. She also has PDA and ARFID (though ARFID is not yet formally recognised by the NHS, though some GP’s do recognise it). She does not have an EHCP and this has proven a significant issue in securing secondary school place (be it state or private). She has avoided coats and tights since the start of school and fortunately the school has been accommodating and allowed my wife to make her ‘skirt/leggings’ which she will wear. Instead of a coat she uses a cape (made by my wife). As with others experience, this has been a learning curve for the immediate and wider family. We have worked hard in ensuring our younger daughter is aware of AS, recognising that there is a strong likelihood that she could feel she is treated second as elder daughter requires a lot more support. My wife at 44 was diagnosed with ADHD (when she told her colleagues the common response was “no shit!”), more for her own confirmation but also to held AS daughter understand she is not alone. Its tough, my heart bleeds for my AS daughter both for the struggles she encounters daily that are simply not recognised by the school but also knowing the pain she will encounter in the future.

    My advice to anyone who is going through diagnosis now or has it for any primary age children is to push for an EHCP with urgency. From what we hear; expect to be refused first time around as LA are seriously underfunded in this provision and appeals are likely forthcoming.

    What I have found most interesting is how tech companies (and forward thinking organisations) are recognising neurodiversity and embracing it, adjusting the workplace to welcome ND staff. Why? Because if you can foster and nurture their skillsets they can be a remarkable asset. And yet schools seem to be scared and see ND children as nothing more than a risk to their OFSTED record/grades.

    Free Member

    I keep going back to water proof endura or grip grap and then get decent thermal socks. This combination works for me.

    Free Member

    Great ride by Jnr and DrP. I really wouldn’t fancy that course on a rigid ss!

    I managed 2nd in the 2hr vets. One slight off course detour which was annoying but I was no way at the same speed as the winner. He was rapido!

    Free Member

    I’m in. 2hr vets. It’s gonna be bloody cold!

    Free Member

    I’ll be there if I enter. 2hr only though.

    Free Member

    One of the take homes for me on this is I cannot wait for my 8yr and 10yr old girls to hit the teen years. Oh the fun that awaits me…

    Dont sweat it. Your her Dad, she loves you. It’ll be fine.

    Love this.

    Free Member

    Try not to sweat it too much. Be available when you can, and I expect that you will again become closer again during her adult life.

    Based on my personal experience living in a ‘broken’ home: My dad was a git. He never made the effort or acted like he wanted to see me. It sounds like you’re doing a great job. Communication with Lilly must be tough when it sounds like the ex cannot be trusted with communicating the truth.

    Ref the college thing; could it be she wanted or would like an alternative opinion on her future. Please don’t take it personally when I ask: could you do more to support or help her on this?

    Free Member

    I picked up an FTX Comet for my then 6 year old; she loved it and still does (2 years later). Well, until I got my SC10.

    Honestly, she has rammed the Comet into kerbs, over jumps, hedges and all sorts and to date it has held up. And of course its mostly replaceable. The only down side is the short battery life.

    I would be reticent buying a brushless RC car for a younger user: they are quick and have the potential to injure if driven into person/dog/cat etc.

    Free Member

    Sealant post beating?

    Free Member

    Beat it with a bit of 4×2 with a nail through the end until it stops moving

    Free Member

    @brads – my AS daughter would choose to go directly to a phd tbh!

    Free Member

    We are going through the selection pain at the moment. And it is a royal pain and cause of much stress. My daughter has is autistic, the local school SENCO on a teams call said ‘I don’t think this is the right school for your daughter’. This was then re-iterated by the Head of a visit last week. Ignoring the ‘isms on this statement, this leaves us with the quandary ‘how comfortable would we as caring nurturing parents feel sending our daughter to a school that has stated in no uncertain terms that they would not be making any adjustments for her’? Not very is the obvious answer. This leaves us with looking at schools out of catchment which we have done but still leaves us with the uncertainty that we may secure the 1st choice secondary school.
    We are now looking at independent schools; this option provides us with more choice locally. And in the four schools we have looked at, we have gleaned a far more detailed perspective of the care and support offered by the school beyond that of pure academics. Branching outside of the basic curriculum, the optional subjects are significant and of interest to engage and help any child develop to their potential. The ability to flex and adapt outside of what offsted say must be done provides them a significant advantage.
    Should independent schools should be abolished; in our experience to date they offer something a government funded comprehensive can not. So categorically “No”!

    Free Member

    I like it, a lot. I like the varied detail e.g. Trickstuff, Berd Spokes, Tune stem. You’ve gone off the beaten path and I love this detail.

    Free Member

    I was struggling at the back end June into July. Absolutely no motivation to try and feel the hurt, when I did I could not sustain it.
    I spent the remainder of July and most of August just riding, either out on the mtb or ticking off zwift routes. I’m now focused on a goal and happily training and hurting myself again.
    Sometimes a mental break from training helps.

    Free Member

    This takes some thinking and I still argue whether each purchase was a mistake:
    1) Tioga Disk Drive – it was flexible, it deteriorated, it broke, it cost loads. But ooooh, the rumble…
    2) Powertap Pro – 9 torque tubes in 4 years. £££££ and shitty warranty/service
    3) Hope hubs- they work, but….they’re not really ‘trick’ anymore
    4) tioga high mileage road tyre – never do I want to repeat power sliding in a wet road race at Thruxton. I kid you not, the tyre lethal.
    5) ritchey was seatpost – the saddle never stayed level.

    That’s it for now.
    Kudos to Onza for the buzzsaw chain ring. I never did wear it out

    Ps. If you hate loud freehubs, stay clear of Newmen hubs. Utterly brilliant hubs but louder than that a vulcan lighting up the after burners 🔥

    Free Member

    I’m loving these. Just the weight… I dont think I’m strong enough to haul it round

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