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  • emma82
    Free Member

    Turned it off after 20 minutes, seemed dire. First bad thing he’s ever done? Hopefully the last

    Free Member

    tyredbiker – Member
    I tried to pee in the corner of the living room whilst sleepwalking when I was little…

    My husband used to do that a lot when we moved into our house, he’d walk into the airing cupboard in the corner of the room and start pee’ing. He also wee’d all over the TV once too and had the nerve to shout at me to get out of the bathroom when I yelled at him.

    Free Member

    Nope you’re safe it’s a bank holiday, as is next Monday

    Free Member

    Blimey, all I’ve got planned this week is sorting out the kitchen cupboards and going out on the bike for a bit tomorrow. Congratulations! I’m sure you’ll live to see another year in 😀

    Free Member

    Ive been known to talk about lawn mowers and dolphins

    Free Member

    Seconded. Hedgehog wins

    Free Member

    I had a lovely Christmas 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d just like to go one day to commit some mindless violent act on someone – some of these women get proper nasty over a ‘bargin’ and are quiet willing to literally beat off the competition 😯 . I’d love to go in and kick a few shoppers in the shins, very therapeutic

    Free Member

    Have to say though in all honesty I am considering changing my username to sparrowfart82, that is simply the best I have ever heard

    Free Member

    Ernie if you did not cry you have no heart.

    Free Member

    It does rather lose the slushyness doesnt it!

    Free Member

    Ok, kid loses monkey, mum puts thread on mumsnet, someone finds him one and posts it. Mum keeps it for Christmas Day and writes a story with it to say that monkey’s been helping Santa and his work is now done. Kid is happy, everyone cries. 😀

    Free Member

    Looks like we are the only sentimentals on here Rachel!!

    Free Member

    More the fool you then grumpy pants :p. Made me feel all warm and festive

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Emma82 – creating fantasies for sad middle-aged gits since logging onto STW

    Middle aged you say? Damn, i thought you were all 20 something studs? No pics I’m afraid, imagination is a powerful thing, just use that 😀

    Free Member

    Mother in Law just told my eldest daughter that if she eats her sandwhich crusts she will have nice breasts when she is older! SHE IS 6 YEARS OLD FFS!!!!!!!!


    And anyway that’s definately not true as I never ate any crusts and my breasts are simply amazing. I also have very straight hair 😆

    Free Member

    Thanks Yunki x

    Free Member

    Nope, not at all at the moment. Academically I fubar’ed myself in exams earlier this year, work is monotonous but is actually getting a bit better but primarily at this point in time I am failing badly as a woman and it’s shite.

    Free Member

    Tea and toast first thing then usually at 11.30 mum and I have a babysham. Very retro but when I was little I used to beg mum to let me taste some when she and my aunty had some while cooking dinner so it’s kinda tradition. Then dad makes mulled wine, god damn strong and very hot. That usually sees us through til lunch although mum said its time I grew up so we may be having champagne or bucks fizz at 11.30 this year and not babysham 🙁

    Free Member

    Ahh bobsleigh babies! Love it, read about them in take a break!

    Free Member

    How did you know I was born in 82 😀 stalker.

    Okay okay, how about Tina turner simply the best?

    Free Member

    Ahhhh – keeps on calling every day, Buy a ticket for a summer holi, holiday….perfect 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah right, you can’t honestly tell me it wouldn’t have better to have walked up to BOOM BOOM BOOM or shalalalalalalalalala. And don’t tell me you don’t know the words.,…

    Free Member

    Lolz stop picking on me :/

    I dunno, you are taking this waaaay to seriously. Nice tag timc

    Free Member

    Good lad!
    Very well done to Cav, throughly deserves it for all the hard work but shame about speech.

    I liked it all the more for that though, says a lot about him that he’s not aware how good he is that he genuinely didn’t expect to win. Very sweet, and talking about his girlfriend and their bump :). Awwwww

    Free Member

    Ummmmm anything by the venga boys…..or perhaps something with a non suicidal undertone 🙂

    Free Member

    Who’s being negative? All I said was that paradise song makes me want to hurt people! That’s not negative, negative would be saying it makes me want to KILL people. Which I don’t. 👿

    Edit: oh grow up jonny

    Free Member

    Very good 🙂 shame they ruined his walk up to the stage by playing a song by cold play that makes me want to hurt people

    Free Member

    Am I missing something here? I really, really don’t get this ‘buying gifts for teachers’, or tipping anyone – royal mail posties? Wtf? Why? Why?

    I read the other day that people tip hairdressers? Why? I am missing something here am I not? Why do people feel the need to bribe their children’s teachers at Christmas?

    Free Member

    Renee and Renato – Save Your Love. There really have been some awful songs at Number 1 on my birthday. Topped off this year by none other than little mix, cannonball.

    Free Member

    Another for pâté…. Lovely

    Free Member

    Its my birthday today! On the shortest day. I used to get upset when I was little because people would say it was the shortest day and I thought that i was being cheated out of birthday time. Pleased to say that I now realise that I get the same amount of hrs as everyone else in the world 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah that’s fair enough. If she’s swearing all the time can’t you just get her sacked/spoken to? If she’s that disruptive she’s bound to be winding up others?

    Free Member

    . One time I did wave at her to turn her f**king volume down (she is support staff; I was on a client call) and afterwards she got well pi$$y about it…

    Don’t know where you work but if you were senior to me and used the f word at me you would be on a warning. Tbf your attitude stinks as much as hers, your op makes you sound really arrogant so if thats how you behave at work she’s probably trying to wind you up.

    All you can do is *politely* (I.e not the f word)? Ask her to keep the volume down, make sure she knows what your deadlines are and reiterate the need for quiet when on a customer call. I’d probably be sending around a general office etiquette memo to set out what is expected. It can go to everyone and not single her out but she may subtly get the message? I’ve worked with a pain in the arse before and the best advice I got was just to put them in a little mental bubble in my mind and block them out. It worked.

    Free Member

    House is always a tip so we probably need one but at the moment we only have a house with 5 small rooms so it actually only takes 2 hrs to do the house from top to bottom. However, should we buy next year and have a slightly bigger place, I will be getting one because to be quite honest I HATE cleaning. Not a luxury – it’s contributing to the economy innit 🙂

    Free Member

    Ok just to clarify, I have watched it/listened to it once only. It was on the viva Xmas hits countdown and was so awful I googled it and found the link on YouTube to post in here so you lot could listen to it to. I haven’t been listening to it at all so there.

    Free Member

    Trailrat he has never owned any decent cars so it hasn’t really bothered him that 3 were written off 🙂

    Free Member

    Give you one guess what my name is 😀

    I like it.

    Emsz – Amelia is a lovely name <makes mental note that Amelia is a nice name for potential future female sprogs>

    Free Member

    OMG ‘The Only way is Essex’ cover of Last Christmas. This is just beyond ridiculous. I think I need to puke

    Clubber – ahhh thanks for that 🙄

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