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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • emsz
    Free Member

    and if you take his anti-cycling rants, or any other “non-pc” rants with a pinch of salt (as I suspect the show/he intends you to), he’s very entertaining.

    Why should I have to make allowances for his lack of common politeness?

    Free Member

    thing is, at some point he’s got loads of cash, and if she’s struggled for years and years to feed and look after their kids, then it’s up to him to try to help her out isn’t it? Even if their both past the age when they’re at school, just as a way of saying “thanks for looking after the kids”

    If i was her, I’d be a bit peeved as well.

    Free Member

    **** hell. Seeing his face on the front cover of every newspaper this morning was enough to make me taste breakfast all over again.

    The level of barely surpressed man love on this thread is hilarious.

    Free Member

    Didn’t really think about it until…well ‘getting to know one’ y’know? :oops: …Everthing is ginger!!

    kinda cute.

    Free Member

    hate threads like these. :( Hugs and kisses to you SaxonRider, I know it happens to every one eventually, but I honestly don’t know how I’d manage knowing something like this


    Free Member

    As I said, the wearer of a big black mask doesn’t seem hugely approachable to me and I have no idea on the etiquette required.

    your scared by a woman wearing a cloth covering her face? seriously? :lol:

    How d’you think you should talk to her?

    Free Member

    That Sharia Law treats women as 2nd class citizens?

    I think it’s men who treat women as 2nd class citizens. whether they are muslim men doesn’t make a massive difference as far as I can see

    Free Member

    Out of interest, who’s controlling how you decide to dress ?


    ? It does the exact opposite! It’s the most repressive costume of all!

    re read those comments up there about turbans, see how that’s about men judging other mens clothing choices and how they don’t see a problem with it, but when it comes to how women are dressing it’s a completely different story . I think most blokes don’t like the niqub and hijab because it’s men not being able to influence what women are wearing. Most Muslim women wear one because they want to. Most poeple you hear objecting to it are men

    Free Member

    but my view is hardening that they are not consistent with UK values. My views as a man

    If anyone thinks that men don’t largely control how women are represented or “allowed” to dress in this country, you’re living in la la land.

    Edit: I’d go on to say that in a lot of respects, a lot of mens views in this country are equal to the views of most men through out the world. ie they seek to dominate and dictate what women wear. At least the niqab tries to subvert that.

    Free Member

    I was going to go running, but I wanted to get muddy instead, so I went with my dad and we got madly muddy in the woods. I was trying hard to get a really tight downhill corner sorted out, but kept not making it. I can’t seem to get the bike to come around underneath me, does that make sense? :lol:

    Free Member

    I say it’s also a way to see how people react with each others


    don’t know what you mean

    Free Member

    Really pleased for you. I’ve been reading this, and always hope that your posts are positive. loads and loads of luv to you and your son.

    Free Member

    I went for a bike ride :lol:

    Free Member

    If I’m honest, the UKIP scare the shit out of me. :cry:

    Free Member

    The question is why are there so many that will or intend to vote for them rather than the mainstream parties?

    because lots of folk don’t pay any attention, so when they see him in a pub saying the same sorts of badly thought out things they also think, and they are too lazy to figure out why those things are stupid.

    It’s a good way of finding out who’s stupid. It’s about the only thing UKIP is useful for

    Free Member

    there’s a ridge in the living room carpet, the sofa is saggy. and the hall wallpaper is coming off. the bathroom and my bedroom are freezing. (frost in the morning on the inside of the window 8O )

    but it’s free, and Chris is lovely ( in a far too large eats everything rugger player drunk sort of way :lol: )

    Free Member

    Every single UKIP candidate turns out to be a ****.

    every single one, all the time. They just say the stupidest things, “the floods are because of gay people” “bongo bong land” or something just as mad.

    They’re all idiots, what does that say about the people still wanting to vote for them?

    Free Member

    Can’t think of any worse really, all those same-y suits and ties talking in a language that no one really understands.

    Dull, no wonder people watch X factor

    Free Member

    you’d get chlamydia and it would drop off, and girls everywhere would breath a massive sigh of relief?

    Free Member

    Luv hora’s contribution to dating threads

    It’s like listening to a future version of my brov (the little sex pest) :lol:

    Free Member

    velvet underground, pixies, radiohead.

    Free Member

    depends how well i thought I knew my neighbours i suppose. one side I know they’d be up, the other side, probably normally no, but if the light was on, maybe

    Free Member

    someone barely into double figures is going to have a very limited sexual skill base.

    hahaha 2 :|

    I’m mostly just making it up as I go along

    Free Member

    because he thought you were up?

    Free Member


    missed this one.

    erm, there some ‘interesting’ POVs 8O

    Free Member

    a cat3 AABH.

    Let Go by April lavinge, I was, in my defence, only 11. (album, not punching some-ones lights out)

    Free Member

    At work we use a free on line calender called Teamup. then you don’t need to have a gmail acct.

    Free Member

    my dried up skin needs all the help it can get!

    Free Member

    can I be the leader of a super assassin ninja electra girl army?

    Free Member

    cleanse, exfoliate moisturise.


    Free Member

    Unemployed – fwiw I am unemployed at the moment I am commenting on those who proactively decide not to work, but claim benefits instead.

    I don’t know any one who has been on JSA for more than a few months, you do know how hard it is to get right?

    The Sick – I am commenting on those who’s poor lifestyle choices have led, or will lead, to their sickness.

    My grandad smoked when no one knew it was really shit, he’s on oxygen now, want to take it off him?

    Immigrants – No, not all. Those who integrate are welcome, those who don’t/won’t are not welcome.

    One of my grans friends moved out to spain, they went to a big place full of english people so they wouldn’t need to learn spanish

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Health – You only have to visit my local GP’s waiting room to see that much of his/her burden and budget is caused by people who haven’t taken the responsibility to look after their own health.

    go to the doctors, see sick people… :roll:

    You want an inclusive society, apart from the unemployed, the sick, immigrants. where’s that Princess Bride gif when you need it

    Free Member

    LP = Les Paul.

    Free Member

    a veggy samosa mix

    Free Member

    very thinly sliced apples, raisins, golden syrup. cinnamon

    Free Member

    Isn’t that a bit of a “caviar and chips” dichotomy?


    Free Member

    what about falafel?

    Free Member

    in Toast!!

    amazing I know

    Free Member

    I’m thinking mozzarella, spinach, tomato :D

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