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  • emma82
    Free Member

    How do I do that? I only have a pic on FB

    Free Member

    But everything I’ve read days he should go witching 30 minutes or I have to take him to the vet ASAP!

    Free Member

    Just had a big glug of water but he’s not a big drinker, he just tends to have the odd massive slurp every couple of hrs

    Free Member

    Done that. He’s going to sleep again now.

    Free Member

    That walking dead one is hilarious, especially broadway at the end. Love the NFL one. There is another around somewhere but is not nearly as good. Cheered me right up 🙂

    Free Member

    Jk a woman set fire to her fanny with her rampant rabbit

    Free Member

    That is nowhere as bad as some of the threads, some people really do suffer. No worse than stuff talk about in though, just without the trolling.

    Free Member

    No idea how this is to work but if the Govt gives me £1k I’m going to spend it in sex, drugs an chocolate.

    Free Member

    Can’t stand Miranda, I just don’t get the fuss. Strictly however, that’s my weekend wending a sorted until Christmas thank god. I can spend it cocooned away watching glitz.

    Free Member

    She broke the first one in half 😯

    Free Member

    What’s a 650b? Anyway, thanks gang, you helped immensely. I’m up and heading off at stupid I clock :/ actually slept well, must have worn myself out stressing all day.
    Ttfn x

    Free Member

    Karin – love that clip. In a meeting once a director was telling me about his aunty’s lovely stuffed beaver, it was a fine specimen of a good stuffed animal apparently and her pride and joy. I nearly threw up trying to stop myself laughing after the meeting. How I didn’t laugh while he was telling me I don’t know.

    Free Member

    🙂 no offense. Can’t remember what you put no, memory is shocking at the moment.

    Free Member

    Bear what you doing?

    Free Member

    Science Jamie, not Devil. Loving the dogs bum

    Free Member

    Kinda serious, the opposite of god related though. I think I might go to bed and just accept ill be pacing for most of the night.

    Free Member

    That kid has issues! Love minions, never seen their film though. Fail.

    Free Member

    Spot on. Perhaps rather than a wax I should get the same area permed?

    Free Member

    Perm?! Jeez, your good. Think I’m the right age for a perm actually.

    Free Member

    How did you guess Jamie 😉

    Not quite but feel free to keep guessing if you’ve got some time on your hands tonight!

    Free Member

    Ohhhhh, a lolcat of course. Haven’t looked at lolcatz for a long time 🙂

    Free Member

    That bits not important, well, for you anyway Jamie.

    Dave still wins at the moment although the dogs are very cute

    Free Member

    That Dave is going on FB 🙂 brilliant.

    Free Member

    Ha, love it Fabs 🙂

    Free Member

    That’s a very interesting tomato bear.

    Thank you chaps. Still need something to make me chuckle though

    Free Member

    and while I’m here how do I change my email address?

    Free Member

    Brendon Cole Strictly Come Dancing

    Free Member

    Probably about 2000/2500 if I’m eating properly, less if I’m eating shite. Loads of calories in nuts/seeds so tend to have about 4oz of those, eggs, avacado. Eat more veg, berries, bananas,eat more fish and meat. Cook with coconut oil. All those have good fats/good calories. Peanut/almond butter is good although I’ve heard some people say peanuts not great and I’m not sure why. Think about 6 meals a day, not just three, so stick another mini meal (and I don’t mean pg tips and biscuits) in between your three ‘main’ meals.

    Free Member

    Child sex abuse and the sharing of images of child sex abuse (its not porn is it – ‘porn’ tends to indicate a willingness to participate) was happening long before the Internet came about. Sticking some crappy filters blocking porn sites unless you opt in isn’t going to reduce the number of cases of child sex abuse, sex abuse circles are very sophisticated and a lot of them pretty well structured, they know what they are after and where to get it through whatever means they have available. Similarly stopping adults or children accessing porn won’t stop child sex abuse, people who abuse children generally don’t do it because of a porn addiction and you couldn’t generalise that children exposed to porn at a you g age will grow up to abuse. They might have some warped ideas about what sex really is but their overall life experiences will make them abusers, not accidentally accessing porn on the net a few times as youngsters.

    Throwing a load of filters at something like the Internet is pointless. Awareness raising and improved support channels for victims would be a much more productive approach.

    As an aside, I just tried to search for ‘porn filter articles’ on yahoo search and it told me I was a sex pest and could get stuffed. Well, it told me I was searching for ‘sensitive’ material and so it had been blocked. Meh.

    Free Member

    If you only need to lose a few lbs there’s probably lots you can do to your diet generally without 5:2. Is it working or is it just that you are feeling hungry? Guessing your a girl from your user name but at some points in the month I could quite happily eat a whole cow and other days I can go for 16 hrs or so on just water….

    Free Member

    I’ve not done 5:2 because if I’m honest I’m to much of a piglet, I think I’d die if I cut right back but the other half does it twice a week. Only thing I can suggest without having personal experience is make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water through the day (3L or so), fruit/green tea etc. Drop the bran and swap for protein source? 500 is hardly anything so don’t get too stressed if you go over. Finally, make sure the food you have on the non ‘fasting’ days is all healthy and nutritious and gives your body what it needs, it would, I should imagine, fuel you up a bit more for the fasting days?

    Free Member

    Emma82-Maybe it’s just a bloke thing then? I can’t think that any male on here would be faced with a free weekend and then go to their parents. You are definitely the fairer sex and we’re just a bunch of selfish old buggers? Just for the record though, my missus is pretty ace.(Damage limitation).

    I’m just a massive scaredy cat about the dark and my house is only my home when t’uther half is there, if he’s not here i’d rather be at my other home 🙂

    I’m also not much into danger w%^*s although I did give it a go in the bath once but got caught, put me off a bit.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, if there are any ladies reading this, what would you do if the old man went away for a weekend? Just so I know what to expect.

    Probably go to my mums cuz I don’t like being in the house on my own.
    Yes, I’m a grown up. No, I’ve never lived alone.

    Free Member

    I know, been working really hard on my diet, I’m down to 19%/20% body fat now, pack is nearly there but still its always the very last bit that’s the hardest. Especially when I haven’t been hungry all day but now I’ve just had an omlette I also want to eat the massive bar of dark choc in the cupboard 🙁

    Free Member

    trying to get a six pack 🙂 I just want to be strong really, not particularly strong in a specific way or super strong, just strong. I need to give a proper hill climb a go too cuz not tried one since been squatting (since Christmas). Sure must have made a difference to my speed 🙂 I’m not riding much at the moment, fair weather rider. **read ‘massive pussy’**

    Free Member

    what’s going on with all the diet and weights stuff tonight!

    I luffff weights, best thing I’ve EVER done exercise wise. I think it was one of those things that I hated, and I mean hated and fell out with my husband about because I was crap and my technique was awful and I used to ache like crazy, he was determined I should be doing them just because they are amazing. Then all of a sudden, one weight became a bit too light and I started to look and feel stronger. Then I learned to love it 🙂

    Promise yourself you will do a month of once/twice a week and I’m sure you’ll notice a difference, then you want to do it more. Hopefully 😀

    Free Member

    sorry to jump in but,….someone mentioned about not doing the two together? I’ve been doing 4 exercises every workout (once, maybe twice a week). Not sure if I should split it down? I.e. I’m doing 3 sets 10 reps of:
    Deadlift: 40kg,50kg,60kg and about to increase by about 2.5kg
    Squats: 27.5kg, 30kg, 32.5kg
    Bench: 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg
    Shoulder press: 3 sets at 20kg, try to get to 10 but I am struggling massively even when its the first thing I do after a warm up.
    Then some planks/Vsits/leg raises etc.

    Would it be better just to do upper body once a week and do lower on a different day then or does it not really matter that much?

    Free Member

    Nuts/seeds/cottage cheese&rivita, cherry tomatoes, packs of chicken……. you can snack on anything you like as long as its not processed food or full of bad fats.

    Free Member

    It’s normal! I was horrible too, she’ll grow out of it by 20. Just ignore her, or engage her as said above. But honestly just remember, it’s normal, it’s not your fault, it will stop one day.

    Free Member

    Beards are in at the moment it seems. There appears to be a lot of hairy men in my life at the moment

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