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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Trying not to regret, but…

    Not going out with first “gf” she was proper selfish and it got nasty, heaps of fallout from that which hurt a lot of people that love me, and I should’ve been less selfish. Not drinking quite so much, and being a bit of a doormat for my Ex.

    Free Member

    I guess the equivalent on MSF is what I call the “Justin Beiber” look. 😆

    Free Member

    Ok, can we stop talking about sex now, thanks

    Free Member

    I don’t do casual sex…*

    * this may change if current “success” rate continues 😳

    Free Member

    Likes running in the rain, dancing madly, chips ( no vinegar)

    Free Member

    We have that policy as well. Having seen how my manager eats that’s absolutely fine 😆

    Free Member

    Wow, this is like

    “How the male brain works 101” 😆

    Edit ; no one likes a smarty pants 😛

    Free Member

    Oh god

    6 alarm in shower before smelly housemate
    6:20-640 out of shower, hair, make up
    7:15 start to choose clothes
    7:30 panic about clothes
    7:45 get dressed ( maybe redo make up hair depending on clothes)
    750 coffee
    8:00 leave for work
    8:45 arrive desk
    9:15 think about clothes I should have worn, depressed

    Free Member

    Education is the ONLY thing that’s going to resolve these issues not violence. And I’m not taking about 1+1 =2 kinda thing, I’m talking about educating people to see another’s world view. And there are negative views on both sides of our communities, and it all comes from fear and ignorance.

    From my perspective I’m always amazed at the level of hatred towards women that the EDL have. It’s just a piece of cloth, how does that become this thing of hate??. Just don’t get that

    Free Member

    O.M.G at this thread 😆

    Free Member

    Get her an iPod, luv mine ( I’ve got little shuffle for running and a nano for everything else )

    Free Member

    I want to be offended, but I’m laughing too hard 😆

    A mate once said that she was lying on the couch, legs spread, nurse ready to “do” when male a doc rushed in to grab something, was like “sorry, ignore me” grabbed whatever it was and rushed out again!! . My mate said we looked looked at each other and burst out laughing. What else could you do!!

    They had a sign to hang on the door next time!!

    Free Member

    I don’t want to shit in anyone’s chimney, it doesn’t sound v nice.

    Free Member

    The SkipEndersGame thing is pretty much all over some US LGBT forums. I read the first book ( kids fighting aliens cause their tactics were new, is that right?) but didn’t know about the authors views. If some of the things he’s supposed to have said are true, ( especially about equal marriage rights ) I won’t be going to see it.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter

    Free Member

    Sounds painful hope you get better soon

    *kisses n hugs*

    Free Member

    Got ours, group of 5

    TBH took less time this year than it did last year

    Free Member

    My dad says “it never gets easier, you just go faster”

    I can enjoy running, but it hurts. Afterwards I feel ammmmaaaaazzzing ( it really is like post sex buzz, y’know? 😳 ) but at the time, if someone said to me “you can stop s’ok” I would every single time.

    Love running, but every time I start running I’m like ” why am I doing this” and then about 1/2 hour in when everything is warmed up its almost effortless ( for about 30 seconds) then a hill comes along, or the person I’m running with just ups the pace a bit, and its hurty again.

    That’s me running. Ok?

    Free Member

    It’s not because I won’t win, it’s because I won’t manage anything I consider to be respectable

    Why are you running?

    Seriously what are you doing? There are runners in my club who are fantastic runners, they run just for the love of running, not interested in time or races, just being out. ( I regularly run with a friend who’s in his fifties and we run for hours nattering about everything under the sun and the time and distance fly by. There are others that live for our club champs, talk about nothing but pace and times, racing is everything.

    I’ve done Oxford half Bristol half, they were amazing experiences, loads of people cheering, atmosphere was amazing. Time ( for me) was irrelevant

    Sort out your head Molly, you’re constantly on here about weight and running and whatever, but you seem to be in a rut about how you approach stuff

    Free Member


    To report or not… 😆

    Free Member


    In my defence, it’s a old house and I’ve not got double glazing in my room

    Free Member

    MSP that’s a whole thread by itself!! Lol

    Free Member

    I’m doing 8:30mins miles on my weekend LSR just so I know I’m doing under 2 hours for a 1/2.

    Can do 7mins mile for a 10k but haven’t been doing much speedy stuff recently, loving going long distance 🙂

    Molly, I’m not a natural runner, took me ages to get from running round the block in one to wanting to cry thinking my legs and lungs were in fire, but I’m a bit obsessive about stuff so just kept on at it. To quote the masked man ” thank you, I’ve worked long and hard to become so”

    Free Member

    Amy Lowell one of my favs ( the other one if her’s is called Decade, but look that up yourself 😳 )

    Madonna of the Flowers
    All day long I have been working,
    Now I am tired
    I call: “Where are you?”
    But there is only the oak-tree rustling in the wind.
    The house is very quiet,
    The sun shines in on your books,
    On your scissors and thimble just put down,
    But you are not there.
    Suddenly I am lonely:
    Where are you? I go about searching.

    Then I see you,
    Standing under a spire of pale blue larkspur,
    With a basket of roses on your arm.
    You are cool, like silver,
    And you smile.
    I think the Canterbury bells are playing little tunes.

    You tell me that the peonies need spraying,
    That the columbines have overrun all bounds,
    That the pyrus japonica should be cut back and rounded.
    You tell me all these things.
    But I look at you, heart of silver,
    White heart-flame of polished silver,
    Burning beneath the blue steeples of the larkspur,
    And I long to kneel instantly at your feet,
    While all about us peal the loud, sweet, Te Deums of the Canterbury bells.

    Free Member

    I have actually ridden my bike in leggings and FM heels, only once though!! 😆

    Free Member

    Yep, that’s me on a bike. Best porno face, no bra, loads of slap. Salon hair. Not at all sweaty minging, plastered in mud in badly fitting boys shorts and a running top 🙄

    Tried on bib tights once, and stood there in the changing room thinking; if I need a wee….. Didn’t buy them 😆

    Free Member

    They **** you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were **** up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.

    Proper poet… 😉

    Free Member

    Graham, I know, loads of mags ( Singletrack is much better at it than most*) struggle to get beyond the ” a funny- ish article about a girl who cycles” as if its sooooo rare and unusual!

    *Thank you Jenn and Jorji for just writing and being cyclists who happen to be girls!

    Free Member

    Most of my wardrobe…

    In fact, shirt,pinafore dress, belt that im wearing now all from charity shops I think in goal paid about £30 for the entire outfit

    Free Member

    Thing is though, how many of those groups have pictures that are used to sell to the men who buy the mags?

    I can think of a few companies who use images of women that aren’t that far from porno or page 3

    Free Member

    I’ve got a pair of running shorts that have a pinkish stripe on the leg, and a wind proof that is really bright pink, but that’s more so I’m seen in winter.

    Good article, Lol’ed at the Raceface website. CG I’ve seen that assos girl, I know what you mean, even if I could afford their stuff I wouldn’t buy it on principle!!

    I’ve not got a lot of cycling specific stuff apart from a couple of pairs of shorts ( canondale I think) that I found on a sale basket. Most of my other kit has to be for running and cycling.

    Free Member

    God, I shuffle along barely raising my feet off the Tarmac LOL!

    Thinking about the price, my Innov8 F195 were the most I’ve ever paid for running shoes and they were £90! I’ve gone back to regular cheapy addidas ( they seem to be most comfy for me) at £35 in the sale ( they’re red and orange, awful colours but cheap!!

    Free Member

    I suspect emsz might do quite well

    Ha ha

    Took about 4 questions!! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Funny , my mum reads the Mail and from stuff I’ve read on here I give her such a hard time about it now! Don’t really read any paper everyday, although I buy the “i” a couple of times a week as its cheap!

    Free Member

    But he was also saw how it has become a fad, and certainly didn’t see it as required for all.

    Weird, I tried flat shoes and they just hurt, thought it was me but speaking with people in my running club, loads of us have tried them and all of us have gone back to regular padded shoes, even the fast guys

    Free Member

    When I’m running fast I’m on my forefoot, for long distance, I’m all over the place, use normal cheapy Adidas for everything.

    I’m also a fan of start slowly and finish slowly ( I make sure I just walk around for a bit after a long run rather than just stop )

    Free Member

    [wrestles laptop from mate drooling over fit blokes with cropped hair]

    Don’t know what you mean James 😆

    Free Member

    Rach is super hot and cool all at the same time!! 😆

    Like the way she just “does DH” she doesn’t pose naked on bikes, or pout at the lens or any of that crap that you see some female athletes do.

    Just shown Gee to a mate, and the response was “nice but not that hot, trying a bit hard…”

    Free Member

    is jealous

    Free Member

    never change a tampon after handling raw chillis.


    She’s broken 2 rabbits!!! WOW. they’re pretty robust things

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