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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Ohhh flashy that just made me proper lol

    Free Member

    See now I’m even more confused. I’m more of a sceptical person so I’m kinda in the just stick to what’s proven camp but I’m really intrigued to see if it will help where other stuff hasn’t

    Free Member

    she didn’t slap him but she seemed to be concentrating on something else…..can’t think what

    Free Member

    I’m watching cycling at the moment, I’m not sure I understand some bits of the olympics. I watched some pony prancing this morning? How on earth does that fit alongside running/swimming/throwing stuff? Then in the ladies cycling some man just popped out the side of a car and grabbed a girls bum, kept hold of it too. What is that all about? Is it not either completely inappropriate timing or cheating if he’s giving her a push?

    Free Member

    I noticed that yesterday, Franksinatras idea is a good one. I know so many people who were desperate for tickets, if corporates don’t turn up they should be released, there’s bound to be people who would hang around on the off chance of a place becoming available

    Free Member

    I’m married to a man with a beard, he grew it especially for our marriage, I quite like it now and it does suit him. Doesn’t bother me but I do make him promise to keep it well trimmed, can’t be having whiskers all over the place. What amuses more is that although all the hair I ever saw him have has been black, his beard is a mixture of black, grey, ginger and a couple of blonde/white!

    Free Member

    I thought the greatest trick you ever played was making STW believe you were a man TSY? You did it so well I will now never believe that you’ve ever been a woman.

    Free Member

    Sandwich! We are heading to Loire valley next Saturday! What’s the weather looking like? Any recommendations? We just have mountain bikes and a couple of pootling bikes, no road bikes

    Free Member

    I’d actually go with your original idea of the war stuff. I normally don’t particularly enjoy it but my other half didn’t tell me what we were doing until we pulled up at the american war memorial in the morning and that was two days of the holiday jut travelling around that area, lots around other than just war ‘stuff’, was really good so she might enjoy it.?

    Free Member

    Not all the time, but most of the time. Husband has a ring but only occasionally wears it, he doesn’t like the feel of it so it just bugs him. I’m not sure he even knows where it is now, we’ve not been married a year and hes lost it :/

    Free Member

    MrsToast is that a euphemism? I hope you cried as you did it being a woman an all 🙂

    Be careful Mboy, us women can get nasty at ……you know the rest. And we can get away with murder – diminished responsibility an that, not our fault our hormones make us loopy 😈

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I thought the football had finished? You’ll be lucky to find some biscuits….., all we have is fruit and porridge and thats about it til tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Yayee you did it too!! 🙂

    Free Member

    How come men always assume women only cry during a certain time of the month? Some of us cry all the time! I’m a bit of an emotional person though so when I feel the need to cry it often just comes out. I’m not fussy where I cry

    Free Member

    Ahhh a good cry is good free therapy. Probably just a woman thing but things do feel like they’re falling apart a bit at the moment.

    Thank god I’ve never been mistaken for a massive man sausage, that would finish me off 🙂

    Free Member

    Just sat having a good cry, genuinely completely fed up 🙁

    Free Member

    Started out as a twilight book Emsz as far as I know

    There have been side effects. All is good.

    See this is good! Lolz 🙂

    Free Member

    Reviews on tinterwebs! Have read bits about it, curiosity an all that…. it’s the base for the whole first book apparently.

    Free Member

    Phils working through his film collection……. I was going to say David Jason as Del Boy 🙂

    +1 jack Nicholson in the departed

    Free Member

    I get numb big toes – is that the same?

    Free Member

    Mmmmmm, from what I’ve been told/read about the book, if being beaten as part of a sex act by a man who has a deep desire to harm his mother after his childhood abuse then there are a lot of very confused women out there.

    You’re right it’s not going to do much harm and if it it kick starts a few fantasies and deminished sex lives hats a good thing but it’s just a book, it really does not need the attention it’s getting. I might spark up a convo about shaving Ryan’s privates or Debbie does Dallas next time it comes up 🙂

    Edit: why are my sentences not finishing? Stupid phone.

    Free Member

    it’s lady-pron. gets them all worked up.

    No it’s not and no it doesn’t. I am so sick of listening to people banging in about this effing book. It’s a book for Christ sake. It’s kinda like that crap Joseph kony video that went viral, completely annoying. People are sheep. Drives me mad, there are plenty of books of erotica, DVDs/clips on the Internet yet women have ‘only just discover pron’ because of this stupid book? Get a grip. 😆

    Free Member

    Matt-I thought someone should see your god like figure…..

    Free Member

    Did someone say half naked male man??

    Mmmmmmmmmmm *drool*

    Free Member

    I am disgusted and outraged-who put that black mini skirt over that girls bottom!!!! That is NOT allowed at Wimbledon. White clothes only.

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmmm bear grylls. Now that’s a real man

    Free Member

    I too think women are dirty during this period.

    I’m not dirty so much as downright evil 😈

    Free Member

    haha, damn it I wondered why I always made such a mess during menstruation. I love that word by the way, it’s definitely one of my favorites.

    Free Member

    Women in some cultures/localities

    What cultures/localities?

    Edit: Just saw above, suppose it can be cultural but there is still touching with applicator tampons, just not as much.

    Free Member

    of course they do…….. I occasionally feel like there is a zombie attack sometimes coming out of a post office – a combination of old people and those collecting benefits of some sort. They move real slow and are kinda glazed over and mumbling. I reckon that’s as close to a zombie experience as I will get for now.

    Free Member

    yeah yeah, heard it all before…… every monday night in fact or whatever day that walking the dead is on

    Free Member

    Societal crash? What like being in town and the zombies break out? I can think of better things to grab than a tampon.

    I love how men love the thought of being stranded and fighting for their lives with such implements as a tampon, orange peel and a dog turd to survive with. My husband has a game plan sorted should zombies ever take over. It’s all very exciting *yawn* 😀 😉

    Free Member

    So if you’re in trouble in the outdoors, remember to ask a girl rather than a woman?

    Or stop watching Ray Mears programmes that encourage you to go into the wild. That way you will never get stuck.

    Free Member

    Women grow up? Who knew?

    To prove I am grown up I am not going to respond.

    Free Member

    You couldn’t do some of that stuff with a proper tampon, he’s used an applicator tampon which as far as I know stop getting used by women by the time they are actually grown up.

    Free Member

    Are the ladies really fawning over the Fifty Shades trilogies that badly?
    Is it worth trying to tempt the missus into them?

    No no no no no. We aren’t all fawning over it. I haven’t read it and I’m not going to. I prefer to watch porn than read it

    Free Member

    Mmm I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best to stick au natural, that seems to be general consensus anyhooo. Probably just as well, looked at prices today. £5k for a decent surgeon! Much better stuff to spend on. Had no idea it could be that expensive :/

    Although we have learned that some implant glow in the dark

    Free Member

    Not the last time I looked Al, is one thing I don’t need to worry about.

    Free Member

    Lol rusty 🙂

    Didn’t much like the look of penis surgery either, thank god it’s under GA :/

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