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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • emma82
    Free Member

    I just can’t help that think peoples reaction would be different if they were not a gay couple. Different strokes for different folks, it all makes the world go round. Children are born to people for many different reasons. Maybe ‘rights’ isn’t the best word to use granted but I’m sure that their child will have a good quality of life. No one is perfect so no one is fit to judge the situation, that’s my only point really. I’m sure the little one will be fine.

    Free Member

    I suppose, but then, what’s to have stopped him wandering into a seedy club on a Saturday night and having a one night stand in order to get a girl pregnant, I know a few girls who have used that approach, could You argue that that was any more ‘morally’ right? He is physically able to father a child so why shouldn’t he. Lots of heterosexual couples use surrogates too. They might have gone down the surrogacy route because they weren’t able to adopt, so what? But they can afford to make sure that their baby can be genetically One of theirs and chose who carries their child. Aside from a flimsy article you’ve read you know nothing about why they chose to use a surrogate or their ability to raise a child so why the need to post on an Internet forum? Other than to raise an argument.

    Free Member

    Gay couple in adoption/being allowed to have a baby shocker. 😯 whatever next????!!!!!

    Old news, who cares. They have as much right as you or I do. Get over it.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with red label?

    Free Member

    Deffo an eeeeewwwwwww here emsz 🙂

    Free Member

    ha, your mind control has failed…. miserably 🙁 Like that dodgy little Britain character… look into my eyes, look into my eyes, don’t look around the eyes, look into the eyes 😛

    Free Member

    I’ve changed my mind…. I’m with edhornby on the mind control thing. That way I could persuade my other half that he doesn’t want to make me watch the whole Alien trilogy on blu ray with deleted scenes. Wish santa hadn’t brought it him now 🙁

    Free Member

    ‘custard’??? You need to get checked if it looks like custard chap :-s

    Free Member

    Sharki not sure whether to 🙁 or 🙂
    But…..kindness/faith (in humanity not god) & Human spirit are, I believe, pretty awesome super powers, shame more people don’t posses(sp?) them. I wouldn’t call it fate I’d call it life, sometimes you meet good eggs when you need them most other times they’ll happily screw you over and leave you with nothing but people arent so keen to share those stories 🙂

    Either way, I’d still prefer making snow 🙂

    Free Member

    Lobby dosser we might not get on if my superpower is to make snow, I don’t want you ruining it once I’ve spread it around !!

    Free Member

    Ha, Sharki do tell or am I too innocent 🙂 ??

    Free Member

    Isn’t awesomeness a superpower though ton? If you are truely awesome you can do anything…. even sneak up on naked ladies and get into gigs for free? 😉

    Free Member

    Ride my bike more and try to become a proper grown up 🙂

    Former probably more likely than latter

    Free Member

    Haha, I walked in on mummy on top of daddy when I was about 9. Dad jumped off the bed so fast mum fell on the floor and hit her head. Poor thing then had to come and clean up the big pool of sick I’d produced on the bedroom floor ( which I’d done before I saw them) 🙂

    Free Member

    Same here but don’t really know what to do about it. Might just go back to bed and sleep it out I think. Will be fine til I need a number 2 and can’t flush cos got no water in the bog :-s

    Free Member

    btw emma what does “pooked” mean …even google doesn’t know!

    I think I attempted to write a naughty word in my v. drunken emotional state last night and mu iPhone, obviously realising that swearing is bad changed it for me. Good little iPhone 🙂

    Free Member

    I will be, I love tracking Santa!! Best bit of Christmas 🙂

    Free Member

    Pooked and bored. Who cares about Christmas? Not me’.

    Free Member

    Nup and nope. Couldn’t care less about it to be honest, I just like getting drunk and getting two weeks off on holiday.

    Free Member

    Looks like she’s auditioning for the Argentinian version of Strictly

    Blimey – Brucie would want a bonus to try and survive a performance like that. Actually – perhaps it might finish him off and put us out of our misery 😈

    Free Member

    Really? Why bother? I doubt she’d touch you with a barge pole so I wouldn’t worry.

    Free Member

    I have no happy or even remotely fond memories of time spent with my real father, we are now estranged. The only vague feeling of excitement I can remember is him taking me to see a lab puppy and saying I could have the puppy if I told courts the following week I wanted to live with him because my mum was a Poisonous [reigns in language due to swear filter]. Needless to say court saw right through the very confused child presented to them and rightly left me’ with my amazing mother who I have had so many happy times with it would be hard to know where to start. If the happy memories aren’t there and you are now back in touch just stop worrying about that and concentrate on dong things that will provide happy memories for you all in the future, especially if he is no long in good health.

    Edit: so basically what matt said above I x-posts

    Free Member

    Ring them – my stuff went missing/was delayed, I got one part of the order but not the other. I rang and told them and they redistributed it next day delivery from a warehouse they know is able to get deliveries out (I was told they deliver from random places all around the country and some places are obviously having more problems than others so it depends where it is coming from) and I now have it. I think today is the last day Amazon will do it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    hahahaha, I have to say, I’m with you on the thermals. 7 inches of snow here and it’s still going, blooming freezing.

    I am actually off now to buy some silk pj’s from Lidls as a joke for my brother for Christmas – perhaps try Lidls OP? 😯

    This thread is making me want to go buy underwear though – and thermals!!!

    Free Member

    Wow b r , that’s about as far away from what Stem had in mind as you could get! I think he’s after everyday stuff not bedroom only stuff!

    Emsz you mean you don’t wear crotchless panties and peephole bras to work…… 😉 bless, men are sooooo simples sometimes. Just been looking at next stuff and they do some quite nice sets which are quite sexy but fine for every day. 🙂

    Free Member

    Blimey spokes if those are wonderlust killers you should see the pants I wear! You’d run a mile. It is comfy pants week this week too – don’t wanna get a chill 🙂

    M_C & emsz just had a look at the ck stuff, some of it is rather nice 🙂 might have to make a birthday purchase methinks.

    Free Member

    I probably would advise not to, women are exceptionally hard to buy underwear for because its very hard to find something that fits beautifully, looks nice and makes you feel sexy and they are all very important things to consider when buying anything nice than a pair of pants from Primada. Just about every woman I know has been given nice underwear and none of them rave about it but don’t say a lot because we know deep down the guys are buying it for nice reasons. If you really do want to buy something, go somewhere like anne summers, one of the girls in there will give you a hand and they have some quite nice stuff.

    Free Member

    Nooo, emsz I didn’t call the police – there was something on the news about some silly mare who rang 999 when someone stole her snowman! I just thought it was hilarious cos they read her the riot act….. I would never do such a thing 😳

    You are right Enduro but I’m too old to worry about that now, I prefer to have people’s time than them spend their money on me these days. God, I really am getting old!!


    Free Member

    But surely hora if you can’t ‘forget’ then the relationship is doomed even if you think you have forgive. Every time she’s 10 minutes late home, has an evening out without you and doesn’t pick up the phone etc etc, it would always be at the back of your mind that she was with someone else, regardless of their being a man or woman??

    There is also then the revenge thing someone else mentioned…someone very close to me is sleeping with someone they aren’t really bothered about and is risking their relationship and why? Because his partner slept with someone else (ONS) so to fix it in his mind he’s going one further and having a relationship with another woman. very odd and not at all healthy.

    Agree that there are a million different reasons why people cheat but if you don’t love someone enough to stay faithful then leave them to find someone who does.

    I’m going to back off now, cheating makes me cross and this thread is upsetting me 🙂

    Free Member

    What do you believe constitutes cheating then fourbanger?

    I’m quite straight about thinking that if someone enters into a relationship be it emotional or sexual outside that of friendship then it is cheating and they are therefore not someone I want to be with. I have, nor would I ever cheat and expect the same in return. I know most of my friends share the same thinking

    Free Member

    oh that’s ok then. You really ought to work on the heavy breathing BTW…. you’d get away with much more if you weren’t heard 😉

    Free Member

    Ok, well it’s too late for me’ to edit so I’ll re-phrase:

    Seeing as most of the men on here are clearly raging pervs….. Happy 🙂

    Free Member

    There is really something I don’t like about the word ‘penetrative’. yuk.

    Rachel – that was not my intention!! But seeing as all the blokes on here are quite clearly closet pervs you are probably right 😆

    Free Member

    Would it be appropriate for a ‘nelson’ style HAHA!!! Bad luck buddy. I’m 28 tomorrow 🙁 eek

    Seriously though only joking, your only as old as you feel. Happy birthday old man x

    Free Member

    Aww bless congratulations, they obviously didn’t want to miss Christmas.

    Free Member

    So what we are concluding then is that you are all a bunch of dirty pervs and all us women should just have one massive love in like in some dodgy 80’s styleeee pr0no? 😉

    I do love this place 🙂

    Free Member

    TJ I’m just confused about the cheating thing, not the girl on girl thing, I get that :p

    Tsy- what thread?

    Free Member

    Oh how exciting, is that where the phrase ‘is that a multitool in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me’ saying came from. I’m off to bed, the excitement is just too much.

    Free Member

    Me too. I’m so confused I might have to consult mumsnet, they’d LOVE this thread, right up their street

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