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  • Sea Otter 2022: Aeroe Spider Rack makes any bike a long hauler
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Yes it is westwood. Will search for the facebookpage, someone told me about it earlier. My rant was due to having driven home an caught sight of the sign saying no riding when I only found out this week it had been sold. Hope theymight keep something open then because it's a really nice place to ride!

    Free Member

    Well, not sure on politics of it, they sold it before the election so it's not a conservative thing but either ways I still think the fc are bastards at the moment.

    Free Member

    That's what a couple of people have said. I think until they are literally bulldozing the area to put their stupid sheds up people will be up there. just such a shame though, there is nothing else locally that people go to and there is always a lot of people there, we go to the forest of dean quite a bit but this wood was one we could ride to and didnt need to drive to. And I feel all nostalgic, like I say it was my first trails! 🙁

    Free Member

    On a less violence oriented front (although I wud feel the same) when you visit the school mention you have written a letter to ofsted. Ofsted inspect schools and wud have an obligation to investigate claims that a young person was vulnerable but unsupported by the school. Info in bullying advice for you and your daughter
    hope she's ok. Best of luck

    Free Member

    Hahahahaha I just read some of the pinkbike thread, that is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I'd keep it going until u get kicked off. Tell him your dad wants a word with his dad then arrange a meeting place see what he does!! Brilliant. 😀 😀

    Free Member

    Oh dear, midlife I think I'm supposed to be a man Reading that one. 🙁 oh well, I've got boobs so I'll make do with them. 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I think it's good, libs cudnt ever do it this time, they weren't prepared if they did get it but now they now they have a raised profile they can continue to build themselves up and in four/five years time people will truely have a third choice.

    Free Member

    I'm all for blue, but at mo there is still a very real chance that labour can/will form a coalition with lib dems and the other rank outsiders.

    Free Member

    Not quite yet.

    Free Member

    Gnarman, does your wife have any female friends who have children she cud talk to? I'm sure if she speaks to other mums she may find that they felt exactly the same for a while. I don't have kids yet but can imagine how scary it must be but there aren't many people out there who regret it. Whatever happens I'm afraid one or both of you will come out bruised and battered. It wud be a good idea to speak to a counsellor now to help u get throughit and to talk properly about your feelings. As some have said u are still young so if u change your minds u cud still have children in the future. At the end of the day u need to prepare yourself for a rough time but you married for better for worse. Hope you get the outcome you want though, I always feel sorry for guys in this situation because people always forget your feelings. Let's us know what happens.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh forensics is better. Csi is cool

    Free Member

    Tree surgery? That's outside and takes a fair bit of intelligence, and u I'll have the sales pitch nailed with your sales back round. Might have to learn bout trees though.

    Free Member

    hope the link works, just thought it was a nice take on the whole child development thing although I find the guy quite annoying :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I get the same kind of thing as midnighthour and find opening the window, saying to myself ' ok I'm having a panic attack, just be calm' helps to get a grip of it. Then I try to think of some completely random but happy thing that completely diverts my mind to something else. I'm never sure what I'm panicking about when I get mine but I also am prone to them when booze has been involved at some point. Deep breaths and ultra happy/random thoughts get me through.

    Free Member

    tis, it seems to me, a bit of a stalking mechanism, however, I like stalking some people like lancearmstrong, Steve Peat etc It's not really very interesting tbf. Think it was actually started as an advertising tool so companies could communicate with one another and advertise new products or conferences…

    Free Member

    Headfirst – i met Alastair Humphries ("Humpy" as my friends and I decided to nickname him after several bottles of wine consumed while he gave his after dinner speech – he wasn't so impressed with the nickname). He has one hell of a story, 45,000 miles wasn't it? I wud offer to let you have my copy of his book c_kleine but Humpy signed it for me so it shant ever leave my book case! Deffo worth a read though, very inspirational.
    The furthest I however have gone is 50k on a merida marathon and it took me all day in the p**ing down rain. I actually thought at one point I may have died on the hills….. 🙁

    Free Member

    Pole dancing 🙂 that wud sort u.

    Free Member

    Meant to add, is mr mc's knee better now?

    Free Member

    Haha. Thanks. Hang head in shame re stw!!! Awesome pics. Thanks for maps etc, much appreciated. Where abouts do u ride in uk? Gonna be trying Brechfa next wknd then llandegla next bank hol I think. Not got much time to ride at mo cos of study and exam coming up but a free woman from mid June. Yippeeeee!!!

    Free Member

    Awe he is sooo cute. As they r both young they shud get on just fine as they will grow together. Just always be careful when they r playing as puppy will grow faster and stronger than baby and might hurt him accidentally. Never leave a dog alone with a child. I know people who swear blind their dog wud never bite, turned their back for 5 and little one was bitten, only in play but even still….. That's all common sense thou. Awwwww I want him!!!!

    Free Member

    YGM?? What does that mean? Also what does STW mean?

    Free Member

    Thanks spoon that wud be great,can u email?
    Allthegear- I always like to sign off, I've not got anything against user names but find it all a bit too anonymous sometimes!

    Free Member

    amazing amazing amazing, i am now sooooo excited I really can't wait. Exactly how jealous are some of you that aren't going! 🙄

    Free Member

    Ul be fine, pressure is a godsend and who needs sleep. I always end up getting the best marks for the stuff I only write with hrs left to go before hand in time.

    Free Member

    Please will you post a picture of the willow tree Chair when u have made it? I'm not into romantic crap but I do like to have my OH to myself, she's probably just wanting to spend time with u on your birthday and found something that u can both do together and take something away from so I can see where she's coming from. In 50 yrs time when your grandkids r playing on the chair ul look back and remember that wknd fondly and feel guilty as he'll about this thread. 🙂

    Free Member

    He says dribbling like homer Simpson

    Free Member

    Unhealthy addiction may be more accurate than weird then!! I can eat a lot of them in one go whatever it is, or jelly babies. Have been known to get through a bag or two on a ride. 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a weird addiction to jaffa cakes, I try not to eat them two often because I can easily eat two packets in one sitting…. 😕

    Free Member

    I had very little to do with my father, he left when I was young and I was lucky enough to have an amazing mum and a fab step father who will always be my ' dad' as far as I'm concerned. However I did get in touch with my real father as a teenager and I think we both realised that we didn't like eachother, we had nothing in common and he is pretty much a bit of a dick (not sure he realised that but I did). I think u shud meet him, I know people that made contact after 20 yrs and now get on like a house on fire, it's just that it's not what happened with me. He may have genuine reasons. Just don't feel bad if it doesn't work out. They say blood is thicker than water. I say that's bollocks. Also, if ur worried bout ur sis, my bro is very close to our father, we just don't talk about him and we get on fine. Good luck whichever way u go

    Free Member

    Stop encouraging me to buy bikes I can't afford!!! It's making me want to buy it 🙁
    mc- I'm really hoping my OH doesn't wipe himself out on the first day, or any for that matter. He has a broken rib at the moment and is driving me bonkers because he can't get out on his bike or go to the gym. Men are such a pain. ( no offense meant men!)

    Free Member

    I might buy the Zesty but not just yet! I do like them….. but if I'm ok on my current bike I really shouldn't. 🙄

    Bit confused with the lift openings, I presume they are just not all open at that time of the year, some of them definitely must be because they are listed on some of the sites I've looked at, will find out when I get there I suppose. We aren't intending to keep to one area so will have a drive around see what we find I think. Can't wait now 😮

    Thanks MC – glad there will be someone there to help me! You would be amazed at what I am capable of, especially when it comes to making a numpty of myself!!

    Free Member

    Cheers Steveo – how exactly do you use the lifts? Sorry, stupid question but they don't look particularly safe if you ask me? Do you have to just jump on them? I have visions of me getting accidentally hooked onto something and dragged up the hill or my bike falling off the lift and landing on someones head! 😛

    Free Member

    Thanks for the maps ambrose, will have a look at them all later, not sure when we are heading down/up depending which way we go, probably wont be long if the weather picks up.

    Stevo – hadnt realised the chair lifts might not be open. Do you know if that's the case around the other resorts? I wont be too upset because I'm sure we can find our way up but wud be good to know in advanced so we are not too disappointed when we get there!

    Free Member

    Hi munqe. Campsite number / detAils wud be great, we aren't really sure where we are going to stay yet so any advice wud be welcome, we are going down in our camper. Will def be getting travel insurance the pic! I won't look half that determined, probably more scared but am going to give it all a go. If I get the hang of it I might even show up a few stormtroopers.
    Stevo-thanks for the offer. Wats ur company called-can look u up when we get there. Will be arriving around 20th, does it get busy round the resorts around that time of year? Just thinking whether we need to book campsites etc, a lot of people with vans don't seem to bother asu can stop onthe side of the road.
    Ta all

    Free Member

    Munqe – I have a feeling that is exactly the sort of thing that will happen to my OH on the first day so will just ban him from the DH!!!

    Free Member

    Thanks stu and nonsense, looks amazing. cant wait now! 😛

    Hora – I dont know what you are insinuating – I was indeed very confused and until I posted on here and you all came to the rescue was in need of sensible advice. 😆

    Free Member

    Nice pics xcstu!

    Free Member

    Thanks all- imnotamused – will be getting a full face and my other half is treating himself to new pAds so I'm going to have his old knee and elbow pads and will, having read all the Above get some bigger tyres. Think my first post was I'll placed as it was on a forum that I now know really only attracts the hardcore dhillers so a the above is great, very reassuring And making me wish June would hurry up and arrive although we are going to afan and llandegla before france. Bring on the summer !! 🙂

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