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  • emsz
    Free Member


    It doesn’t really matter. You can get 1/2 sized ones which would suit her better, and as long you can tune it, it’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    Going to see my Ex tonite. Depends how it goes, I’ll either be on the early train back Sat morning, and go out for a run, or back on Sunday.

    Wish me luck

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, less arguments with my housemate, Sunday morning laying in bed with tea toast and telly is a nice luxury 😀

    Free Member

    A friend of my dads sails posh yatchs around for v rich people. He sails them from France and across the Atlantic and what ever, they are always looking for people. Mind you it’s terrible money ( almost nothing tbf) you get treated like shit by rich people and he still feels trapped, bored, in a rut!!!

    Its not your life that’s wrong it’s your happiness that is

    Mind you, I dumped who I think is probably the love of my life and have been pretty selfish lately, so what do I know!!

    Free Member

    *waves at this thread*

    This is way I never!!!

    The shame of doing a smelly poo would be too much 😳 plus I am the person that walks out with their skirt tucked into their knickers

    Free Member

    Even those lovely girls. And they might think their shit doesn’t stink, but let me tell you…

    There is NO WAY id ever have had a poo at work, or at college for that matter 😳

    My loo, or a maccys, or maybe if it was really bad a public loo, but it would have to be life or death for that to happen

    Free Member

    Mcdump, obvioulsy.

    I thought everyone does this?

    Free Member

    Worst chips was in padstow on holiday in this really posh place, £4 for 8 chips and they were shit

    Best was from Norfolk, went on holiday there with my ex we had some at a pub next to an amazing beach. They were great chips ( was an amazing holiday though, might have something to do with it)

    Free Member

    I still can’t see how tuition fees are impacting inflation if (next to) no one is yet paying them back – anyone care to elaborate?

    It’s debt, it’s going to make a diffence to everything in my life from mortgages to credit cards to overdrafts to loans….

    Free Member

    I’m quite pleased I live in a country that takes care of people who turn up and want our help

    Free Member


    Alternative method of playing an A chord is first finger on g second finger on d third finger on b , it also means that your first finger stays where it is to do changes from A to D. it’s sometimes a bit easier to cram in fat fingers that way rather than straight down.

    Probably get flamed for it though 🙄

    Free Member

    Smile at people on public transport!! I don’t think so LOL

    Free Member

    I meant A barre are a bit pointless ( obviously there not, but ist year all that) !!!

    You accuse me of not reading/ understanding what you meant and then do the same thing!!

    Free Member

    Who said anything about avoiding barres I just said learn e shaped ones first 🙄

    Free Member

    Sorry rkk01, apparently in your first year you need to master all barre chords including all the really odd ones that you’ll never use, and don’t forget all your dims and adds probably for good measure!


    Free Member

    Oh god! 😳

    Look, all I meant was along with everything else you have to get your head around, E barres are more important to learn than A barres. I’ll shut up now LOL

    Free Member

    Ive got thermal underwear, the knickers go up past my tummy and the vest goes over my bum attractive? Not at all LOL, but very very toasty 😆

    Free Member

    Ok, I’ve smaller hands than most of you I bet, and that makes it a bit of a pain, but I’ve always thought the A barres are just a bit pointless, name a decent tune that uses them?

    Edit: junky, not really hard to learn, just not really worth it I suppose

    Free Member

    Scuzz, it’s just that for the amount of hassle they are, there just a bit pointless? I think there’s just more productive things to do

    Free Member

    Depends what you’re trying to learn, I’d concentrate on

    Open chords minor and major
    Barre chords, do the E shapes, don’t bother with A shapes
    Strumming patterns
    Forcing changes ( do chord progressions. d to g to a back to d for example) learn some of the more common progressions.
    Where the notes are on a guitar, and play a simple plucked tune

    Free Member

    Some great tunes, but most still sound ancient. The punk ones specially

    Free Member

    You need to learn some more music theory

    Haha I dont think so, had more than enough thanks. Just trying to say why some tracks stick in your head.

    Free Member

    western music is mostly based around chord progressions that sound nice to our ears like DGA (tonic, sub dom, and dominant chords) and scales. Rock/pop/folk sound familiar because they are literally the same

    Dull, sorry

    Free Member

    No, I went for a sort of fringe/pony tail/ messed up look in the end LOL

    Free Member

    Crofts, we didn’t hit it off in the end.

    Shes texting me loads, wants to talk. I’ve just phoned her and told her to **** off and leave me alone. Can’t stand people who cheat. All the time I was talking to her I was thinking ” weeing in your shoes bitch”


    Free Member

    The only gay is Essex

    The homosexual county show

    Don’t smell the bride

    Show with weddings but no deodorant

    Free Member

    Could be worse crikey. She could be asking for fashion advice.

    Well, my quiff won’t stay where I want it to this morning, so any advice?

    Molly, I know, but FFS is it sooo much to ask that I just meet someone nice? Not control freak, not dull, not Married!!!! Shameful, I feel a bit icky

    Free Member

    Lolling at ourman, right bunch of bumpkins!! LOL, my granddad lives just outside Banbury his accent is sooooo farmer!!!

    Free Member

    IHN yeah I did, and yeah it was. Got a whole sob story about unhappy marriage.

    Free Member

    Dads from Banbury, mums from Elgin, and I live in gloucester… Mixed up?

    Free Member

    My cousin Stace has the lost amazing soft Scottish accent, it’s dreamy

    Free Member

    Been seeing this woman for a few dates, it’s going really well, she’s lovely bit older than me, good job nice car, lush. We’ve been meeting in this out of town pub, she doesn’t want to run into work friends, fair enough, I’ve got no problem, turn up a bit early last night, see her car in the car park, its dark, she can’t see me coming over, do the whole surprise thing, pulling the car door open, big shock, laughs, all fine.

    Then I see it on her finger. Is that a wedding ring?

    I got the bus home. I’m such a loser

    Free Member

    This thread is only going to get worse 😆

    I don’t understand why you all get shy about it, doesn’t every bloke look at porn? Bloke I live with has porn hub as his homepage, the minger. LOL

    Free Member

    I’m laughing and slightly sick at the same time

    Noting all the pervs…lol

    Free Member


    Something like that I suspect. LOL

    Free Member

    My mum goes to card readings, and she’s a catholic LOL. Double dose

    Free Member

    BBM is cool if everyone has a blackberry, but they are sooooo last year 🙂

    Free Member

    HT, with a decent saddle, I use a cannondale Raven

    Free Member

    relationship forum?

    Free Member

    Texting is breathing, but FB is cheaper…

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