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  • emsz
    Free Member

    On Thursday I’m going to drink too much strong lager, start a fight, and make inappropriate sexist comments to any one in spitting distance ( will try to spit as well) in my local just to join in…

    Very manly

    [cross over thread] :)

    Free Member

    I’m learning to drive in a Clio. It’s a 1.5 diesel it’s done a million miles!! Cost my dad 180. Dark blue with alloys its so cool I love it!!! I actually gave it a hug yesterday

    Free Member

    Binners I work with this girl, she’s nice enough but her attitudes to a lot of stuff is just shocking. Pay to see the GP, no council houses, immigration is a bad thing (Marina who is Romanian and can hand stitch… Like beautifully, sits just behind me) mum and dad buying her a house!!

    Just laugh at them really

    Free Member

    Ro5ey, bloke I live with plays rugby, and while the players themselves are generally lovely lovely guys, the people that watch them play sometimes let themselves get too drunk I think

    I’ve been a waitress and watched rugby for the sidelines and had my arse pinched and been winked at by blokes who probably have daughters my age, and probably are company managers or whatever. Sad

    Free Member

    Jumped over a back wall escaping an angry barman

    Free Member

    People who say stuff like “I don’t watch television” and those people never don’t watch telly they don’t watch television or they only watch ( apparently) the news or some other dull ready stuff and then they turn it off.

    A certain type of middle aged bloke that watches rugby, they are generally fat, generally massively obnoxious loud misogynistic idiots

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve only ever met one client who did actually speak like this and it was hard not to stare. Me and another of the design team starting writing them down and we’d use them for stuff like coffee

    “Im going Expedite a beverage circulation memo”

    Free Member

    Ben yeah I saw, that is the dullest thread you lot have ever come up with, it’s a whole anorak and flask-fest saddos :lol:

    Free Member

    Binners where to start…. :roll: errmmmm was seeing ex on/off was a bit rubbish, got rid sad old singleton these days I get up work, go running, biking with dad at weekend. Scared my self stupid at bike park Wales a few weeks ago!!

    Molly cool, I’ve gone back to regular trainers these days, how was your time BtW? My last 10 race was a sad 43mins!! There was a giant hill at the end though!!

    I’m gonna get some of that coke and hooker action I think :lol:

    Free Member

    My crush just got a bit bigger :oops:

    I’m shopping for a leather jacket and a helmet this afternoon

    Free Member


    The only mod you’ll want to hug 8)

    Hi Hun

    Free Member

    Local plant and flower show/fair with mum on Saturday morning, bit of clothes shopping ( for a lbd, as its an awards night on London). Then Sunday run with some mates and there’s talk of a BBQ at mum and dads in the afternoon

    Been so busy recently it’ll be nice to have a slob about

    Free Member

    I think lots of you don’t realise quite what this place is.

    Some other forums and chatboards I know are just filled with such **** you wouldn’t believe it

    Ok your all a bit nerdy and the old man jokes are a bit sad, but its lush mostly

    Free Member

    GSN had an article ages ago about John Sullivan saying that PE would stop people being gay

    He’s a ****

    Free Member

    Like in the cartoons when they’ve shot? :lol:

    Free Member

    Wear whatever you want? It’s not really anyone else business :roll:

    Free Member

    God don’t get me started on body piercing.

    I’ve got 13 or so at my last count. Most in my ears that I mostly don’t use, but a nose stud, (in today) belly button ( not in) and left nip (mostly stays in)

    Free Member

    Not enough money in the world that would get me in a submarine

    Free Member

    I did Afan as well at the weekend. Bits of it are pretty scary and rocky, and I walked some of those, just be a bit careful if your not massively confident

    Free Member

    D’you get cross about what colour their hair is, or the type of clothes someone is wearing as well?

    Odd thing to be upset about

    Free Member

    He’s a creep.

    Your in bed, you hear something that wakes you up, next thing “everyone” does is roll over and shake the person next to them ” wake up did you hear that?”

    Unless you know the girl isn’t in bed, obvs

    Free Member

    Other than that, facebook should be used purely for smutty innuendo, videos of accidents, and photos that hint at a lifestyle more opulent than anyone else’s.

    Obvs 8)

    The Amount of self editing I have to do on a Sunday morning is getting out of control

    Free Member

    I think a bbit a grief is healthy. I’ve only really known one of my close family to die, my aunt ( dads sis) who I was v close to. I was 14 when she died and the funeral was full of tears and laughter. I can’t listen to Wednesday Week by the Undertones without instantly remembering watching my uncles shoulders heaving as he sobbed in the church as it played

    We all ( as a family) post memories and wotnot on FB of her all the time

    Probably a bit weak, Right?

    Free Member

    The fact that you see empathy as a weakness is a bit odd, don’t you think? an ability to understand how someone else feels is a weakness, acording to you when most think its the thing that makes us human

    Free Member

    Hate flappy birds near my head, but its not really a phobia I just don’t like it. I HAVE to lay out the clothes I’m wearing on the bed before I put them on, but its probs just a habit really. Weird but not life threatening :)

    Know a bloke who HAS to count in 3s though, or bad things will happen 8O

    Free Member

    7. Colour co-ordinating scatter cushions, curtains and carpets. Everyone loves good decor, no one loves a try hard

    Free Member

    6. Yankee candles

    Free Member

    It depends. If its going be knicker ripping loud, or just the smelliest thing ever, then fair enough, go for your life. If its just… you know…a ppppfffftttttt then no ones impressed frankly and you can keep it to yourself.

    Like most things, men just aren’t as impressive as they clearly think they are. It’s a bit sad

    Free Member

    Binners, the sausage and egg vileness…..

    See 4 you bad bad man :lol:

    Free Member

    I couldn’t decide between Bad house music and celebrities that I just want to kill, so there both on the list.

    5. Mcmuffins

    Free Member

    1. Bad House Music compilation CDs
    2. Flat tyres first thing Monday morning
    3. Shallow celebrity culture
    4. Casual sexism

    Free Member

    UV kills all bacteria so wash normally and line dry in the sun. No more smell

    Free Member

    I have a phone that has a camera and now I can check out what my hair is really doing, and you don’t want me to use this technology?

    Right, like that’s gonna happen

    Free Member

    and the advent of the internet.

    To busy on certain websites to bother?

    Free Member

    Get up showered dressed made up and have breakfast in any sort of normal way whatsoever.
    Not miss my bus
    And the next one (sometimes)

    Free Member

    We deal with some difficult customers who’ve got some tight deadlines and rare bits of kit. Anyway… Got name checked by the boss when a client rang up a while ago and this morning a massive and I mean massive bunch of flowers arrived.

    We’ve taken them down the road to the oldies :) share the love a bit.

    Free Member

    The smaller the differences become the more absurd the reasons to go to war become

    You know, Did you spill my pint seems to be all it takes for world war 3 to kick off in the pub I sometimes drink in, it doesn’t get more absurd than that. Blokes don’t seem to need much of a reason

    Binners you’re obsessed with them Hon, which one is it you fancy? You can tell me :)

    Free Member

    Re heated rolls or shop bought bread

    Without being a snob if a chef can’t make bread…. Cafes are seperate though, if I’m going to a cafe for eggs and chips I expect 2 slices of thick white.

    That whole whipped cream thing…can I suggest Nutella? :twisted:

    Free Member

    Binners so far so good!

    We so messed up that country, and then we have the nerve to have a go at Russia about Crimea! At least they didn’t blow the place to bits!

    What luxury goods Molly?

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