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  • Review: Bontrager Rapid Pack Hydro Hip Pack
  • emma82
    Free Member

    That’s awesome mikeww, well done you and good luck to your son too.
    I take your point elfin really I do but I genuinely don’t think people understand what smoking will eventually do to them regarless of how much they run or cycle, until the doctor sits you down and says ‘well, it’s like this’…. And then you start to suffer. It’s a fairly touchy subject for me purely because I was born with a lung condition that smokers usually end up with after a 40 year 40 a day habit so I know how miserably gasping for breathing an coughing up a lung is every day, and I can probably ride just as far as you on a bike. Doesn’t make feeling like there’s a breeze block on my chest any easier though. It’s not me having a go, I genuinely would like to prevent anyone else having to put up with that’s all.

    Free Member

    Autoerotic asphyxiation? Blimey, never would have thought of that as an argument 😳

    Just making a contribution that’s all 🙄 s’cuse me for breathing (no smoke polluted air obv.)

    Free Member

    Erm…. yet still smoke?! Don’t get it. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Don’t smoke! It’s gross, you smell bad and if you don’t die of cancer you will eventually drown in your bodies own self developed green gunk which will slowly build up in your an attempt to save the smoke from damaging them even more until you will literally not be able to breathe anymore. Trust me, I know and it’s vile. People concentrate too much on the ‘don’t smoke, you’ll die from lung cancer’. Actually there is a fair chance you may not but you will spend many years dying very slowly and miserably of other smoking related illnesses. Not nice

    Free Member

    Low energy bulbs seem to be great for saving the world but they are very dull and the ones we have seem to take forever to warm up, it goes from ‘cosy glow’ to ‘reasonably nicely bright but not really that bright at all’ so think we will get some proper daylight bulbs to put around the house. The world will have to suffer in the winter for my happiness and by other halfs sanity 😕 I shall let you know how I get on with my lightbox, it will probably be used first thing before I get up then when I get home and have dinner for half an hour so it doesn’t disturb my sleep to much. Apparently you shouldn’t use them close to bed time? I’m quite excited about it now, I like getting new toys.

    Free Member

    ta all, I have ordered some monster machine from Lumie, these things aren’t cheap 😕 but don’t mind paying if it works. Will have it on a 30 day trial anyway so will soon see. Have also made an effort to do a bit more (day 1!!), went for a walk for 40 minutes at lunch time today then went to the gym after work. Knackered now! Just watching the good life on channel 2 and have decided that is definitely the way forward and the road to instant happiness! 😯

    Free Member

    +1 what crash dummy said. Really think what you might like to do then you can explore how to get into it. Whatever you do will seem scary and might feel like it will take a long time to achieve but it will be worth it in the end, especially if you’re feeling crap where you are now.

    Free Member

    He’s awful, apparently he upset Mary when he let himself in her room while she was getting changed and copped an eyeful of her in her undies then refused to leave so she screamed at him. He really is grim. I wish they’d get rid of him and his mentor

    Free Member

    Crank – that conversation did just make me chuckle. Probably the same I’ll end up having with the bf. I’ll have a look at the boots ones, didn’t realise you could get them from there too.

    Might get some st johns wort too perhaps although I’m always a bit of a sceptic about herbs ‘un stuff.

    Free Member

    sorry – crap with URL thingys

    Free Member

    see, I don’t suffer from depression as a rule. I have times when I get stressed out with work etc which might impact but what I’ve felt the last few weeks is what I would associate as being depression, not wanting to get out of bed, do anything, go anywhere, see anyone. Couldn’t really care less if I don’t get up all day but stress about everything. Proper down but it really isn’t me. Thinking about getting this thing:

    Bit cheaper than stated price on Amazon too.

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps, I think I have slightly gone into hibernation, not exercised for weeks and been eating crap, no vitamins at all etc but am now in the vicious circle situation so going to try and buck myself up from tomorrow. Was going to start today but it all went a bit wrong this morning an I’ve bawled my eyes out since so feel uber crap now. To be honest I need to stop spending so much time on the Internet too, that’s not helping at all but I can’t face getting up and doing anything just yet!

    Free Member

    Sad ain’t it, I have been awake since 5 though, booze doesn’t let me sleep much so am now bored stoopid

    Free Member

    Umm no thanks, I think I’ll stick with real with the man next to me.ta for the offer though, very sweet of you. 🙂

    Free Member

    Ohhh no, drunk posting 🙁 sorry but I do still kinda agree with myself! Mostly nursing a hangover this wknd cynical!

    Free Member

    Having read none of the replies to the OP on this thread but wanting my two pennies worth I can honestly say that I really think you argumentative lot seriously need to get laid a hellavalot more than you currently are. Then you would be less grumpy. That is a proffessional opinion btw. 🙂 Happy arguing

    Free Member

    water, banana and golden syrup

    Free Member

    yayyeeee, I love the Royal family, I can’t wait. She is about the same age as me and we have both had relationships of the same length so I’m hoping it might spark up my other half’s romantic side….. 😀

    and double yayeee DAY OFF TOO whoop whoop. Still think I’d prefer the ginger though, he looks good fun 🙂

    Free Member

    Well, emma’s tend to just have impeccable taste. Bet you cried a liitle bit, you’re just not man enough to admit it.

    How does titanic 2 even work? It didn’t sink twice did it?

    Free Member

    OMG overshoot Marley and me is the best film EVER. I cried from about 10 minutes in right through to the end, I was an emotional wreck and have cried each of the 10 times I’ve watched it since 😀

    Free Member

    wish i could but I’m lay on the sofa and really cant be arsed to move so guess I will just have to suffer

    Free Member

    I liked that one chap had a placard simply saying ‘i’m so angry I made a sign’ . Awesome, he will go far I think 🙂

    Free Member

    Tazzy-wrong, very wrong 😐

    Free Member

    I did think about that for OH but he wasn’t so keen. I don’t really do lycra…. padded shorts but not full on lycra, Im more baggy shorts!

    Free Member

    Use a new mug every time I make a cup of tea and leave them all in a little cluster on living room floor. Drives him mad 🙂

    He calls me sugar tits and farts when we are in bed and that really bugs me

    Free Member

    Oh no, I hope you blamed the food and refused to pay. 🙂 my friend had a fit in the toilets of a nightclub while she was sat on the loo. I was terrified, she went rigid in the end and wedged me against the door with her feet so we couldn’t get out. Never been so scared in my life, I didn’t have a clue what to do

    Free Member

    According to the wealth of medical knowledge over on mumsnet they are not worth it. Generally the consensus was that men buy crap. Other than that I ain’t got a clue but be honest, you just like the shiny hologram don’t you? 🙂

    Free Member

    Jeez user removed that is evil. Just simple wrong.
    Tazzy I like your lovely boos very much 🙂
    No pics from me I’m afraid, I’m still of a nervous disposition having once been called dumbo. Granted it only happened once but it was traumatic.
    Edit: oh my GOD muss I want I want I want!!! what breed is it? I’ve never seen one before

    Free Member

    nooooooooooooo quirrel you’ve ruined boo now <throws toys on floor and strops off to bedroom> 🙁

    Free Member

    well, we now know that Markie likes the ladies to be fluffy around the ear region…..

    Free Member

    I said cosmetically!!

    Free Member

    By saying I had ears like the foxes I meant they stuck out so I had them pinned. Just realised you’d probably think I used to look like Spock :-s

    Free Member

    O.M.G that boo thing is THE cutest thing EVER. I want him. Minus the stupid top though. And I had ears like them foxes so I had them cosmetically softened 🙂 perhaps I should recommend them a surgeon

    Free Member

    I don’t understand the need for people to post on here argumentatively over such a devastating subject. It’s a public chat forum, if someone wants to start a thread then they have every right to. Surf Mat has every right to post on here about it, there have been other threads offering support to other members/threads about depression/marriage break down/family & friends dying etc. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that you are not alone and that other people understand what you have been through and as celebrities are known to most then its a common starting point to talk to people.

    If you are not interested or are not in the frame of mind to post something sympathetic in situations like this then just leave alone. I know there’s the argument that it is a public forum so it’s to be expected but it’s pettiness like this that makes this forum unlikeable and that is a shame. There’s no need for it so try to be supportive of other people’s loss rather than argue them down or make comments to try and get a reaction.

    I’ve never experienced anything so horrendous so can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like but even I have felt like reacting to some of the comments made so it’s no wonder some who have been through it all have felt the need to challenge. Sorry to thread crash, that will be all. 🙁

    Free Member

    You just keep trying Graham 😛

    Free Member

    I’ve known several of my neighbours for a very long time and I wouldn’t tell them if I was about to run off with someone.

    I really wouldn’t worry about it to much Elaine Anne, people fall in love/fall out of love, be it with someone of the same sex or opposite sex and people’s tastes change. I used to love pork scratchings but can’t stand the sight of them now 🙁 . Whether she’s run off with another man or another woman isn’t of relevance and to be fair as you don’t seem to know her as a close friend and therefore really wouldn’t know what was going on behind closed doors, the fact that she’s run off with someone else isn’t really your worry either. If she needs you she’ll ring. other than that I’d keep out. If you think she’s a really good friend I would steer clear of bitching with the other neighbours too because you won’t be thanked for it. 🙄

    Kingtut that is most awesome but you have wayeeeee too much time on your hands 😯

    Free Member

    Well done admiralable. Didn’t think my Lisa Simpson giving a blowie moan would spark so much conversation. Most bestest thing I can still think to say is it’s shit. as for furby’s-skinning them doesn’t stop them. I believe some have tried a microwave but still I think they survive. They are spawn of the devil.

    Free Member

    see, when I went trick or treating as a kid we were always real miffed if someone gave us money, WTF do you do with money at this time of night when what you really want is to get off your face on CANDY! Honestly, cheeky little sh 😛 ts

    Free Member

    eBay i suspect. There is bound to be one, there are elvis ones stuff like that. Just don’t feed them after midnight and keep them away from cats, cats get very upset around them.

    Free Member

    That little furry thing Elfinsafety is called a Furby. Created by the devil to watch human mortals. My brother used to collect them when he was little. He had 61 at one point, every single one of them different and all of them possessed little demon creatures. They talk and will respond to one another if put opposite or close enough for sound recognition which was their selling point. Try being in bed asleep one night and having them all in the cupboard in the hallway, one malfunctions as its batteries are dying, sets off ALL of the F**CKING things. I have never been so freaked out in my life. Good thing was it scared the living sheet outta my brother so they all had to go 🙂

    61 of these F**CKING things in the middle of the night. Not that I’m still disturbed or anything:

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