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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Where’s Emsz when you need an explanation of such things…

    Ta da… What things? Well, when a girl and a boy love each other very much….

    Free Member

    **** it, yeah go on then, I’ll share with you

    Can’t get a shag so may as well get fat 😆

    Free Member

    An apple, a banana and a stem ginger biscuit I made last night.

    Prob won’t eat the banana

    Bin bin can I have one of those cream donut thingys if your going, thanks my lovely

    Free Member

    Normal plait: gather all the hair into 3 strands and do a normal 3 pass plait
    French plait: start at the crown with 3 strands plait them and as you go along gather more hair and plait that
    Dutch plait: upside down French
    Fishtail : with just 2 strands
    Corn rows: smaller French plaits

    Is that enough? 😀

    Free Member

    The casual dating/sex thing?

    scary 😯

    Free Member

    My daughter is 17 and, from what she tells me, the numbers of girls reaching their 16th birthday as virgins is remarkably low

    hmmmmmm, 16 yr old girls lying about their sex lives to their mates…that never happens. 😆

    Free Member

    I think the chips/gravy thing might need a thread by itself. Well at least find out who the weirdos are LOL

    Free Member

    I don’t eat meat because its vile. I do eat eggs and drink milk, couldn’t give a monkeys if that confuses people

    Free Member

    Claudia’s a cutie 😉

    Free Member

    Crikey it was a question on that Northern test that was posted here, I’ve never put gravy on chips it would make them all soggy bleeurgh.

    Ketchup on chip shop chips, mayo on maccyD

    Free Member

    Why my fender goes out of tune in a day
    The appeal of Chinese food
    Gravy on chips
    Why Chris ( housemate) needs a massive telly

    Free Member

    I’ve never voted

    Free Member

    Another 12%?

    * fist bumps DezB*

    Free Member

    A pie in a bun?

    Feel slightly icky

    Free Member

    12% thank god

    Gravy on Chips??? Really?

    Free Member

    Pretty happy actually. I’m aiming for 3.5 marathon next year ( maybe) and maybe I haven’t got the definition I had when I was ODing on gymnastics, but I’ve not got fat bits anywhere!!

    Free Member

    I’m so glad it’s not just me that talks to machines !! I regularly have conversations with the washing machine, it’s a great listener

    Free Member

    Mayo on the bread, sprinkle of Worcester sauce and a few bits of chopped shallots for a bit of crunch

    Free Member

    Right now, my brain is very empty!! LOL

    Free Member


    I’m off dating for a bit. It all got a bit depressing. Last one stood me up, before that was married!! ( split up now I’ve heard)

    All I need are fingerless gloves a cat or two, and my life of middle age singledom awaits

    Free Member

    I’m going with coffee and smoking as my usual hangover cure, that and whining about it

    Don’t really fancy anything orange…. 😆

    Free Member

    Hah ha, I had my moments when I was I was younger. I think my best was deciding on the way to the airport that my mum was a bitch, and there was No Way I was getting on the aeroplane with her. I think I was 14

    Shameful 😳

    Free Member

    But the more people feel comfortable and confident in themselves, the less likely they are to be exploited.

    Exactly!!! I want to hug you! 😆

    But it has to be ‘personal’ not because of some image or idea from a magazine. Not forced on you by someone else

    Free Member

    Northwind, I understand what you mean, and yes I agree to a point. But repression and exploitation are the extremes on the normal and we need to be in the middle! Maybe our grandparents were too far one end, and now were too far along the other!

    I’m not going to comment on your ex, were all different and what is ok and normal for one person would be wildly extreme for someone else. When I suggested Skinny dipping to my ex once, she was horrified!!! LOL

    Free Member

    they may well have chosen to act like that but it is not that great that they feel they have to sell records or attract men.

    More like fat old record execs made the decision for them. 🙄

    Like I said, stuff that girls think is OK has come from a flood of images ( films, pictures, music vids… Bike vids) that make it something it’s almost impossible to resist

    I’m not immune to it, I’ve an image of myself that is directed by society, even mainstream TV ads has told me I’ve got to have sculpted pubes FFS!!!

    Free Member

    Yes but it is now ok because of exploitation of women through Porn . Some of things my friends now think is ok, ( and not just bedroom stuff) is just weird, it’s like we’re sucked into this weird Porn/ idealised/bitch fest where pointing a Gopro at your tits is apparently ok behaviour!!! How brainwashed do you need to be??

    Answer; just enough to go along with it all, and think that your being “empowered” by it!!

    Getting a bit Rad Fem, better stop I suppose 🙄

    Free Member

    See Mylie Cyrus, et al, “selfies”… as I said in the Online Dating thread – I was pretty amazed at how cheaply the 20-30 years olds sell themselves on dating sites – selfies down the cleavage, lying in bed etc.. who are we to say it’s not ok, when they think it is normal?

    Porn has made this normal that’s why, we’ve got girls who think that this sort of behaviour is ok, it’s being rammed down our throats every day* from adverts,from the net, from our work from our hobbies, everywhere.

    *Don’t, don’t even think about it

    Free Member

    I’ve contributed nothing!!

    Learned loads though, music, opinions, politics , stuff and its v funny 😆 (dunno how many look at other forums, dyou know how special this place is I wonder? )

    Free Member

    I like those tees, it make the idiots easy to spot.

    Never really been hassled on the mountain bike, mostly as I ride with my dad, I’m generally head to toe in something disgusting I’ve fallen in, I’m in some manky polyester football shirt borrowed off my brother.

    It’s sort of pathetic, the whole “sex sells” thing, but it’ll never go away.

    Free Member

    one of my mates loves Dan, but not Gee so much. 😆

    Free Member

    words fail me to be honest. 🙄

    Free Member

    Extended kneading’s a bit of a myth for 90% bread really..

    10 mins isn’t extended time, that’s how long it takes. You wouldn’t bake it for 10 mins. because “you believe that extended baking is a myth”

    Yeti, won’t prove without proper kneading 😆

    Free Member

    Likes joy division, Molly’s bread, Friday night clubbing

    Free Member

    Looks lovely Molly well done you

    Knead for at least 10mins for white and at least 15 for wholemeal. Time it, kneading is probably the single thing that will make a difference to the loaf, most people don’t knead for long enough. Sugar will make it prove faster and the bread will be sweeter (duh). Salt will slow it down, oil will make the bread last longer.

    … is entirely superfluous, and quite frankly… a bit gay

    Oh binners 😥

    Free Member

    I did 50 miles away for a bit. Gets tiring though

    [grumpy] I want someone in the kitchen making me a brew [\grumpy]

    Free Member

    It’s because a VAG car is ladybits.

    I almost hate to do this but….y’know I’m gonna anyway …using “ladybits” as a derogatory term isn’t cool, ok?

    Free Member

    Can’t drive

    My chameleon is currently at my parents house, can’t remember the last time I rode it

    Not in IT

    Haven’t got a beard ( can’t grow one either!!)

    Any old coffee will do

    Free Member

    Work in a design workshop making proto, FIT and pre prod samples of clothes designed to have embedded tech or be used in harsh environments.

    I answer the phone, talk to customers and suppliers, run around like my hair is on fire chasing stuff, make tea coffee, and send mail and arrange couriers. Occasionally I’m allowed to use my actual design skills that I trained for 🙄

    Paid the rotten peanuts they would dare pay any one else

    Free Member

    Pub is still open 😆

    Free Member

    You got 2 options

    1. Stand there and watch them: weird and creepy, massively upsetting for everyone

    2. The pub.

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