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  • Bespoked Bike Check: Two Bikes To Make Tarmac Tempting
  • emsz
    Free Member

    I scored 6 on that test.

    One of mums friends son is Autistic and going to a different school now, he’s lovely, just needs his routines!!

    Free Member


    I do my own dirty work, and I’m no push over, but I’m empathic ( whatever that means) and everything in moderation is my motto apparently.

    Free Member

    £1.40 for chips £1.00 for coke

    Loads of chips though

    Free Member

    Get an accoustic.

    Get a teacher, if you can’t get a teacher another vote for Justinguitar.

    Depends what you want from playing, start with the Open chords, minors, barres, and a couple of the pentotonic scales.

    Free Member

    iPod shuffle when it plays the right songs in the right order.

    Free Member

    qwj72, i get what you’re saying. it’s a media company, right.

    Just drop the whole “he was lying bit” it doesn’t matter, OK? we’ve all done it, lied to ourselves and others about being gay, it’s hard to come out, and when you’re straight, it’s sort of hard to understand why it would be, but sometimes it’s harder than it should be (even to people who you know love you to bits)

    Liam was lovely, nice eyes, smelled of CK one… 😳 and he fancied me, sorry Liam.

    Free Member

    I don’t give a monkeys about peoples sexual preference. I just think when someone says they are not gay and are looking for the right girl, when in fact they have been in a gay relationship for 6 months, I call that lying

    When I was 13 and lying in bed literally concentrating on Liam Butler, I was lying ( I used to think that maybe I had no tits because there wasn’t a boy I fancied, and when I did they would grow, hence trying really really hard to like Liam) when I told Michaela that I didnt fancy girls I was lying then as well.

    People do and think stupid things especially when your desperate to be normal, I don’t judge or blame Tom

    Free Member

    My point is if he was just who he was and honest from the start it wouldn’t be a story now

    Honest about it from the start….right 🙄 #notreallylisteningmuch

    Free Member

    Lots of people are accepting of gay relationships, but loads and loads of people aren’t. From family and friends to randoms on the street. I’ve had everything from abuse to being spat on. It may not feel like a big thing, to you guys reading about Tom, but trust me it feels like it at the time. There was a gay story line in Corrie a while back, it made SUCH a massive difference to how some people spoke to me. You wouldn’t believe it, and to have properly famous people in Real Life say, I’m gay deal with it” is a massive help to people, not just guys and girls thinking about it, but everyone. The more it becomes open, there more it won’t matter, but were def not there yet!!

    Free Member

    Whatever sports direct have got on sale?

    That’s probably the wrong answer, but I got some cheap ones for running some the footpaths. Found I got really cold feet and my ankles were sore after about 10 miles or so, also slipped all over the place (and fell over) . Might be best I stick to roads! LOL

    Free Member

    It isn’t really “news” news but from my own experience it was really really important that successful and popular young people came out and openly defined themselves as gay. its a massive help if people like him can do this with support and confidence, cos unlike you lot, there are loads of people who are more than happy to bully or take the mick of gay people.

    I think a openly gay footballer would be an amazing thing!!

    Free Member

    depends….the ones I have here, or the ones here, and at my mums?

    over 100 easy.

    Free Member

    adjustable, try Bar R or The Marlborough, you might get lucky 😈

    Free Member

    15yr old brov has my copy at the minute, he was showing my dad around it, my dads comment was “don’t let your mum see this”

    to give him his due, he knows its just a game. Some of his mates are a bit stupid about it, but honestly you tube has worse stuff on it that GTA

    Free Member

    At the end of a packet of crips do you:

    Tip up the packet into your mouth

    Lick you finger and use that to pick up the tiny bits and pieces at the bottom of the bag?

    Oh and one at a time, obv

    Free Member

    Pictonroad, I have to dress vaguely smartly most days, those sorts of clothes aren’t great for slobbing about in, I don’t want to crease them and I don’t want to cook in them, and I don’t want to spill my food/drink down the front of them. Onsies are comfy and warm

    Happy emsz

    Free Member

    Sexist post, based around something a girl poster said earlier in the thread

    made a bit more worrying by the fact that not only have I thought about it, I’ve written it down and posted it for the whole world to see.

    Free Member

    Durrr obviously 😆

    Although brov has a frog one, its a bit disturbing tbh

    Free Member

    Count zero, to find out, I’d have to wait a few weeks

    And fair nuff, she’s OLD though, I’m not.

    Free Member

    Otherjonv my hair was bright red up until I broke up with my ex, that colour isn’t going to happen now!!

    Bald isn’t sexy either lol

    Free Member

    Kimbers her hair is dyed… 🙄

    But thanks, Hon *kisses*

    Calm now, couldn’t find any more. Just an odd one is not sooo bad.

    Free Member

    Ok, officially? Going grey is NOT sexy, ok?

    Free Member

    It’s on my desk, got one of the girls to pull it out. We’ve decided we need cake to get over the shock. Sent the boss out with float, I think he just needed to get out of the office ( there may have been some hysterics)

    Free Member

    If I’ve got grey pubes as well I may as well end it all now!

    I’m actually hyperventilating

    Free Member

    Is this turning into a “I seem to crap at dating and need somewhere to cry/scream/laugh about the mad people on dating sites?

    Hello, my name is Emsz. I appear to repel normal people 😆 some super power 🙄

    Ps can we not let Rachel anywhere near this thread, she’ll only gloat LOL

    Free Member

    Baby brov’s bday is 19th, so we generally don’t put up any decs until after that. Normally it’s the day the schools break up as well so we used to have a end of term/ party BBQ thing going on, it’s cool.

    Free Member

    Cheesy wotits mayo white bread margarine

    * hungry*

    Free Member

    Chips from the kebab van on the way home


    Free Member

    Make riding on the pavement legal, only that’s because I have to ride on it if I want to live to see my next birthday

    Free Member

    I think the images are pretty offensive. Fair enough they should have a place in a museum maybe, but I don’t think a school is the right place. If the school says they don’t represent the views then have them removed.

    Trail blazer, any examples?

    Free Member

    Mind you, it’s all running, it’s just legs. Still reckon sprinting would be better than the gym

    Pie monster, thanks for sharing :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Shows how much I know 😆

    Free Member

    I’m sceptical that flat miles will be optimal training

    1. It’s training the same muscles
    2. If its all you’ve got…

    Just run Hun, it’ll take care of itself promise

    Free Member

    Btw, Fan dance??

    Free Member

    How much would you have to win to make sure you could live off the interest? Do you have to pay tax like when you have a job?

    Free Member

    Yeah, why not, can’t hurt, but I’d def be trying to kill myself with sprints, just find a street with a slope on it, 15 mins run to it to warm up then, hard as you can for as many times as you can* then hobble home trying not to cry 😆

    * yeah, hilarious 🙄

    Free Member

    People that go to the pub by themselves = weird

    Free Member

    Was gonna say stairwell.

    Sprints otherwise

    Free Member


    Learn to drive, nice car

    Make sure family was ok for cash

    Flat in San Francisco, make sure I had enough money to live on comfortably, give the rest away

    Free Member

    Your not as fit as you think you are?

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