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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • emsz
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    I should have added. To me, a male cop is just another man but who’s had some training in violence, and carries weapons. I might be more trusting of a female I suppose, but I’d still not call them or go to them in town. I’ve got male friends for that who I know I can rely on

    Edit; none of the women in work my age that I just asked trust cops. One said they’d go to a bouncer if she needed help, just texts her bf if she out with mates. None of us would ever call the police

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t trust a cop any more than I’d trust any other random bloke I happen to meet.
    If I’m in town and I need help, I know where the ambulances park so I’d probably go there.

    Free Member

    Mleh, thinks he’s Beast, when he’s really Gaston.

    Hope they lock him up for years.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say it’s an echo chamber, but it is very much a dad’s playgroup.

    There’s an awful lot of showy-offy opinionating in the vain of “soon they will recognise that I am in fact right about everything if only I can post loudly enough”. There’s huge amounts of passive aggressive “surely you can see” or “are you disagreeing with this expert?” which on the face of it looks fine enough but is designed to wind people up. Some posters (especially on political threads) do it all the time. There’s a lot of “listen to me” and not a lot of “I’d like to know more about, can you tell me?”

    I lurk mostly nowadays ‘casue it can be quite unpleasant. It does “smell of boy” here quite a bit.

    Free Member

    I love it when STW goes dating. My rules

    1. don’t date people who make lists.
    2. don’t date people who have v specific requirements, must be male, must be over 180cm, must be single, that sort of stuff. ergh, total turn off
    3. Go on dates, say yes to everything
    4. If your not shagging by date 3, what are doing? dump them, immediately
    5. don’t accept puppies/kittens etc as gifts
    6. DO NOT be honest. EVER. No one needs that shit in their lives
    7. If it’s not happening after date 1. Ghost them
    8. Do not take dating advice from people in long term relationships, they suck.

    Free Member

    Cuts! 😳

    I think I would’ve just stopped at that point. When I was getting the gf sorted in her road bike, We started with the basics and went from there

    So obvious ones first. No knickers, which is hard I know to get your head around, but it’s just better. chamois cream, and be generous. Good padded inners or shorts, you’ll just need to try loads until you get ones that fit (and then they’ll stop selling them 😂) and try loads of saddles. I used Cannondale Raven until it fell apart, and never really got anything better, some women need a cut out some don’t. And just don’t go for 4 hour rides straight away, build up slowly

    But out of all that. Chamois cream!!

    Free Member

    well I had to look up rule 34. kinda funny.

    That argument up there about reinforcing the idea that girls see other girls standing around in skimpy kit and think that’s the job for us rather then ride bikes or play the sport. It’s a annoying argument. Like every girl and woman I know we can actually see it for what it is y’know? we’re not so blinded by the stereotype that we can’t see past it to the actual sport, and it is a wee bit patronising to say that about women.

    Free Member

    Actual woman, occasionally drop in here, don’t post much any more.

    I think there are bigger things to worry about that some women (and we’ll get into that) are used to sell shit to us. I think it’s so ubiquitous I probably don’t even notice it anymore. How is the BooHoo adverts for the teeny swimsuit any different to the girl holding a can of undrinkable crap?

    I guess the question is did these sorts of images put me off what I wanted to do? Answer no not really. I want to ride my bike and go running, and when I do those things (like running) my face goes a sort of beetroot colour and my lips and mouth go this sort of white shade, so it’s just about the least sexy thing ever. So I don’t think sports = sexy times. does anyone? I don’t think the fact that some people are there solely to look nice makes any difference to some-one interested in a sport, or whether they think they can do that sport.

    Also like most women on the planet I do not, repeat do not look like these girls do. They’re weird and almost inhuman, they have teeny waists and long legs and enormous boobs, and glossy hair, I don’t know anyone who even comes close to looking like that. They only really exist in this world of adverts, and again I’m not sure that because they exist somehow something sexual assault. to be blunt from my position y’all don’t need excuses to do what you want anyway. which I’m sorry sounds shitty, but truth hurts I guess.

    Free Member

    still visit, don’t post much as I don’t ride mountain bikes now really, I either run or roadie, or working. Sometimes this place is a bit “bloke-ish” but that’s mostly as mountain biking is mostly men, I never really felt unwelcome, or very rarely, and lots of posters on here were/are really lovely and welcoming. The Kylie posts were a bit much, but honestly I look back at my 20 year old self and sometimes I think I was a bit of prick anyway, so you know, can’t have it both ways.

    Free Member

    Loves a bitch, you fall in love, and she’s **** off to uni, but y’know eventually you might if you’re lucky manage to end up in a cottage together…don’t ask me BTW, I’ve no idea, but that **** for rich parents right?

    Chase it, you only live once, and what’s the worst that can happen?

    Free Member

    I often have to lube the top and bottom shafts otherwise there might be too much tension built up under the breast beam.

    Free Member

    So. What percentage of females actively seek to change the situation that they face by learning MMA fighting, boxing, karate. Tae kwon do, ju jitsu etc.

    oh god this is so retarded I can’t begin to tell you. How about you just teach your sons not to be so…rapey?

    Free Member

    I’ve been to loads of festivals, I go to Glastonbury every year it’s on, and have done since about the age of 3 with my parents. Since the age of 15 or so when I started going on my own the one thing that makes me hesitate buying the ticket is wondering if I can put up with the wandering hands in the crowds, the endless comments, being harassed by gangs of drunk **** on the way to the loos, food, or my tent…Is the music worth it this year?

    Blokes at festivals can be ****, I’m sorry but a group of drunk idiots away from home with no-one to stop them is pretty much going to try to hit off with any girl they see, and try to start a fight with any blokes they see. It happens all the time and its bloody depressing and annoying and sometimes just plain scary. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a weekend music festival where it’s not happened TBF.

    I read a article the other day that asked groups of men and women what was their biggest fear about the opposite sex, pretty much the top response from men was being laughed at by women, the biggest response from women, was being killed…Sums it up really

    Free Member


    and I don’t need to google it. Current fashion is chunky soles, and ugly 80/90 inspired colours schemes and ridiculous (hideous) fashion labels. When Belcenciaga can pile 6 coats on top of each other and start a trend for OTT big, then trainers will folow it.

    The world of fashion (high end) and sneaker-dom are coming together. It had to happen, when some styles of Nike Zoom go for hundreds, and KendelJ starts wearing Louis Vuitton on her Intsa, people will pay silly money.

    Your welcome

    Free Member

    well, I’ve seen all ages leaving tents at festivals. It’s not a thing that just teenagers do. In fact I’ve seen older folk leave waaay more, as they generally seem to need more “luxuries” to get a weekend camping. I know that most of the tents left at Glasto go straight to land fill, which is pretty depressing.

    I used to have a nice little tent (in fact I think my Dad used it as well) but it got nicked! so I can see why people tend to buy a cheap one. I do think though, calling them Festival Tents doesn’t help as it does suggest that it’s a once only use, which is a bit daft.

    Free Member

    have stretch they are not made of denim

    Denim just means that the weft has gone under two or more weaves (or the other way round, cant remember), and one is dyed blue and the other left white. 501’s are pretty rubbish if they don’t fit!

    Free Member

    Proper saddle is pretty important IMO. I used to have a Cannondale Raven which eventually just fell to bits, got a WTB ones to replace it, but it’s not the same, didn’t know you could get thinner grips, so that’s something to think about, and some brakes you can bring the lever closer to the bars, which was amazing when I found out about that.

    Free Member

    my missus, (points at the long blonde staring at her laptop) does really really hard sums at Oxford Uni for her pdf (or is is phd, I can never remember), she also spends an unhealthy amount of time doing online quizzes that promise prizes. There are websites and forums and all sorts. She’s never won a thing, but gets an amazing amount of spam to her email. In her head these two things aren’t connected.

    I still fancy the pants off her though. after all, takes all sorts.

    Free Member

    OMG, i dated Louise, she turned out to be married, which was a bit shit if I’m honest.

    Free Member

    Comp in Bristol. Normal stuff, alcohol, bit of smoking, setting lockers on fire, snogging.

    We had the perviest male PE teacher ever, and he would come into the girls changing rooms to go through to the gym hall. I think he was sacked for it eventually. and the Head had a nervous breakdown.

    Free Member

    OMG, sometimes this comes on the radio, and I HAVE to dance about, because y’know…and remember, girls just want cars and money…

    Free Member

    At a party.

    My housemate Chris and me used to have these pretty rowdy house parties. Anyway, we had one on the longest day an few years ago. She was gf of one of Chris’ mates at the time, poor bloke called Paul. I was in the kitchen making food, and she offered to help (I think her and Paul were arguing). She’s one of those annoying people who’s won the genetic lottery, blonde, green eyes, slim, clever, pretty. Y’know generally annoying, Fancied the pants of her for a long time from a distance but I always thought she was a bit of an ice queen to be honest, she was always a bit frosty and distant y’know? Anyway, fast forward a few hours and in my imagination we had a dead romantic kiss under the stars, in reality it was probs a drunken snog at the bottom of our crappy garden, all quite unexpected, but still, pretty nice. We had a lush time before she effed off to uni a few months later, which was a bit of a disaster (mainly as she couldn’t keep her hands to herself)…we’re all good now though ‘cos I keep her locked up hahah…

    Free Member

    Sleigh bells at Manchester a few years ago. There’s just two of them, and a wall of Marshalls. My ears were ringing for days after. I’m sure I’ve got hearing damage been to so many gigs.

    Free Member

    checks finger length…So that’s why I like fannies!

    Everyone missing the irony that of course men don’t actually use tissues, they use sleeves, tea towels, their hands, other people’s hands (I willing to say that may be just my brother) …anything but the actual thing designed for blowing your nose into.

    I think they should be called Liberated Fem-a-tissue. Obvs

    Free Member

    One of our neighbours is full on anti EU bonkers, You should see his house, covered in EU flags with stop signs plastered across them, and UKIP flags. He was handing some leaflet in the village at the weekend, and he tried to give one to Sara (gf), she has  a mate trying to do a phd in some maths bollocks, who has had a research place application turned down by a German Uni, saying that thy’re turning down all UK applications at the minute, and to reapply when the situation calmed down and everyone knows what going on.

    Anyway, gf can get a bit “fighty” she asked one old perv a few years ago if he wanted fisting, and it all kicked off on the green. there was a bit of effing and jeffing haha We’re getting started at quite a lot by the WI brigade now…which is pretty funny, if it wasn’t all a bit bloody sad.

    Free Member

    26, started posting when I was still a teenager.

    not so much now though

    Free Member

    I know, right!

    I mean your eyes just go there, you can’t help it!

    Free Member

    the outdoor clothing and mountain top thing. We figured it was the only place that blokes can get their buddies to take pictures of them without being all “bloke” about it (you bunch of repressed weirdos) or that every other photo of themselves  had their ex’s in.

    Bad dates: I went on a couple with a married woman, before I rumbled here as she’d forgotten to take off her ring, and I noticed (dur) and another where I “may” have been a bit drunk, and apparently I just stared at her tits all night. TBH 1. they were great boobs, and 2. I found out about it through FB, cause she was complaining about me being drunk and a bit starey..My advice, don’t have great boobs and wear low cut tops…dur

    Free Member

    haha, love reading stuff like this. Try dating sites for gay girls…Anyway from my (limited) experience with mates on these sites

    1. why are men always looking for women 10 years younger than they are, weird and more than little bit creepy

    2. oh look, here’s another photo of you in outdoor clothes on top of a mountain…

    3. oh, a picture of your penis? thanks,,,,

    4. stop swearing (**** sake)

    5. “Hi” Really, is that the best opening line you have?

    6. Irony…I know, I get it, you read Roth and Ian Banks, you drink proper beer, you have a good job and you drive a nice car, but you suck at this shit, like the rest of us, you’ve failed in your one and only LTR and your wife’s just dumped you, Here you are on a dating site, please don’t treat the other half of the population with sarcasm and cynicism, prick.

    7. Your not exactly a greek god either, so quit with the personal remarks.

    Just sayin like…

    Free Member

    Bring home some cake, when she asks for a slice say “none for you, fattie fat fat”

    That should sort it.

    Free Member

    It’s a great vid, I was going to say something like “Easy for them, as they have all that sponsorship and travel and what not” but I guess thay all had to work hard to get there.

    I’ve had a mixed expirences on the MTB. I ride mostly with my Dad when I go out, and I reckon that stops most of the snarky comments, but I’ve had dirty looks as blokes over take me as I’ve “held them up” on a climb. I think a lot of girls are put off by themselves as it’s dirty and mucky and they idea of having to dive into the bushes for a wee isn’t something that a lot of my mates would be keen on, I think there’s a lot of stuff that blokes take for granted that you don’t even think about (and why should you, I guess)

    Shops are the worst, if I’m having a moan, some one mansplaning to me about carbon handlebars or how to set up suspension or something is pretty annoying, or just plain being ignored if I want to buy something, as the bloke behind the till has a chat to his mate!! (last weekend)

    Free Member

    The image promoted by various clothes, make up, perfume, film, media companies to women of all shapes and sizes is pretty messed up to be fair. It’s an ideal standard that a teeny minority match, and most send years obsessing over and worrying about  I know girls that are a perfect sized 10 but shamed by their naturally saggy boobs, I know black girls who have chemically straightened their hair for so long it’s probably going to affect their chances of having a healthy baby, or even getting pregnant in the first place, and I know big girls who are constantly remind that that they are “unworthy”, because they are fat (mostly by blokes at bars who are equally large, but that’s a another debate, I guess)

    So yeah, lets have more normal sized models on the covers of magazines. Although Cosmo? really? I agree with whoever on here said, let’s see the cover model for next month and the month after that. I’m cheering for the woman, and the sentiment, but Cosmo can **** right off

    Free Member

    I think that given a choice, I wouldn’t want to be gay.  Having to deal with bigoted asshats in society aside, girls have all sorts of lovely bits to play with that would otherwise be denied to me.  And if I wanted to play with boy bits, well, I already own those.

    oh my lovely!

    Honestly: when I realised i was gay, it was drama, and I did some stupid ass stuff. now? I’m as happy as a lop, I get to play with all sorts of lovely bits that would otherwise be denied to me…Could it be that we just all agree that girl bits are just nice to play with? haha

    anyway, for what it’s worth Trans people are about as brave as it comes in my book, forget soldiers and all that shit, trying to get people to accept you for who “you” actually are, seems to be the hardest thing in the world, my life is a piece of cake by comparison

    There are some older gay women i’ve met who have some radical stuff in their heads, mostly because of the pressure they faced as gay women in the 50’s or 60’s or whatever, I think. They were told, mostly by men, what they could and couldn’t do. Some of those women see my generation as having it easy and somehow “betraying” the fight that they went through. To them having a Trans tell them about what they “can and can’t” bang smacks of the same patriarchy they’ve faced for a long time. Me?…if you’re getting juicy, then go for it, right?

    Free Member

    Saw them at Pride, All a bit weird really, but I guess everyone needs a hobby. They were made to march on front of the parade like naughty school kids.

    But…there’s plenty of people who think the whole “community LBGT thing” is bogus anyway.

    This is from a reddit sub, and it pretty much sums up ALOT of views on it.

    rather than campaigning to get the T out of LGBT, the L should leave and create their own women-only movement. I don’t see the logic of women aligning themselves with a bunch of dude-bros which comprise all of the G, the majority of the B, and don’t even get me started on the T. It simply makes no practical sense.

    Personally I’m all mleh about it. Oh and if you’re lucky enough that someone want to bang* you, you’re really going to start asking them if they used to be something else👍good luck with that

    * yeah, bang.. It’s my new favourite word for it..

    Free Member

    ADAM AND THE ANTS-Kings Of The Wild Frontier

    Free Member

    18.1 what do I win?

    157cm and I weighed this morning (post poo) at 45kg despite the monster pizza (mmmmm, pizza) I made last night.

    I’m pretty much ordering Asian size 0 clothes online, I can’t really shop on the high street anymore.

    Free Member

    I always love these threads, just finding out what you lot get up to is just really fascinating!

    anyway, try being female for a few days…. :)

    Free Member

    wait, what?

    that’s the same thing, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    opps, *waves*

    hellooo newbie

    Free Member

    binbins, am I missing something? looks like a pie, feels like a trick question.

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