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  • emma82
    Free Member

    I’m in Herefordshire. Yes Emsz Gloucester is near Worcester 🙂

    Free Member

    i’m in morzine chatting to my ex on skype and wishing she wasn’t

    Awwweewwwww …. Perhaps she wishes you weren’t too if you are chatting. Put it video and have a virtual smooch

    Free Member

    I hate taking the car, hate it. Much rather walk

    Free Member

    Curry curry curry 🙂

    Free Member

    would have done the deed at home. (as an example) I prefer sex to be a bonus to a good loving relationship….


    Only a man could describe a thread that is about a bloke asking about needing a boner to get laid, then reporting on his boner and getting laid as ‘warming’. I love STW 😀

    Free Member

    I had to buy the MAP once, I’m not sure who was more embarrassed, me having to answer bell end questions or the seemingly inexperienced and slightly judgypants pharmacist having to answer them, all over the counter public and in earshot of everyone. On reflection it was definately her. ‘when did you have sex’ ….. ’bout an hr ago, keep it quick I really need to get home for a shower’. Lol.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We’ve both talked, stroked, all sorts but we can’t relax.

    Perhaps if that’s the case then you aren’t quite ready to be jumping into bed together? Just take your time, someone else suggested just having nights out together, have a laugh, have non bedroom fun. Sex isn’t everything and people put so much pressure on themselves to think that they should be doing it at every possible free second.

    We’ve never used Viagra so this post isn’t particularly helpful to you but if you’ve been offered a prescription by your doctor then go for that, and any counseling he offered. Don’t go for some herbal remedy or something you can find cheaper off t’internet, it’s not worth taking the risk.

    Edit: Missed your last post – go you!!!!

    Edit Edit: 2 hrs in a bath – did you not both look like prunes when you got out. Try shower next time, shower sex is amazing 8) Especially with…. oh never mind 🙂

    Free Member

    I say no. Yes there is a psychological impact to SOME women with a small chest however, if you can take the decision to have it done privately and pay for it to be done privately then you hAve to have to a slush fund if something goes wrong. Stuff goes wrong with implants all the time and the NHS don’t pay for it so it shouldn’t be pressured by the media to do so this time round.

    People have accidents all the time, on bikes, in cars off ladders etc but they are accidents that should be helped by the nhs, yes the nhs picks up the bill for smoking and booze rJelated stuff but cigarettes and booze also ensure a lot of money goes into the nhs to. Fake boobs in private clinics lines the pockets of rich surgeons.

    If it was reconstructive on the nhs then yes, the nhs has the responsibility to rectify just like the private clinics therefore have to take responsibility for something that ultimately is their responsibility

    Free Member

    Ahhh, everyone loves a keyboard warrior

    And look at the damage it causes

    Almost as much damage as your chopper!!

    Free Member

    I think she’s fabulous and amazingly talented. I don’t generally feel the need to listen to someone talking if they are a singer as I just like to listen to them singing but whenever I’ve heard her speak she’s just funny and honest.

    She was fat and talentless then

    Such anger – I’m guessing she must have dumped you no?

    just can’t get passed the fact she looks like Matt Lucas in Drag

    She’d probably think you’re butt ugly too.

    Honestly, jealousy makes some people behave very oddly.

    Free Member

    I LOVE Sherlock Holmes but didn’t really get the gist of it as my mother bought an iPad today and needing talking through bloody Facebook over the phone because she simply had to know how to do it tonight ffs. Normally I would complain about you lot drooling over the naked lady but I have quite a thing for Sherlock to be honest and his voice…. omg could listen to him allllllllll day :). So you can perv as long as i can to. Started to watch an fab but it really wasn’t funny so gave up and had a shower instead, that was funnier.

    Free Member

    As for being a coward, I stood up in front of all my friends and family 14 years ago and made a solemn vow, which included the words “for better or for worse”. That doesn’t sound like cowardice to me, it sounds like loyalty and determination.

    You are not being a coward, you’re right you are extremely committed to your vows but from what you have said she isn’t sticking to hers is she? I’m sure there was something in mine about love and respect etc (may not have been I was soooooo stressed I wasn’t really listening to much of what was said 😀 ) and the way you describe the relationship you seem to be sticking with the ‘for worse’ bit more than anything else. That said if you’re happy with everything else there are worse situations you could be in, I’ve known a few people in genuinely spiteful, hateful and dangerous relationships who just don’t know how to or are too frightened to leave.

    Free Member

    For druidh – tis true though 🙂

    Free Member

    Fair enough, but don’t let yourself feel it’s the only option and that if you did something to make yourself happy it’s going to negatively impact on him, it would be traumatic for a while but he’d get over it, just like you say he will when you tell him at 18. The big difference is you won’t have spent another 6 years with a woman who is not making you happy.

    Mooman – Member
    ….think he means. As soon as kid has left for uni … his wife is gonna have a shit storm of abuse!

    That may well be the case but if it is, what is the point-living another 10 years of spewing hatred at eachother meanwhile getting older and older and looking back thinking ‘why the hell didn’t I listen to STW’ 😀

    Free Member

    Living a lie then really. Sorry I don’t mean to sound so harsh it’s just sad that you can’t be with someone to share lots of happy times with. There is something to be said for not rocking the boat but your lad isn’t 18 for another 6 years. If you stick around til then on his 18th you’re going to leave his mother, he’s going to ask why, you’re are going to say you’ve been unhappy for a long time, he’s going to ask why you stayed together and you are going to say…….for you of course. His world is going to crash very hard.

    Free Member

    So your son will grow up thinking that is what a relationship is all about? Mum & Dad being miserable and just putting up with it? Like Mr 50 said above, it might not seem it but you could end up with a much healthier relationship with your son and indeed wife if you separate or at least give an ultimatum that things have to change.

    Free Member

    I think he would be sick and in which case I’d have to clean it up. He’s currently snoring so loudly I’m sure he’ll wake the neighbours

    Free Member

    Why do you put up with it then globalti? Life is to short to stay put, find someone who you can have fun with and not get insulted by?

    Free Member

    We had a Chinese in town with friends, didn’t drink to much and town was dead so probably would happily have made midnight but husband drank himself stupid and had to be taken home at 1030 so won’t get a peep from him til lunch time. Meanwhile I have a date with the Christmas tree 🙂

    Free Member

    I think it would be impossible and unreasonable to expect that in sharing every aspect of your life with someone that sometimes you will not get on, you will not like eachother and that you won’t sometimes wonder ‘what else is there’. There’s nothing wrong with that but I do think it freaks people out that sometimes the bumpy patches aren’t sorted out with an ‘I’m sorry’. It seems to me that often people feel relationships should be gloriously happy all of the time and shouldn’t require any work, they should be naturally easy when the reality is this just isn’t the case. Any relationship takes a massive amount work and commitment regardless of whether you are married or not. Of course there is no shame in deciding to end a relationship if you are definately unhappy with the way things are but it’s tricky knowing when you get to that point!!

    I can’t say I won’t ever feel the need to leave my husband but in the past we’ve had rocky patches and thought about it, it just takes a fair bit more work. It’s upsetting and very tiring all the extra work but things get better again and you find you’ve actually come out of it as a stronger couple. What I think I’m trying to get at is don’t assume that just because you have the odd falling out or issue with one another doesn’t mean you have to break up, people get together for a reason and that reason often gets forgotten once the relationship becomes ‘the norm’ rather than exciting like it is in the first year or so

    Free Member

    Off out for food but to be honest I’d gladly stay in, am exhausted and feeling rough. We’ve now offered a bed to someone who will want to be out til gone 12 so looks likely I’ll be having a late one. Feel the need for a nervous breakdown and an early night really. 2012 has the potential to be a pretty shitty year I’ve decided.

    Free Member

    Max! He is too cute!

    Free Member

    I didn’t but it’s in your profile?

    I too have a bike what needs washing Might leave it til Monday though coz wont be going anywhere this weekend 🙁

    Free Member

    I didn’t hit him, just told him that he was a pillock and he could have the pleasure of the sofa. No junkyard hitting is not acceptable, I’ve misread it anyway, I thought mc hammers friend hit him? I’d think there needs to be a bit of a talking to both ways but if she’s going to hit you I’d probably show her the door. Doesn’t mean all women are mental though?

    Free Member

    Me me me me me!!!! Dammit Ron you can’t do things like that to a woman with PMT, you know I could murder you for this and I’d get away with an all…..diminished responsibility cuz of my hormones…

    Free Member

    Oh go on Ron, just change the names or summit or give us the gist.

    Lol @ Stoner, like what you did there.

    Free Member

    Blimey this sounds exciting!! Did she father your love child? Sleep with your gf or a sibling? Steal your life savings? I can’t wait!! I really can’t 🙁

    Nice wood stoner

    Free Member

    Ohhhhhh the suspense is making my tummy hurt. Ring her now I can’t stand it!!!!

    Free Member

    Yeah come on Ron!!! You can only be my hot water bottle if you spill the beans!!

    Sor you can still start your threads if you like. What are you going to argue about?

    Free Member

    No Rorschach it can be no where near as bad. Can’t even find my hot water bottle either 🙁

    Free Member

    830 is a perfectly reasonable time to still be sleeping during the holidays??!!

    Free Member

    MC Hammer trousers and bright red shoes? Nice. Other than that I’ve nothing to add. Perhaps only that I’ve been known to kick off in a similar fashion when the other half has acted like a numpty or abandoned me on a night out. I think you should accept fault and make up.

    Free Member

    I am what I am, and what I am needs no excuses…an all that jazz.

    tbf I wouldn’t want to meet CFH, because if he isn’t exactly as his username suggests I would just be extremely disappointed and never able to watch blackadder in the same way ever again

    Free Member

    I can’t, summut to do with my diseased lungs and upsetting white blood cells? Husband therefore donates for both of us but bless him he’s not much of a bleeder sometimes so they don’t have much success

    Free Member

    Love it! Just watched both episodes back to back. Have seen the original film and read the book but can remember very little about it. Can’t wait til tomorrow now 🙂

    Free Member

    Tbf it was only the one printer. I once threw all his cherished rizzla mugs at him, smoked himself half way to cancer just to get all of them. One survived though so at least he has that 😀

    Free Member

    Meal in town with friends late afternoon, few drinks, home and in bed before midnight. I don’t want to start the New Year doing exactly what I hate most in the world – being drunk around a load of strangers in a grotty bar.

    Free Member

    Yep. Full on East Enders one (not that I watch it).
    With a black eye to show for it as well but every things ok now.

    Were there any explosions or life changing admissions or attempts at murder? If not then its not really eastenders stylee I’m afraid. Although I hate to say it – the black eye bit is bringing out the mumsnet side of me…… is it normal for you to be assaulted? You really need to get counselling or summit? No one deserves to be physically hurt no matter how bad the row 🙁

    Free Member

    Have done in the past, they are usually fuelled by booze so we just haven’t drunk much this year and all has been wonderful. During one of our best, two days before Christmas day all the presents got thrown across the living room swiftly followed by the new £300 printer 🙁 have grown out of that now luckily!!

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