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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Cotic RocketMAX Mullet
  • emma82
    Free Member

    hahahahaha, so it’s not just me then!

    Free Member

    ha, I love Geoffs version. Much better and Phil’s does make it clearer what is actually going on. It is hideous. The mascots are even worse and seem to have disappeared from existence…. says it all really. I think technically they are still around though

    Free Member

    See, I like Lee Evans but good god the man can sweat!

    Free Member

    No, I’m still ill, my cold is now a chest and ear infection.

    And I had a very traumatic morning. Happy is not a word I associate with at the moment. 👿

    Free Member

    My mum and two girls she works with got a parking ticket back when we had all the snow. Their work drive was to steep to get into so they parked (legally) in a pay and display. It snowed more, they couldn’t get out blah blah put a second ticket it on and got done because the first ticket got clocked. The chap was there so mum tried to have a reasoning session with him. She got the old ‘sorry love, once its in the system’. Fair enough except that it seemed to be possible for the system to be over-ridden for the pretty, blond haired, blue eyed big boobed slightly broken English accented nurse (complete with nurses outfit) who was in exactly the same predicament as my mum and the two others but who shed a few ‘I can’t afford a parking ticket’ tears. Nurse never received her ticket, the others did. They all complained and got off it with extenuating circumstances. Parking wardens are grade A muppets. And all men are shallow. 🙂

    Free Member

    I really think people should stop going on road trips. These weird things always happen to people on road trips

    Free Member

    Aarrrggghhh my eyes-my eyes. Super sad and scarred for life emoticon…..

    Free Member

    I suppose I could be selective and just keep the books I’ll maybe find useful one day in the future. Just seems such a lot to have around, I only have a teeny tiny house and two big boxes of coursework isn’t easy to find a home for. I don’t like to throw them but don’t think anyone would be able to use them, they’re too scribbled over

    Free Member

    From search “DEFINITION – Munging (pronounced (MUHN-jing or MUHN-ging) is the deliberate alteration of an e-mail address online with the intent of making the address unusable for Web-based programs that build e-mail lists for spamming purposes. People who transmit unsolicited e-mail advertisements, called spam, often use programs called spambots to scour the Internet for e-mail addresses. Such addresses are easily recognized because of their unique format, and because of the presence of the @ symbol”

    You have a strange idea of kink Houns 😯

    Free Member

    funny 😆

    Free Member

    Nice, I would have battered him. What a knobber

    Free Member

    something very weird that I really didnt want to see to be fair 😕

    Free Member

    I couldn’t be around people like that. I come from a much more touchy feely sector and the thought of putting up with that lot – I think I’d rather shoot myself

    Free Member

    first time Ive watched it tonight and I want to be sick already. Where do they find these people??!!

    Free Member

    oops. My friend broke down outside a texaco a couple of years ago and rang her boyfriend not knowing what else to do. He traveled an hour from his work to come pick her up as she didn’t have break down cover only to find it was out of petrol. The irony was too much and he dumped her. Probably not so easy to dump someone who you have three kids with though.

    Free Member

    Best thing to do is nest build in the living room and watch Jeremy Kyle. It’s only just started and already deserves it’s own ‘ what the f*** is happening to this country’ thread. Guaranteed to make you feel better

    Free Member

    I’m not sure I need basting thank, I might just get some ear drops :-s

    Free Member

    You’ve got a squits SM?

    Free Member

    Where am I going to get a turkey baster from? Aren’t they what lesbian couples use to get pregnant?

    Free Member

    Eughhhh I still feel crap and am now off work. Think I have an ear infection now as it’s really burning. How do I get rid of that?

    Free Member

    I don’t think it OCD really but I can’t get out of bed in anything less than the multiples of 5 thing. So if I have to get up at 7:05 but missed that and the clock turns to 7:06 I then wait until 7:10. Think it’s more laziness than OCD though

    Free Member

    That is the strangest kid I’ve ever seen I do believe.

    Free Member

    Died aged 2? I thought he had been predicting world cups for years? Can’t have done that many after all. poor paul, i bet he secretly hated football

    Free Member

    I used to find the nhs direct website fun for self diagnosis, I’m sure my cold could be diagnosed as something more serious if I did a bit of googling 😀

    Free Member

    aww, cross posts, there are some nice STW’ers out there after all. See, you can all be nice when you want to be. I do have someone to mop my brow but he got bored after 5 minutes and is now engrossed in lara croft on the xbox 🙁

    Free Member

    Thanks drac, someone had to step in with a MTFU comment. 😛

    Ample I have no intention of going anywhere now, I am just too ill, only strictly come dancing will prevent me from taking to my bed. Lemsips are my new BFF 🙂

    Free Member

    There are loads of other forums though on mumsnet though hora, if you want to use it properly I would just avoid the relationships page and post on the others which mostly don’t get trolled. For some reason the relationships page gets badly trolled which a few stw’ers might be guilty of doing I seem to remember and that’s why the topics get heated so often, because it’s clear someone is taking the piss. You don’t find many trolls or bitter nastyness on threads discussing more serious issues like still born/ miscarriage/ infertility etc.

    Free Member

    Riding on frosty ground is awesome, actually my favourite time of year, everythings all crunchy!

    Free Member

    nevermind cows, I had a pack of 7 dogs come running out of a farm yard, onto a road, a public road which I had every right to be on, and got all 7 of the nasty little B@S@t**D creatures barking like mad at me, surrounded the bike so I had to slow down. Stoopid farmers and their skanky flea bitten friggin dogs. Scared the s**T out of me so much my OH had to come and rescue me by just charging at them. they then chased us for about a half a mile barking all the way. I like dogs but had it just been one dog I would have had no hesitation in kicking it full on in the face but as there was 7 I thought the others might retaliate and attack me. Give me cows any day, at least you can generally shoo them away or just walk off.

    Free Member

    ahh right, I might have a go later but I’m not particularly technically minded, probably end up posting the wrong thing. Thank you for your kind offer druidh but I’ll try and work it out for meself one day! 😆

    Free Member

    I always thought that cows were quite placid? They are however quite inquisitive especially young ones and an inquisitive thing of that size, in a herd will get you trampled if you get too close. They are especially intrigued by dogs I think so they will follow them which is not so good for you if your dog runs back to you in fright!

    Free Member

    How do you even post pics into these threads? I’ve never worked that out….

    Free Member

    there would have been no pants in that picture if he had been tipsy!

    Free Member

    Only two of us and I seem to spend around £100/£120 a week that’s probably with all the household stuff and booze but we usually then get a takeaway at some point in the week too. I buy a lot of fruit and it doesn’t usually get eaten but blimey it’s expensive to eat healthily. 😕

    Free Member

    Yep, pole tricks is just making different shapes with your limbs while hanging off a pole or lifting yourself off the pole. More about strength building but in a pretty way rather than doing weights in the gym which just bores me

    Free Member

    Well, just did about 20 miles and the sun has buggered off just as we got back. Got my feet and my bike stuck in foot deep mud and stung my bum having a sneaky pee. Won’t do that again 🙂

    Free Member

    This is the most bizarre thread to date since I’ve been hanging around here. You lot need to get a hobby. Have any of you ever tried mountain biking as a form of riding?

    Free Member

    Welcome to my world. Although we don’t have a dog. He wud bring his bike to bed to cuddle if he could though.

    Free Member

    Did it not get replaced with you lot posting semi naked pictures of yourselves? I have to say, I’m not sure which I preferred :-s

    Free Member

    lol @ TSA. I used to do the thing all the time, primarily because I didn’t understand referencing. 6 yrs later I still always get something wrong. 🙁

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