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  • emma82
    Free Member

    Tsy and sharki are actually women buzz, don’t be scared.

    Free Member

    No need for arousal Sharki, just good clean hugs. I love the STW massive, the awesomeness is astounding. I genuinely mean that. So can I have the biggest hug?? 😀

    Free Member

    Group hug?Come on, you know you wanna 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t think there are many men who would claim to understand women though…. men are from mars, women are from venus isn’t it? Life would be boring if we all knew what was going on in everyone elses mind anyway.

    Free Member

    I must be missing something here, I would have thought that sleeping with someone else other than your partner without their knowledge would be cheating and therefore a bad thing. I just posed the ‘would you be mad at me for having sex with another woman’ to my boyfriend and he just said ‘depends if I was there/invited to split you up..{remainder of comment unrepeatable]. Like Emsz I’m learning lots on this thread 😯

    Free Member

    and they say romance is dead….. Rachel an sharki up a tree….. lalalala 😯

    Free Member

    I just lol’d at 5thElfant and ‘mounted’. Always makes me chuckle, I am very childish though. 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s cheating, full stop. Same sex or opposite sex it doesn’t really matter . If you are committed to someone you just don’t do it. If this blokes girlfriend wants to do it with women when she drunk then she has no morals and next week will probably jump into bed with another bloke just as easily as she would with another woman and blame it on the drink. I’d forget the relationship because she clearly doesn’t give a toot. Any of you chaps who think it’s ok because it fits some of your fantasy’s are deluded, it wasn’t a consenting acting out of a fantasy, it was cheating, therefore it was wrong

    Free Member

    Are kids allowed to sit on santas knee anymore? My friends keep posting pics on facebook of them standing just to the side. My other half was terrified of Santa and the whole idea of someone breaking into the house then sneaking around his and his brothers room so a mutual, safe drop off point had to be agreed on which was in the living room while his mum was still up to make sure he didn’t hang around.

    Free Member

    Love, love LOVE Christmas :mrgreen:

    Tree is up, presents wrapped and cards written over a glass of wine, all ready to go. Yayeeeeeeeee 😀

    Free Member

    Strictly was pre recorded? I never knew that 🙁

    Free Member

    Brakes don’t be a Willy. Congrats mr & mrs penny!!!

    Free Member

    Like :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I think she is pregnant, or very post pregnant though I’d have to be reading OK mag to know for sure and I don’t because I’m not sad, well , not that sad. I think the x-factor had made a massive mistake tonight, no need for that level of ‘nudity’ or cavorting for a family show at this time in the evening. Although for a joke I was just about to post an ‘AIBU’ thread on here seeing as you all love Mumsnet so much

    AIBU – to think that x-factor is rude this evening 🙂

    Free Member

    haha, he was the one who bought me vodka coke….. as much as I love him he has a complete inability to log out of any of his accounts… Muppet. Good fun on facebook sometimes though 🙂

    Free Member

    aww, muddlepuddle that’s lovely. Much more romantic than us, we met in a club at 1 a.m. He walked up to my mate and offered to buy her a drink, she said no sod off so he asked me instead 😯 I had no money left so he got a yes 🙄 well, you can’t turn down free vodka when your 17 and in a club your not even old enough to be in can you! 🙂

    right account….

    Free Member

    haha, he hasn’t tried to dump me. Not yet anyway…. 😯

    Free Member

    I’m not sure, I think he liked it really although he still protests even now!!! Anyways, I beat him down and now he can’t get rid of me 🙂

    Free Member

    blimey, one extreme to another on here tonight. I’ll do my three although there are lots more than three 🙂

    He makes me laugh when I’m sad, looks after me when I’m poorly which is often and is the most intelligent, sexy and lovable chap I know. He annoyed the hell outta me when we were younger because I couldn’t leave him alone and I knew I should. 10 years on I still can’t stand being away from him. I think I grew on him after a while too 🙂

    Free Member

    to be fair as much as I like pole I agree with CG, I know this is the chat section but it’s still a bike forum. There are loads of places you can look for any other videos you like…if you post a video with someone dancing around a pole its only going to attract childish or rude comments which is probably what the OP of the pole dancing nurse wanted?..

    I still want to see the video though!!! It’s like a secret that everyone knows about and wont tell me!! It will drive me nuts

    Free Member

    Can someone message me a link to the video plz? If tis proper pole I want to watch it despite you pervy lot perving over it. Ta

    Free Member

    Give an take though, surely that’s what makes a stable relationship? if she can’t do that before you marry it doesn’t bode well for the future. Just the fact that you used the word bridezilla about her makes me think you should RUN and fast.

    That video is awful btw, love the door man though.even her mates thought she was a grade A plonker 🙂

    Free Member

    O.M.G. she is sooooo cute 😮

    Free Member

    I’m a failure too 🙂 so are a lot of people i know so at least I don’t stick out like a sore thumb 🙂

    Free Member

    Did it arrive then??!!

    Free Member

    Engage yourself in something that will be completely inconvenient to interrput and they will instantly turn up. I usually go to the loo – they usually turn up straight away and I’m stuck….. 😯

    Free Member

    Aww congratulations. But why do babies always arrive in early hrs of the morning! I’d be right miffed if it woke me up’ 🙂

    Free Member

    My heart bled for the silly, selfish and quite honestly stupid old cow that was having to collect food boxes from a local charity that usually gave out to the homeless, the elderly and those in extreme poverty because she had been unable to sell her beautiful six bedroomed home, or her £30k beemer or any of her extremely expensive jewelery to feed her family. I also cried when she said that she cried because in the food parcel was a kitkat, a treat which ‘for the past few weeks had not been able to buy due to being so poor’. What a load of patronizing bull poo. I wanted to suggest that next time she flounces down to get her nice free food parcel that she offer a couple of the rooms in her six bedroomed house to some of the homeless chaps/chapesses that were there, give something back ‘ya know? 😡

    Free Member

    Ours is great, we love it. Would recommend maybe hiring one for a weeks holiday or buying a cheap one to start off in case you don’t like it. We spent £6000 on a 20 yr old one 2 yrs ago, loved it so part ex’d it against a much newer shiner one last May. Ours is 6.5 meters long and I don’t think you would want it to be any longer if you want to get around little roads as they get a little harder to maneuver. Having said that, on a couple of occasions we’ve been a bit nervous of heading down a road only to end up following an arctic lorry type thing so its surprising what you can get them round. Ours has a fixed double bed at the back which is awesome because I’m a lazy cow and cant be bothered to make beds up all the time. Its got a garage underneath we can put the bikes and a whole ton of other stuff in, loads of room. If I was you I would go to something like the boat and caravan show and look at hundreds and talk to people about what you want then you can google something much cheaper. Ours is an ’06 and was around the £30k mark so they are not cheap! But good fun and very comfy……….

    IMG_3852[/url] by fluffyfluffybunny55[/url], on Flickr

    Sorry for the mamouth post! I love talking about my van though 🙂

    Free Member

    +1 for becks, it’s lovely. Hope your dad is ok. There are also some nice booze free mulled ‘ wines’ around if you want festive drinkies. Most supermarkets do them. Cobra is pretty minging, I think kronenburg (sp?) do one to but not sure what it’s like

    Free Member

    Peanut butter and beetroot

    Free Member

    Get well soon mini M_Fs!

    Free Member

    I know a few people who were taught by Mike Hunt’s.

    I also saw this and thought of you lot….

    Free Member

    Ah, don’t know then, London’s so touristy…. A big ben piggy bank?

    Free Member

    Where do you live? Could she get something that’s traditional to the area so he could remember when he’s back home in years to come? Or some local produce he may not have tried before? FAiling that chocolate cock is all I got sorry 🙂

    Free Member

    +1 Diane on the matchingness. I have an o’neals which I got cheap in morzine when I got brave in the les gets bike park 🙂

    Fit is so important though, I have an average size head on and had to try 7/8 helmets before I found one that I was comfortable and would match my bike 🙂

    Free Member

    Got my fellas from here

    Took ages to come but he was happy although I thought he looked like one of the village people when he wore it with his raybans!!

    Free Member

    gang raped for lifting weights? Seriously? wtf 😯 What forum was that? some people are just bell. Ends.

    Free Member

    I have a braun and I love mine though its a few years old but still going fine. I don’t actually find it painful anymore, think I’m so used to it I don’t notice anymore. I find it quite therapeutic actually, plug myself into the ipod and epilate away but it’s not a quick thing, takes a good half hour I reckon to do both legs and lady bits. I once did my under arm hair. NEVER again. I couldnt put my arms down for two days it was that painful

    Free Member

    Don’t think I’ve ever really been offended by anyone’s comments on this forum although there have been some stupendously sexist or insensitive comments made in the past. However, I’ve not noticed it to be frequent and the individual’s concerned are usually told off pretty quickly. I think on a public forum you just have to accept that people can be tempted to be a bit more opinionated or close to the knuckle when they are technically anonymous. I quite like it here, I only started the thread to see how many women were about as there does seem to be more blokes than ladies but it seems there are a lot more than I thought. It wasn’t because I thought all the men here were beasts and frightened all the ladies off. 🙂

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