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  • New Reynolds 309/289 XC Series Wheels – with heritage turquoise option
  • emsz
    Free Member

    Are we allowed old films?

    was made to watch Harold and Maude a while back, should be compulsory.

    Free Member

    Oh blimey, You lot. 🙄 Keep your vaginas on, I was generalizing, sorry OK, these two particular people were a bit hard work OK? Better?

    Blimey, it’s Sunday, chillax.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Are you saying he didn’t write his plays muddy?

    Free Member

    Planning a big meal for some mates coming over, the amount of bottles of wine stacked in the kitchen might mean a thumping head in the morning.

    Worth it though

    Free Member

    Nope, pink shoulders from sitting in the park too long. 😀


    Free Member

    I wouldn’t report some-one. I can understand the feeling about taxes and wot not, but in the end you’ll just wind yourself up about it, and unless it effects you directly where’s the sense in that?

    It’s a nice day, go to the park, sunbathe, have an ice cream. **** him.

    Free Member

    In my defense I didn’t know anything about footpaths. I knew that I wasn’t *supposed* to ride on pavements, but until recently I didn’t know it was actually illegal. As for trails through the woods, I thought you could go anywhere.

    Which was half the problem, we started laughing at this bloke, who was trying to be all serious, called us disrespectful young women, or some such nonsense, then Sara went a bit OTT. I had to drag her away. LOL

    Free Member

    Why will your wife be annoyed? It’s not like anythings going to happen, right?

    Free Member

    I’ve never looked at the suicide girls website.

    Nope, never, honestly

    Free Member

    Right, I’ve just realised what the picture of Arnie is about 😳

    What would your mum say? LOL

    Free Member

    Oh, good luck my lovely, I’ll miss you * kisses*

    Remember regular updates.

    Free Member

    M&S have gone downhill recently, sizes all over the place.

    *checks label*


    Free Member

    Ho hum, I’ve seen them all, with more or less the same 3 girls. We read the books (queued at midnight at book shops, speed read all night). The last one this summer will be a sad event.

    Watching all the young kids getting all excited at the last one, we were all like “No, these are our films and books, we were her first!”

    Free Member

    That’s a cool tune iDave!

    shocking fashion though. LOL

    Free Member

    Sara got stopped by a old bloke last year along a stretch of path by a river (it was a footpath). In the end she asked him whether or not he’d ever been fisted.

    Ok, so not exactly Shakespeare, but it was funny, and the look on his face!

    Free Member

    I’ve seen bits of the Star Wars epics, but never a whole movie. Lord of the Rings passed me by.

    Free Member

    I’ve been listening to No Shouts No Calls all day on the iPhone, and trying not to cry. Lovely.

    Free Member

    one on my mobile.

    Free Member

    electrelane – did they do “two for joy”?

    Not one I know, sorry. Yeah, I’ve got to go really haven’t I.

    Eastnor at the Big Chill, anyone else?

    Free Member

    No such thing. 😉

    Free Member

    WGAF really?

    Mine would make for very dull reading, my desk, my college, my house. People call me all the time “Where are you” they say…

    Free Member

    Joggers: trackies hoodie visor, make up on, White fashion trainers, park.

    Runners: tights or shorts, vest or running tee, stopwatch, running shoes, sweat.


    Free Member

    *Makes note never to go anywhere near a gym*

    Free Member

    I’m not a horse!

    Free Member


    Best bike in the world. Even better if it’s white.

    Free Member

    Elfin. 😯

    Watched the Marathon this year (never paid much attention to it before) blimey they run fast!!

    Free Member

    surfer, iDave has given me a programme. thanks for help though. Your advice isn’t much different from his, iDave’s has shorter distances.

    Free Member

    Currently reading “We need to talk about Kevin” sort of creeps me out, tend to read in bed late at night.

    Free Member

    Cody, love your story.

    You should, soon.

    Free Member


    Me and GF did some cycling in Wales last year, She cried at one point when we were pushing up a hill in rubbish weather, and I didn’t know *exactly* where we were. I felt a bit shit really. I got us to the road (lucky) and we went back to the b&b. She got in the bath and locked the door, I thought she was going to dump me, I had to do some serious groveling over dinner.

    Free Member

    let the right one in

    Free Member

    Cougar you are me in a male body!! 😆

    Guitar, once I picked it up, I had to finish exams, did 2 in one year!! Same with gymnastics, never tried climbing, but I sort of want to do trapezee, but I know once I do, it’ll take over, GF isn’t keen if I’m honest (can’t say I blame her, she knows me.), so I’m not *looking* that hard for a course.

    Free Member


    They love and loose differently to us? besides she mostly just took the piss.

    Free Member

    iDave, Mail….

    Free Member

    Thing is Cougar, once I start doing something, I’m pretty relentless about it. Been running every week now since about November. Times were rubbish when I started, I just try to run faster each time.

    That’s just 10k though, run my 5k slowly, never time that.

    Free Member

    But I f**king hate bloody Jane Austen

    Really? She’s all about the human condition.

    Free Member

    enjoyed cycling with dad, he was into mountain bikes. Bought Chameleon frame for 18th and family bought bits to go on it. Got it built for me, and love it!! It’s my commuter, weekend fun, transport to recycling, and shops.

    GF is getting more and more into bikes as well now.

    Free Member

    Ahhh, no, not really 😆

    It takes less than a morning, your missus will be chuffed.

    Free Member

    iDave what do you want to know? 30k or so a week, a 5k a 10k two 5’s then another 10k, eat pretty much normal food. drink too much.

    Cougar, about* 46mins, fastest was 45.33 pleased and guttted at the same time. want to get under 45 mins.

    * not that I’m particular about writing down my times, that would be well weird… *ahem*

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