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  • Ripton & Co Women’s Diesel Jorts review
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Mrs Grips – I just crossed posts but you are right about that time of the month!! Jesus, my poor other half…. 😈

    Free Member

    I don’t do the whole twiddling anything, I think flirting for women is more intense eye contact, body language mimicking, excuses to touch and little coy smiles/saying something slightly naughty isn’t it? Twiddling hair and licking lips is a bit teenage girlish? To be fair, if I do it, I know I’m doing it and I do it on purpose.

    Haven’t got a clue about men though – wouldn’t know at all if someone was flirting, I didn’t think men did flirt?

    I can’t lick my elbow, I just tried and a massive crack came out of my shoulder so wont be doing it again any time soon.

    Who exactly are you trying to flirt with TSY?

    Samuri – LOL!! Size isnt everything, it’s how you use it. The only exception being chocolate, no point having a small bar, you’ll only feel cheated afterwards 🙁

    Free Member

    Yes do it, I would 🙂

    Free Member

    I expected them all to be super cool dudes and think ‘ahhh what a saddo poor Emma lives with’ and restore my faith in men. Luckily ben decided to come out with the most sexist comment ever last night in response to my ‘what is it about men and these crappy flying things’ was something along the lines of ‘of course you don’t get it sugar tits, you’re a woman, men find cool stuff interesting, that’s why we invent stuff like planes and tanks and ways to cure cancer, because were men and we are better’. Needless to say he got walloped and I went to bed.

    Free Member

    And part of their culture is having these lavish wedding / communion dresses; their courtship rituals (admittedly was getting close to organised assault from some angles but have you ever seen a hen night), and so on.

    Jesus-I’m going to get raped on my hen night???? Is that allowed? Pretty sure it isn’t but I don’t want to go now just in case it is. I was going canoeing an everything 🙁

    Pretty awful programme I thought, the first one changed my perception a bit more positively but last night put it right back to believing that gypsies/travellers are quite an arrogant and dangerous bunch. Not nice, I somehow doubt they’ll be quite so fond of this series.

    Free Member

    Blimey what have I done! I only started the thread to get some sympathy! 🙁

    Free Member

    Sorry druidh 🙁 I shall stop being a perv 🙂

    M_C I’m getting married not emsz!!! I shall persevere though, I will not be beaten by something that if ultimately it really pee’s me’ off, I shall just swat like a fly with a magazine. He’ll soon see who’s boss then 😉

    Glad to hear that sharki 😉

    Free Member

    They are all TOYS!!! For children, honestly men, MTFU!!!!

    Sharki does your chopper handle well though that’s the question 😉

    And thanks for that Rachel-he’s just read the thread and now wants to google the iPhone thing 🙁

    Free Member

    I actually honestly don’t think he’d notice sharki, one of his landing lights has just gone. All he’ll has just broken loose. I’m going to bed.

    Free Member

    Emsz * and 1,2,3 your back in the room*. Good god he’s flying the frigging thing again. God damn the swear rule on this forum, I need to SWEAR about this 👿

    Free Member

    Oh yes. I’m fact ben nearly got blue pants for Christmas rather than the stupid helicopter. If only I’d known….

    Free Member

    Ohh, I kind of double posted. Such was my thought process re Daniel Craig. Yum yum 🙂

    Free Member

    Bens face is more of a tranced out gawp kinda look rather than the smiley in jads pic! I just don’t get it.

    The last time I pulled a similar face was the scene where Daniel Craig gets outbid the sea in his blue pants in James bond. I nearly fainted.

    Free Member

    Bens face is more of a tranced out gawp kinda look rather than the smiley in jads pic! I just don’t get it.

    Free Member

    Well I’m glad someone’s happy dez!! 🙂

    I would post some pictures for all you Saddos but I really can’t be bothered. Find yer own helicopter pron :p

    Edit: tsy I just saw that ad too. They are out to get me’ I tell you!!

    Free Member

    With the exception of tsy you are all muppets. :Dx

    Free Member

    That lust Jon is NEVER irrational

    Free Member

    From my brief encounters with weddings and all they involve (which has only been in the last few weeks!!) I’d say that most ‘big’ weddings are a vile circus, be it gypsy or not? I’ve tried on much worse/gopping dresses in the last few weeks than some of the gypsy girls wear but they are white so its ok???!!! Was nice to see young couples willing to devote themselves at such a young age, they do seem more monogomous(sp?) than most young people. ….. stop being so judgey you miserable lot!

    Edit: should have read the posts properly, i take back that you are judgey 🙂 I thought the original documentary was awesome

    Free Member

    I’ve never played strip poker, or poker for that matter so I’d be no good. Quite good at monopoly though if there is a way to get naked playing that I’d be up for a game? 🙄

    Emsz, washing machine is easy to fix, the thingy booby underneath the watsit has probably got something in it. Only take about two minutes to clean it quickly. HTH :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I found my dress 🙂 and I’m slightly drunk from the champagne the shop drip fed us all morning! 🙂 Yayeeeeeeee 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Free Member

    I must say I’ve never seen such lovely tits. How nice 🙂

    Free Member

    Why is a mans answer to everything ‘buy a van’. 🙂

    I’m quite lucky, only live a 20 minute walk from my work. Think I’d go mental if I had to sit in traffic everyday. Some people I work with commute an hr each way. That would definately send me’ to an early grave

    Free Member

    oh no! You are having a crappy time! Perhaps you should ride your bike rather than drive a car? 😆 Still light outside people – things are looking up!

    when there’s a whole world stuffed fit to bursting with heaps of stuff to entertain ourselves with

    Like STW! 🙂 there’s some particularly good threads kicking about today!

    Free Member

    Today, I have seen some of the best STW work ever. Well done chaps 🙂 hilarious

    Free Member

    admiral that first bear picture is very 🙁 poor thing.

    Free Member

    ahwiles – my grandparents are dead 🙁 now I feel even worse cos your right, I probably should have called them more 🙁 Only joking, don’t feel bad, although they are actually dead 😯

    I’m not bored, just fed up of rain, mud, wind, warm/cold, snow blah blah blah, it seems to be going on for a while now although I did notice yesterday it wasn’t as dark as normal when I left work.

    And just to prove I’m not a fairweather rider – one of my most fave rides ever was a Sunday afternoon which started off with glorious sunshine, followed by rain, sleet, full on snow, more rain, gale and then some more rain then some more sunshine just as we got back to the car. All in the space of three hours, mud was slick and my hands were frozen but had so much fun 🙂 So I’m not a complete pussy all the time. Honest! 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t mind me’ tsy, I’m no laydeee 🙂 say what you like…..

    Emsz – don’t worry to much, they are only little but there to escape all the same. 🙂

    I’m intrigued what tsy said now???!!! I hate not knowing a secret 🙁

    Free Member

    Never ending story 🙂

    Free Member

    Brilliant! I wasn’t planning on trashing it, I was just going to have it altered to wear as a summer strappy dress. I suppose I could use the left over material as a buff!! I couldn’t wear it to ride DH, my boobs would fall out 🙄

    Free Member

    Emma, the funniest comment I have read in ages, thanks for making me smile


    Free Member

    Damn – TSY you got me. I was born in 82 – making me a grand old fart now 🙁 28, jeez no wonder I’m so grumpy!

    Free Member

    I thought your surname was 82?!?

    OMG so it is!

    Free Member

    So is your name actually GEOFF1? That’s pretty cool I wish my surname was actually a number. Reckon ‘6’ would be a pretty cool surname 🙂

    Free Member

    Actually Kona, I’m not sure that i am water proof, If I stay out in rain long enough I seem to go all wrinkly then I swear a little bit mouldy too 😆

    Loco – I got showered by some scrotum yesterday who decided it would be funny to drive through a puddle really fast and get me wet, so I can sympathise but I am staying grumpy for now! 8)

    Free Member

    aww that’s lovely sharki, I still feel grumpy today though I’m blaming PMT now so hopefully it’ll be gone in a day or two and I’ve booked a half day off work tomorrow so I can buy some treats when I’m done with the official typey things at the registry office 🙂

    I have decided I am going to start again next week with a new positive attitude. Until then I reserve the right to yell at anyone who comes near, strop, cry and generally moan at anyone who will list 😈

    Free Member

    Very true sharki, you are very philosophical tonight! But tis good advice 🙂 I am going to try and be less miserable tomorrow 🙄

    Free Member

    *getting the right gear!! I always miss the key words out!

    * jeez tsy-my brain is mush. I meant dress not skirt. Either way I’m sure ud look dead sexy! Mwah

    Free Member

    Yes emsz getting hitched finally in august this year. Have found my dress but just want to play princess a few more times. Can’t say to much bout it as hub to be is a closet lurked here!!!
    Crikey/c_g you are right about getting the right, I got loads for Christmas so should get using it. Got some overshoes Which made a hellava difference last wknd.
    Tsy-I reckon you would look good in an a line strapless full bodied skirt!!! Obv with a massive train!!!
    And sharki you are right, winter always leads to a beautiful spring. Just feels very long sometimes!

    Free Member

    Well, the most active I have been is moving from sofa to fridge for beer and playing dance central on xbox.
    I know I should just man up. However, I don’t want too. So I’m just going to wallow for a bit longer. I may attempt to ride my bike this wknd after I’ve tried on some weddin dresses so that should perk me’ up 🙂 but not if it’s still raining. Grrr I hate January, it’s my least favourite month of the year ever.

    Free Member

    Oh I thought you meant ‘what the ….’ u. Thanks for that 🙂

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