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  • Christmas Countpast! Day 29 – Oil Slick HT T1 Pedals
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Don’t make him a mod!!

    D’you think he’ll agree? Hope he does. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    My wife thought she’d caught me looking at naughty ladies when I slammed down the laptop screen.

    On being asked to open it, there I was, lusting after a new frame.

    LOLing at this.

    Free Member

    Obviously we know where everything is. 🙄

    Free Member

    GF Obviously. Housemate Chris for taking me in when I was homeless, Dad for not entirely giving up on me when I was **** up. Even Pervy Little brov. LOL

    Free Member

    I run the same routes pretty much all the time, just use a stopwatch. Are you lot getting any faster, knowing your heart-rates and interval wotsits?

    Free Member

    Bloody hell, it’s like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in this thread LOL

    Free Member

    I’ve just read this thread, and now I’ve got a little bit of sick in my mouth.

    I think I need to lie down.

    Free Member

    I thought they could do pretty much what they wanted. They seem to round here.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be a good idea to ask him first, before you nominate him?

    Free Member

    I’m not saying a thing!

    Free Member

    Em, I’m sometimes barely functioning proof that it’s very true!!

    *Will shut up now, otherwise I’ll be banned* 😆

    Free Member

    Emsz-Oxford? Very posh!

    Hmmmm, you don’t know the half of it 🙂 Private school, single child, rich parents. Beautiful and filthy though. 😆

    Free Member

    No way should Yeti be a moderator. He’d just change every-one’s posts to suit his deviant needs!! LOL

    Free Member

    I’m working at minute (placement)near home in Gloucester. she’s at Oxford

    Free Member

    Hey Em82! wondered where you where

    Madly rushed about! mostly family stuff as GF hasn’t been around this weekend 😥 Mind you caught up with loads of stuff, and got into mums good books.

    Free Member

    the perfect festival chat up line!!

    Free Member

    I don’t think though, that I’d want to go to the sort of gig where folk aren’t doing that sort of thing. My dad went to see Kraftwerk last year in Manchester, and he said after each track there was polite applause!!

    I don’t think I’ve ever been where some-one wasn’t putting their phone in the air, don’t even notice it.

    Free Member

    gave me nightmares for ages!!

    Free Member

    but I can’t imagine why you’d want a recording of a gig on your phone

    I know what you mean, they are shit (and Youtube is full of them) perhaps people just want a reminder, or they’re doing it just in case something weird happens

    Free Member

    Foxes are sort of dogs thought, Ernie, and they’re not pack animals.(or are they?) So it might be that some dogs are and some dogs aren’t.

    Free Member

    🙄 You’re worse than Yeti, LOL!!

    Free Member

    As long as you’re enjoying the gig, what difference does it make. Most of the time I can’t see the band anyway!! I’ve had beer spilled on me, been sick on, been groped, and had some huge fatty land on me when he was surfing!

    All part of the gig experience!

    Free Member

    Flash, what do you do? You seem to be always going abroad

    (can I come?) 😀

    Free Member

    seen to many of my mates missus’s turn nasty soon as they moved in

    maybe they released they’d been grabbed by the wrong bloke!

    Free Member

    Nope, just recording it. 😀

    Free Member

    Do her lips move when she’s reading?

    Ha ha mine does. She sometimes traces along the line with her finger as well. Mind you, she gets excited by maths, so she’s already a bit weird. LOL.

    Free Member

    Mr A has a wife.

    I, Mr A, take you, Miss B, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward,for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, was thinking that as well idave, my do it tomorrow. I’ll post results here.

    Free Member

    Running definitely.

    right now I’m addicted to the sofa LOL

    Free Member

    Munque Chick have you looked at

    Fetch Everyone [/url]

    It’s run by runner’s world, they have a Tri section, and there’s loads of folk there who are really helpful about training and discussions and whatever.

    Free Member

    I threatened my mum that I’d have this playing in the background if I ever walked up the isle. Her reply was unrepeatable LOL.

    This was played by my uncle at my aunts funeral, I promised him I’d play it if ever I get married, there won’t be a dry eye in the house.

    Free Member

    The second one looks like something from Dr Who

    Free Member

    Charity shops.


    Free Member

    I’m sure Stoner’s was on here few weeks ago.

    Free Member

    All of it. Washing, cooking cleaning. everything.

    Free Member

    Now I know you’re taking the pee!!

    Free Member

    It was a strange feeling walking down the lesbian aisle at Tesco

    Genuine LOLage 😆

    Free Member

    good drinking game, pick a country at random, have to drink a shot for every point they get.

    Free Member

    Don’t think so Deadly. It’s home made iDave, it just grew a bit big. 😆 To make you feel better, I’m eating left over chick pea, chorizo,and chicken casserole.

    just got back from riding, starving

    Free Member

    I’m eating a naan bread so large I could use it as a duvet!

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