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  • New Automated Carbon Fibre Technology | Accell Group Jumps On Board
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Ive bought an aloe vera plant with my winnings It’s lovely.wonder if I can make my own shampoo LOL

    Free Member

    Made it home! Just took it easy really. Right, stuck new pads in but couldn’t get the wheel back in and noticed the disc wouldn’t fit in-between the pads, so stuck a big screwdriver in and wiggled them back into place and wheel dropped in fine all goes round and brakes work but the pads rub a bit. Is that normal?

    Sorry for all the questions

    Free Member

    Angle grinder? You’re joking right?

    I threw the pads away :oops: I’ve written NO! On the back of my hand LOL.

    Free Member

    After a bit of a rubbish end to the week I had a lovely weekend. Lie in on Saturday with telly tea and toast in bed with partner then some shopping and a club later. Sunday we went for a long riverside walk and a pub lunch.


    Dezb can’t wait for tomorrow to see them were they loud enough?

    Free Member

    Marley and me is a proper blub-fest. If you dont there something wrong

    Free Member

    88 Dtex Cordura has 34 filaments whereas some of the hefty ones (1110) have has much as 280 filaments.

    Free Member

    I’ve used dirpy before

    Free Member

    Piers Morgan

    Free Member

    Yeti don’t be kissing cold sores. We have a dishwasher, ours is called em. :roll:

    Blimey have you seen Linfords muscles?

    Free Member

    I’m wondering how I’m going to persuade my housemate to do his fair share of washing up

    Free Member

    I got v cross a couple of days ago about something on here, felt a bit silly afterwards really

    Free Member

    Big graze on my elbow, bruised toenail.

    Free Member

    They’re an odd couple arent they? Her and Brand.

    In her favour at least she can play a guitar and sing a bit

    Free Member

    Kato cool vid.

    U31 is the whole point of tango?

    Free Member

    Parsnips are vile. It’s how I imagine mud would taste.

    Free Member


    Plus a selection of dips

    Free Member

    Another Chameleon user I luv mine.

    Free Member

    Banana. obviously

    Free Member

    I haven’t got my own but I watch the one in the house for I’m a celebrity x factor strictly. I like my telly mindless

    Free Member

    Mines got a small crack where I dropped it and I bought a iluv case which it now lives in permanently( a tenner I think from Argos) I check it every now and then but it’s not got any worse.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Diversionary tactics? 8O

    Free Member

    Carlosg’s thighs are bigger than my waist

    Free Member

    Couldnt afford to live alone. Enjoying sharing with mates at the minute

    Free Member

    Rachel that would have Been too weird!! Partners in Oxford :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks Ourmaninthenorth it was lush. We had a lovely time. She was speechless ( for once lol). Bunnyhop makes me smile everytime I read the success stories

    Free Member

    Make a list of all the good and bad things about village life and city life. Be honest with yourself about the reasons for changing

    Free Member

    Don’t get cold hands but feet wool socks don’t put cold shoes on don’t do them up too tightly

    Free Member

    Sir fmat?

    I don’t get it

    Free Member

    Another vote for taking it slow and steady at first. Then build up. I did a sub 50 10k after just a few months. Nicko74 that’s really fast!!

    Free Member

    Another iPhone user If I can use one any one can

    Free Member

    Right, it was a joke? Well, that’s alright then. Some advice travellingman, don’t give up the day job, ok? Right this isn’t a rant I’m going to try to explain calmly and carefully and this is meant in a spirit of friendliness, sp don’t bite my head off. Thing is this hasn’t bothered you at all, it’s me that’s been fretting and bittering about this. We’re given two roles in society one is a hetro wet dream; witness the barman in the pub we were at yesterday who was literally drooling because we happened to be holding hands and smiling dopily at each other. Or the other role is man hating rad fem witness the bloke at cymcarn in the summer who called me a “**** dyke” for overtaking him. I don’t need or want your respect for just being who I am ok? And I don’t want to have to justify myself on a forum where all I want to do is talk a bit of nonsense about bikes and banter a bit, ok?

    Your les joke is shit, here’s a better one. What did the lesbian frog say to the other lesbian frog? Hey, we really do taste of chicken!!

    Friends now?

    Free Member

    Putting aside for one moment the whole “judging women solely on their looks” chesnut for just a moment. Can I just point out that suggesting someones life is a waste ( even in jest tbh) because they haven’t had a cock inside them is just so offensive I’m almost lost for words.

    About the only person that comes out half decent on this thread is Elfinsafty.

    Travellingman I’ll respond in kind: I’ve just come back from f**king my g/f. But y’know I’ll be sure to tell her that were wasting our time all night. Some people are GAY. Get over it.

    Free Member

    I am officially the greatest g/ f in the world EVER.

    Knackered now though. Need bed and shower cos I smell of something and it ain’t roses. Im in such a good mood I’m not even going to comment on the mysoginistic drivel that is that Sue Perkins thread.

    Free Member

    Ourmaninthenorth getting the train in half an hour 8)

    Free Member

    I want you (she’s so heavy)
    Come together
    You won’t see me
    Get back (on the roof live version)

    Free Member

    Wear a hat with anything approaching style. My life would so much better.

    Free Member

    LOLing at all the blokes talking about their hair like a bunch of gossipy girls.

    Just for the record: If I just want my roots doing then graeme on the hair and beauty course will do them plus gossip and scandal thrown in for free. Every 6 weeks my mum ( co owns salon in town) tuts over G’s work and does it properly

    Free Member

    Sounds weird but if you’re just starting out stuff like depth and tone aren’t massively important. You need something that’s comfy to hold plays nicely doesn’t go out of tune overnight and makes you want to play. Friend of mine still plays a £60 Argos catalogue one and plays it better than a lot of people with guitars costing ten times as much. I can’t afford anything more than the Yamaha I got at school. It buzzes a bit but that just means to make it stop my technique has to be spot on.

    Mind you I’ve got a list for when I win the lottery!!

    Free Member

    I can’t think of a specific reason why you’d feel rubbish. Perhaps it’s just too early? Maybe try warming up slowly doing some aerobic stuff before hitting the weights hard?

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