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  • The Big Giveaway Final Week – What Can You Win?
  • enfht
    Free Member

    Can’t believe there have been no comments on the girl in the purple dress

    I’d oil her chain!

    Free Member

    er….did anyone clock the “disruptive to community cohesion” picture in this post? Where’s my tin hat?

    sodafaris has big balls


    Free Member

    Hope the fuzz recover your bikes. Given the number of “Bristol bike nicked” posts on here you dont have to be a rocket scientist to realise there’s someone targetting “nice to have” mtb’s in Bristol. Surely there must be a glut of nicked bikes somewhere! You’d think there would be loads of chavs riding around on nice bikes but I guess a lot must get stripped down and the parts sold off, nice little earner if you have no morals and are stupid enough to risk a head-stamping from disgruntled owners. The only time my bike’s anywhere near Bristol is when I’m driving to Wales thank ****!

    Free Member

    Thanks **** the judge wasn’t worried that Ahmed might threaten to march 10,000 screaming protesters to the court. I hope he gets (unwillingly) bummed in jail.

    Free Member

    My misses did point out though that STW’s latest menu page looks a bit homo-erotic. “I thought that only men read STW?” she then said…

    Free Member

    You have to question the credentials of a shop who give back an unpatched machine that could potentially be compromised the moment it’s used online.

    Free Member

    they’re the equivalent of having a piss soaked bar towel on your floor

    couldnt have put it any better myself, very funny :lol:

    Free Member

    I saw their first ever PA in ’91, they videod it for the Charly video.

    Free Member

    Is it just me thinking this or were those fluffy lid covers and fluffy toilet rugs invented by a woman who was unaware how blokes p*ss? I never, ever stand on those fluffy toilet rugs in bare feet, yuk!

    Free Member

    If I were a ferret I’d probaly agree that Animal Rights Activists are terrorists. The mink they’ve “liberated” are right evil bast*ards and generally kill anything on sight regardless if they want to eat it or not. Can’t be nice being a ferret hidding away from waves of placard-waving Jihadist Mink !!! Anyone wanna buy a beagle?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy, I guess I’m “stupid” enough to belive it, stupid

    Free Member

    Extremism and Freedom of Speech

    hey RubeBoy, I take it you also “pity” the Sun Newspaper and any others that you dont agree with?

    Free Member

    people who drop litter, and people (often women) who spit, it makes me want to nut them!

    I know it’s culturally acceptable in other countries but ffs the amount of somali women who gob in the street is **** disturbing!!

    Free Member

    Why is the top tube slightly curved on the 456? What’s the benefit?

    Free Member

    The websites “my History” section has a photo I’ve seen before, I think they’ve faked their name onto the original. RIOT!

    Hope youre OK, report it like everyones said. Any bother with your back get it looked at.

    Free Member

    I think all the Lycra Massive should take heed from Samuri’s tale of woe. :?

    Free Member

    Thanks BigDummy I’d never realised, must be why I like quiche

    Free Member

    I think lycra wearing cyclists give normal riders a bad name, there, I’ve said it. Lycra on men looks stooopid, fact. I dont expect alot of people on STW to really understand this opinion but I dont care cos it aint me looking like a ****!! (replies on a postcard or sealed self-addressed envelope) :roll:

    if you dont believe me, take a random member of public, drop into conversation that you cycle, and see how many ask, with a wry smile on their face, if you wear lycra. You’ll find that the general concensus is men wearing lycra is gay (any homosecual men please confirm that it looks well gay)

    BUT, good on you for sticking to your convictions, you big gaylord !!! :lol:

    Free Member

    I get dodgy pikies selling dishcloths, and sometimes rugs, I never let them see into my place when I open the door. Tell your misses to try and not look intimidated and give them a firm yet polite NO THANKS.

    Free Member

    I didnt agree with this post until I read it again, and now I do agree but my answer is no.

    Free Member

    “Women with figures a lot less good than mine stuff themselves into clingy clothing and wander around in public without frightening the horses.”

    I saw a horse wearing lycra once, or was that me in the lycra looking in the mirror? 8O

    Free Member

    Why’s my Dad on YouTube?

    Free Member

    selling your bum for bike bits, it’s a sad consequence of the credit crunch

    Free Member

    aracer got any pics with you in your lycra hot pants?

    Free Member

    aw shucks I’ve been caught out AGAIN !!! :oops:

    Free Member

    aracer, wrong post, but in answer to your question its:
    1 – p*nis
    2 – ass crack

    Free Member

    I heard they’re cheap after 10pm around Seven Sisters tube station

    Free Member

    Makes me wish I was a chopper seat

    Free Member

    aracer arent you concerned about scaring small children when you mount/dismount your bike in public? Thanks for pointing out I’m insecure, I had never realised until now, so will now clad my c*ck in lycra with pride !!

    Free Member

    Isn’t this post meant for a Gaydar forum?

    Free Member

    smart ass

    Free Member

    Still dont understand the concept of lyra on it’s own, I think it looks disturbing. Lycra with padded arse under baggy shorts is surely better? I know racers wear the lycra on its own and probably argue it’s faster that way but c’mom FFS !!!

    Free Member

    Tell the old bill?

    Free Member

    I meant the sub machine gun (failed attempt at a joke)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    CAREFUL guys, there are some very vocal people on STW’s forums who misinterpret a genuine concern of islamic ideology with far-right fascist mentality. You will summon up a a whirlwind of furious HATEFUL replies from these blinkered idiots.

    Free Member

    Why not go the whole-hog, buy some Fox oil and do a service as per here only takes 15 mins

    Free Member

    Does it come with a helmet mount?

    Free Member

    I woudlnt have let him leave without calling the fuzz and getting his insurance details beforehand. Silly question but can you be certain he’ll accept full liability now that it’s only your word against his?

    Free Member

    you’ve gotta classic case of nazi-paranoia, stop reading Socialist Worker and feel pride in wanting to beat the sh*t out of ’em I say !

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