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  • How Long To Rebuild A Bike? – Back From The Dead
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Food never will be about price or whether it’s good for you though. In my circle of friends I’m the odd one!! I can cook, and I shop for ingredients, but sometimes it’s just nicer to get a bowl of fruit loops, smash choccy digestives into it and pour in chocolate milk!! The difference is for me thats a guilty treat after my Sunday long run, for some of my friends that’s dinner… Day in day out.

    But. It’s not just about food, that’s just part of the issue, we ( my generation) are going to struggle to get jobs houses all that stuff, and we are always shown the stuff we can’t get in adverts and on the telly phones, cars, houses, bodies and part if that is food programmes. It’s like ” we make it so you don’t have to” it’s out of reach, like everything else, may as well have a mars bar and coke, least it’s cheap!!

    Free Member


    But biscuits and cakes are yummy and will make you feel better and are cheap, and you don’t have to cook them, just sit on the sofa and eat.

    Free Member

    I think sometimes I live in a different world to you guys. Most of the people I know could tell you the special offers on at the usual fast food places, will buy only processed food that you heat up and will drink pretty heavily from Thursday night. About the only thing my mate Ali makes from stratch is toast.

    They are adults on the surface, but really they’re kids, another friend of mine lives of bars of chocolate and tubs of yoghurt, she’s getting flabby, but is always saying things like ” I’ll go on a diet next week/month” whatever. These are the people that just get a bit bigger everyday, they don’t notice, and as most of the people they know are the same, they won’t do anything about it.

    The mags don’t hep though, pictures of airbrushed stick thin models that have unobtainable body shapes and give you unrealistic ideas of beauty

    Free Member

    I’m off to the pub for a pie

    really? I’m off to the pub to get utterly **** after the day I’ve had.

    Free Member

    Another diet thread gone the same way as normal, can’t even have a discussion about the changing attitudes to body shape in the western world without it descending into all this… again

    I agree with philly, there are a few people that post on these threads that are looking for an excuse/in denial about their own weight/exersize/eating habits.

    Free Member

    but you can’t force someone to be in love with you right?

    No you can’t.

    I’ve just finished my only serious relationship after we prett much had that discussion. Friend? Yep, some-one to be with and talk to? Yep. Lover? erm…. It’s shit, but it’s better to know.

    Give her some time, maybe she’ll change her mind, but prepare yourself for the idea that she won’t.

    Free Member

    if it’s short should be OK, was going to mention yeast infections but jimsmith got there first

    Free Member

    life model.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty sad all round. At 15 my head was all over the place emotionally I can understand how she thinks this is going to be the start of something great and I bet she thinks she’s madly in love. Don’t really care what he thinks he’s doing he’s got a responsibility to her not to do this.

    Free Member

    I make an effort here. My texts and FB would prolly be unreadable by most people. As long as what your saying make sense then it doesn’t bother me.

    Free Member

    Alarm in the other corner of the room, it won’t stop until you hit the snooze button, it’s really loud.

    Free Member

    Kryton, tuck it between your legs and we’ll never mention it. 😆

    Booboo I think we all do a bit of soul searching after a breakup, it’s normal to feel a bit shit for a while, sad songs and the whole “why me” thing are part of the process.

    Free Member

    Booboo, it’s ok to just not fancy someone.

    Free Member

    What were you expecting when you say ” she didn’t set your world on fire”? I think sometimes there this un realistic expectation that we’ll meet someone gaze into their eyes and “know”. I’ve been in a relationship where I was sure where I went from “not interested in a relationship” to “omg you are so perfect” and she turned out to be a bit of a mare tbh, she cheated, dumped me ( twice) before I worked it out. ( and I’m still sort of ” there” for her)

    Right now I’d settle for ” really into me” 😆

    Free Member

    buy the heaviest one you think you can use. (advise from a chef friend of my dads)

    Free Member

    grade 1 is too short IMO

    Free Member

    “special” clothes to ride a bike.

    Free Member

    It might be simple Molly, but it’s true. Same as not doing a lot of exersize and eating sweeties and cake, right? 😆

    Free Member

    Wrong, but all the regulars know that already

    Handy excuse if you can’t keep off the muffins though, lost any weight recently sweety? (joke) 😆

    Free Member

    Levin is pretty dull though!!! I missed out loads of stuff where he drones on and on about farming, then its pesants then its religion!! Dull.

    Think keria would make a pretty good Anna

    Free Member

    Anna’s not supposed to he a sympathetic character THM. She represents intensity and giving into passion, and Levin is the opposite, struggling with duty and love.

    It’s one of my favs 😳

    Free Member

    Zippykona! Really?? You have to ask? 😳

    Erm, well I suppose if some girl is giving you ” the look” I suppose that’s a give away, first date was introduced to me so knew already, actual phrase my friend used was ” this is Kate she’s a licker” eeeeuuuwwwww. Other date I met in a known pub in Bristol.


    Free Member

    Sorry for what’s going on, it’s shit.

    Gotta say I agree with Emma, she knew what she was doing, she’s got a special SIM!!!! c’mon that’s lying end of!

    Free Member

    Charming… thanks Juan, I’ll be sure to ask about tyres and wotnot…If the mods think my contribution is negative, I’m sure they’ll let me know!! TBH though, the bike bit is sort of intimidating, you seem to need to be an expert in everything! if I have an issue with my bike I talk to my dad.

    Kevevs I come here for the same reasons everyone else does, it’s a bit of a laugh. I like this forum, it’s funny and sharing.

    Free Member

    LoLing at you lot, I knew you’d cheer me up!

    Mrnutt, I don’t have an Ad! I’ve not got to that state yet!!

    Peeterfile, they were just ” let’s get to know each other” sort of dates.

    First date was organised by mates, and second was just one of those spur of the moment things in a bar the other week!! She asked me out for drinks, and I though “why the hell not?” we didn’t really hit it off but there was no hard feelings, and we’re probably going to stay in touch as friends, ( facebooked her already, and she knows loads of the people I know as well ( small world!!)

    Not in a rush to find a ” special person” really, just sort of dipping my toes into it

    Free Member

    Rach, don’t mind a bit of work chat, but after the millionth sentence that starts ” at the practice the other day…” followed by some long dull story about patients or teeth or what someone said to someone else, it got a little bit boring.

    Any way the answer is “me” of course!! LOL

    Free Member

    DezB Oh my gosh, that was my date the other day, she’s a dental nurse, at first seemed ok, chatting away, but EVERY conversation eventually came back to where she worked, she had nothing to talk about apart from what was going on at her work!!

    God, I was sooo bored 😳

    Free Member

    😳 sorry rach, didn’t think!

    She was just doing the whole butch thing… Not my type!!

    Cheered me up anyway reading this, it’s just such a minefield first off, DON’T let you mates set up blind dates, and second it’s probably better just to say no if your a bit unsure when some one asks you and they’re just not your type!!

    Free Member

    Ohhh are you building things again?


    Free Member

    Awwww cutie!

    Free Member

    thats a biiiiiggggg chicken LOL

    Free Member

    Flashy, darker version of my normal colour, but it was bright red for ages, so going to let it grow through.

    dullest post ever…. LOL

    Free Member

    Changed my hair colour, now I don’t have any bobbles that match, and my hair is just a bit too long for an “oh so now” mini bun…

    Sorry, Flashy, don’t know anything about cameras, just my issues this afternoon 😆

    Free Member

    wow, amazing!! you lucky thing. Enjoy it.Best I ever did on the lottery was about £20!! LOL

    Free Member

    They are amazing live, and best listened to at the other end of the day, and doing other stuff organic 😉

    Free Member

    and gay people are taking over the country

    no chance too busy getting ready to go out dahliinnnngggg 😆

    Free Member

    Quite sad here, he’s been in my mornings on and off for most of my life, which is pretty weird really!!

    Not gonna be the same without him

    Free Member

    Crystal Castles 1 or XX and Animal Hospital, Memory. just because.

    Loads of great bands on this thread 😀

    Free Member

    old bloke + flash car (that is a flash car right?)

    Free Member

    Just found out that my Ex has found out about me going on a date tomorrow 8)

    For once not unhappy about the bunch of people who can’t keep their mouths shut and pretend to be my friends! LOL

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