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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Oh god that is the grossest thing I’ve ever seen I actually did a little sick up

    DezB you are a sicko 🙂

    Free Member

    DONK, I know, didn’t say my idea was well thought out!!

    I don’t think people should be sent to jail for trying drugs it having drugs on them. But I don’t think it would be a great idea to have all these potentially dangerous drugs on legal sale, alcohol and cigerettes do enough damage don’t they?

    Free Member

    deep, bottomless pit of disappointment one feels eating cold toast whilst some strumpet you’ve no intention of ever seeing again tucks into gloriously warm toast.

    Haha haha literally spat tea, strumpet is suuuch a cool word LOL, girl I last had over I got into trouble about, didn’t know that flatmate had his evil GF over to stay, I left early and told my date she could use the shower, and he got into loads of grief from her about it…LOL

    Free Member

    *fist bumps* scuzz

    Free Member

    The cake is a lie anyway 🙂 ( nerdy game reference)

    Free Member

    Errrr right, can the shop I bought it from sort that?

    Shibboleth 4 pieces of toast? Greedy LOL

    Free Member

    Scuzz, buzzes wherever selector is. Could be earth? Says dad

    Kimbers sounds terrible, haven’t they made up?

    Free Member

    Junky, you’re sort of right, didn’t stop me, but I wouldn’t take drugs now anyway (choice thing)

    Rudwboy yep that sound right, making it illegal is half the attraction I think.

    Free Member

    Cougar; yellow and horrid brown replaced by chocolate/coffee and creamy White.

    Sophisticated. 🙂

    Free Member

    Haha it was going to be lushcious raspberry ( pink to you boys) , but I chickened out in the end!! rubber buccaneer, er sounds eventful… LoL

    DezB I know me neither what a relief it’s gone!

    Why does my strat buzz? Not when I’m playing, but otherwise it just buzzes! annoying grrrr

    *kisses* hi binners

    Free Member

    I’ve taken all sorts, but I’m not sure I want them legalised. I think people shouldn’t be sent to jail for personal use though.

    Free Member

    Did you ever stop to think that perhaps the Govt of the UK and the USA just used what happened on that awful day just as an excuse to do what they then did?

    Govt don’t have to plan and actually blow things up, you know? there are enough actual nutters that will do that for you, it’s what you do with it after then event that matters…

    C’mon, this is college stuff….

    Free Member

    His threads give me weird nightmares I swear

    Free Member

    Stoner, can I come and live with you? that’s my dream house I think.

    I’d be very quiet (looks for emoticon with fluttery eyelashes) 😀

    Free Member

    I sort of feel sorry for people who’ve not been to decent gig since before I was born….

    Every gig you been to since 1990 was shit? really I expect the next band I go and see will be fantastic and the one after that….

    weird 😕

    Free Member

    The epiphone Specials are really hard to keep in tune!! But cheap and sound OK

    Free Member

    Electrelane No Shouts No Calls
    Single…I’m going with Reptilla strokes (it will be different next week)
    Blood red shoes or Joy Formidable, both at Oxford O2 (possibly passion pit at Bristol, or Sleigh Bells at the same venue )

    Free Member

    Edukator, I remember when I posted that me and my girlfriend were spat at in the street, you suggested it was partly our fault for daring to walk hand in hand in public.

    Maybe a little nudge might not be a bad thing…

    Free Member

    Depends what your doing doesn’t it? I mean I’ve got a little Roland amp that has about 20 or so FX built into it, fine for me at home messing about, probably not for someone who’s doing gigs and wants a particular sound.

    Free Member

    Chilled cheesecakes are much more straightforward and pretty foolproof tbh your SIL will be dead impressed. If your making a lemon/lime one still try to make it tonight, otherwise it won’t taste right,

    Good luck!!

    Free Member

    Saddos 8) 😆

    Free Member

    That will do, your trying to get air in the mixture, yep the whites and yokes is normal yokes will make it thicker and heavier.

    Make it tonight, needs to set and the flavour to develop.

    Free Member

    Really Molly?

    Wow, you mostly give the impression on here that you flit from thing to thing with no real idea of what you want or how to get it!

    Ever seen the Princess Bride? There’s a bit where one character says ” you keep saying that, I don’t think it means what you think it means”

    Sound familiar to you?

    Free Member

    Oh right.

    Cheesecake is one of those “funny” ones either you go for baking or chilled. Baked potentially nicer BUT they are supposed to be fluffy, so you should be whisking the egg whites to fold into your cream cheese egg yolk and sugar mix, beating it with a wooden spoon isn’t going to work, it’ll be dense and prolly collapse. Hand whisk?

    Ginger biscuits are for children, you need ammeretti biscuits in your base with vanilla extract in your butter

    Edit: if this is for tomorrow, you need to make it tonight, ok?

    Free Member

    Haha Molly, YOU don’t know what you want half the time, let alone your baby daughter!!

    Free Member

    If I was in charge, every terrorist suspect I could find, I’d bring back here. I’d set them up with a house and pay them a couple of hundred a week, and then restrict what they could do.

    The alternative is sending loads of soldiers to v dangerous places to get involved in wars and die in their thousands.

    Can you imagine what photos of hamza or bin laden doing some shopping at asda or pottering about in a little garden would do for their support? Plus we’d know where there are what they are doing and who they are talking to all the time. And it would cost loads less Than massive armies trampling all over innocent people in afghistan creating loads more terrorists

    Free Member

    Gweilo, that Les Paul is £120! LOL

    Free Member


    Free Member

    you’ve only ever asked gay girls?

    wow, bad luck 😆

    Free Member

    humbucker is the pickup. (interesting right?)

    how about this: Les paul Special II

    Free Member

    It could just mean that lesbians are the most successful/promiscuous group,

    7 and one of those was a sympathy shag.

    sorry, feeling like i’m letting the side down somehow

    Free Member

    Reptilla by the strokes

    Just perfect

    Free Member

    Ed Nash tried to cop a feel at a party i was at once.

    I think he was more disappointed than me LOL

    Free Member

    Teaching yourself is fine, but you don’t know what you don’t know( if that makes sense 😆 ) teacher will give you a good head start, and don’t be afraid to say what you want , ” teach me blues and rock but no travis picking thanks” that sort of thing.

    Another recommendation for yamaha, they are really good for not much money.

    Free Member

    All the best guitarist can play both ( and you’ll need to know when you do your unplugged sessions LOL.

    Bet you get one eventually

    Free Member

    You really should maybe think about acoustic 😀

    Any way, what’s your budget? 2nd hand is prob the best way to go, but go to a shop and ask and try. A decent one will be used to people like you coming in. ( everyone has to start somewhere) there is great online stuff from you tube to, for chord shapes and strumming and techniques but best thing is a teacher.

    Don’t worry too much about stuff like string height or pick ups. Make sure it’s straight, and will stay in tune.

    Free Member

    I’ve learned

    Try to stay awake when they’re very dull, and let them down gently after
    Don’t go to girls houses, they may not be able to come out because they’ve got a tag!!
    If theres two of them!! Just don’t stop, walk past and go straight home!!

    Not funny!!

    Free Member

    use their huge power to bully suppliers and local planning departments.

    I know at some level I should care about this, but I’m not sure why? I’m interested in my shopping bill really, and tesco generally have what I want.

    Free Member

    Imagine Me and You

    It’s a ridiculously soppy romcom, watched it sooo much i can quote nearly all of it and it still reduces me to floods everytime I watch it.


    Free Member

    Stop having snacks? Save the money.

    You won’t die, you know?

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