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  • Issue 144 Last Word – Eudaimonic
  • emma82
    Free Member

    crikey – What does the U stand for?

    TJ – I know, I am just wallowing because I got soaked walking home from work and I’ve had a crap day. Wish I did kick boxing or something!

    Free Member

    Cheers seggon, quite like being a freak 🙂
    I got asked in to be a guinea pig once but got freaked out and didn’t do it. I always attract a bit of attention when I’m in for x-rays/check ups though.

    Free Member

    I’ve had loads over the years, I’ve had some really aloof radiographers and some really nice ones, the nice ones make all the difference. Doesn’t matter how many I’ve had I still find them quite intimidating, having to change then go in with people wandering around and equipment I don’t understand all over the place. The rooms are always cold and I’ve always been scared of the whole ‘radio waves’ effect, stupid I know! I had one where I went into a big machine lay down once, it was horrendous, hated it, I was so stressed by the time it finished they moved me out and I just jumped up, got head rush and nearly passed out.

    I’m not sure whether I’m right on this but…… I was born with complete organ reversal, so all my organs are mirror image to a ‘normal person’. When I had my first chest x-ray as a teeny baby the doctors spent the best part of a day trying to work out what was wrong with the machine until they worked out that I was ‘backwards’ rather than the machine playing up. Throughout my whole life I have never only had one x-ray, I have always been called back in for a second/third x-ray as there has ‘been a problem and they want to get another one’. so, I’ve always thought that they take one, can’t work out what’s wrong then by the second they’ve worked it out. Might just be that I’m not very x-rayagraphic but it always makes me chuckle 🙂

    Free Member

    If I was you, my advice would be to walk away. She’s done it once and she will do it again, being drunk is no excuse and it’s the only excuse she will probably give you. It’ll hurt like hell but you’ll get through it. Have you got good friends you could turn to/run away to for a day or two? Miserable situation and to be honest, anyone who cheats IMHO is a scumbag and not worth a seconds thought. I appreciate you must feel awful though 🙁

    Free Member

    Congrats dude, lovely news

    BigG – she is gorgeous! Good work 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m getting married this year. It’s cheered me’ up no end! Try that 😀

    Or, book a holiday if weddings aren’t your thing. They always make me’ feel happy 🙂

    Free Member

    Hello, thread mentioned above is at this link.

    SAD and light boxes

    I got a lumie in the end and am sat by it right now. Definatley helps. We bought an expensive on at £200 but my brother just bought an alarm clock Phillips one for about £50 and said it’s really good. They are great though. I noticed a difference within a few days and only really use it for about 30 mins and at the moment I’m not using it every day, just now and then and it’s still helping me’. HTH

    Edit: sorry, missed your post saying you found it! Not tried light bulbs, have stuck with planet friendly ones although they are awful for giving out dim light! B

    Free Member

    Must be a dad thing about the music, mine was the same! We are keeping it to Garden party type theme but he still wants a disco but luckily he has access to some ‘party’ type equipment and lights etc so we are going to use that and mum wants to do us a CD which I can cope with. I want people to be involved but have lost count of the number of ‘no’s we’ve come out with so far!!!

    I am not buying wedding magazines – full stop although we are going to see my mum this morning to talk about the wedding and she will no doubt produce 30 that she has already bought!

    Free Member

    My parents went to bilbao, sailing is a fair bit longer but a lot quicker to get to destinations much further down France in the car once you are out. They got lost in Spain as the sat nav didn’t work but survived! I don’t think they would do it again as although they spent less time in the car the overall travel time was still about a day more than if they took their usual route from Portsmouth straight over. As said above, driving in France is amazing, it’s worth doing and just going through all the little villages, particularly in the big wino regions, they are awesome. Drive in the afternoon and you probably won’t see anyone for hours as the French shut up shop and snooze so it’s ideal for a quiet hassle free drive around!

    Free Member

    Perfect thank you!

    Cheers Bob – funny how everyone I speak to thinks the whole wedding circus is over the top and they’d rather not do it but end up doing it anyway 😕

    Free Member

    Consider it done. whilst you are giving such good advice and are obviously on a roll, what type of flowers for a summer wedding that will match some gold sparkly shoes 🙂

    Free Member

    thanks sharki, consider yourself acknowledged and ignored! 🙂 very good advice though, thank you!

    Free Member

    too much, I personally think. I decided not to watch it in protest, and because its crap

    Free Member

    don’t see them enough for them to find out to be honest. There is one person in particular I will enjoy telling that they aren’t invited, I might mock up a whole ‘you are not invited’ invitation for him actually 😀 not that i want to use the best day of my life to kick someone in the goolies 😈

    Free Member

    but try to get as much of the family there as possible

    but i don’t like most of my family and he doesn’t know a lot of his 😯 All the important people that we know and love the most will be there that’s a definite.

    Free Member

    What is driving your desire to get married?

    I want to be his wife and I want to be able to call him my husband and visa versa. We are also hoping to have a family of our own someday and I think for my own peace of mind I want to know that he is my next of kin in every respect. We’ve left it so long to marry because we are very anti religion and couldn’t face the whole church wedding or the big hotel type wedding. I suppose we’ve only been exposed to what we feel are quite grotesque affairs which usually are all show and end up in divorce a couple of years later. Horrible stuff. I’ve always wanted a small no frills affair and its only now that we are sure enough of ourselves to stand up to everyone who wants us to have their type of wedding and say ‘no, this is what we want’.

    TN your wedding sounds perfect 🙂 Apart from the rain on honeymoon!

    Who had an all dayer wedding then? I was thinking more of having it at about 5 p.m. then could have some food and get rid of every one by 9 😆 but registrar said had to do it at 3.30 p.m 🙁 Still hoping to get rid by midnight though 🙄

    Free Member

    Saving the frills for my husband sharki sorry 🙂

    Oh I say ‘husband’ sounds grown up

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips chaps. Very sad that so many people get divorced but I am sure that we are right for one another, after 11 years together we know each other well enough to know we can put up with one another and we have been through some truly awful times together and got through them.

    Going to have to work very hard to keep it our day and just the way we want it, some of my friends have the very best intentions but want it to be a big thing.

    One thing we have definatley decided is that we are having a mountain bike themed wedding cake 🙂

    You are right about the magazines sharki, had a quick flick through them and caught a quick look at ‘how to have a simple, no frills wedding’. Overall costs – £20K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a CHANCE. What a load of rubbish

    Free Member

    Yeah parents on both sides will be involved, I need them more than anyone else really. Not so worried about money somuchas it not turning into a massive show, thought of a big formal wedding completely terrifies us which is one of the reasons we’ve put it off for so long. Would like to have run away and done it on our own but we are both close to our families and very family orientated, they would have been devastated if hey weren’t part of it so we couldn’t really do it without them.

    Free Member

    We went to morzine for a week this year and rode at les gets bike park on the dh runs for two days then did a cross country loop one of the other days. There is lots around morzine and I think anywhere round there will be stunning cos the alps are just so beautiful. As said above its all well sign posted and if you go mid season I bet it will be busy all over so there will be people to point the way. We went the week before everything opened really although the big lifts were going and it was already very busy on the dh runs. We did a few walks on the other days and the trails we walked would be fun on a bike too which was around le praz de lys. Enjoy-I cannot wait to go back. Wish we’d stayed longer but we wanted to spend the second week dossing around the wino regions eating cheese!!! Very mucho fun 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep, put on about a stone 🙁
    Someone actually commented to me last night that they thought I might be ‘with child’. I obviously then had to prove otehrwise by drinking 6 pints of lager which didn’t really help with the bloated look!

    Free Member

    TSY is like the guy who tries to break up the pub fight…. <come on bud, it’s not worth it>……. lets go somewhere else…

    Free Member

    yes, I am easily outraged. Nice edit, thank you. I don’t read the daily fail though I must admit

    Free Member

    Just to set the record straight I was the first one to mention the gay couple element of it, not emsz so to accuse her of starting a witch hunt is pretty pathetic. I still think there are certain people here who are more bothered by it than they care to let themselves realise but I can fully understand the issues raised with age/lifestyle etc. I still personally think that they haven’t done anything wrong for reasons I have mentioned earlier so wont be saying anything else but don’t, Duckman’ accuse people of starting witch hunts because that’s not what it was. It was a debate. Bye bye

    Free Member

    Forget the pope – what would Jesus do? 🙄

    Free Member

    Don’t do that Sammie I’ll just get confused 🙁

    What I think i am saying is it’s usually safer if I keep schtum

    edit: cheers CM 😉

    Free Member

    It sounds like you’ve just realised that whilst you have an emotional reaction to something that someone says, you usually lack the intellect to be able to argue against it in a coherent manner.

    Ha, to be fair, 99% of the time that’s why I don’t respond to threads that annoy me, I never make any sense when I say something so best not to say it …… 🙄

    Free Member

    ‘Modified starch tots’ – do not sound as nice 😯

    Free Member

    How can we possibly have reached post 28 without mentioning the marvel that is Curly Wurly???

    I love curly wurly’s but they are a nightmare to eat, the chocolate always falls off and I end up in a right mess. Is there still a curly wurly club sharki? What did you have to do to get into that???!! Eat loads of them?

    Are gummy bears still around too? I LOVE gummy bears

    Free Member

    My parents were of a socially acceptable age when they had me’. That said, my father was a wife beater who kicked the living daylights out of my mum. He tried it once with me’ and was removed from my life pretty sharpish, had nothing to do with him since I was about 8 properly. I’d rather have some really old dude or a second mummy in the father role than one who tried to manipulate and hurt me. Give a child any loving and responsible parent and they will be happy. All this stuff about the problems of mum or dad being missing or same sex relationships not providing the same balance as the ‘traditional’ family is way out of date along with ‘only mummies and daddies’ being able to make babies. There are thousands of babies born through ivf/surrogacy and the likes nowadays. It’s naive to think that the old ways were the best ways. They were not.

    Free Member

    Did you used to, stack them up, squeeze them together and eat the lot?

    Yep and it used to give me horrendous tooth ache 🙂

    Free Member

    Jelly tots! Think you can still get them though. Haribo just don’t cut it against the old sweets 🙂

    Free Member

    Okey dokey, it’s not an argument that anyone can win because peoples opinions are engrained in them so I’ll leave it there. I’m sure elton and David won’t give two hoots either way. They’ll be too busy watching their nanny change nappies and make bottles 😆

    Free Member

    What about a female – female couple?

    Free Member

    Wow sammie’s back 🙂

    Free Member

    Engineer? They used a surrogate!!! If your going to go down the whole ‘it’s wrong to create a human with scientific assistance’ which is what you seem to be saying then we’re heading towards a whole different argument surely?

    But hey, this thread has it all, homophobia, ageism and prejudice against those with mental health issues. What is going on.

    Free Member

    Oh no emsz stw massive can see into the future and already know that Elton will be dead by 65 from his bulimia and shopping addiction, leaving the baby penniless and without a hope in the world. 😕

    What a load of tosh.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know he had a history of abusing children?

    Free Member

    No wealth doesn’t make a lot of things right but it does make many things possible

    Free Member

    Sorry, didn’t quite mean ‘fit to judge’, but it isn’t really our business as none of us are in their situation. We are all different. People go to amazing lenghths to have a baby, they just don’t seem to be any dofferent to me’ than a couple who go to some foreign country for ivf. I know plenty of people who, if they had the money would do it but sadly they can’t afford to so will never have a child because they are classed as too old.

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