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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Then again, baking’s not that accurate anyway because egg sizes vary

    Wet ingredients aren’t as important as dry raising. Difference between large and medium egg is teeny and means a slightly longer bake is all. And if your whisking and folding it makes even less difference

    Free Member

    Cups and teaspoon don’t give you a consistent rise. Baking powder to flour has to be as accurate as you can make it

    I only ever use metric. The other stuff gives me a headache and makes no sense

    Free Member

    Is this the trail in north Wales with the circular cafe? Went there with my dad, and it was a hard days riding for me, some of the obstacles are crazy steep, there was one like a Helter Skeltor built from stone which was bonkers !!and if youve not much upper body strength that first section is pretty hard

    I did it on my Chameleon.

    Free Member

    and Emily is a right bossy cow too.

    I bet she likes ‘special’ time with Annie and Clarabel, who are, like, inseparable…

    Free Member

    the thomas stories are well **** up. Doesn’t one of them get bricked up for years for not wanting to go out in the rain?

    I also remember one I was reading to my brother once about one who got painted pink, and all the other’s took the piss?

    AND there are no girl engines

    shit books

    Free Member

    Stop the shouty telly pantomime that goes on everyday on the news.

    allow them to change their minds about stuff, I don’t know anyone who knows for sure what the answers are, politicians are the only ones how don’t seem to know that.

    I’m not interested in who’s in charge, I’m interested in the best answer for the most people, so get together to make plans, not argue about teeny differences in the same laws that will make no difference in the end to how much they **** up peoples lives

    Stop treating poor people like a burden on society

    Stop giving business everything to run for us. I want the council to run stuff, not some logo’d up employee on a bonus for smiling at me.

    stop buying guns and weapons (I know they give boys hard ons, but really, grow up a bit) and spend money on stuff that’s needed.

    Free Member

    I’ve just realised that the clown’s got a moustache…so here’s an adult playing with his thingy?

    this is a children’s book? Right?

    Free Member

    Forgive me for asking. Why us the sad clown looking at his ummmmmmm, thingy?

    Free Member

    The whole of charlottes web is the story of a piglet being fattened for slaughter. the spider dies, the little girl Fern (who can somehow speak with animals ) and is eight has a boyfriend by about half way in!!! The whole book is just a bit bonkers really

    Free Member

    Honestly who uses Facebook?

    Free Member

    things are better now than they were. Still not great, but much better than it was.

    Really? Cos I’ve been cat called, had my breasts touched up, and my bum. In clubs bars on the bus, walking down the street you name it. casual sexism is alive and well. Thing is this bloke refused to admit that what he did was wrong, and equality starts with showing people that even after 20 years you’re still going to be punished for it.

    Free Member

    I like wandering round Ikea taking photos, just for ideas. The comp is to see how long it takes the store manager to find you. hiding in the giant plants is cheating btw.

    Also, playing bogie in ikea passes the time quite effectively.

    mum refuses to take me or dad now.

    You just have to know how to play, boys

    Free Member

    ha ha those are such extensions

    they all have really ridiculously macho names as well, Defender, Robber Baron, Ninja. That sort of thing

    Free Member

    Why would I give Spotify (or whoever) 120 quid a year to listen to stuff I already own?

    your doing it wrong.

    I give spotify £120 a year to listen to unlimited new tracks, download them to what ever I want, listen, throw away keep, find, discover….

    Put it this way we’ve got the same bike, you use it to go to the bottom of the garden, while I’m half way around the world already.

    Free Member

    Will the younger generation regret they didn’t start collecting music one day?


    I download what I want to a pod, or y’know, make my own :wink:

    Free Member

    Would rUK still have the 6th largest economy on the planet without Scotland

    Isn’t sixth largest economy with Scotland, more like 25th-ish

    Free Member

    I think men must have weaker muscles to control it or something. Every single ride I do with my dad ends up with him running behind some tree to have a wee.

    Think I’ve ‘really needed’ to once or twice ever :roll:

    Free Member

    My pretend fender strat just about tells people where I am in the pecking order

    Free Member

    Mines utterly brilliant, but I’m a bit confused as it’s got square tubes at the back and an eccentric?

    I use 115mm rebas on mine, and it just goes where I point it. (into the nearest ditch mostly haha)

    Free Member

    I think we’ve outed some proper racists here.

    We’ve just had to sack a receptionist because she was, well, just a bit racist. It was pretty shocking really, complaining that some “Indians” were looking at the next door cottage in her village. When Seema (duh) asked what the problem was her response was ” well, they fit in in do they?”

    There are loads of people who will say “I’m not racist” but haven’t given any other thought to it and say some really terrible things!!

    Shit thing to have happened to loads of kids, and nothing was done because it was too much like hard work, they’re all a bit chavvy and into drugs and no-one gives a shit about them. There are people that need to go to prison for this

    Free Member

    Just speaking with my dad about this. He reckons that the amount of people ‘actually’ at the Portishead gig and Glasto vs the people that say they were there grows every year!!

    Free Member

    when I was seriously into gymnastics I had a 6 pack. Weighed 40 ishkg an eating disorder and no periods to go with them, but a 6 pack. :roll:

    don’t think it’s worth it personally.

    Free Member

    So so so pleased for Manon that’s so cool. 8)

    Still think Rach is the fastest out there at the minute though, the rest have to rely on her having a off day. She beat Manon by 6 seconds!!

    who won the mens? :twisted: :lol:

    Free Member

    I always tell people who want to learn guitar to have a look at justinguitar first. It’s a way cool site (and free!)

    started learning when I was 8, so pleased my mum and dad ignored my whining about not wanting to go to lessons!! :lol:

    Free Member

    the one at the bottom of iphone is a bit annoying, but it disappears for me after you hit the x a couple of times. The ads down the sides of the screen are OK anyway.

    It waaaaayyyy better than a lot of chatrooms.

    Free Member

    I got drenched on my run this morning. like in the shower drenched. :roll:

    thanks august, you’ve been great.

    Free Member

    those vids always crack me up. :lol:

    feel like that learning new stuff.

    Free Member

    Hey ton, saw that you had a big operation. really really pleased to see you’re on the mend.

    big hugs and kisses

    Free Member

    Ooh, what are you thinking of learning? :D

    I’d say, get/find a teacher that you get on with, and practice practice practice, and don’t skimp on the practice.

    Thing with music is that bits of it are well dull, scales and arpeggios spring to mind!! :lol: but I think to actually learn/play/enjoy it it’s always better to have a good understanding of what you’re doing. It doesn’t make it easier, just makes more sense! I know loads of really good guitarists who would be even better if they knew just the bog standard stuff. (where the notes are, chord progression, etc etc.), yes dad I’m looking at you :twisted:

    Free Member

    I’ve done that…. :oops:

    In my defence, it was very very early one morning, and there were no cars about.

    I even took my shoes off, I was was being paul.

    Don’t mock me :D

    Free Member

    some of the things some blokes say are pretty unbelievable. I think some people shouldn’t post when they’ve had a few drinks!

    Free Member


    They do custom shoes don’t they? Should be able to do pretty much exactly what you want I’d have thought?

    Free Member

    says the man who wants to get a bag

    I don’t have a bag full of crap, my bag is full of my “shit” (not the same thing)

    obvs. :roll:

    Edit, I use my bra all the time for my phone when I’m out. You could do that Molly :wink:

    Free Member

    which reminds me, I need to do a MLP one later

    Free Member

    I know a Grainne.

    It’s pronouced Gronyur

    Weirder than weird :roll:

    Free Member

    go away, I haven’t got time for your nonsense, I’ve got much more importants and grown up things to do than debate with you about how, because of me, the name Amelia is the best, and how Jamie (because of you) is really unpopular.

    stop bothering me now

    Free Member


    [sniffs pits]

    yeah fair enough :lol:

    anyway mr Jammy, err that’s not exactly a rarity is it?

    Free Member

    well, thanks….good to know. :lol:

    Free Member

    hang on…

    ohh now then, what is that under my desk that’s got all my shit in it, what are those things called…

    see, we are more organised than boys. [looks for smug emoty]

    Free Member


    I’m also Amelia, and I’m going with my mum’s text to me this morning which said:

    Knew you’d popular eventually

    Thanks mum :lol: :roll:

    I’d like to say that I’ve always had a bit of a love/hate with it. It was unusual enough for lots of people to comment on. It did make me feel like some Victorian Dramatic dying heroine/ or large plant that won’t survive a harsh winter.

    Now it turns out, I’m just common.

    Perfect end to my week

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