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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Reckon I can keep this thread going until Final’s night? I’m going to try – so it becomes like the rugby thread 🙂

    Free Member

    WTF? really?

    Free Member

    I reckon she (VP) might win, her or tracy beaker.

    Free Member

    Someone needs to stop Darcy reaffirming everything she says to people by finishing off her sentences with ‘yaaaa, yes! yaaaa’.

    Free Member

    I reckon so mos. I’m not sure about the new professional women though. I wish they’d get Karen back dancing!

    Free Member

    yep. Don’t be pretending you don’t love it too, all the flesh and sequins. Oh and Brucie of course….

    Free Member

    This thread is ace.

    50% of the meetings I attend are rubbish, some are interesting and about 20% actually enable something to happen. When I first started as an admin I did the room arrangements for a meeting and didn’t order biscuits. The first 20 minutes were spent discussing whether to source biscuits, failing to find biscuits then discussing if someone should actually go out of the building into the town and buy some. They settled on a No in the end but for the next meeting I had 10 emails reminding me to book them. Attendees were made up of pretty senior local authority, local NHS and Police service personnel so I should have expected no less really.

    Oh and one I went to today, the person that called the meeting was late then rushed in, sat down —–silence. So someone pipes up ‘umm are you chairing, we didn’t have an agenda’ to which the reply was ‘oh I can if you like’ —–silence. Didn’t have a clue what was going on so after 40 minutes of cobbling something together we gave up and left.

    Does anyone ever drop anyone in the s*** in meetings. I did today because I was so cross at how useless they seem to be and then blame it on others

    Free Member

    in a true STW stylee should have told her to MTFU

    Then wee’d in her shoes

    Free Member

    first time i read the story i missed the ‘toy’ bit and wondered why someone would take a cat on a bus. I’m sure she’ll be fine once she’s received a replace summit or other, kids are quite resilient aren’t they?

    Free Member

    I used weight watchers years ago and couldn’t get on with it and apparently it’s got quite complicated although I haven’t looked into it for a while, I just try to be healthy as much as possible and it seems to be working. Slimming world however, lost quite a bit of weight on and off over the years with that one but I now know I relied far too heavily on pasta and potatoes. Still though, weight dropped off. I’d go for slimming world…..

    Free Member

    no air conditioning in my office and I’ve got a headache now although no where near as bad as usual and its only come on in the last hr.

    Thinking back a few actually when I went to the dentist he said I had a jaw click which I needed to just keep an eye on but that could cause tension headaches and be caused by stressed :/

    Juggins what do you do to meditate? I’m not actually sure how you do it 🙂 I shall have a google.

    Free Member

    No clear stuff really, pretty horrible stuff when I blow my nose. To be honest it’s whatever I do so bending over is much the same as walking around pain wise.

    Free Member

    Blimey you’ve got a good memory. Coursework is all done for, just work that’s making me stressed at the moment/redundancies looming and a crazy amount of work to get through.

    Overshoot, having thought about it, it does help when I drink fruit tea if I have it up to my face when it’s still boiling water. I’m sort of familiar with the cracking noise too…. this is all very gross :/ but that’s for the advice, from now on no caffeine at work and not getting stressed either. I’ve got to see the dr about a whooping cough vaccine soon anyhow so will ask then but the last time I went they say hay fever and take hay fever stuff. There’s no pollen around at the moment though, been to wet!

    Free Member

    Tis easier said than done, perhaps I need to start meditating or something during the day because the stress is likely to get massively worse before it gets better 🙁

    Free Member

    Eeeewwwwww no fluid hopefully but yes, very stressed just at the moment…..Overshoot that sounds awful!

    Free Member

    Mike – I have a nasal wash thing! I think I know what the douching is, not pleasant but does help. Tiring is definately the best word to describe it. I also had some tissue remove from my nostrils years ago, didnt really help though and the sinusy headaches weren’t even as bad as they are now 🙁

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmmm I do drink coffee actually, well tea/coffee on the morning. Will try knocking that on the head see if that helps. Might be sinusitis but would have thought the headache would be there all the time if it was an infection?

    Free Member

    I’d love to make my hobby my job, not sure there’s a great deal of money in pole dancing for me though, naked or not. Unless you’re jenyne butterfly who charges £300 for an hr tuition it’s pretty mediocre money wise :/ as for bikes, not a hope, I can barely stay on mine on the trails so no chance of going pro, selling bits or teaching. I like to pretend I’m super good when I’m doing it sometimes though, especially on a really steep bit 🙂 anyone else do that?

    Free Member

    The op shouldn’t be asking for advice on a bike forum in that case then IHN. To be honest OP I could probably guarantee you you’ll be having a similar conversation with him after the next affair in five years time but never mind you’ll be able to look his wife in the eye with no guilt cuz you know you’ve been a good mate

    Free Member

    If this really is his friend

    Well OP if you are saying ‘friend’ when you really mean you then I would suggest you man up and tell your wife that you broke her trust and cheated and give her chance to get rid of you and be with someone who respects her enough not to jump into someone elses knickers. Whatever happens now the affair will taint your life going forward and you’ll always be on edge wondering if she knows or it has crossed her mind or that the OW might turn up one day. You might even start to judge your wife by your own standards and start to suspect her of cheating too or end up accusing her of it to alleviate your own guilt. So there.

    Free Member

    Your friend is a selfish knob. Tell him it’s his mess so he needs to sort it out. It’s not fair to drag you into it and he married his wife so it’s his decision whether he tells her or not, he doesn’t need your input unless he wants someone to pity him or put the blame on later down the line. You can’t support someone like that because they’ll just keep wandering around banging on about how confused they are and wanting what they can’t have. It gets boring, it’s repetitive and draining. You’re clearly already worrying about it because you’ve posted on here. Just ring him and tell him its his mess, leave you out of it 🙂

    Free Member

    If someone asked me I’d say I could quite happily live on half our income and without all my nice things. I kind of realised Ive been lying to myself over this while I was at the checkout in dunelm for the third time in as many weeks having spent another £150 on stuff that really is just frivolous crap but makes my house feel nice. Everything is money orientated these days.

    Free Member

    Awww Dez what’s wrong with a man having a wax? No different to women waxing except having your foof waxed must be 10x more painful than a chest wax 🙂

    Free Member

    oh no! Bad backs truly suck. Haven’t been able to get out myself for a fair while but that’s part being too busy and party laziness. But sherry at 3.00 p.m.??!! 🙂 good work

    Free Member

    yup. Most of the time I take it for granted too, ashamed as I am to admit it then something comes along and reminds me how great Britain really is sometimes. 🙂 Where have you been riding today then to post this?

    Free Member

    Why is Mate B even in the story?

    Because C comes after B so if he hadn’t mentioned B you’d have been wondering where mate B was in all this?Duh

    Free Member

    If its any consolation I might be one friend down after this week. It seems she might have been trying to ditch me for a while but to be honest right now I’m not sure I want to keep the friendship anyway with some of the crap she’s been getting up to/lying about.

    Free Member

    Sorry, just read your other bits about not seeing eye to eye with your mum either. To be honest I’d still go, it’s only a few hrs, then you can just walk away

    not sure what looking at him after 7 years will feel like…

    Weird! It really is.

    Free Member

    Go to the funeral, your dad will probably look at you and be ashamed for being such a moron and sad that he’s not been able to be part of your life as you’ve developed into a wonderful, mature and caring person. If you don’t go for yoursel, go to support your mum.

    Free Member

    chocolate and a good cry. 🙂 Always works.

    Free Member

    Yes you had problems at home and she may have been feeling under pressure to have sex when she wasn’t feeling her sexy best but she shouldn’t honestly think that jumping on someone else is going to solve it.
    But that was just an excuse in the first place – her way of justifying her actions. Him wanting to have a sex life was never *really* the reason.

    Well, in that case it’s even more clear she doesn’t give a toss as she’s started an affair *maliciously* EDIT: not the right word but I can’t think what I mean at the moment.

    Couple of people mentioned that there’s always two sides to the story which is very true. OP might be a completely bullish knob but at the end of the day, she married him so she should sort the issues out. if its every day, run of hte mill moans then I stand by what I said, she is a coward and shouldn’t have done it. If he is a violent wife beater then OP has his own conscience to deal with but still doesnt explain away an affair – that’s not going to help.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry you’re going through this OP, one of the most truly disgusting things (I think) that someone can do is have an affair. It’s disrespectful, hurtful and unforgivable. The problem with going to somewhere like relate is that it won’t sort out the underlying issue here and that is that your wife deals with issues in a cowardly way. She now knows she is capable of an affair, how it makes her feel and most importantly how you deal with it when you find out. Yes you had problems at home and she may have been feeling under pressure to have sex when she wasn’t feeling her sexy best but she shouldn’t honestly think that jumping on someone else is going to solve it.

    At the end of the day the woman had a baby, billions of women manage to have babies and keep there knickers on except for taking them off for their husband. Your wife is a grown woman, capable of knowing the consequences her actions have, yet she still continued to see this guy. That must tell you a lot. This is now going to turn into some horrible cycle for you if you stay with her, in two years time you’ll find she’s had another affair, there will always be someone in the background and she’ll always be on the look out. eventually she’ll find someone that will take her on and she’ll leave you and you’ll have to go through all this again. This is your opportunity to get rid now and move on, she’s proved that your 15 years have meant nothing whatsoever and never will. Get out now and start to rebuild your life, find someone who respects you enough not to mess around.

    Free Member

    I only have one friend I envy and that’s because her life is almost exactly the same as mine but she has a baby, so I have baby envy more than anything. I have married friends, single friends, rich friends, poor friends and carefree friends but I can take or leave being envious of what they have. Mostly I reckon I’ve got it better for me personally. So it’s just that one friend I’m envious of.

    Free Member

    Chris Brown is a singer/song writer. Not a very good one but that’s what he’s famous for. Obviously not famous enough to get a decent tattooist – that tatoo looks nothing like rhianna! With or without black eye :/

    Free Member

    I’m just seeing an ING advert. Id rather see the darkness to be honest :/

    Free Member

    We used to live in a house on the side of a busy road with just a small patch of grass at the front, no garden fence between us and the path. One morning after a very late night an old lady knocked on the door and said ‘I’ve found a dead cat, it was dead in the road opposite your house so I assume it’s yours so I’ve put it on your flower bed’. I was waaaay to manky to care so just grunted something quite rude and slammed the door shut. We then had no less than 6 people knock on the door to tell us our car was dead. The only ones I didn’t want to slap we’re two little boys who were quite visibly upset. After that the father in law came round and took it with him when he left. Always felt bad that whoever owned the cat would never have known where it went to but at 19 with a stinking hangover I blamed the silly bint who dumped it in my garden.

    Free Member

    Nope, nips were fine. I’ll try some topless running next week then, will let you know how it goes 🙂

    Free Member

    Ohhhh I ran 5.2 miles last night. Had to walk little bits but ran til my legs went wobbly then dropped to a fast walk for a few minutes. Quite impressed with myself, I’ve never ever run proper and certainly not run anywhere for a good two years.

    Simple solution: run topless

    Don’t think us girls could get away with that!

    Free Member

    Both now dead. This makes me happy. Evil bastards.
    I cant believe anyone would say this. Chip off the old block maybe?

    Only someone who hasn’t ever truly feared a parent would make the response you did. I used to wish my biological father was dead for a long time because accidentally bumping into him somewhere frightens me to death and gives me sleepless nights for weeks. He is a prize see you next Tuesday and an evil shit. It was worse when I was small but I can just about cope with it now though there are usually tears and panick attacks involved on the rare occasion he surfaces from under his rock and I have the misfortune to see him somewhere. Not a nice feeling.

    Free Member

    Yep, I want one, badly. Hubby is sort of along for the ride but he’s more broody nowadays than when we actually started trying. (I’m 29 and he’s 32)

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