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  • The New Alloy Ibis Ripley – The Ripley AF
  • enfht
    Free Member

    Unless you’re moving back to the middle of nowhere you may have issues coming to terms with how bad the country has got in the twelve years since you left. Some on here think that having this opinion is plain wrong, but then they probably live in the middle of nowhere or are themselves pushing this grand “social enrichment” experiment. Me, I’m moving from the (greater London) town I grew up in because it’s too much like being in a Airport Terminal, one of five at best speak English as their native language. I feel like a bit of a refugee but hey there you go. Bring on the “drivel-spouting nazi” jibes…

    Oh and you couldnt have picked a worse time (economically) to be moving back to blighty

    Free Member

    Single Break Machine – Street Dance

    Break Machine

    Cant recall first Album but would have been breakdance related.

    I tried a headspin a couple of years back, almost ended in tragedy..

    Free Member

    imo they dont work as designed no

    Free Member

    I’m off for a ride on my iBike

    Free Member

    don’t various illegal drugs weaken the bones? (self confessed troll) :twisted:

    Free Member

    Pull a few teeth out?

    Free Member

    I thought pubes had evolved to “trap” embarrasing farts? If this isnt the case I’ll have to evaluate my fart-dispersal defense strategy… :?

    Free Member

    Fill your camelbak with helium? 8O

    Free Member

    …riding a tandem and NOT wearing a helmet makes you look less silly?

    Free Member

    fwiw, I never used to wear a helmet. Mainly due to never really riding on tarmac and because they do look a bit daft. I then managed to headbut a tree whilst riding alone in the middle of nowhere. A stupid mistake that frickin hurt but luckily didnt do any permanent damage. Despite thinking “it will never happen to me” it did, totally my mistake, I simply took a bend too fast and couldnt avoid the tree so I now always wear a helmet because I believe it will reduce the chance of serious head injury the next time I crash.

    Free Member

    Grind the harddrives into dust and lock the dust away in a lead-lined box 50 feet underground.

    Free Member

    I live in the highest knife crime area in the UK so I know what I’m on about. A **** who pulled a knife on me a couple of years back has now thankfully been murdered himself. So **** you Sonor who’s the idiot heh?

    Rose-tinted spec wearing ****

    Free Member

    FFS RudeBoy you are soo bloody predictable, are you on another wind up like yesterday?

    He’s heard the good side, from people like you, and I just pointed out the other side, and the other side really does exist despite the blinkers attached to your head

    I’m not going to be drawn into a whos right and whos wrong with you, especially after yesterdays admission that you just post your shite to wind people up

    When are you gonna get a life and stop trying to “educate” everyone in the “Ways of the RudeBoy”

    The irony here is that a WHOLE lot of the problems in London are caused by “rudeboys”

    Free Member

    Just an opinion, but I find living in London grinds you down. It’s a **** dive, people are horrid, nobody is friendly, far far different from what you’re probably used to. Some on here see London through rose-tinted glasses, compared to everywhere else I’ve been in the UK, including other major cities, London is the crapest of the lot – fact. Sorry to burst your bubble but thought someone should mantion the sh*t side on London. Oh and remember buy a stab vest…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up RudeBoy, you DONT believe the shite you spout, you’re just pretending to. Thank ****

    Free Member

    They come here beccuase anyone objecting is labelled at best a Daily Mail reader and at worst a Nazi (cue RudeBoy)

    For example, why should I object to a growing number (currently 50%) of neighbours in my road not speaking English, and local schools no longer teaching Franch/Spanish/German and now teach Turkish instead. Me even mentioning such “racist drivel” would see ME deported if some **** on here had their way. ****

    Free Member

    “Scooz me ‘av yoo got a cigarette pleez….CHECK ME YOUR KONA” !!!!

    God I hate London, Gibraltar looks much more safer and fun

    I just got confirmation from someone “in the know” that if I simply turn right instead of left on one of my “urban routes” I run the very likely risk of getting scalped by large groups of “yootz” with knives and guns, (oh and my bike nicked). I guess that’s called urban “enrichment”.

    Cue RudeBoy’s pitiful response telling me I’m a nazi hate filled evil bastard….

    Free Member

    You’ll probaly find associations or societies linked with either the squadron or the aircraft. I’d start there, and if they can’t help they’ll know who can

    Which squadron btw?

    Free Member

    I used to be known as “the silent assasin”, now I’m “that clicky bastard”

    Free Member

    bit of a shock that was all, the hub it replaced (deore) was completely silent but know I know why


    click click etc

    Free Member

    So the wheel builder didnt under-grease it, and I don’t need to add any grease



    click click click click click click click click click click click click

    Free Member

    surely the bearings etc were greased when merlin assembled the wheels no?

    Free Member

    I didnt grease inside the freehub at all ?

    Free Member

    New rims from merlin with an XT freehub, I transplanted my existing SRAM cassette and Avid brake disc from my old wheels, I used the correct tools incl torque wrench etc but I didne’ grease anywhere? Have I done summit wrong?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    goose fat :lol: :lol:

    Free Member

    Im a numpty sorry guys, where exactly do I add the grease?

    I take the cassette back off, then what?

    Free Member

    dont look down

    Free Member

    Cheers I’ll try that, but can anyone tell me wtf a pawl engagement is? Thanks again

    Free Member

    My kit never smelt in the old days when well-weathered ugly women used to wash it on a rock in the river. Damn those pesky washine machines, hotpoint have a lot to answer for imo :evil:

    Free Member

    Compared to frogs, toads look like retired prize fighters so my money would be on the toad if they both had to fight imo

    Free Member

    The irony here is that there was probaly CCTV where you would have fought and you’d have got the blame.

    Free Member

    The pic’s not my handywork, all the snaps I took on my crappy phone came out too blury to post. I guess if they’re all looking for a shag that makes them the orignal doggers

    Free Member

    A Halford’s own-brand full suss?

    Free Member

    Why do Orange always use those crappy seatpost clamps. I wonder if the angle you clamp yours at will be more successful than mine was

    Free Member

    cheers that was really helpful. The steering had felt a bit grindy so I’d taken it apart and cleaned/regreased. After I’d re-assembled there was still a slight grind so I then convinved myself I hadnt reassembled correctly.

    Now Im 100% certain its been put back toether properly, but if I still have a grind I guess that means the bearings need replacing. BUT can I still ride the bike without damaging anything else???

    It’s well-greased and will be replaced ASAP but can the bike be ridden in the meantime?? The suns out !!

    Free Member

    I “think” it went to MkII in 2008, reason I think you’re MkI is the integrated brake mounts in your pic…compare your make brake mounts with the other pics (black frame) and you’ll see the brake mounts in the latter are part of the removable dropout and not part of the frame like yours. This is why I got slight movement in the dropout and needed to add a third bolt in the panier slot, which the black frame pics above show as unused/empty. I guess Mrs Nutt weighs less than me and doesnt put the brake mount under as much strain when she breaks! Mr Nutt’s image of the dropout is the non-modified version, the one Orange sent had an extra hole for the (ex)panier bolt. Thinking this through, I dont think you’ll get the same problem at all because the MkI’s brake mount cant move at all cos it’s part of the frame instead of part of the dropout. It was only the MkII which introduced the problem. Hope this helps

    Free Member

    all bike thieves must die, but….you loose two bikes inside a year and then leave a third bike unattended?

    Free Member

    I found my rear brake mount was beginning to shift when braking under load. It’s a known issue which Orange have a modified rear dropout with a third hole for, but it involves wideing the paniar hole on the frame to make room for a third bolt, I see your MkI frame has the same configuration so its something to keep an eye out for.

    Free Member

    Khan isn’t in the same class as Barrera, he drops his guard just like his idol Naseem Hamed and we all know what happened to Hamed… I wonder if Khan will risk sitting his Mum at ringside again?

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