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  • emsz
    Free Member

    Have a look on the sheepskin cottages website. Not abroad, but the cottages are really romantic. We went to one after new year near Hye on Wye, and it was so pretty and lovely. Little wood stove, really really comfy bed. Gorgeous

    Free Member

    What annoys me about threads like that is that they pretend to be about liking a particular female performer, but its never about their skill at melodies ( wow, her use of dim7 on the 2nd verse really brings out the tone of the whole song!!) but about whether her bum is actually eating her shorts.

    Perv by all means, but at least be honest about it.

    Edit: kylie started before I joined nothing I can do about it, and at least CFH is honest about his perving when he celebrates the athletic threads, and puts up piccies of boys as well as girls

    Free Member

    Err easy, nik naks

    Don’t wanna know what granddads slipper is like though lol

    Free Member

    I’ve got anti smoking and kindle ads

    I reported the talented and gorgeous thread. Do your perving on reddit like everyone else

    Free Member

    I sort of lump them In with bands like Blur or Oasis, stuff my dad listens to, and one day if I run out of things to listen to, I might get round to a couple of tracks.

    I would have to be very bored though 😆

    Free Member

    Opened that link, and saw that bug, eeeeuuurrgghhh

    Free Member

    I can just about stand Rudi can’t fail, but I never got the clash

    Free Member

    Ha ha, my GF rants about this stuff like, constantly!! She reckons its all about the arms industry!

    Teamhurtmore: that would be me!! Lol ( not being able to point at it, but def not an expert)

    Free Member

    You’ll get a hard time in Brighton on a stag, be prepared.

    Try the Buldog tavern, legends or revenge ( maybe only Thursdays though), that’s if they’ll let you in…. 😈

    Free Member

    Are you lot 12?

    Free Member

    Oh forgot, was walking home after a party one night, bit drunk ish, out of this doorway burst about 10 people all clapping, then this girl comes running out and runs off down the road. Completely naked!

    Couldn’t work out whether she’s lost the bet, or was about to win it Lol

    Free Member

    Couple of years ago didn’t walk far but spent a few hours naked in front of art students, it was weird at first, and did have a conversation with one at lunchtime that started with ” didn’t recognise you with clothes on!” But after a while it was ok, we had a tea break half way through, and we used to chat about this and that, normal stuff but I was completely in the scud!!!

    Free Member

    Learn trapeze
    Learn to drive
    Probably loads more, but those 2 mostly

    Free Member

    Depends: mostly it’s tea and toast( white thick sliced with loads of butter and strawb jam) and a lie in/ duvet dancing.

    After drinking its chips and a runny egg in white buttered bread

    Free Member

    Njee, that skeptical house is LOLZ 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve been banned for a couple of days, didn’t notice. It was after I had a thread pulled and a warning about language. So I suppose it’s a three strikes thing?

    It did feel a bit unfair at the time, the pulled thread was about a nice looking atlethic body ( Tom daly) and it was pulled because it was sexual, now I’ve seen any number of threads with girls in. ( I know 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but still, unconsistant right? )

    Overall though it’s ok. And I’m trying to be good!!

    Free Member

    Dates! Peanut butter!! Eeeeurgh weirdos!!

    Golden syrup on mine, and Tesco everyday value oats with extra horse seem to be best!

    Free Member

    Sounds like you have quite an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Oh right, so I’m 43kg I have been since I was 18 or so ( used to be a gymnast was muuuuch more skinny, had 4 pack and everything!!) and I don’t overeat, or undereat I use it to fill me up as sometimes I can’t afford to have a lunch!!

    So doc and stoner and mymaninthenorth are ok with it, I’m good

    Free Member

    Cool, so nothing wrong with a can of diet coke with my lunch, back to the loom programmer!!

    Free Member

    so people who drink sugar free drinks have an increased appetite and will eat more as a result.

    Really? I use it to fill me up so I don’t have to eat!!

    Free Member

    The sweetners used are worse than sugar.

    In what way?

    Druidh, me too and I know I should drink water, but it doesnt taste nice

    Free Member

    So there isn’t anything I should be worried about, apart from the normal “oh noes, cancer/ aids” stuff that the papers are full of, that are mostly crap anyway

    Free Member

    My little brov managed this through in app games, some of them don’t even ask for the Password, he only managed £40 before dad found out though!!

    Free Member

    I helped my flatmate last year when he wanted to get in the first team in his rugby club stuff that we found helped him

    1. Pinned a first team shirt on the wall of the kitchen, everytime he went to the fridge, there it was!
    2. Make sandwiches don’t buy them, you can weigh the ingredients. And also don’t take money in with you for when the snack van comes
    3. NO fizzy drinks. NO alcohol ( it’s hard but it makes a massive difference)
    4. It’s just hunger, get over it.
    5. Make you dinner from scratch
    6. Don’t have snacks. Have meals
    7. Get a really annoying flatmate who doesn’t take no for an answer!!

    Free Member

    Lets see, normally I’d be a 7-8 I think, today…it’s Monday, im cold.

    So I’m gonna say 6, had 2 quite strong coffees

    Free Member

    20:18 but that was last year. I reckon that’s top ten in the STW 5K which I’m quite happy about!!

    couldn’t do that now I don’t think, been doing much longer slower runs

    Free Member

    DezB hope you like the Joy Formidable!! Theyre one of my favs, and roxy is sooo lush 🙂

    Savages in Feb. That’s it ATM

    Free Member

    1811, then I can be one of the Bennett sisters, and turn down Mr Collins.

    No, I’ve not thought about it at all, what makes you think that? 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t, both of those are cool

    Free Member

    careful, that could be painful LOL

    Free Member

    oh god…

    How short is your hair?

    Free Member

    use it all the time. recently it’s all been a bit totes emosh round here.

    Free Member

    LOLing at this

    A proper lady never says, right?

    Free Member

    Ooops, see what I said up there, that’s pretty much standard stuff amongst my friends. Soz.

    I’d be a rubbish mod LOL

    Free Member

    I dont look at filth!!! ( well, occasional redit, but doesn’t everyone?)

    Just this site pretty much everyone knows the score. Sometimes it feels a bit like you’re being picked on, I’ve been modded for stuff that other people seem to get away with, but I suppose it keeps the mongers away

    Free Member

    It’s funny, it’s full of folk I’d never talk to normally. I’ve learned loads of stuff. Miss some of the people that have been banned though. Fred, Yeti and Don were pretty funny

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t do it. Mind you this site is pretty tame compared to some I know.

    Free Member

    2 cows in a field, one says moooooo, and the other ones goes, I was going to say that!


    Free Member

    Hmmm, one of the things that caused me and Sara to crash a few months ago was me running. She’s at uni in Oxford and would drive back home to me ( gloucester) every weekend, then I’d eff off sometimes for 3-4 hours every Sunday morning with the running club, and when she moaned about it ( ok, I understand a bit now that I was being pretty selfish) I’d get all grumpy, and it would be a bit crap. But she’s pretty sporty when she wants to be, she’s a better roadie than me ( rubbish at mountain bikes though LOL) and we’d never argue about spending money on kit as neither of us has any spare cash anyway!!

    Free Member

    Only one of my mates is on benefits and she’s got a baby, and is living in a hostel. Fast food is quick cheap and hot she doesn’t have access to a proper kitchen before you start with the ‘cook your own’ stuff. So as well as looking after a 7 month old, finding a job (lol) and somewhere to live that’s not a one room shit hole, she’llhave to go to the gym as well?

    Wow, inspiring

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