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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • enfht
    Free Member

    Depends a lot on existing surface and how much prep would be required.

    Free Member

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their accent, but by the content of their character.

    Otherwise, wherever in Siberia Nicola Sturgeon hails from.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Great insight into Remoaner doctrine, well done.

    Free Member

    By definition, triggered.

    But don’t beat yourself up it’s not your fault you’re just too easily offended abusive. :D

    Free Member

    Triggered. 8)

    Free Member

    I used to be a tree in the seventies, but not a pine unfortunately sorry.

    Free Member

    Using the term ‘snowflakes’ is a highly effective test for Snowflakes who, when triggered, will spontaneously shout words such as racist/trump/daily mail/alt-right/nazi. I believe this was discovered accidently in the sixties by an Austrian physicist :lol:

    Free Member

    Sex wee.

    Free Member

    Turn off your trip switches in your fuse box one at a time until the noise stops.

    Free Member

    Put a lid on it guys.

    Free Member

    Hot chicks in low cut blouses.

    Free Member

    Oh, that explains a lot.

    Free Member

    Brexit – I was stood in a shop hiring an industrial-sized bucket to collect Remoaner tears.

    Free Member

    Snowflake sounds like an accurate description. It’s funny how the term triggers some folk.

    Free Member

    It’s over, Corbyn has won.

    Hmmmm yes how dreamy.. the road to Corbyn’s ‘pure socialism’.

    Free Member

    (Tax-dodging) Guardian caught in another bullshit fact shocker!

    Free Member

    like they did withe IRA fantasies that no one (sane) believed last time either

    So why did Corbyn invite two convicted IRA terrorists to parliament one week after the Brighton Bombing?.

    And nobody mention Corbyn’s Marxist ‘Chancellor’

    Or why Corbyn’s handlebars are so bloody high on his clown bike!

    Free Member

    members of communist and Trotskyist organisations in the 1980s who attracted attention from MI5 are now advising Corbyn on how to prepare himself for power[/url]

    Move along people, there’s nothing to see here :lol:

    Free Member

    Could be a perfect opportunity for revenge sex.

    Even better still the new girl may like it rough and you can unleash any hidden anger you still harbor for the ex.

    Just don’t get carried away and accidently mention the ex by name or you’ll give the game away.

    You: “Take that Daphne, this is ruining my parent’s BBQ and making my Gran cry !!

    Her: WTF ??

    Free Member

    Pure pie in the sky sixth formers thinking.

    Still not sure whether they’re dumb, communist, or dumb communists.

    Free Member

    Kosh with wrist strap or a preemptive punch are your best bet imo.

    Maybe an Uzi 9mm or an attack rhino, whichever fits in the porch.

    Free Member

    And there we have it. How could open boarders combined with free NHS for all possibly create too much of a financial burden. Where is this magical money tree/credit card? Or will the ‘evil’ rich folk tally the books?

    Free Member

    Running a national debt is not a bad thing, it is actually a good thing

    Wow what a coincidence I heard those very words from my state working, final salary pension, pro open boarders, free NHS for all, no offspring asshole of a brother just the other day. Oh, did I forget to say he’s a leach?

    Free Member

    So to be clear, the solution is to grow the state even more and tax the evil rich folk?

    Comrades, I think we’re onto something.

    Free Member

    Finland’s UBI funded by thin air

    Finland National Debt

    Free Member

    The ‘state’ should be as small as possible. Personal responsibility equates to freedom, and the opposite to freedom is the religion of victim hood – otherwise known as socialism.

    Free Member

    Throwing people I despise out of my helicopter, currently thwarted by not owning a helicopter but I’ve compiled a long waiting list.

    Free Member

    Smash the gender pay gap and get women down the mines.

    Free Member

    Do they slaughter their meat in a medieval stylee?

    Free Member

    Fabb Sofas are good fvm.

    Free Member

    Maybe he took exception with your fugly car?

    Free Member

    Nor does changing your social media profile picture or lighting up the Eiffel tower but this is how the west ‘deals’ with current events.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In that case seosamh77 watch the camel video a couple of pages back and you may well change your mind.

    Free Member

    NO i am saying that folk concerned with animal welfare dont slaughter them by any method and whatever method they choose to slaughter them by is inherently cruel.

    Farmers will fundamentally disagree with you.

    Free Member

    well it’s a bit windy

    Cows producing methane is a different thread.

    Free Member

    Everyone on here has agreed there should be no exception


    Free Member

    For the umpteenth time, most Halal meat is pre-stunned

    Why not all, without exception?
    Give me a valid reason against doing this?
    Millions of animals are still bled to death without stunning every year in the UK and there is no justification for allowing this practice to continue.

    Free Member

    We do pay more. Pre-stunned is generally more expensive than halal meat, eg cheap lamb from your local turkish food shop. There’s no change needed for the general populous other than outlawing medieval slaughter methods. There are no barriers other than islamic and jewish sentiment.

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